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Simocephalus vetulus is a large (2.0–4.0 mm at maturity) cladoceran often found in the littoral region of lakes and ponds, and capable of moderate growth rates even on poor‐quality cyanobacterial diets. It frequently co‐occurs with fishes and similar sized ostracods such as Heterocypris incongruens, but little is known of its response to fish kairomones or its interactions with potential competitors. We studied the demographic responses of S. vetulus fed the green alga Scenedesmus acutus, Microcystis cf. aeruginosa strain A, Microcystis cf. aeruginosa strain B, or Limnothrix sp. Experiments were conducted separately and together in the presence of Heterocypris incongruens and cichlid fish (Oreochromis) kairomones. A diet of Limnothrix sp. resulted in the lowest population growth rate (0.21±0.023 d?1), while on diets of S. acutus or Microcystis, population growth was higher (0.30±0.009 d?1). The presence of ostracods resulted in significantly higher growth rates of S. vetulus fed Limnothrix (0.33±0.01 d?1), but not Microcystis or S. acutus. Regardless of the diet, the presence of fish kairomones resulted in significantly higher growth rates as compared with controls, particularly when ostracods were also present. Coexistence with ostracods may be beneficial to S. vetulus, particularly when food quality is poor.  相似文献   

Selfish genetic elements (SGEs) are DNA sequences that are transmitted to viable offspring in greater than Mendelian frequencies. Medea SGEs occur naturally in some populations of red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) and are expected to increase in frequency within populations and spread among populations. The large‐scale U.S. distributions of Medea‐4 (M4) had been mapped based on samples from 1993 to 1995. We sampled beetles in 2011–2014 and show that the distribution of M4 in the United States is dynamic and has shifted southward. By using a genetic marker of Medea‐1 (M1), we found five unique geographic clusters with high and low M1 frequencies in a pattern not predicted by microsatellite‐based analysis of population structure. Our results indicate the absence of rigid barriers to Medea spread in the United States, so assessment of what factors have limited its current distribution requires further investigation. There is great interest in using synthetic SGEs, including synthetic Medea, to alter or suppress pest populations, but there is concern about unpredicted spread of these SGEs and potential for populations to become resistant to them. The finding of patchy distributions of Medea elements suggests that released synthetic SGEs cannot always be expected to spread uniformly, especially in target species with limited dispersal.  相似文献   

The mating system is expected to have an important influence on the evolution of mating and parenting behaviors. Although many studies have used experimental evolution to examine how mating behaviors evolve under different mating systems, this approach has seldom been used to study the evolution of parental care. We used experimental evolution to test whether adaptation to different mating systems involves changes in mating and parenting behaviors in populations of the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides. We maintained populations under monogamy or promiscuity for six generations. This manipulation had an immediate impact on reproductive performance and adult survival. Compared to monogamy, promiscuity reduced brood size and adult (particularly male) survival during breeding. After six generations of experimental evolution, there was no divergence between monogamous and promiscuous populations in mating behaviors. Parents from the promiscuous populations (especially males) displayed less care than parents from the monogamous populations. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that male care will increase with the certainty of paternity. However, it appears that this change is not associated with a concurrent change in mating behaviors.  相似文献   

The parasitic nematode Crassicauda sp. was initially described in kogiid whales from specimens collected within cervical tissues, uncommon sites of infection for this parasite. Crassicauda sp. has only been reported in Kogia breviceps to date, but no study has yet investigated a large sample of both kogiid species. A 15 yr record of 104 kogiid strandings (K. sima, n = 40; K. breviceps, n = 64) in North Carolina and Virginia, U.S.A. was used to determine the prevalence of Crassicauda sp. across species, within species across sex, and within sex across length and life history categories. Crassicauda sp. was confirmed to be a species‐specific parasite among kogiids infecting only K. breviceps (prevalence = 45%). Within K. breviceps, prevalence was similar (45%) in both immature and mature males, but increased from 10% in immature to 76% in mature females. This study confirmed the cervico‐thoracic distribution of the parasite, and identified a novel site of infection in a previously undescribed exocrine gland associated with the pigmented “false gill slit.” The species‐specific nature of Crassicauda sp. infection, the exocrine gland, and the distinct features of the false gill slit pigmentation associated with the gland, are all useful characters to identify kogiid species in the field.  相似文献   

Regional monitoring strategies frequently employ a nested sampling design where a finite set of study areas from throughout a region are selected and intensive sampling occurs within a subset of sites within the individual study areas. This sampling protocol naturally lends itself to a hierarchical analysis to account for dependence among subsamples. Implementing such an analysis using a classic likelihood framework is computationally challenging when accounting for detection errors in species occurrence models. Bayesian methods offer an alternative approach for fitting models that readily allows for spatial structure to be incorporated. We demonstrate a general approach for estimating occupancy when data come from a nested sampling design. We analyzed data from a regional monitoring program of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) and spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in vernal pools using static and dynamic occupancy models. We analyzed observations from 2004 to 2013 that were collected within 14 protected areas located throughout the northeast United States. We use the data set to estimate trends in occupancy at both the regional and individual protected area levels. We show that occupancy at the regional level was relatively stable for both species. However, substantial variation occurred among study areas, with some populations declining and some increasing for both species. In addition, When the hierarchical study design is not accounted for, one would conclude stronger support for latitudinal gradient in trends than when using our approach that accounts for the nested design. In contrast to the model that does not account for nesting, the nested model did not include an effect of latitude in the 95% credible interval. These results shed light on the range‐level population status of these pond‐breeding amphibians, and our approach provides a framework that can be used to examine drivers of local and regional occurrence dynamics.  相似文献   

Phenological events, such as bud burst, are strongly linked to ecosystem processes in temperate deciduous forests. However, the exact nature and magnitude of how seasonal and interannual variation in air temperatures influence phenology is poorly understood, and model‐based phenology representations fail to capture local‐ to regional‐scale variability arising from differences in species composition. In this paper, we use a combination of surface meteorological data, species composition maps, remote sensing, and ground‐based observations to estimate models that better represent how community‐level species composition affects the phenological response of deciduous broadleaf forests to climate forcing at spatial scales that are typically used in ecosystem models. Using time series of canopy greenness from repeat digital photography, citizen science data from the USA National Phenology Network, and satellite remote sensing‐based observations of phenology, we estimated and tested models that predict the timing of spring leaf emergence across five different deciduous broadleaf forest types in the eastern United States. Specifically, we evaluated two different approaches: (i) using species‐specific models in combination with species composition information to ‘upscale’ model predictions and (ii) using repeat digital photography of forest canopies that observe and integrate the phenological behavior of multiple representative species at each camera site to calibrate a single model for all deciduous broadleaf forests. Our results demonstrate variability in cumulative forcing requirements and photoperiod cues across species and forest types, and show how community composition influences phenological dynamics over large areas. At the same time, the response of different species to spatial and interannual variation in weather is, under the current climate regime, sufficiently similar that the generic deciduous forest model based on repeat digital photography performed comparably to the upscaled species‐specific models. More generally, results from this analysis demonstrate how in situ observation networks and remote sensing data can be used to synergistically calibrate and assess regional parameterizations of phenology in models.  相似文献   

To increase the understanding of poplar and willow perennial woody crops and facilitate their deployment for the production of biofuels, bioproducts, and bioenergy, there is a need for broadscale yield maps. For national analysis of woody and herbaceous crops production potential, biomass feedstock yield maps should be developed using a common framework. This study developed willow and poplar potential yield maps by combining data from a network of willow and poplar field trials and the modeling power of PRISM‐ELM. Yields of the top three willow cultivars across 17 sites ranged from 3.60 to 14.6 Mg ha?1 yr?1 dry weight, while the yields from 17 poplar trials ranged from 7.5 to 15.2 Mg ha?1 yr?1. Relationships between the environmental suitability estimates from the PRISM‐ELM model and results from field trials had an R2 of 0.60 for poplar and 0.81 for willow. The resulting potential yield maps reflected the range of poplar and willow yields that have been reported in the literature. Poplar covered a larger geographic range than willow, which likely reflects the poplar breeding efforts that have occurred for many more decades using genotypes from a broader range of environments than willow. While the field trial data sets used to develop these models represent the most complete information at the time, there is a need to expand and improve the model by monitoring trials over multiple cutting cycles and across a broader range of environmental gradients. Despite some limitations, the results of these models represent a dramatic improvement in projections of potential yield of poplar and willow crops across the United States.  相似文献   

Hybridization in ticks has been described in a handful of species and mostly as a result of laboratory experiments. We used 148 AFLP loci to describe putative hybridization events between D. andersoni and D. variabilis in sympatric populations from northwestern North America. Recently, D. variabilis has expanded its range westward into the natural range of D. andersoni. Using a sample of 235 D. andersoni and 62 D. variabilis, we identified 31 individuals as putative hybrids: four F2 individuals and 27 backcrosses to D. andersoni (as defined by NewHybrids ). We found no evidence of hybrids backcrossing into D. variabilis. Furthermore, all hybrids presented 16S mtDNA signatures characteristic of D. andersoni, which indicates the directionality of the hybrid crosses: female D. andersoni × male D. variabilis. We also discovered 13 species‐specific AFLP fragments for D. andersoni. These loci were found to have a decreased occurrence in the putative hybrids and were absent altogether in D. variabilis samples. AFLP profiles were also used to determine the levels of genetic population structure and gene flow among nine populations of D. andersoni and three of D. variabilis. Genetic structure exists in both species (D. andersoni, ΦST = 0.110; D. variabilis, ΦST = 0.304) as well as significant estimates of isolation by distance (D. andersoni, ρ = 0.066, = 0.001; D. variabilis, ρ = 0.729, = 0.001).  相似文献   

The establishment of symbioses between eukaryotic hosts and bacterial symbionts in nature is a dynamic process. The formation of such relationships depends on the life history of both partners. Bacterial symbionts of amoebae may have unique evolutionary trajectories to the symbiont lifestyle, because bacteria are typically ingested as prey. To persist after ingestion, bacteria must first survive phagocytosis. In the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, certain strains of Burkholderia bacteria are able to resist amoebal digestion and maintain a persistent relationship that includes carriage throughout the amoeba's social cycle that culminates in spore formation. Some Burkholderia strains allow their host to carry other bacteria, as food. This carried food is released in new environments in a trait called farming. To better understand the diversity and prevalence of Burkholderia symbionts and the traits they impart to their amoebae hosts, we first screened 700 natural isolates of D. discoideum and found 25% infected with Burkholderia. We next used a multilocus phylogenetic analysis and identified two independent transitions by Burkholderia to the symbiotic lifestyle. Finally, we tested the ability of 38 strains of Burkholderia from D. discoideum, as well as strains isolated from other sources, for traits relevant to symbiosis in D. discoideum. Only D. discoideum native isolates belonging to the Burkholderia agricolaris, B. hayleyella, and B. bonniea species were able to form persistent symbiotic associations with D. discoideum. The BurkholderiaDictyostelium relationship provides a promising arena for further studies of the pathway to symbiosis in a unique system.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is postulated to have colonized North America in the past several 100 years in two waves. Flies from Europe colonized the east coast United States while flies from Africa inhabited the Caribbean, which if true, make the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands a secondary contact zone for African and European D. melanogaster. This scenario has been proposed based on phenotypes and limited genetic data. In our study, we have sequenced individual whole genomes of flies from populations in the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands and examined these populations in conjunction with population sequences from the west coast US, Africa, and Europe. We find that west coast US populations are closely related to the European population, likely reflecting a rapid westward expansion upon first settlements into North America. We also find genomic evidence of African and European admixture in south‐east US and Caribbean populations, with a clinal pattern of decreasing proportions of African ancestry with higher latitude. Our genomic analysis of D. melanogaster populations from the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands provides more evidence for the Caribbean Islands as the source of previously reported novel African alleles found in other east coast US populations. We also find the border between the south‐east US and the Caribbean island to be the admixture hot zone where distinctly African‐like Caribbean flies become genomically more similar to European‐like south‐east US flies. Our findings have important implications for previous studies examining the generation of east coast US clines via selection.  相似文献   

The American chestnut (Castanea dentata (Marshall) Borkh.), once a major component of eastern forests from Maine to Georgia, was functionally removed from the forest ecosystem by chestnut blight (an exotic fungal disease caused by Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) Barr), first identified at the beginning of the twentieth century. Hybrid‐backcross breeding programs that incorporate the blight resistance of Chinese chestnut (Castenea mollissima Blume) and Japanese chestnut (Castenea crenata Sieb. & Zuc.) into American chestnut stock show promise for achieving the blight resistance needed for species restoration. However, it is uncertain if limitations in tissue cold tolerance within current breeding programs might restrict the restoration of the species at the northern limits of American chestnut's historic range. Shoots of American chestnut and hybrid‐backcross chestnut (i.e., backcross chestnut) saplings growing in two plantings in Vermont were tested during November 2006, February 2007, and April 2007 to assess their cold tolerance relative to ambient low temperatures. Shoots of two potential native competitors, northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum L.), were also sampled for comparison. During the winter, American and backcross chestnuts were approximately 5°C less cold tolerant than red oak and sugar maple, with a tendency for American chestnut to be more cold tolerant than the backcross chestnut. Terminal shoots of American and backcross chestnut also showed significantly more freezing damage in the field than nearby red oak and sugar maple shoots, which showed no visible injury.  相似文献   

Populations from the same species may be differentiated across contrasting environments, potentially affecting reproductive isolation among them. When such populations meet in a novel common environment, this isolation may be modified by biotic or abiotic factors. Curiously, the latter have been overlooked. We filled this gap by performing experimental evolution of three replicates of two populations of Drosophila subobscura adapting to a common laboratorial environment, and simulated encounters at three time points during this process. Previous studies showed that these populations were highly differentiated for several life‐history traits and chromosomal inversions. First, we show initial differentiation for some mating traits, such as assortative mating and male mating rate, but not others (e.g., female mating latency). Mating frequency increased during experimental evolution in both sets of populations. The assortative mating found in one population remained constant throughout the adaptation process, while disassortative mating of the other population diminished across generations. Additionally, differences in male mating rate were sustained across generations. This study shows that mating behavior evolves rapidly in response to adaptation to a common abiotic environment, although with a complex pattern that does not correspond to the quick convergence seen for life‐history traits.  相似文献   

Selection for genetic adaptation might occur whenever an animal colony is maintained in the laboratory. The laboratory adaptation of behavior such as foraging, dispersal ability, and mating competitiveness often causes difficulties in the maintenance of biological control agents and other beneficial organisms used in procedures such as the sterile insect technique (SIT). Sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Summers) (Coleoptera: Brentidae), is an important pest in sub‐tropical and tropical regions. An eradication program targeting C. formicarius using SIT was initiated in Japan with weevils being mass‐reared for 95 generations to obtain sufficient sterile males. The mass‐reared strain of C. formicarius exhibits weaker female resistance to male mating attempts compared with the wild strain. This could affect the success of SIT programs because mating persistence of mass‐reared males might be expected to decrease in response to weak female resistance. We show that high success of sperm transfer to mass‐reared females was due to weak female resistance to male mating attempts. However, the mating behavior of mass‐reared males did not change. In C. formicarius, the trait of male persistence to mate was not correlated with the female resistance traits. Our results suggest that mass‐rearing conditions do not have negative effects on the mating ability of the sterile males of this species, and thus that the current mass‐rearing procedures are suitable for production of sterile males for the weevil eradication program.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a common heritable bacterial symbiont in insects. Its evolutionary success lies in the diverse phenotypic effects it has on its hosts coupled to its propensity to move between host species over evolutionary timescales. In a survey of natural host–symbiont associations in a range of Drosophila species, we found that 10 of 16 Wolbachia strains protected their hosts against viral infection. By moving Wolbachia strains between host species, we found that the symbiont genome had a much greater influence on the level of antiviral protection than the host genome. The reason for this was that the level of protection depended on the density of the symbiont in host tissues, and Wolbachia rather than the host‐controlled density. The finding that virus resistance and symbiont density are largely under the control of symbiont genes in this system has important implications both for the evolution of these traits and for public health programmes using Wolbachia to prevent mosquitoes from transmitting disease.  相似文献   

Predation risk has a profound influence on the behavior of marine mammals, affecting grouping patterns and habitat use. Dolphins frequently bear evidence of shark bites, which can provide an indirect measure of predation pressure. Using photo‐identification data, we investigated the prevalence of shark bites on three sympatric species of inshore dolphin, the Australian snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni), Australian humpback (Sousa sahulensis), and Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus), among four study sites in northwestern Australia. Bite prevalence varied markedly between species, with 72% of snubfin, 46% of humpback, and 18% of bottlenose dolphins exhibiting evidence of shark bites. Binomial logistic regression confirmed a high likelihood of bite presence on snubfin dolphins, and at one particular site for snubfin and bottlenose dolphins. The prevalence of tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) bites on snubfin dolphins was high, and bites attributed to other carcharhinid sharks were observed on all species. While acknowledging methodological differences with other studies, the prevalence of shark bites on snubfin dolphins is among the highest reported for any dolphins, suggesting predation risk represents an important but varying influence thereon. This study provides a baseline for future investigations into the affect of predation risk on the behavioral ecology of these sympatric species.  相似文献   

It has been 55 years since Hugo Freudenthal described Symbiodinium microadriaticum (Dinophyceae), the type species of this large and important dinoflagellate genus found commonly in mutualistic symbiosis with cnidarians, other invertebrates, and certain protists. However, no type specimen was designated by Freudenthal, thus S. microadriaticum was invalid, as was Symbiodinium and every species subsequently assigned to the genus. The original culture was lost, but since 1979, a different culture, CCMP2464/rt‐061, had been considered to represent S. microadriaticum. From this culture, a preserved specimen is herein designated the holotype of S. microadriaticum, validating the binomial and Symbiodinium. All binary designations previously considered to belong in Symbiodinium also are validated herein.  相似文献   

Adaptive‐trait correlations in plant ecology are often calculated among species, but in order to develop and characterize plant materials of target species for restoration, intraspecific comparisons are of greatest relevance. Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey (bottlebrush squirreltail) is an important component of sagebrush‐steppe communities in the northern Intermountain West, United States. We evaluated 32 accessions of E. elymoides subspecies C, a newly recognized unnamed taxon, in the field and greenhouse. Our objectives were to assess genetic diversity for putatively adaptive traits, to elucidate biological relationships among biomass, morphological, and phenological traits through correlation analysis, and to gather evidence suggesting whether these traits might be truly adaptive, that is, related to collection‐site variables. We observed a positive correlation (r = 0.73;p < 0.01) between greenhouse shoot and root biomass among accessions, suggesting that shoot and root biomass are not in an inherent trade‐off relationship across accessions. In addition, accessions with higher greenhouse shoot biomass possessed lower specific leaf area (r = ?0.43;p < 0.05) and lower specific root length (r = ?0.47,p < 0.05). Correlations between greenhouse and field‐measured productivity traits were not significant (p > 0.05), indicating seedling performance is not predictive of mature‐plant performance. Elevation was the collection‐site variable most closely correlated with plant‐measured traits, particularly phenological dates, whereas average annual precipitation was the least significant variable. Therefore, elevation may be used as an easily applied metric to match subspecies C plant material to restoration site in the northern Intermountain West.  相似文献   

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