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The oligonucleotide d(G5T5) can in principle form a fully matched duplex with G.T pairing and/or a tetraplex. Non-denaturing gel electrophoresis, circular dichroism and NMR experiments show that the tetraplex is exclusively formed by this oligomer in solution. In the presence of its complementary strand d(A5C5) at low temperature, d(G5T5) forms the tetraplex over the normally expected Watson-Crick duplex. However, when d(G5T5) and d(A5C5) are mixed together in equimolar amounts and heated for several minutes at 85 degrees C, and then allowed to cool, the product was essentially the Watson-Crick duplex. The lack of resolution in the 500 MHz 1H NMR spectra and the presence of extensive spin diffusion do not allow us to derive a quantitative structure for the tetraplex from the NMR data. However, we find good qualitative agreement between the NOESY and MINSY data and a theoretically derived stereochemically sound structure in which the G's and T's are part of a parallel tetraplex.  相似文献   

S Ikuta  R Eritja  B E Kaplan  K Itakura 《Biochemistry》1987,26(18):5646-5650
One- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect experiments demonstrate that a single hydrogen bond between a T imino proton and purine N3 is sufficient to hold the base pair dPu.dT in d(CGPuAATTTCG) by a Watson-Crick fashion rather than a Hoogsteen type. In addition, the dPu.dT base pair is well stacked with neighboring base pairs. The spin-lattice relaxation measurements at 30 and 35 degrees C of two decamers, d(CGPuAATTTCG) and d(CGAAATTTCG), reveal that the elimination of two single hydrogen bonds of dA.dT base pairs (due to the substitution of adenine for purine) in the sequence results in an increase in the overall imino proton exchange rate from 7 to 36 s-1 at the site of mismatch.  相似文献   

High-resolution 1H NMR study of the solution structure of alamethicin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A 1H NMR study of the peptide alamethicin, which forms voltage-gated ion channels in membranes, is described. The molecule was studied in methanol as a function of temperature and pH. A complete assignment of the spectra is given, including several stereospecific assignments. Alamethicin was found to have a structure substantially similar to the crystal although, in solution, the C-terminal dipeptide adopts a somewhat extended conformation. The overall conformation was insensitive to the ionization of the side chain of the only ionizable group, Glu-18.  相似文献   

High-resolution 1H NMR study of the solution structure of delta-hemolysin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 26-residue toxin from Staphylococcus aureus, delta-hemolysin, is thought to act by traversing the plasma membrane. The structure of this peptide, in methanol solution, has been investigated by using high-resolution NMR in combination with molecular dynamics calculations. The 1H NMR spectrum has been completely assigned, and it is shown that residues 2-20 form a relatively stable helix while the residues at the C-terminal end appear to be more flexible. The structures were calculated only from nuclear Overhauser effect data and standard bond lengths. It is shown that the results are consistent with 3JNH-alpha CH coupling constants and amide hydrogen exchange rates.  相似文献   

1H NMR has been used to investigate the mode of binding to d(AT)5.d(AT)5 of a series of bis(acridine) derivatives connected by different types of linker chains. The length and character (ionic, aliphatic, rigid, and flexible) of the linker chains are found to have a profound effect on the binding of these derivatives to the DNA. Bis(acridine) derivatives with linker chains shorter than 9 A monointercalate under the conditions used in the NMR study, whereas those bis(acridines) with chains of 9.8 A or longer bisintercalate. We find no evidence for the violation of the so-called neighbor exclusion principle. Although all of the bis(acridines) contain the same chromophores, their NMR spectra clearly demonstrate that they form complexes with d(AT)5.d(AT)5 which have different structures. This emphasizes the important effect that the linker chain has on the structure of the intercalation complex.  相似文献   

单链d(TTTCCTCGCCGGAAA)易溶于水,且由于其本身存在序列特异性,即可形成分子内“发夹”结构,本实验分别测得其在全重水(D2O)、92?O 8%H2O溶液中的一维1H谱,认为环出区域碱基质子的共振峰与其他同种质子的共振峰有明显的区别,主要表现在其共振峰会明显移向高场区。  相似文献   

Measurements of the 1H NMR spectra and relaxation rates were used to study the dynamic properties of 9-aminoacridine (9AA) and four bis(acridine) complexes with d(AT)5.d(AT)5. The behavior of the 9AA (monointercalator) and that of C8 (bisintercalator containing an eight-carbon atom linker chain) are entirely similar. For both compounds, the lifetime of the drug in a particular binding site is 2-3 ms at approximately 20 degrees C, and neither affects the A.T base pair opening rates. The complex with C10 (bisintercalator containing a 10-carbon atom linker chain) is slightly more stable than the C8 complex since its estimated binding site lifetime is 5-10 ms at 29 degrees C. Base pairs adjacent to the bound C10 are destabilized, relative to free d(AT)5.d(AT)5, but other base pairs in the C10 complex are little affected. Bis(acridine) pyrazole (BAPY) and bis(acridine) spermine (BAS) considerably stabilize those base pairs that are sandwiched between the two acridine chromophores, but in the BAS complex proton exchange from the two flanking base pairs appears to be accelerated, relative to free d(AT)5.d(AT)5. The lifetime of these drugs in specific binding sites is too long (>10 ms) to be manifested in increased line widths, at least up to 41 degrees C. An important conclusion from this study is that certain bisintercalators rapidly migrate along DNA, despite having large binding constants (K>10(6) M-1). For C8 and C10 complexes, migration rates are little different from those deduced for 9AA. The rigid linker chain in BAPY and the charge interactions in BAS retard migration of these two bisintercalators. These results provide new parameters that are useful in understanding the biochemical and biological properties of these and other bisintercalating drugs.  相似文献   

J Luo  M H Sarma  R D Yuan  R H Sarma 《FEBS letters》1992,306(2-3):223-228
The oligonucleotide d(A5C5) in solution forms a parallel self-duplex at neutral and low pH values. H2O NMR spectra at pH 5.1 indicate the presence of five imino resonances at lower temperatures; and the structure is stable up to 60 degrees C. These signals can arise only from the hemiprotonated C+.C pairs [Westhof, E. and Sundaralingham, M. (1980) Biochemistry 77, 1852-1856; Westhof, E. and Sundaralingham, M. (1980) J. Mol. Biol. 142, 331-361] and constitute the first direct observation of C+.C hemiprotonated pairs in solution. The cross peaks from H1's and more than five distinct AH8's in 500 MHz 1H 2D-NOESY spectra indicate that there are two conformationally different and energetically similar A-tracts. There is good qualitative agreement between NOESY data and two theoretically derived structures in which A-tracts are reverse Watson-Crick and reverse Hoogsteen base-paired, respectively.  相似文献   

A comparison is presented of the imino proton NMR spectra of the double stranded octamer d(GCGTTGCG).d(CGCAACGC) and the same octamer in which the two central thymine residues occur as a cis-syn thymine dimer. Except for the terminal base pairs all imino protons were detected and assigned in the NMR spectrum. The spectra show that in the thymine dimer duplex, contrary to common belief, all base pairs occur in a hydrogen bonded form, although the hydrogen bonds of the two central AT base pairs are substantially weakened. The melting temperature decreases about 13 degrees C on thymine dimer formation.  相似文献   

A hairpin structure contains two conformationally distinct domains: a double-helical stem with Watson-Crick base pairs and a single-stranded loop that connects the two arms of the stem. By extensive 1D and 2D 500-MHz 1H NMR studies in H2O and D2O, it has been demonstrated that the DNA oligomers d(CGCCGCAGC) and d(CGCCGTAGC) form hairpin structures under conditions of low concentration, 0.5 mM in DNA strand, and low salt (20 mM NaCl, pH 7). From examination of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) between base protons H8/H6 and sugar protons H1' and H2'/H2", it was concluded that in d(CGCCGCAGC) and d(CGCCGTAGC) all the nine nucleotides display average (C2'-endo,anti) geometry. The NMR data in conjunction with molecular model building and solvent accessibility studies were used to derive a working model for the hairpins.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific 1H NMR assignments for the 36 residue bovine pancreatic polypeptide (bPP) have been completed. The secondary and tertiary structure of bPP in solution has been determined from experimental NMR data. It is shown that bPP has a very well-defined C-terminal alpha-helix involving residues 15-32. Although regular secondary structure cannot be clearly defined in the N-terminal region, residues 4-8 maintain a rather ordered conformation in solution. This is attributed primarily to the hydrophobic interactions between this region and the C-terminal helix. The two segments of the structure are joined by a turn which is poorly defined. The four end residues both at the N-terminus and the C-terminus are highly disordered in solution. The overall fold of the bPP molecule is very closely similar to that found in the crystal structure of avian pancreatic polypeptide (aPP). The RMS deviation for backbone atoms of residues 4-8 and 15-32 between the bPP mean structure and the aPP crystal structure is 0.65 A, although there is only 39% identity of the residues. Furthermore, the average conformations of some (mostly from the alpha-helix) side chains of bPP in solution are closely similar to those of aPP in the crystal structure. A large number of side chains of bPP, however, show significant conformational averaging in solution.  相似文献   

The conformations of the neuropeptide galanin in water and trifluoroethanol solutions have been examined by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Analysis of two-dimensional NMR experiments enabled the assignment of virtually all the 1H resonances of galanin in trifluoroethanol solution and many of the 1H resonances in aqueous solution. Interpretation of the NMR data in structural terms suggests that in trifluoroethanol galanin is predominantly helical while in water it does not adopt a fixed conformation.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the alternating 5'-purine start decamer d(GCGCGCGCGC) was found to be in the left-handed Z-DNA conformation. Inasmuch as the A.T base pair is known to resist Z-DNA formation, we substituted A.T base pairs in the dyad-related positions of the decamer duplex. The alternating self-complementary decamer d(GCACGCGTGC) crystallizes in a different hexagonal space group, P6(1)22, with very different unit cell dimensions a = b = 38.97 and c = 77.34 A compared with the all-G.C alternating decamer. The A.T-containing decamer has one strand in the asymmetric unit, and because it is isomorphous to some other A-DNA decamers it was considered also to be right-handed. The structure was refined, starting with the atomic coordinates of the A-DNA decamer d(GCGGGCCCGC), by use of 2491 unique reflections out to 1.9-A resolution. The refinement converged to an R value of 18.6% for a total of 202 nucleotide atoms and 32 water molecules. This research further demonstrates that A.T base pairs not only resist the formation of Z-DNA but can also assist the formation of A-DNA by switching the helix handedness when the oligomer starts with a 5'-purine; also, the length of the inner Z-DNA stretch (d(CG)n) is reduced from an octamer to a tetramer. It may be noted that these oligonucleotide properties are in crystals and not necessarily in solutions.  相似文献   

The two deoxyribonucleotides [d(CpGpApTpCpG)]2 and [d(CpGpCpG)]2 were synthesized by the phosphotriester method. Their duplex form under the conditions of the 1H-nmr experiments was proven by end 32P labeling with T4 polynucleotide kinase followed by butt end joining employing the absolute specificity of T4 ligase for double stranded DNA and analysis using gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Complete nmr assignment of the 1H chemical shifts and coupling constants was achieved. The assignments were secured using sequential decoupling, NOE difference measurements, and two-dimensional COSY and SECSY experiments. Spectrum simulation confirmed the experimental values of chemical shifts and coupling constants. The techniques for the assignment outlined together with 31P and 2-D heteronuclear shift correlation permit an approach to a systematic analysis of more complex single-strand and duplex oligodeoxyribonucleotides.  相似文献   

Alternating self-complementary oligonucleotides starting with a 5'-pyrimidine usually form left-handed Z-DNA; however, with a 5'-purine start sequence they form the right-handed A-DNA. Here we report the crystal structure of the decamer d(GCGCGCGCGC) with a 5'-purine start in the Z-DNA form. The decamer crystallizes in the hexagonal space group P6(5)22, unit cell dimensions a = b = 18.08 and c = 43.10 A, with one of the following four dinucleotide diphosphates in the asymmetric unit: d(pGpC)/d(GpCp)/d(pCpG)/d(CpGp). The molecular replacement method, starting with d(pGpC) of the isomorphous Z-DNA hexamer d(araC-dG)3 without the 2'-OH group of arabinose, was used in the structure analysis. The method gave the solution only after the sugar-phosphate conformation of the GpC step was manipulated. The refinement converged to a final R value of 18.6% for 340 unique reflections in the resolution range 8.0-1.9 A. A result of the sequence alternation is the alternation in the nucleotide conformation; guanosine is C3'-endo, syn, and cytidine is C2'-endo, anti. The CpG step phosphodiester conformation is the same as ZI or ZII, whereas that of the GpC step phosphodiester is "intermediate" in the sense that zeta (O3'-P bond) is the same as ZII but alpha (P-O5' bond) is the same as ZI. The duplexes generated from the dinucleotide asymmetric unit are stacked one on top of the other in the crystal to form an infinite pseudocontinuous helix. This renders it a quasi-polymerlike structure that has assumed the Z-DNA conformation further strengthened by the long inner Z-forming stretch d(CG)4. An interesting feature of the structure is the presence of water strings in both the major and the minor grooves. In the minor groove the cytosine carbonyl oxygen atoms of the GpC and CpG steps are cross-bridged by water molecules that are not themselves hydrogen bonded but are enclosed by the water rings in the mouth of the minor groove. In the major groove three independent water molecules form a zigzagging continuous water string that runs throughout the duplex.  相似文献   

The conformation of bacitracin A, a widely used cyclic dodecapeptide antibiotic in aqueous solution, has been investigated using 500 MHz 1H NMR and molecular modeling. Findings revealed that a region (residues 1-6) is folded over the cyclic ring, resulting in metal coordination sites, a thiazoline ring, and Glu4 and His10 being proximate to each other.  相似文献   

The Z conformation of the auto complementary hexanucleoside pentaphosphate d(br5C-G)3 in 1 M NaClO4 solution has been investigated by using 2D NMR techniques. NOESY experiments performed at different temperatures show that the oligonucleotide exhibits end-to-end associations at room temperature. The conformation of the hexanucleotide molecules is very similar to that found in the crystal which was described by Chevrier et al. (J. Mol. Biol., 1986, 188, 707-719) as a Z-I form. When the temperature is increased the aggregates are dissociated and a conformational change is observed which is interpreted as a Z-I in equilibrium Z-II transition.  相似文献   

M R Kumar  R V Hosur  K B Roy  H T Miles  G Govil 《Biochemistry》1985,24(26):7703-7711
Resonance assignments of nonexchangeable base and sugar protons of the self-complementary dodecanucleotide d-GGATCCGGATCC have been obtained by two-dimensional NMR methods and strategies derived from interproton distance calculations on different secondary structures of nucleic acids. Conformational details about the glycosidic dihedral angle and sugar pucker have been derived from the relative intensities of cross peaks in the two-dimensional J-correlated and nuclear Overhauser enhancement correlated spectra in D2O solution. It is observed that d-GGATCCGGATCC assumes a predominantly B-type conformation with sequence-dependent changes along the chain. The recognition site of BamHI shows a distinctly different geometrical environment. The sugar rings of G1 and G7 assume a C3'-endo geometry while the rest of the sugars possess C2'-endo geometry.  相似文献   

The conformation of the decanucleotide duplex d(GGTAATTACC)2 has been investigated in solution by one- and two-dimensional proton NMR spectroscopy. Intra- and inter-nucleotide two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement data, recorded at mixing times between 15 and 250 ms, reveal a right-handed B-DNA structure. The data also show that the A-T basepairs of the TAATTA tract are highly propeller twisted and the minor groove is particularly narrow.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been used to monitor the conformation and dynamics of the d(C1-G2-A3-T4-T5-A6-T6-A5-A4-T3-C2-G1) self-complementary dodecanucleotide duplex (henceforth called Pribnow 12-mer), which contains a TATAAT Pribnow box and a central core of eight dA X dT base pairs. The exchangeable imino and nonexchangeable base protons have been assigned from one-dimensional intra and inter base pair nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) measurements. Premelting conformational changes are observed at all the dA X dT base pairs in the central octanucleotide core in the Pribnow 12-mer duplex with the duplex to strand transition occurring at 55 degrees C in 0.1 M phosphate solution. The magnitude of the NOE measurements between minor groove H-2 protons of adjacent adenosines demonstrates that the base pairs are propeller twisted with the same handedness as observed in the crystalline state. The thymidine imino proton hydrogen exchange at the dA X dT base pairs has been measured from saturation recovery measurements as a function of temperature. The exchange rates and activation barriers show small variations among the four different dA X dT base pairs in the Pribnow 12-mer duplex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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