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We previously showed that a noncoding subgenomic flavivirus RNA (sfRNA) is required for viral pathogenicity, as a mutant West Nile virus (WNV) deficient in sfRNA production replicated poorly in wild-type mice. To investigate the possible immunomodulatory or immune evasive functions of sfRNA, we utilized mice and cells deficient in elements of the type I interferon (IFN) response. Replication of the sfRNA mutant WNV was rescued in mice and cells lacking interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF-3) and IRF-7 and in mice lacking the type I alpha/beta interferon receptor (IFNAR), suggesting a contribution for sfRNA in overcoming the antiviral response mediated by type I IFN. This was confirmed by demonstrating rescue of mutant virus replication in the presence of IFNAR neutralizing antibodies, greater sensitivity of mutant virus replication to IFN-α pretreatment, partial rescue of its infectivity in cells deficient in RNase L, and direct effects of transfected sfRNA on rescuing replication of unrelated Semliki Forest virus in cells pretreated with IFN-α. The results define a novel function of sfRNA in flavivirus pathogenesis via its contribution to viral evasion of the type I interferon response.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is associated with several human cancers. Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) is one of the key viral proteins required for transformation of primary B cells in vitro and establishment of EBV latency. In this report, we show that LMP-1 is able to induce the expression of several interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes (ISGs) with antiviral properties such as 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS), stimulated trans-acting factor of 50 kDa (STAF-50), and ISG-15. LMP-1 inhibits vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) replication at low multiplicity of infection (0.1 pfu/cell). The antiviral effect of LMP-1 is associated with the ability of LMP-1 to induce ISGs; an LMP-1 mutant that cannot induce ISGs fails to induce an antiviral state. High levels of ISGs are expressed in EBV latency cells in which LMP-1 is expressed. EBV latency cells have antiviral activity that inhibits replication of superinfecting VSV. The antiviral activity of LMP-1 is apparently not related to IFN production in our experimental systems. In addition, EBV latency is responsive to viral superinfection: LMP-1 is induced and EBV latency is disrupted by EBV lytic replication during VSV superinfection of EBV latency cells. These data suggest that LMP-1 has antiviral effect, which may be an intrinsic part of EBV latency program to assist the establishment and/or maintenance of EBV latency.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA)-induced resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) results from inhibition of systemic virus movement and is induced via a signal transduction pathway that also can be triggered by antimycin A, an inducer of the mitochondrial enzyme alternative oxidase (AOX). In Arabidopsis thaliana, inhibition of CMV systemic movement also is induced by SA and antimycin A. These results indicate that the mechanisms underlying induced resistance to CMV in tobacco and A. thaliana are very similar. In contrast to the situation in tobacco and A. thaliana, in squash (Cucurbita pepo), SA-induced resistance to CMV results from inhibited virus accumulation in directly inoculated tissue, most likely through inhibition of cell-to-cell movement. Furthermore, neither of the AOX inducers antimycin A or KCN induced resistance to CMV in squash. Additionally, AOX inhibitors that compromise SA-induced resistance to CMV in tobacco did not inhibit SA-induced resistance to the virus in squash. The results show that different host species may use significantly different approaches to resist infection by the same virus. These findings also imply that caution is required when attempting to apply findings on plant-virus interactions from model systems to a wider range of host species.  相似文献   

Alcamí A  Symons JA  Smith GL 《Journal of virology》2000,74(23):11230-11239
Poxviruses encode a broad range of proteins that interfere with host immune functions, such as soluble versions of receptors for the cytokines tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-1 beta, gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), IFN-alpha/beta, and chemokines. These virus-encoded cytokine receptors have a profound effect on virus pathogenesis and enable the study of the role of cytokines in virus infections. The vaccinia virus (VV) Western Reserve gene B18R encodes a secreted protein with 3 immunoglobulin domains that functions as a soluble receptor for IFN-alpha/beta. We have found that after secretion B18R binds to both uninfected and infected cells. The B18R protein present at the cell surface maintains the properties of the soluble receptor, binding IFN-alpha/beta with high affinity and with broad species specificity, and protects cells from the antiviral state induced by IFN-alpha/beta. VV strain Wyeth expressed a truncated B18R protein lacking the C-terminal immunoglobulin domain. This protein binds IFN with lower affinity and retains its ability to bind to cells, indicating that the C-terminal region of B18R contributes to IFN binding. The replication of a VV B18R deletion mutant in tissue culture was restricted in the presence of IFN-alpha, whereas the wild-type virus replicated normally. Binding of soluble recombinant B18R to cells protected the cultures from IFN and allowed VV replication. This represents a novel strategy of virus immune evasion in which secreted IFN-alpha/beta receptors not only bind the soluble cytokine but also bind to uninfected cells and protect them from the antiviral effects of IFN-alpha/beta, maintaining the cells' susceptibility to virus infections. The adaptation of this soluble receptor to block IFN-alpha/beta activity locally will help VV to replicate in the host and spread in tissues. This emphasizes the importance of local effects of IFN-alpha/beta against virus infections.  相似文献   

By using a cultured neuroblastoma cell line, the present authors recently showed that the N protein of virulent rabies virus fixed strain Nishigahara (Ni), but not that of the attenuated derivative Ni‐CE, mediates evasion of induction of type I interferon (IFN). In this study, to determine whether Ni N protein indeed fulfills this function in vivo, the abilities to suppress IFN responses in the mouse brain of Ni‐CE and the virulent chimeric virus CE(NiN), which has the N gene from Ni in the genetic background of Ni‐CE, were compared. It was demonstrated that CE(NiN) propagates and spreads more efficiently than does Ni‐CE in the brain and that IFN response in brains infected with CE(NiN) is weaker than in those infected with Ni‐CE. It was also shown that amino acids at positions 273 and 394 in the N protein, which are known as pathogenic determinants, affect the ability of the viruses to suppress IFN response in the brain. These findings strongly suggest that, in the brain, rabies virus N protein plays important roles in evasion of innate immune responses and thereby in efficient propagation and spread of virus leading to lethal outcomes of infection.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a greatly increased interest in the interactions of arenaviruses with the apoptotic machinery, and particularly the extent to which these interactions may be an important contributor to pathogenesis. Here we summarize the current state of our knowledge on this subject and address the potential for interplay with other immunological mechanisms known to be regulated by these viruses. We also compare and contrast what is known for arenavirus-induced apoptosis with observations from other segmented hemorrhagic fever viruses.  相似文献   

宿主细胞内的DNA识别受体可识别病毒核酸分子并激活细胞天然免疫反应,从而产生抗病毒效应;同时,病毒也进化出相应机制来逃避或抑制这种免疫反应。本文总结了宿主细胞内DNA识别受体PYHIN家族识别病毒核酸并激活细胞天然免疫反应的特点和分子机制,并讨论了病毒逃避宿主天然免疫应答的方式。  相似文献   

Proteolytic cleavage of virus-specific proteins is a universal phenomenon, which is widely expanded among different viruses including bacterial, plant, animal, and human viruses. Proteolytic processing of viral proteins involves the cleavage in strictly specific sites (proteolytic sites) of polyprotein molecules. Specificity of this processing is a doubly dependent event controlled by the amino acids of proteolytic sites and the presence of adequate proteinases. Host-originated and/or virus-coded proteinases are known to perform the cleavage of viral polypeptides. Conformational and functional behaviour of many virus proteins is regulated by proteolytic modification; as a result, the reproduction of mature virions and the infection pathways are directly controlled. Molecular mechanisms of site-specific proteolytic processing of viral proteins are proposed as a target to be attacked for chemotherapeutic virus inhibition and to be modified for vaccine design. The approaches are analysed to realise this antiviral strategy, and prospects for its development are discussed.  相似文献   

Finlay BB  McFadden G 《Cell》2006,124(4):767-782
Multicellular organisms possess very sophisticated defense mechanisms that are designed to effectively counter the continual microbial insult of the environment within the vertebrate host. However, successful microbial pathogens have in turn evolved complex and efficient methods to overcome innate and adaptive immune mechanisms, which can result in disease or chronic infections. Although the various virulence strategies used by viral and bacterial pathogens are numerous, there are several general mechanisms that are used to subvert and exploit immune systems that are shared between these diverse microbial pathogens. The success of each pathogen is directly dependant on its ability to mount an effective anti-immune response within the infected host, which can ultimately result in acute disease, chronic infection, or pathogen clearance. In this review, we highlight and compare some of the many molecular mechanisms that bacterial and viral pathogens use to evade host immune defenses.  相似文献   

Interferons or oxidized glutathione were found to induce double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase activity in mouse L cells that phosphorylates the α subunit of eukaryotic peptide initiation factor 2. A mixture of leukocyte/fibroblast interferons as well as immune interferon induced the protein kinase and also suppressed virus replication in the L cells. Oxidized glutathione was equally effective in inducing protein kinase activity, but it did not induce an antiviral state in these cells. The data suggest that a simple cause and effect relationship does not exist between protein kinase induction and the establishment of the antiviral state in a cell that is responsive to the antiviral effects of interferon.  相似文献   

The allele Mx regulates the extent to which interferon alpha/beta inhibits the growth of influenza viruses in mouse cells such as peritoneal macrophages. The time course of induction of the antiviral state against an influenza A virus is comparable in macrophages with and without Mx and is similar to that found with vesicular stomatitis virus. In contrast, the decay of the antiviral state against influenza virus is markedly slower in Mx-positive cells and slower than that against vesicular stomatitis virus observed in either Mx-positive or Mx-negative cells. Thus, after removal of interferon alpha/beta, Mx-positive cells remain protected against influenza virus at times when they have lost protection against vesicular stomatitis virus. These results suggest that interferon alpha/beta treatment activates different antiviral mechanisms, each acting against distinct groups of viruses and each independently controlled by host genes.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS continues to spread worldwide, and most of the HIV-infected people living in developing countries have little or no access to highly active antiretroviral therapy. The development of efficient and low-cost microbicides to prevent sexual transmission of HIV should be given high priority because there is no vaccine available yet. Cyanovirin-N (CVN) is an entry inhibitor of HIV and many other viruses, and it represents a new generation of microbicide that has specific and potent activity, a different mechanism of action, and unusual chemicophysical stability. In vitro and in vivo antiviral tests suggested that the anti-HIV effect of CVN is stronger than a well-known gp120-targeted antibody (2G12) and another microbicide candidate, PRO2000. CVN is a cyanobacteria-derived protein that has special structural features, making the artificial production of this protein very difficult. In order to develop an efficient and relatively low-cost approach for large-scale production of recombinant CVN to satisfy medical use, this protein has been expressed in many systems by trial and error. Here, to summarize the potential and remaining challenges for the development of this protein into an HIV prevention agent, the progress in the structural mechanism determination, heterologous production and pharmacological evaluation of CVN is reviewed.  相似文献   

The glucose-derived iminosugar derivatives N-butyl- and N-nonyl-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) have an antiviral effect against a broad spectrum of viruses including Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). For BVDV, this effect has been attributed to the reduction of viral secretion due to an impairment of viral morphogenesis caused by the ability of DNJ-based iminosugar derivatives to inhibit ER alpha-glucosidases (N. Zitzmann, A. S. Mehta, S. Carrouée, T. D. Butters, F. M. Platt, J. McCauley, B. S. Blumberg, R. A. Dwek, and T. M. Block, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96:11878-11882, 1999). Here we present the antiviral features of newly designed DNJ derivatives and report for the first time the antiviral activity of long-alkyl-chain derivatives of deoxygalactonojirimycin (DGJ), a class of iminosugars derived from galactose which does not inhibit endoplasmic reticulum (ER) alpha-glucosidases. We demonstrate the lack of correlation between the ability of long-alkyl-chain DNJ derivatives to inhibit ER alpha-glucosidases and their antiviral effect, ruling out ER alpha-glucosidase inhibition as the sole mechanism responsible. Using short- and long-alkyl-chain DNJ and DGJ derivatives, we investigated the mechanisms of action of these drugs. First, we excluded their potential action at the level of the replication, protein synthesis, and protein processing. Second, we demonstrated that DNJ derivatives cause both a reduction in viral secretion and a reduction in the infectivity of newly released viral particles. Long-alkyl-chain DGJ derivatives exert their antiviral effect solely via the production of viral particles with reduced infectivity. We demonstrate that long-alkyl-chain DNJ and DGJ derivatives induce an increase in the quantity of E2-E2 dimers accumulated within the ER. The subsequent enrichment of these homodimers in secreted virus particles correlates with their reduced infectivity.  相似文献   

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