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Kamatari YO  Nakamura HK  Kuwata K 《FEBS letters》2007,581(23):4463-4467
A continuous-wave probed laser-induced temperature jump system was constructed and applied to monitor the changes in tryptophan fluorescence of the beta-lactoglobulin during its folding; the kinetic phases were traced from 300 ns to 10 ms after a temperature jump. Notably, an early phase with typical squeezed-exponential characteristics, [exp[-(kt)(beta)], beta>1.0], was observed around several tens of microseconds after the temperature jump, which is actually the earliest phase ever observed for beta-lactoglobulin. This process can be explained by conformational shift occurring within the unfolded ensemble (U-->U'), which is followed by the non-native intermediate (I) formation of this protein.  相似文献   

Shibayama N 《FEBS letters》2008,582(17):2668-2672
beta-Lactoglobulin is a predominantly beta-sheet protein that folds by forming excess alpha-helices within milliseconds. In this study, the refolding of beta-lactoglobulin was dramatically decelerated by entrapping in wet nanoporous silica gel matrices, and monitored on a time scale of minutes or hours by far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy. Analysis of kinetics and transient spectra allowed to define the sequence of folding events that consist of alpha-helical formation, beta-sheet core formation, and alpha-to-beta transition. The results suggest that the initially formed alpha-helices, presumably including the native alpha-helix, help to guide the formation of the adjacent beta-sheet core.  相似文献   

Zhang X  Xu Y  Zhang J  Wu J  Shi Y 《Biochemistry》2005,44(22):8117-8125
To understand the events that occur in the early stages of the folding of hUBF HMG box 1, we characterized its pH 2.1 unfolded state in detail with NMR. Through a triple resonance strategy, the assignments of complete backbone and some side chains were achieved. Then, significant conformational information was extracted from secondary chemical shifts, interresidual (1)H-(1)H NOEs, (3)J(HNHA) coupling constants, amide proton temperature coefficients, and (15)N relaxation data. The secondary chemical shifts for (13)CA, (13)CB, (13)CO, (1)HA, and (1)HN indicate that the residues between 64 and 78 exhibit a substantial preference for helical structure in the acid-unfolded state, which is also evidenced by the relatively more negative deviations of (3)J(HNHA) and amide proton temperature coefficients from their corresponding random-coil values and particularly confirmed by the strongest sequential d(NN)(i, i + 1) proton NOEs along the region. Following this region until residue 82 is a segment that tends to form a turn-like structure, which is unstable and exchanges between alternative states. In addition, some evidences imply that the regions 18-28 and 38-43 also possess propensities for helical structure but to a different less degree than the region 64-78. The polypeptide backbone dynamics investigated using reduced spectral density function shows apparent motional restrictions in residual structural regions and to less extent at some hydrophobic residues. On the basis of the results presented herein, we propose a potential protein-folding pathway on which these residual structures play a role of initiation site in the early folding stages.  相似文献   

Progress in understanding dynamic aspects of protein folding relies on the continuing development of methods for obtaining more detailed structural information on the transient conformational ensembles that often appear within microseconds of initiating refolding. Advances in rapid mixing and other time-resolved spectroscopic methods have made it possible to explore some of the earliest stages of folding, including the initial formation of compact states, which is determined by the presence of a sequence-specific kinetic barrier, as well as the 'downhill' folding kinetics after the rate-limiting barrier has been crossed.  相似文献   

The thiol group of beta-lactoglobulin reacted very sluggishly with dithio-bis-nitro-benzoic acid as compared to that of glutathione at pH 6.85. The pKapp value of the thiol group of the protein was 9.35. In the presence of 3 M urea, the thiol group reacted completely with dithio-bis-nitrobenzoic acid at pH 6.85. Heating (from 50 degrees to 80 degrees) increased the exposure of the thiol by dissociating the dimer unit. From the pseudo-first order rate constants of heat-exposure of thiol, thermodynamic activation parameters, delta G++, delta H++, and delta S++, for the heat-dissociation of beta-lactoglobulin dimer were estimated to be 23,290 cal/mol, 31,160 cal/mol, and 22.9 e.u. (at 70 degrees), respectively. Addition of kosmotropic salts, chloride, tartrate, sulfate, phosphate, and citrate (0.2 M) decreased the heat-induced exposure of the thiol group (at 70 degrees), probably by decreasing the dissociation of the dimer at pH 6.85. The relative change in free energy of activation for the dissociation of the dimer, delta(delta G++dimer), in the presence of the salts was positive, suggesting that these additives increase the stability of the dimer against heat. These salts also increased the conformational stability of beta-lactoglobulin as revealed by an increase in -delta(delta G0conf) values in their presence. Both delta(delta G++dimer) and -delta(delta G0conf) values followed the order, chloride less than tartrate less than sulfate less than phosphate less than citrate. These salts seem to manifest their structure-stabilizing effect by increasing both inter- and intramolecular hydrophobic interactions via changes in structure of water.  相似文献   

During the folding of many proteins, collapsed globular states are formed prior to the native structure. The role of these states for the folding process has been widely discussed. Comparison with properties of synthetic homo and heteropolymers had suggested that the initial collapse represented a shift of the ensemble of unfolded conformations to more compact states without major energy barriers. We investigated the folding/unfolding transition of a collapsed state, which transiently populates early in lysozyme folding. This state forms within the dead-time of stopped-flow mixing and it has been shown to be significantly more compact and globular than the denaturant-induced unfolded state. We used the GdmCl-dependence of the dead-time signal change to characterize the unfolding transition of the burst phase intermediate. Fluorescence and far-UV CD give identical unfolding curves, arguing for a cooperative two-state folding/unfolding transition between unfolded and collapsed lysozyme. These results show that collapse leads to a distinct state in the folding process, which is separated from the ensemble of unfolded molecules by a significant energy barrier. NMR, fluorescence and small angle X-ray scattering data further show that some local interactions in unfolded lysozyme exist at denaturant concentrations above the coil-collapse transition. These interactions might play a crucial role in the kinetic partitioning between fast and slow folding pathways.  相似文献   

Yao J  Chung J  Eliezer D  Wright PE  Dyson HJ 《Biochemistry》2001,40(12):3561-3571
Apomyoglobin forms a denatured state under low-salt conditions at pH 2.3. The conformational propensities and polypeptide backbone dynamics of this state have been characterized by NMR. Nearly complete backbone and some side chain resonance assignments have been obtained, using a triple-resonance assignment strategy tailored to low protein concentration (0.2 mM) and poor chemical shift dispersion. An estimate of the population and location of residual secondary structure has been made by examining deviations of (13)C(alpha), (13)CO, and (1)H(alpha) chemical shifts from random coil values, scalar (3)J(HN,H)(alpha) coupling constants and (1)H-(1)H NOEs. Chemical shifts constitute a highly reliable indicator of secondary structural preferences, provided the appropriate random coil chemical shift references are used, but in the case of acid-unfolded apomyoglobin, (3)J(HN,H)(alpha) coupling constants are poor diagnostics of secondary structure formation. Substantial populations of helical structure, in dynamic equilibrium with unfolded states, are formed in regions corresponding to the A and H helices of the folded protein. In addition, the deviation of the chemical shifts from random coil values indicates the presence of helical structure encompassing the D helix and extending into the first turn of the E helix. The polypeptide backbone dynamics of acid-unfolded apomyoglobin have been investigated using reduced spectral density function analysis of (15)N relaxation data. The spectral density J(omega(N)) is particularly sensitive to variations in backbone fluctuations on the picosecond to nanosecond time scale. The central region of the polypeptide spanning the C-terminal half of the E helix, the EF turn, and the F helix behaves as a free-flight random coil chain, but there is evidence from J(omega(N)) of restricted motions on the picosecond to nanosecond time scale in the A and H helix regions where there is a propensity to populate helical secondary structure in the acid-unfolded state. Backbone fluctuations are also restricted in parts of the B and G helices due to formation of local hydrophobic clusters. Regions of restricted backbone flexibility are generally associated with large buried surface area. A significant increase in J(0) is observed for the NH resonances of some residues located in the A and G helices of the folded protein and is associated with fluctuations on a microsecond to millisecond time scale that probably arise from transient contacts between these distant regions of the polypeptide chain. Our results indicate that the equilibrium unfolded state of apomyoglobin formed at pH 2.3 is an excellent model for the events that are expected to occur in the earliest stages of protein folding, providing insights into the regions of the polypeptide that spontaneously undergo local hydrophobic collapse and sample nativelike secondary structure.  相似文献   

Kobayashi T  Ikeguchi M  Sugai S 《Proteins》2002,49(3):297-301
At neutral pH, equine beta-lactoglobulin (ELG) is monomeric, whereas bovine beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) exists as a dimer. To understand the difference in the oligomerization properties between ELG and BLG, three mutants of ELG (LP, I, and LPI) were constructed by substituting amino acids responsible for important interactions at the dimer interface of BLG into ELG. The mutant LP has an AB loop mutation (S34A/E35Q), the mutant I has an I strand mutation (G145M/R146H/V147I/Q148R/I149L/V150S/P151F/D152N/L153P) and the mutant LPI includes both the LP and I mutations. The far- and near-UV CD spectra of the three mutants are similar to that of the wild-type ELG, indicating that the secondary and the tertiary structures of ELG are not significantly affected by the mutations. Ultracentrifuge analysis shows that all three mutants are monomeric at neutral pH, suggesting that the protein sequences in the AB loop and I strand of BLG alone cannot support dimerization of ELG. Thus, structural differences must exist between ELG and BLG that prevent the ELG mutants from forming the same interactions as BLG at the dimer interface.  相似文献   

The beta-class carbonic anhydrase from the archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (Cab) was structurally and kinetically characterized. Analytical ultracentrifugation experiments show that Cab is a tetramer. Circular dichroism studies of Cab and the Spinacia oleracea (spinach) beta-class carbonic anhydrase indicate that the secondary structure of the beta-class enzymes is predominantly alpha-helical, unlike that of the alpha- or gamma-class enzymes. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure results indicate the active zinc site of Cab is coordinated by two sulfur and two O/N ligands, with the possibility that one of the O/N ligands is derived from histidine and the other from water. Both the steady-state parameters k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m) for CO(2) hydration are pH dependent. The steady-state parameter k(cat) is buffer-dependent in a saturable manner at both pH 8.5 and 6.5, and the analysis suggested a ping-pong mechanism in which buffer is the second substrate. At saturating buffer conditions and pH 8.5, k(cat) is 2.1-fold higher in H(2)O than in D(2)O, consistent with an intramolecular proton transfer step being rate contributing. The steady-state parameter k(cat)/K(m) is not dependent on buffer, and no solvent hydrogen isotope effect was observed. The results suggest a zinc hydroxide mechanism for Cab. The overall results indicate that prokaryotic beta-class carbonic anhydrases have fundamental characteristics similar to the eukaryotic beta-class enzymes and firmly establish that the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-classes are convergently evolved enzymes that, although structurally distinct, are functionally equivalent.  相似文献   

Recent advances have significantly increased the time and spectroscopic resolution of protein folding experiments. We can now study the timescale and nature of polypeptide collapse, and how this correlates with secondary and tertiary structure formation. Studies on ultrafast folding proteins and peptides provide experimental benchmarks on a timescale that overlaps directly with that of molecular dynamics simulations. This makes possible direct tests of both simulations and current models of protein folding.  相似文献   

Protein folding is scientifically and computationally challenging problem. The early phases of protein folding are interesting due to various events like nascent secondary structure formation, hydrophobic collapse leading to formation of non-native or meta-stable conformations. These events occur within a very short time span of 100ns as compared to total folding time of few microseconds. It is highly difficult to observe these events experimentally due to very short lifetime. Molecular dynamics simulation technique can efficiently probe the detailed atomic level understanding about these events. In the present paper, all atom molecular dynamics simulation trajectory of nearly 200ns was carried out for fully solvated villin headpiece with PME treatment using AMBER 7 package. Initial hydrophobic collapse along with secondary structure formation resulted into formation of partially stable non-native conformations. The formation of secondary structural elements and hydrophobic collapse takes place simultaneously in the folding process.  相似文献   

Teleost myoglobin (Mb) proteins from four fish species inhabiting different temperature environments were used to investigate the relationship between protein function and thermal stability. Mb was isolated from yellowfin tuna (homeothermal warm), mackerel (eurythermal warm), and the Antarctic teleost Notothenia coriiceps (stenothermal cold). Zebrafish (stenothermal tropical) myoglobin was expressed from cloned cDNA. These proteins differed in oxygen affinity, as measured by O2 dissociation rates and P50 values, and thermal stability as measured by autooxidation rates. Mackerel Mb had the highest P50 value at 25 degrees C (3.7 mmHg), corresponding to the lowest O2 affinity, followed by zebrafish (1.0 mmHg), yellowfin tuna (1.0 mmHg), and N. coriiceps (0.6 mmHg). Oxygen dissociation rates and Arrhenius plots were similar between all teleost species in this study, with the exception of mackerel myoglobin, which was two-fold faster at all temperatures tested. Myoglobin from the Antarctic teleost had the highest autooxidation rate (0.44 h(-1)), followed by mackerel (0.26 h(-1)), zebrafish (0.22 h(-1)), and yellowfin tuna (0.088 h(-1)). Primary structural analysis revealed residue differences distributed throughout the polypeptide sequences, making it difficult to identify, which, if any, residues contribute to structural flexibility. However, analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories indicates that Mb from the eurythermal mackerel is predicted to be the most flexible protein within the D loop and FG turn. At the same time, it has the lowest O2 affinity and the highest O2 dissociation rates when compared to myoglobins from teleosts that appear to be less flexible in our dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

Equine beta-lactoglobulin forms a compact intermediate at an acidic pH (A state). It also forms an expanded and helical conformation at low temperatures (C state). The structure of a single disulfide mutant C66A/C160A is similar to the A state in the presence of salts, while it is similar to the C state at low anion concentrations. We have investigated the temperature-dependent change in the secondary structure using circular dichroism and proline scanning mutagenesis. At low anion concentrations, the helical content increased linearly as temperature decreased. In the presence of salts, the A state was cooperatively transformed into the C state at low temperatures. This suggests the importance of hydrophobic interactions for stabilizing the A state. Peptides encompassing native-like and non-native alpha-helices were synthesized to investigate the interactions responsible for helix formation in the A and C states. These did not form stable helices, indicating that not only the helices in the A state but also the helices in the C state are stabilized by long-range interactions. A longer fragment, CHIBL, which encompasses the structured region in the A and C states, showed a helical structure. Proline-substituted mutants of CHIBL showed CD spectral changes similar to the corresponding mutants of the full-length protein in the C state. Therefore, CHIBL has a structure similar to the corresponding region of the full-length protein in the C state. This result indicates that interactions responsible for helix formation in the C state reside in the sequence of CHIBL, and that the sequences outside CHIBL are essential for secondary structure formation in the A state.  相似文献   

Haruta N  Kitagawa T 《Biochemistry》2002,41(21):6595-6604
The 244-nm excited transient UV resonance Raman spectra are observed for the refolding intermediates of horse apomyoglobin (h-apoMb) with a newly constructed mixed flow cell system, and the results are interpreted on the basis of the spectra observed for the equilibrium acid unfolding of the same protein. The dead time of mixing, which was determined with the appearance of UV Raman bands of imidazolium upon mixing of imidazole with acid, was 150 micros under the flow rate that was adopted. The pH-jump experiments of h-apoMb from pH 2.2 to 5.6 conducted with this device demonstrated the presence of three folding intermediates. On the basis of the analysis of W3 and W7 bands of Trp7 and Trp14, the first intermediate, formed before 250 micros, involved incorporation of Trp14 into the alpha-helix from a random coil. The frequency shift of the W3 band of Trp14 observed for this process was reproduced with a model peptide of the A helix when it forms the alpha-helix. In the second intermediate, formed around 1 ms after the start of refolding, the surroundings of both Trp7 and Trp14 were significantly hydrophobic, suggesting the formation of the hydrophobic core. In the third intermediate appearing around 3 ms, the hydrophobicity was relaxed to the same level as that of the pH 4 equilibrium intermediate, which was investigated in detail with the stationary state technique. The change from the third intermediate to the native state needs more time than 40 ms, while the appearance of the native spectrum after the mixing of the same solutions was confirmed separately.  相似文献   

The RNA folding process is represented as a Markov process with states corresponding to RNA secondary structures and transition probabilities corresponding to transformations of a secondary structure caused by formation or disintegration of a helix. Transition probabilities (kinetic constants) are determined. A notion of a group of structures is introduced, and it allows to reduce the state space. Energetic and kinetic parameters of pseudoknots are estimated. Algorithms for computation of a kinetic ensemble for structures and groups of structures are presented, as well as their modifications that take into account pseudoknots. The described algorithms are implemented as a procedure for prediction of RNA secondary structure that is included in the package DNA-SUN.  相似文献   

Large RNAs often have rugged folding energy landscapes that result in severe misfolding and slow folding kinetics. Several interdependent parameters that contribute to misfolding are now well understood and examples of large RNAs and ribonucleoproteins that avoid kinetic traps have been reported. These advances have facilitated the exploration of fundamental RNA folding processes that were previously inaccessible.  相似文献   

Wang J  Zhang K  Lu H  Wang E 《Biophysical journal》2005,89(3):1612-1620
We propose a new approach to activated protein folding dynamics via a diffusive path integral framework. The important issues of kinetic paths in this situation can be directly addressed. This leads to the identification of the kinetic paths of the activated folding process, and provides a direct tool and language for the theoretical and experimental community to understand the problem better. The kinetic paths giving the dominant contributions to the long-time folding activation dynamics can be quantitatively determined. These are shown to be the instanton paths. The contributions of these instanton paths to the kinetics lead to the "bell-like" shape folding rate dependence on temperature, which is in good agreement with folding kinetic experiments and simulations. The connections to other approaches as well as the experiments of the protein folding kinetics are discussed.  相似文献   

The simplified SH3 domain sequence, FP1, obtained in phage display selection experiments has an amino acid composition that is 95% Ile, Lys, Glu, Ala, Gly. Here we use NMR to investigate the tertiary structure of FP1. We find that the overall topology of FP1 resembles that of the src SH3 domain, the hydrogen-deuterium exchange and chemical shift perturbation profiles are similar to those of naturally occurring SH3 domains, and the (15)N relaxation rates are in the range of naturally occurring small proteins. Guided by the structure, we further simplify the FP1 sequence and compare the effects on folding kinetics of point mutations in FP1 and the wild-type src SH3 domain. The results suggest that the folding transition state of FP1 is similar to but somewhat less polarized than that of the wild-type src SH3 domain.  相似文献   

Haas AL 《Molecular cell》2007,27(2):174-175
NMR studies of the SUMO-activating enzyme in complex with Ubc9 (Wang et al., 2007, this issue of Molecular Cell) complement a recent crystal structure of Ubc12 bound to the NEDD8-activating enzyme ternary complex (Huang et al., 2007), elucidating details of the first steps in the conjugation of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins.  相似文献   

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