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Gramicidin A was dimerized with carbonsuboxide as bifunctional reagent. The effect of the resulting malonyl-bis-desformylgramicidin on lipid bilayer membranes was investigated and compared with the effect of the monomer gramicidin. It was found that the single channel conductance and the ion selectivity are very similar to the behaviour of the monomer molecule, whereas the channel forming kinetics and the life time of the single channel of the malonyl-bis-desformylgramicidin differ strongly from the behaviour of the monomer gramicidin.The electrical relaxations are very small and possibly associated with some structural changes of the membrane after a voltage jump. The single channel lifetime of the malonyl-bis-desformylgramicidin is measured in minutes, whereas for the same lipid system the single channel lifetime in the case of the monomer gramicidin is restricted to 1–2 s. It is concluded that the malonyl-bis-desformylgramicidin-molecule itself (as a single molecule) forms an ionic channel without further association.  相似文献   

A method of measurement of the non-linearity coefficient of volt-ampere characteristics of the type i(U) approximately = U(1 + beta U2) has been developed for ionic channels formed by gramicidin A, using the third harmonic of the membrane current. The shape of the volt-ampere characteristics (VA) of ionic channels formed by gramicidin A did not depend on the antibiotic concentration in the membrane. The coefficient beta of non-linearity of VA of membranes modified by gramicidin A depended on electrolyte concentration "c" and it increased proportionally with the lg c from -17 V-2 at 0.03 mol/l KC1 to 8 V-2 at 3.4 mol/l KCl, and it was zero at co = 0.3 - 1 mol/l KCl. Egg lecithin and glycerol monooleate (GMO) membranes differ in their co values. The substitution of K+ for Li+ of the membrane solvent (n-heptane for n-hexadecane) did not influence the value of beta; the same applied for GMO membranes without any solvent. In a number of membranes, spontaneous change of the non-linearity coefficient with time observed after the membrane formation, as well as jumps of the non-linearity coefficient at a practically unchanged membrane conductivity. An analysis of some theoretical models of the ion transport through the channel has shown that, at voltages above 200 mV, these models provide rather small values of beta, or extremely high VA non-linearity.  相似文献   

Gramicidin A was dimerized with carbonsuboxide as bifunctional reagent. The effect of the resulting malonyl-bis-desformylgramicidin on lipid bilayer membranes was investigated and compared with the effect of the monomer gramicidin. It was found that the single channel conductance and the ion selectivity are very similar to the behaviour of the monomer molecule, whereas the channel forming kinetics and the life time of the single channel of the malonyl-bis-desformylgramicidin differ strongly from the behaviour of the monomer gramicidin. The electrical relaxations are very small and possibly associated with some structural changes of the membrane after a voltage jump. The single channel lifetime of the malonyl-bis-desformylgramicidin is measured in minutes, whereas for the same lipid system the single channel lifetime in the case of the monomer gramicidin is restricted to 1-2 s. It is concluded that the malonyl-bis-desformylgramicidin-molecule itself (as a single molecule) forms an ionic channel without further association.  相似文献   

The present situation of 1/f noise in the passage of ions across membranes is examined. A survey of biological and synthetic membranes is given at which a l/f frequency dependence has been observed in the spectrum of voltage or current fluctuations. Empirical relations and theories of 1/f noise in membranes are critically discussed. Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 38 “Membranforschung”  相似文献   

Brief closures of gramicidin A channels in lipid bilayer membranes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Brief closures, so called flickers, gramicidin A channels were observed for glycerol monooleate/n-decane membranes for cesium chloride and hydrochloric acid solutions. The flickers, similar in nature to the flickers observed for physiological channels, were of the order of 1 ms and the interval between flickers was of the order of 50 ms. The flicker-duration and interval between flickers both decrease with voltage. The field dependence of the flickers is consistent with the hypothesis that the membrane forms a dimple when accomodating a dimer in the membrane and that the monomers, on breaking up, are associated over displacements of the order of 2 nm. For similar measurements for glycerol monoleate/hexadecane membranes only rare occurrences of flickers were observed. It is suggested that the flicker phenomenon is governed by the physical and chemical properties of the membrane and the influence of membrane thickness and interfacial free energy is emphasized.  相似文献   

If a membrane contains ion-conducting channels which form and disappear in a random fashion, an electric current which is passed through the membrane under constant voltage shows statistical fluctuations. Information on the kinetics of channel formation and on the conductance of the single channel may be obtained by analyzing the electrical noise generated in a membrane containing a great number of channels. For this purpose the autocorrelation function of the current noise is measured at different concentrations of the channel-forming substance. As a test system for the application of this technique we have used lipid bilayer membranes doped with gramicidin A. From the correlation time of the current noise generated by the membrane, the rate constants of formation (k-R) and dissociation (k-D) of the channels could be determined. In addition, the mean square of the current fluctuations yielded the single-channel conductance lambda. The values of k-R, k-D, and lambda obtained from the noise analysis agreed closely with the values determined by relaxation measurments and single-channel experiments.  相似文献   

The present situation of 1/f noise in the passage of ions across membranes is examined. A survey of biological and synthetic membranes is given at which a 1/f frequency dependence has been observed in the spectrum of voltage or current fluctuations. Empirical relations and theories of 1/f noise in membranes are critically discussed.  相似文献   

The channel-forming activity of gramicidin A derivatives carrying positively charged amino acid sequences at their C-termini was studied on planar bilayer lipid membranes and liposomes. We showed previously that, at low concentrations, these peptides form classical cation-selective pores typical of gramicidin A, whereas, at high concentrations, they form large nonselective pores. The ability of the peptides to form nonselective pores, which was determined by the efflux of carboxyfluorescein, an organic dye, from liposomes, decreased substantially as the length of the gramicidin fragment in the series of cationic analogues was truncated. CD spectra showed that large pores are formed by peptides having both beta6.3 single-stranded and beta5.6 double-stranded helical conformations of the gramicidin fragment, with the C-terminal cationic sequence being extended. The dimerization of the peptides by the oxidation of the terminal cysteine promoted the formation of nonselective pores. It was shown that nonselective pores are not formed in membranes of erythrocytes, which may indicate a dependence of the channel-forming ability on the membrane type. The results may be of interest for the directed synthesis of peptides with antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

Channel-forming peptides such as gramicidin A offer the opportunity to study the relationship between chemical structure and transport properties of an ion channel. This article summarizes a number of recent experiments with chemical analogs and derivatives of gramicidin A using artificial lipid bilayer membranes. The introduction of negative charges near the channel mouth leads to an increase in the cation transport rate. Hybrid channels consisting of a neutral and a negatively charged or of a positively and a negatively charged half-channel may be formed. The current-voltage characteristic of these hybrid channels exhibits a pronounced asymmetry.Experiments with charged derivatives of gramicidin A have been used in order to distinguish between different structural models of the dimeric channel; these studies strongly support Urry's model of a single-stranded, head-to-head associated helical dimer. In a further set of experiments gramicidin analogs with modified amino acid sequence were studied. It was found that a single substitution (tryptophan replaced by phenylalanine) leads to marked changes in the conductance of the channel. Analogs with a simplified amino acid sequence such as (L-Trp-D-Leu)7-L-Trp or L-Trp-Gly-(L-Trp-D-Leu)6-L-Trp are able to form cation permeable channels with similar properties as gramicidin A.  相似文献   

A mechanism for 1/f noise in diffusing membrane channels.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The diffusion polarization effect is shown to produce 1/f (omega-1) noise in the conductance of membranes containing diffusing ion channels. The magnitude and frequency range of the effect are calculated.  相似文献   

Studies for the cation permeability properties of the gramicidin A channel in erythrocyte membranes are presented. It is shown that gramicidin A interacts with the membrane in a cooperative manner, creating aggregates of the antibiotic molecules in the lipid lattice of the membrane. Cationic channels exist in these aggregates with the following order of selectivity: Rb+ greater than Cs+ greater K+ greater than Na+. The cation permeability of the channels depends on the media surrounding the membrane. This finding has been explained on the basis of Hodgkin-Keynes theory for single-file ion diffusion through extra-narrow pores.  相似文献   

The interaction of cholera toxin with planar bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) at low pH results in the formation of ionic channels, the conductance of which can be directly measured in voltage-clamp experiments. It is found that the B-subunit of cholera toxin (CT-B) also is able to induce ionic channels in BLM whereas the A-subunit is not able to do it. The increase of pH inhibited the channel-forming activity of CT-B. The investigation of pH-dependences of both the conductance and the cation-anion selectivity of the CT-B channel allowed us to suggest that the water pore of this channel is confined to the B-subunit of cholera toxin. The effective diameter of the CT-B channels water pores was directly measured in BLM and is equal to 2.1 +/- 0.2 nm. The channels formed by whole toxin and its B-subunit exhibit voltage-dependent activity. We believe these channels are relevant to the mode of action of cholera toxin and especially to the endosomal pathway of the A-subunit into cells.  相似文献   

The conductance induced by the channel-forming peptide gramicidin A in lipid membranes is reduced by many orders of magnitude on exposure of the membrane and its aqueous environment to ionizing radiation. This results from an interaction of free radicals of water radiolysis with the tryptophan residues of gramicidin A. The sensitivity of the ion channels towards irradiation is strongly reduced in the presence of either vitamin E or of highly unsaturated lipids. An increase of the D37 dose up to a factor of 50 was found. The phenomena are interpreted via a reduction of the effective concentration of free radicals (such as OH.) in the membrane by reaction with unsaturated fatty acid residues or with vitamin E.  相似文献   

A recently proposed model for 1/f(w-1) noise in nerve membrane (Clay and Schlesinger, 1976; Lundström and McQueen, 1974) is shown to be mathematically inconsistent in several respects. A self-consistent model based on similar membranes lipid orientation fluctuation effects is proposed.  相似文献   

The channel-forming activity of gramicidin A derivatives carrying positively charged amino acid sequences at their C-termini was studied on planar bilayer lipid membranes and liposomes. We showed previously (FEBS Lett., 2005, vol. 579, pp. 5247–5252) that, at low concentrations, these peptides form classical cation-selective pores typical of gramicidin A, whereas, at high concentrations, they form large nonselective pores. The ability of the peptides to form nonselective pores, which was determined by the efflux of carboxyfluorescein, an organic dye, from liposomes, decreased substantially as the length of the gramicidin fragment in the series of cationic analogues was truncated. CD spectra showed that large pores are formed by peptides having both β6.3 single-stranded and β5.6 double-stranded helical conformations of the gramicidin fragment, with the C-terminal cationic sequence being extended. The dimerization of the peptides by the oxidation of the terminal cysteine promoted the formation of nonselective pores. It was shown that nonselective pores are not formed in membranes of erythrocytes, which may indicate a dependence of the channel-forming ability on the membrane type. The results may be of interest for the directed synthesis of peptides with antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

Proton conductance (g(H)) in single SS stereoisomers of dioxolane-linked gramicidin A (gA) channels were measured in different phospholipid bilayers at different HCl concentrations. In particular, measurements were obtained in bilayers made of 1,2-diphytanoyl 3-phosphocholine (DiPhPC) or its ethylated derivative 1,2-diphytanoyl 3-ethyl-phosphocholine (et-DiPhPC,). The difference between these phospholipids is that in et-DiPhPC one of the phosphate oxygens is covalently linked to an ethyl group and cannot be protonated. In relatively dilute acid solutions, g(H) in DiPhPC is significantly higher than in et-DiPhPC. At high acid concentrations, g(H) is the same in both diphytanoyl bilayers. Such differences in g(H) can be accounted for by surface charge effects at the membrane/solution interfaces. In the linear portion of the log g(H)-log [H] relationship, g(H) values in diphytanoyl bilayers were significantly larger (approximately 10-fold) than in neutral glyceryl monooleate (GMO) membranes. The slopes of the linear log-log relationships between g(H) and [H] in diphytanoyl and GMO bilayers are essentially the same (approximately 0.76). This slope is significantly lower than the slope of the log-log plot of proton conductivity versus proton concentration in aqueous solutions (approximately 1.00). Because the chemical composition of the membrane-channel/solution interface is strikingly different in GMO and diphytanoyl bilayers, the reduced slope in g(H)-[HCl] relationships may be a characteristic of proton transfer in the water wire inside the SS channel. Values of g(H) in diphytanoyl bilayers were also significantly larger than in membranes made of the more common biological phospholipids 1-palmitoyl 2-oleoyl phosphocholine (POPC) or 1-palmitoyl 2-oleoyl phosphoethanolamine (POPE). These differences, however, cannot be accounted for by different surface charge effects or by different internal dipole potentials. On the other hand, maximum g(H) measured in the SS channel does not depend on the composition of the bilayer and is determined essentially by the reduced mobility of protons in concentrated acid solutions. Finally, no experimental evidence was found in support of a lateral proton movement at the phospholipid/solution interface contributing to g(H) in single SS channels. Protein-lipid interactions are likely to modulate g(H) in the SS channel.  相似文献   

Summary Colicin Ia forms voltage-dependent channels when incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. A membrane containing many Colicin Ia channels shows a conductance which is turned on when high positive voltages (>+10 mV) are applied to thecis side (side to which the protein is added). The ionic current flowing through the membrane in response to a voltage step shows at first an exponential and then a linear rise with time. The relationship between the steady-state conductance, achieved immediately after the exponential portion, and voltage is S-shaped and is adequately fit by a Boltzmann distribution. The time constant () of the exponential is also dependent on voltage, and the relation between these two parameters is asymmetric aroundV o (voltage at which half of the channels are open). In both cases the steepness of the voltage dependence, a consequence of the number of effective gating particles (n) present in the channel, is greatly influenced by the pH of the bathing solutions. Thus, increasing the pH leads to a reduction inn, while acidic pH's have the opposite effects. This result is obtained either by changing the pH on both sides of the membrane or on only one side, be itcis orrans. On the other hand, changing pH on only one side by addition of an impermeant buffer fails to induce any change inn. At the single-channel level, pH had an effect both on the unitary conductance, doubling it in going from pH 4.5 to 8.2, as well as on the fraction of time the channels stay open,F (v). For a given voltage,F (v) is clearly diminished by increasing the pH. This titration of the voltage sensitivity leads to the conclusion that gating in the Colicin Ia molecule is accomplished by charged amino-acid residues present in the protein molecule. Our results also support the notion that these charged groups are inside the aqueous portion of the channel.  相似文献   

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