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Site-specific and depth-dependent properties of cartilage were implemented within a finite element (FE) model to determine if compositional or structural changes in the tissue could explain site-specific alterations of chondrocyte deformations due to cartilage loading in rabbit knee joints 3 days after a partial meniscectomy (PM). Depth-dependent proteoglycan (PG) content, collagen content and collagen orientation in the cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM), and PG content in the pericellular matrix (PCM) were assessed with microscopic and spectroscopic methods. Patellar, femoral groove and samples from both the lateral and medial compartments of the femoral condyle and tibial plateau were extracted from healthy controls and from the partial meniscectomy group. For both groups and each knee joint site, axisymmetric FE models with measured properties were generated. Experimental cartilage loading was applied in the simulations and chondrocyte volumes were compared to the experimental values. ECM and PCM PG loss occurred within the superficial cartilage layer in the PM group at all locations, except in the lateral tibial plateau. Collagen content and orientation were not significantly altered due to the PM. The FE simulations predicted similar chondrocyte volume changes and group differences as obtained experimentally. Loss of PCM fixed charge density (FCD) decreased cell volume loss, as observed in the medial femur and medial tibia, whereas loss of ECM FCD increased cell volume loss, as seen in the patella, femoral groove and lateral femur. The model outcome, cell volume change, was also sensitive to applied tissue geometry, collagen fibril orientation and loading conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Tight or occluding intercellular junctions occur between adjacent glial processes in normal and regenerating crayfish motor nerve sheaths. Although infrequent, these junctions possess the ridge and groove configuration characteristic of freeze-cleaved occluding junctions. When present, nerve sheath tight junctions consist of a single, or at most a few, parallel intramembrane ridges situated on the EF membrane face of the glial plasma membrane. Consequently, such contacts are rarely recognized in thin sections of plasticembedded nerve sheaths. Crayfish nerve sheath tight junctions are of the fascia occludens type and, therefore, do not impede solute flow across the nerve sheath. Fasciae occludentes of regenerating nerve sheaths occur in close proximity to discoid plaque-like aggregates of particles assumed to represent maculae adhaerentes. This relationship, which was not observed in normal nerve sheaths, suggests a functional association between the two types of junctions, perhaps developmental transformation of one junction type into the other. Although ridges and grooves of tight junctions occur next to crossfractured trans-glial channels, no functional significance is proposed for this relationship. This study is the first report of tight intercellular junctions in crustacean glial nerve sheaths.Supported by the National Research Council of Canada  相似文献   

The founding heterochronic microRNAs, lin-4 and let-7, together with their validated targets and well-characterized phenotypes in C. elegans, offer an opportunity to test functionality of microRNAs in a developmental context. In this study, we defined sequence requirements at the microRNA level for these two microRNAs, evaluating lin-4 and let-7 mutant microRNAs for their ability to support temporal development under conditions where the wild-type lin-4 and let-7 gene products are absent. For lin-4, we found a strong requirement for seed sequences, with function drastically affected by several central mutations in the seed sequence, while rescue was retained by a set of mutations peripheral to the seed. let-7 rescuing activity was retained to a surprising degree by a variety of central seed mutations, while several non-seed mutant effects support potential noncanonical contributions to let-7 function. Taken together, this work illustrates both the functional partnership between seed and non-seed sequences in mediating C. elegans temporal development and a diversity among microRNA effectors in the contributions of seed and non-seed regions to activity.  相似文献   

As a new faculty member at The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, the author began research on cancer in 1969 because this frequently fatal disease touched many whom he knew. He was intrigued with its viscous nature, the failure of all who studied it to find a cure, and also fascinated by the pioneering work of Otto Warburg, a biochemical legend and Nobel laureate. Warburg who died 1 year later in 1970 had shown in the 1920s that the most striking biochemical phenotype of cancers is their aberrant energy metabolism. Unlike normal tissues that derive most of their energy (ATP) by metabolizing the sugar glucose to carbon dioxide and water, a process that involves oxygen-dependent organelles called “mitochondria”, Warburg showed that cancers frequently rely less on mitochondria and obtain as much as 50% of their ATP by metabolizing glucose directly to lactic acid, even in the presence of oxygen. This frequent phenotype of cancers became known as the “Warburg effect”, and the author of this review strongly believed its understanding would facilitate the discovery of a cure. Following in the final footsteps of Warburg and caught in the midst of an unpleasant anti-Warburg, anti-metabolic era, the author and his students/collaborators began quietly to identify the key molecular events involved in the “Warburg effect”. Here, the author describes via a series of sequential discoveries touching five decades how despite some impairment in the respiratory capacity of malignant tumors, that hexokinase 2 (HK-2), its mitochondrial receptor (VDAC), and the gene that encodes HK-2 (HK-2 gene) play the most pivotal and direct roles in the “Warburg effect”. They discovered also that like a “Trojan horse” the simple lactic acid analog 3-bromopyruvate selectively enters the cells of cancerous animal tumors that exhibit the “Warburg effect” and quickly dissipates their energy (ATP) production factories (i.e., glycolysis and mitochondria) resulting in tumor destruction without harm to the animals.  相似文献   

Summary According to the hypothesis of Eccles and Libet, the small intensely fluorescent cells (S.I.F. cells) in the sympathetic ganglion would represent an essential element in the inhibition of the principal neuron. As a contribution to the study of this important problem, we have investigated serial sections in superior cervical (S.C.G.) and celiac (C.G.) ganglia of the cat, a species that has not been extensively studied up to now, both by fluorescence and electron microscopy. We have shown that the S.I.F. cells are three times fewer in the cat S.C.G. than in the rat S.C.G. There are five times more S.I.F. cells in the C.G. of the cat than in the S.C.G. of the same species. Moreover we have described two types of S.I.F. cells.Type I is composed of cells characterized by highly polymorphous large dense-cored vesicles. These cells lack processes and are grouped in clusters centered on fenestrated capillaries. They could be endocrine function cells. Type II is formed of isolated cells which exibit long processes and establish synaptic junctions with the dendrites of the principal neurons. In this case, the dense-cored vesicles are very regular and much smaller. These cells could be equivalent to interneurons. Type I very strongly predominates in the S.C.G. and C.G. of the cat where it represents more than 90% of the S.I.F. cell total observed by fluorescence microscopy. A priori such a quantitative and qualitative heterogeneity hardly consistent with Eccles and Libet's hypothesis based on the existence of dopaminergic interneurons only, allows the question to be raised as to the functional significance of the S.I.F. cells in ganglion physiology. The notion of modulation of ganglionic transmission does not seem to be quiered by these new data but could be founded on different forms of action embodied in the broader conception of the neuromodulation phenomenon.  相似文献   

Meiotic prophase in Sordaria humana has been analyzed by three-dimensional reconstructions of 3 leptotene, 2 zygotene, 10 pachytene and 3 diplotene nuclei. Several notable features emerged. The lateral components of the synaptonemal complexes (SC) are hollow tubes which show dilations of variable sizes from late leptotene to early diplotene. These bulges occur before pairing. Their number decreases as soon as the SC are completely formed, but their mean size increases. Bulges can be present in all parts of the lateral components including telomeres and nucleolar organizer region, but their distribution along bivalents is not random. The remarkably uniform width of the SC central region, normally observed in other species is not observed in S. humana. Although as a general rule the bulges rarely affect the homologous components at identical sites, they often either fill or partially cover the central region. The recombination nodules are not clearly connected with the bulges. This work provides also additional insight into the development of both SC and the nodules. At late leptotene, the homologues are aligned before SC formation. One case of interlocking has been observed at early pachytene. Nodules are present from zygotene to diplotene. They are not evenly distributed along the bivalents during pachytene. The mean number of nodules, constant from late pachytene to diplotene, is equal to the mean number of chiasmata.  相似文献   

A cellulase and a laminaranase have been purified from a Streptomyces lytic enzyme complex. Lipase and protease were separated from glucanases. A combination of the purified glucanases produced protoplasts fromPythium sp. PRL 2142. Lipase was shown to act as an adjuvant in this process.National Research Council of Canada Postdoctorate Fellow 1965–67.  相似文献   

The invasion of NW Europe by a single clone of male-sterile Fallopia japonica var. japonica by purely vegetative reproduction has demonstrated that reproduction by seed and the genetic diversity associated with it may not be an essential feature of plant invasions, at least in the short term. What is less well known is that a significant proportion of the Japanese Knotweed s.l. involved is not F. japonica var. japonica, but the hybrid between it and F. sachalinensisF. × bohemica. This hybrid is able to backcross to either parent with the potential to replace the missing male F. japonica; by the same process, the hybrid is generating the genetic diversity so conspicuously lacking in F. japonica. In terms of understanding the population structure in a particular country, it is important to be able to identify hybrids and putative back-crosses. We bring together a mixture of published and unpublished information to provide a comprehensive section on morphological and anatomical aids to identification. Regeneration of plants from stem and rhizome fragments varies by taxon, as do responses to control techniques, underlining the importance of correct identification of these plants. In this paper we look closely at this group of taxa, with special emphasis on the role played by hybridization, with an examination of the genetic make up of seedlings produced in the wild or by artificial hybridizations, and the implications that this will have on the future directions of the invasion process.  相似文献   

A. F. G. Dixon 《Oecologia》1972,9(4):301-310
Summary The ability of the lime aphid to produce sexuals (males and females) as an alternative to parthenogenetic females is regulated by a timing mechanism (interval timer) which restrains the appearance of these morphs early in the year. In this species there are two interval timers: one controls the production of sexual females, and the other controls the production of males. Both intervals timers are sensitive to day-length and temperature but they respond in different ways.With the approach of autumn the waning effect of the interval timer inhibiting female production combined with the short day-lengths results in an increasing proportion of the aphids developing into sexual females. The restraining effect of the interval timer results in a gradual transition from parthenogenetic to gamic reproduction over a period of several generations and is still operational in the autumn. However, in this species even relatively long day conditions (17 h) can induce the development of oviparae. This low threshold of response to day-length combined with the short generation time results in the sexual morphs appearing very early in the year. This is of considerable adaptive significance in years when, as frequently happens, the aphids disappear locally before the onset of autumn.  相似文献   

A gene cluster responsible for aldoxime metabolism in the glutaronitrile degrader Pseudomonas sp. K-9 was analyzed genetically and enzymatically. The cluster was composed of genes coding for aldoxime dehydratase (Oxd), nitrile hydratase (NHase), NHase activator, amidase, acyl-CoA ligase, and some regulatory and functionally unknown proteins, which were similar to proteins appearing in the “aldoxime–nitrile pathway” gene cluster from strains having Fe-containing NHase. A key enzyme in the cluster, OxdK, which has 32.7–90.3 % identity with known Oxds, was overexpressed in Escherichia coli cells under the control of a T7 promoter in its His6-tagged form, purified, and characterized. The enzyme showed similar characteristics with the known Oxds coexisting with an Fe-containing NHase in its subunit structure, substrate specificity, and effects on various compounds. The enzyme can be classified into a group of “aliphatic aldoxime dehydratase (EC” The existence of a gene cluster of enzymes responsible for aldoxime metabolism via the aldoxime–nitrile pathway (aldoxime→nitrile→amide→acid→acyl-CoA) in Pseudomonas sp. K-9, and the fact that the proteins comprising the cluster are similar to those acting on aliphatic type substrates, evidently clarified the alkylaldoxime-degrading pathway in that strain.  相似文献   

Shoots of rose (hybrid tea) cv. “First Prize” were induced to flower in vitro on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing various sucrose concentrations (15, 30 or 45 g l−1) and different phytohormone combinations of different cytokinins [N6-benzyladenine (BA); thidiazuron (TDZ) and zeatin] with α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Results indicate that sucrose is the key factor in floral morphogenesis while cytokinin increases the flowering percentage and helps the normal development of floral buds. From the three cytokinins that were used, BA and zeatin were considered to be more suitable as inductive flowering agents than TDZ. Reduced inorganic and organic salt concentration in MS media had a positive effect on in vitro flowering. The morphology of shoots bearing floral buds varied with different cytokinin treatments. The highest percentage (45%) of flowering was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 3.0 mg l−1 BA, 0.1 mg l−1 NAA and 30 g l−1 sucrose.  相似文献   

Summary Roots with open apical organization are defined by not having specific tiers of initial cells in the root apical meristem; those with closed apical organization have specific initial tiers to which all cell files can be traced. An example of the clear organization of closed roots is the development protocol of the root cap and protoderm. The key event in differentiating these tissues is the T-division, a periclinal division of the root cap/protoderm (RCP) initial that establishes a module. Each module comprises two packets, the protoderm and peripheral root cap. Consecutive T-divisions of the same RCP initial produce up to five modules on average in a lineage of cells in white clover (Trifolium repens cv. Ladino), with all lineages around the circumference of the root dividing in waves to form one module prior to the next. On average, clover has approximately 32 axial protoderm and peripheral root cap cells in each module, and 32 RCP lineages. The occurrence of RCP T-divisions in white clover, a root with open apical organization, and the subsequent modular construction of the root cap and protoderm, provides a link between open and closed roots and suggests a common developmental feature that most roots of seed plants may share independent of their root meristem organization type. The open apical organization of the white clover root varies from roots with closed apical organization in that the RCP initials occur in staggered positions instead of connected to discrete tiers, and the peripheral root cap and columella daughter cells form additional layers of cells. White clover also forms root hairs on all protoderm cells irrespective of their position relative to the underlying cortical cells.Abbreviations RAM root apical meristem - RCP root cap protoderm - prc peripheral root cap  相似文献   

The frequencies and spectra of surnames have been analyzed in groups of raions (districts) of the Belgorod oblast (region) with different degrees of population subdivision. The “family name portraits” of districts with low (0.00003 < < f*r < 0.00022, \(\overline {f_r^ * } \) = 0.00015) and moderate (0.00023 < f*r < 0.00042, \(\overline {f_r^ * } \) = 0.00029) inbreeding levels are similar both to each other and to the “family name portrait” of the Belgorod oblast as a whole. Districts with high subdivision levels (0.00043 < f*r < 0.00125, \(\overline {f_r^ * } \) = 0.00072) had very distinctive surname spectra and the highest surname frequencies. Intense immigration to the Belgorod oblast significantly affects its population genetic structure, decreasing the population subdivision.  相似文献   

Summary Leaf blades of 42 grasses (Poaceae) have been examined ultrastructurally for the occurrence of a suberized lamella in walls of parenchymatous bundle sheaths and PCR (= Kranz) sheaths in both large and small vascular bundles. The sample includes species from a range of major grass taxa, and represents all photosynthetic types found in the grasses. Three grasses with unusual C4 leaf anatomy were also included:Alloteropsis semialata, Aristida biglandulosa, Arundinella nepalensis. The presence of a suberized lamella in PCR cell walls was perfectly correlated with photosynthetic type. All PEP-carboxykinase type and NADP-malic enzyme type C4 species examined possessed a suberized lamella in outer tangential and radial walls, but with variable presence in inner tangential walls. PCR cells of bothAlloteropsis semialata andArundinella nepalensis also possessed a suberized lamella. A lamella was totally absent from parenchymatous bundle sheath cells of the C3 species examined (5 spp.) and ofPanicum milioides, a C3-C4 intermediate. It was also absent from PCR cells of NAD-malic enzyme type C4 species (14 spp.) andAristida biglandulosa. The results are discussed in relation to the leakage of CO2 from PCR cells, and to differences between C4 types in 13C values, chloroplast position in PCR cells, and other anatomical characteristics.  相似文献   

Cuscuta (dodders) is the only genus in Convolvulaceae and the Solanales more broadly in which corolla-stamen structures called infrastaminal scales (IFS) have reached a high degree of elaboration and diversification in a great number of species. Historically, morphological diversity of IFS has provided some of the most useful taxonomic characters at the species-level. However, their function has not been determined. We have performed a comparative study of the IFS in 147 Cuscuta taxa using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and results were analyzed in relation to a Cuscuta phylogeny obtained from a combined analysis of nuclear ITS and plastid trnL-F sequences. The morphology and histochemistry of scales and/or trichomes on the staminal filaments were also examined in several other Convolvulaceae genera to provide a preliminary foundation for homology interpretation. To test the hypothesis that the role of IFS in Cuscuta is connected to sexual reproduction, we analyzed the correlations between scale characters and previously published values for pollen/ovule ratios and the number of stomata found in the nectary at the base of the ovary. While the correlations at the level of the entire genus were very low, subgeneric partitions revealed a strong relationship between scale characters and sexual reproduction indicators in subgenus Monogynella. However, this connection declined drastically in the subgenera Cuscuta and Grammica. Our results strongly suggest that scales in Cuscuta evolved in connection to a modification of their function in the flower: from nectar protection and holding in the first diverged subgenus Monogynella, to ovary/ovule protection against herbivorous insects in the derived subgenera Cuscuta and Grammica. Thus at least in the case of the latter subgenera, the protective/repellent role of the IFS may conflict with the attractant/rewarding function of the nectary found at the base of the ovary. In subgenus Monogynella, IFS fimbriae are similar to uniseriate glandular hairs, with the secretory cells entirely exposed. In the subgenera Grammica and Cuscuta, the fimbriae become more complex, with an internal distal laticifer, and a precise mechanism of latex release. Our study elaborates further on the development and ultrastructure of scales in C. gronovii, and provides details on the anatomy of the IFS in other species. The new morphology and micromorphology data confirm the significance of these structures for species-level systematics.  相似文献   

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