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Many bacteria used for biotechnological applications are naturally motile. Their "bio-nanopropeller" driven movement allows searching for better environments in a process called chemotaxis. Since bacteria are extremely small in size compared to the bulk fluid volumes in bioreactors, single cell motility is not considered to influence bioreactor operations. However, with increasing interest in localized fluid flow inside reactors, it is important to ask whether individual motility characteristics of bacteria are important in bioreactor operations. The first step in this direction is to try to correlate single cell measurements with population data of motile bacteria in a bioreactor. Thus, we observed the motility behavior of individual bacterial cells, using video microscopy with 33 ms time resolution, as a function of population growth dynamics of batch cultures in shake flasks. While observing the motility behavior of the most intensively studied bacteria, Escherichia coli, we find that overall bacterial motility decreases with progression of the growth curve. Remarkably, this is due to a decrease in a specific motility behavior called "running". Our results not only have direct implications on biofilm formations, but also provide a new direction in bioprocess design research highlighting the role of individual bacterial cell motility as an important parameter.  相似文献   

Epifluorescence microscopy was used to examine hindgut contents ofZootermopsis angusticollis (Hagen) termites for the presence of methanogenic bacteria, which can be identified on the basis of the fluorescence of the novel cofactors F420 and F350. Small, autofluorescent, rod-shaped bacteria of theMethanobrevibacter sp. morphotype were observed associated with three flagellates tentatively identified asTrichomitopsis termopsidis (Cleveland),Tricercomitus termopsidis Kirby andHexamastix termopsidis Kirby. Methanogens were not observed associated with any other protozoal morphotypes and were not numerous in the free-living state inZ. angusticollis hindgut fluid. Electron micrographs of thin sections of hindgut protozoa suggest methanogens are endosymbionts in the small trichomonad protozoa. Our observations are consistent with the finding of Odelson and Breznak that methane is a minor endproduct of the metabolism of termite gut microbiota.Deceased.  相似文献   

Studies have been made of the initial stages in adsorption of several polarly flagellated marine bacteria to glass surfaces. Bacteria attach at the pole of flagellar insertion, and after a brief period (from a few seconds to a few minutes) of rotation around the attachment axis, become immobile. Soma do not spin or gyrate while the organisms rotate slowly. Flagellar activity continues for several minutes after soma immobilization. Tween 80 inhibits bacterial attachment, and deflagellated organisms do not adsorb to glass. Bacteria rendered nonmotile with sodium azide (NaN3) rapidly adsorb to glass and cannot be removed by washing with artificial seawater or a solution of 2.4% NaCl. It is proposed that both flagella-surface and somasurface interactions are involved in bacterial attachment. Bacterial flagella may play an important ecological role as attachment organelles.  相似文献   

Cultured mouse 3T3 cells treated with phosphatidylserine or phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine (3: 7 mole ratio) liposomes containing ortho- and paramyxovirus envelope glycoproteins become susceptible to killing by virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes indicating that the liposome-derived glycoproteins have been inserted into the cellular plasma membrane. Cells incubated with liposomes of similar lipid composition containing viral antigens plus a dinitrophenylated lipid hapten were killed by both virus- and hapten-specific T lymphocytes indicating that both protein and lipid components are inserted into the plasma membrane. We consider that assimilation of liposome-derived antigens into the plasma membrane results from fusion of liposomes with the plasma membrane. Cells incubated with phosphatidylcholine liposomes containing lipid haptens and viral glycoproteins were not killed by cytotoxic lymphocytes indicating that liposomes of this composition do not fuse with the plasma membrane. Liposome-derived paramyxovirus glycoproteins inserted into the plasma membrane retain their functional activity as shown by their ability to induce cell fusion. These experiments demonstrate the feasibility of using liposomes as carriers for introducing integral membrane (glyco)proteins into the plasma membrane of cultured cells and establish a new approach for studying the role of individual (glyco)proteins in the expression of specific cell surface properties.  相似文献   

A biflagellated protozoan was isolated from an acidic drainage stream located inside a disused pyrite mine. The stream contained copious amounts of acid streamer bacterial growths, and the flagellate was observed in situ apparently grazing the streamer bacteria. The protozoan was obligately acidophilic, growing between pH 1.8 and 4.5, but not at pH 1.6 or 5.0, with optimum growth between pH 3 and 4. It was highly sensitive to copper, molybdenum, silver, and uranium, but tolerated ferrous and ferric iron up to 50 and 25 mM, respectively. In the laboratory, the protozoan was found to graze a range of acidophilic bacteria, including the chemolithotrophs Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, and the heterotroph Acidiphilium cryptum. Thiobacillus thiooxidans and Thiobacillus acidophilus were not grazed. Filamentous growth of certain acidophiles afforded some protection against being grazed by the flagellate. In mixed cultures of T. ferrooxidans and L. ferrooxidans, the protozoan isolate displayed preferential grazing of the former. The possibility of using acidophilic protozoa as a means of controlling bacteria responsible for the production of acid mine drainage is discussed.Offprint requests to: Dr. D. B. Johnson.  相似文献   

The lowest viscosity that immobilized flagellated bacteria such as Psedomonas aeruginosa, Spirillum serpens, and Escherichia coli was 60 centipoise (cp). Much higher viscosities (1,000 cp and higher) were required to immobilize two flagellated bacteria selectively isolated from nature by methods based on their ability to migrate through agar gels. The latter finding indicates that certain flagellated bacteria have the ability to swim through environments of relatively high viscosity. It is suggested that these flagellated bacteria possess a specialized type of motility apparatus suited to viscous conditions present in their habitats.  相似文献   

Proline [U-14C] was fed to shoots of intact Tagetes patula grown normally, on horizontal clinostats, or on vertical clinostats rotating at 15 rev/hr. After various periods the incorporation of 14C into salt-extractable material from the cell walls of stems, petioles, leaves and flowers was determined. The cell walls of the gravity-compensated plants (grown on horizontal clinostats) has the highest amount of salt-extractable radioactivity. A 2- to 9-fold increase was observed in comparison to either the normal or vertical clinostat plant controls. Some physico-chemical properties of the salt-extractable fraction suggest that it consists of highly charged, low MW entities, possibly short chain peptides. On acid hydrolysis this material yields radioactive aspartic acid, glutamic acid and proline. The presence of labelled hydroxyproline is suggested. After acid hydrolysis of the cell walls of leaves, it was found that ca 4 times the amount of 14C was incorporated in the hypogravity-grown plant compared to the controls. It appears likely that extensibility changes in tissues under simulated hypogravity required additional cell wall protein.  相似文献   

C Johansen  A Verheul  L Gram  T Gill    T Abee 《Applied microbiology》1997,63(3):1155-1159
The inhibitory effect of the cationic peptide protamine on Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, and Shewanella putrefaciens has been studied in detail. The addition of protamine (10 to 1,000 micrograms/ml) resulted in inhibition of oxygen consumption after less than 1 min and loss of intracellular carboxyfluorescein and ATP after 2 to 5 min. Maximum antibacterial activity was reached at alkaline pH and in the absence of divalent cations. The efficient permeabilization of cell envelopes of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria suggests that protamine causes a general disruption of the cell envelope, leading to a rapid and nonspecific efflux of low- and high-molecular-weight compounds.  相似文献   

In the majority of bacterial and viral infections the generation of cytotoxic T cells is of particular interest because such pathogens are able to escape the host defence mechanisms by surviving intracellularly within the phagocytic cells. To generate a CD8+ T lymphocyte response against exogenous antigens, the prerequisite is their delivery into the cytosol followed by processing and presentation along with class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC-I) molecules. In the present study we describe the method of liposome-based delivery of antigens and other macromolecules into the cytosol of target cells. To develop safe and effective methods for generating CD8+ T lymphocytes, we exploited the fusogenic character of lipids derived from lower organisms, that is baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The degree of fusion with model membrane systems using yeast lipid liposomes varied from 40-70%, as opposed to 1-8% observed with egg PtdCho liposomes, depending on the assay system used. The fusion of yeast lipid liposomes with macrophages resulted in effective delivery of the entrapped solutes into the cytoplasmic compartment. This was further supported by the inhibition of cellular protein synthesis in J774 A1 cells by ricin A, encapsulated in the yeast lipid liposomes. Interestingly, the model antigen ovalbumin, when entrapped in the yeast lipid liposomes, successfully elicited antigen reactive CD8+ T cell responses. It may be concluded that the liposomes made of lipids derived from S. cerevisiae can spontaneously fuse with macrophages, delivering a significant portion of their contents into the cytoplasmic compartment of the cells.  相似文献   

Liposomes spontaneously interact with the plasma membrane of protoplasts. The delivery of their content to the protoplast, however, has to be induced by physical or chemical treatments. Three major approaches have been used to study and optimize the delivery of RNA or DNA molecules: viral infection, transient gene expression and stable transformation. Conclusive evidence for the delivery of nuclei acids to the treated protoplasts has been obtained. Stable transformants expressing kanamycin resistance have been further characterized by hybridization techniques and progeney analysis. The potential and limitations of this approach for the transformation of higher plants is discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes a set of protocols—for retrofitting, transformation and purification—that together enable the delivery of full-sized YAC-DNA to plant cells. To be able to equip YACs of interest with plant selectable markers, we have constructed a retrofitting vector that carriesnptII anduidA. Furthermore, we established a transformation protocol for plant protoplasts that is sufficiently efficient to support transfer of high-molecular-weight DNA. In this protocol lipofection is combined with PEG-mediated direct gene transfer. Large amounts of purified DNA are necessary for lipofection. To obtain sufficient quantities of concentrated, purified YAC-DNA, we used an optimized two-step, gel-purification method. Transient expression of a YAC-bornuidA demonstrates that both retrofitting vector and transformation protocol are effective.  相似文献   

Introduction of macromolecules into mammalian cells by cell fusion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Proteins with molecular weights of up to 500K can be enclosed in erythrocyte ghosts by exposing the ghosts to hypotonic solution containing these proteins. The proteins can then be introduced into recipient cells by fusing the ghosts with the cells using HVJ, PEG, or influenza virus. Some applications of this method are described. By an improved method, 15 kbp DNA and IgM (900 kDa) can be entrapped in erythrocyte membranes and these are then treated with liposomes containing gangliosides and HVJ. These treated membranes containing large macromolecules fuse with almost 100% of the recipient cells used. Naked liposomes infrequently fuse with cultured cells, so introduction of their contents into cells is very inefficient. However, liposomes constituted from lipid and glycoproteins (HN and F) of HVJ (Sendai virus), by removing a nonionic detergent, fuse with cells about 200 times more efficiently than naked liposomes. Naked liposomes can fuse with specific cells, such as cells infected with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis virus or with human immunodeficiency virus. Plasmid DNA and mRNA of up to about 40 kbp can be entrapped efficiently in liposomes associated with gangliosides formed by reverse-phase evaporation, and then reacted with HVJ. The contents of the resulting liposomes with HVJ can be introduced efficiently into cultured cells in a suspended or plated state, and nearly all the cells then express the gene transiently. This procedure is also effective for obtaining stable transformants of many kinds of cultured cells.  相似文献   

基因治疗研究中脂质体介导的基因转移技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于脂质体的深入研究特别是阳离子脂质体的研制使其逐步成为重要的基因转移载体之一,并且初步应用于基因治疗研究,同时多种靶向脂质体的研制也为体内靶向基因转移和表达奠定了基础。本文就脂质体的结构、功能、在基因治疗研究中的应用以及各种靶向脂质体的研制进行了介绍。  相似文献   

The endothelial luminal glycocalyx has been largely ignored as a target in vascular pathophysiology even though it occupies a key location. As a model of the inflammatory response, we tested the hypothesis that tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) can alter the properties of the endothelial apical glycocalyx. In the intact hamster cremaster microcirculation, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled Dextrans 70, 580, and 2,000 kDa are excluded from a region extending from the endothelial surface almost 0.5 micrometer into the lumen. This exclusion zone defines the boundaries of the glycocalyx. Red blood cells (RBC) under normal flow conditions are excluded from a region extending even farther into the lumen. The cremaster microcirculation was pretreated with topical or intrascrotal applications of TNF-alpha. After infusion of FITC-dextran, FITC-albumin, or FITC-immunoglubulin G (IgG) via a femoral cannula, microvessels were observed with bright-field and fluorescence microscopy to obtain estimates of the anatomic diameters and the widths of fluorescent tracer columns and of the RBC columns (means +/- SE). After 2 h of intrascrotal TNF-alpha exposure, there was a significant increase in access of FITC-Dextrans 70 and 580 to the space bounded by the apical glycocalyx in arterioles, capillaries, and venules, but no significant change in access of FITC-Dextran 2,000. The effects of TNF-alpha could be observed as early as 20 min after the onset of topical application. TNF-alpha treatment also significantly increased the penetration rate of FITC-Dextran 40, FITC-albumin, and FITC-IgG into the glycocalyx and caused a significant increase in the intraluminal volume occupied by flowing RBC. White blood cell adhesion increased during TNF-alpha application, and we used the selectin antagonist fucoidan to attenuate leukocyte adhesion during TNF-alpha stimulation. This did not inhibit the TNF-alpha-mediated increase in permeation of the glycocalyx. These results show that proinflammatory cytokines can cause disruption of the endothelial apical glycocalyx, leading to an increased macromolecular permeation in the absence of an increase in leukocyte recruitment.  相似文献   

Control of surface organelle number and placement is a crucial aspect of the cell biology of many Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria, yet mechanistic insights into how bacteria spatially and numerically organize organelles are lacking. Many surface structures and internal complexes are spatially restricted in the bacterial cell (e.g. type IV pili, holdfasts, chemoreceptors), but perhaps none show so many distinct patterns in terms of number and localization as the flagellum. In this review, we discuss two proteins, FlhF and FlhG (also annotated FleN/YlxH), which control aspects of flagellar assembly, placement and number in polar flagellates, and may influence flagellation in some bacteria that produce peritrichous flagella. Experimental data obtained in a number of bacterial species suggest that these proteins may have acquired distinct attributes influencing flagellar assembly that reflect the diversity of flagellation patterns seen in different polar flagellates. Recent findings also suggest FlhF and FlhG are involved in other processes, such as influencing the rotation of flagella and proper cell division. Continued examination of these proteins in polar flagellates is expected to reveal how different bacteria have adapted FlhF or FlhG with specific activities to tailor flagellar biosynthesis and motility to fit the needs of each species.  相似文献   

Transendothelial transfer of macromolecules in vitro   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The transendothelial transfer of macromolecules has been difficult to study because of the complexities of the in vivo models. We have developed a model of an endothelium cultured on a permeable support and used it to characterize the transendothelial transfer of albumin. Porcine pulmonary artery endothelial cells form a single layer of cells lining the gelatin-impregnated polycarbonate micropore filters, and the cells develop junctional structures similar to endothelial tight junctions observed in vivo. The monolayer resists the flow of electrical current, and the resistance is sensitive to extracellular calcium concentrations. Albumin transfer across the cultured monolayers was found to be asymmetric, and the rate of transfer from interstitium to lumen was greater than that from lumen to interstitium. The asymmetric transfer occurred against a concentration gradient and was abolished by treating the monolayer with NaCN. Increasing albumin concentrations increased the rate of interstitial to luminal transfer, and the process demonstrated saturation at an interstitial albumin concentration of 725 microM. These data point out the usefulness of the in vitro preparation to identify potentially important aspects of transendothelial transport that would be difficult to detect in vivo.  相似文献   

Liposome-mediated delivery of TMV RNA into petunia protoplasts and resulting virus antigen production has been used as an assay for determining incubation conditions which favor increased uptake of vesicle contents by plant cells. Vesicle phospholipid composition, incubation buffer divalent metal ion concentration, the type and concentration of polyalcohol used to stimulate vesicle uptake and the RNA content of the liposome preparation were determined to be critical factors influencing the efficiency of delivery. Manipulation of these parameters resulted in a 50-fold improvement in virus antigen production over that obtained with conditions previously used for liposome-protoplast incubations (Proc Natl Acad Sci 79: 1859–1863, 1982). Virus antigen production could be detected following incubation of protoplasts with <0.5 ng of encapsulated TMV RNA, while at higher concentrations of added liposomes, >80% of the protoplasts could be infected. Comparisons with other techniques used to introduce nucleic acids into plant protoplasts indicated that liposome-mediated delivery was 10-to 1 000-fold more efficient than these other methods. The general use of liposomes to introduce RNA and DNA molecules into plant protoplasts is discussed.  相似文献   

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