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Synthesis of lipids was studied in isolated nuclei from rat thymus and liver cells. On incubation of the isolated nuclei with [2-14C]acetate and [1-14C]glycerol, the label was intensively incorporated into phospholipids and with a significantly lower intensity into fatty acids and cholesterol. Only trace amounts of radioactivity were detected in the lipids of chromatin prepared from isolated thymus nuclei after their incubation, and this suggested that lipids were mainly synthesized on the nuclear membrane. On the preincubation of thymus tissue homogenate with [2-14C]acetate and the subsequent isolation of the nuclei and chromatin, the radioactivity of chromatin lipids was comparable to the radioactivity of nuclear lipids. The findings suggested that in the isolated nuclei the newly synthesized lipids were not transported into chromatin from the nuclear membrane. The specific radioactivities of individual phospholipids and fatty acids were different in the isolated nuclei and in nuclei obtained from preincubated homogenate. Mechanisms of lipid synthesis in isolated nuclei and causes of the different radioactivities of lipids in the isolated nuclei and in the nuclei obtained from the preincubated homogenate are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Chloroplasts prepared by the non-aqueous technique will, after fragmentation by ultrasonic treatment, incorporate [2-(14)C]mevalonic acid into phytoene, the first C(40) compound formed in the biosynthetic sequence to coloured carotenoids. 2. With suspensions containing 3.5mg. of chlorophyll, the optimum amounts of cofactor required were ATP (10mumoles), magnesium chloride (20mumoles) and glutathione (20mumoles); neither NAD(+) nor NADP(+) was required. 3. Very small amounts of squalene are also formed and synthesis is stimulated by addition of NADH or NADPH. Phytoene synthesis was not affected by the presence of these cofactors and no lycopersene (the C(40) homologue of squalene) was detected. 4. The phytol side chain of chlorophyll is also labelled under these conditions. 5. Preparations of developing chloroplasts are more active than preparations of mature chloroplasts.  相似文献   

I. Betel  H. M. Klouwen 《BBA》1967,131(3):453-467
1. Nuclei were isolated from rat thymus in 0.25 M sucrose-3 mM CaCl2. Fractionation of thymus tissue showed that the nuclear fraction could be contaminated with 10% intact cells at the most.

2. The nuclear fraction contained about 50% of the cellular ATP. Under anaerobic conditions nuclear ATP is degraded. When, after an anaerobic incubation, the nuclei are incubated under aerobic conditions endogenous nuclear ATP is resynthesized. The amount of ATP found cannot be accounted for by mitochondria or intact cells. It could also be shown that the ATP synthesis is not due to such contamination.

3. Nuclear ATP synthesis and respiration were inhibited by amytal, rotenone, and carbon monoxide. The latter inhibition was reversed by light. 2,4-Dinitrophenol abolished ATP synthesis and accelerated respiration. Oligomycin inhibited respiration and phosphorylation. The inhibition of respiration by oligomycin could be released by dinitrophenol. ATP synthesis was also inhibited by lewisite. This inhibition could be reversed by BAL. No inhibition, however, was found with arsenite or arsenite + BAL.

4. A P:O ratio between 0.6 and 1.0 was obtained for nuclear phosphorylation. This must be considered as a minimal value.

5. It is concluded that thymus nuclei are capable of respiratory-chain-linked oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

[14C]-2 deoxy-D-glucose is incorporated into the glycolipids of both normal and transformed cells. The chromatographic pattems of [14C]-2 deoxy-D-glucose labeled lipids differ markedly in oncornavirus and herpes simplex virus-transformed cells as compared to normal and virus-infected but not transformed cells. Deoxyglucoselabeled lipids with intermediate chromatographic mobility were enriched in normal and virus-infected but not transformed cells. Studies with a murine sarcoma virus-infected cell line which is temperature-sensitive for transformation indicated that the altered chromatographic pattern of [14C]-2 deoxy-D-glucose labeled lipids was related to the expression of the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

The survival of genetically engineered and wild-type Pseudomonas putida PpY101, that contained a recombinant plasmid pSR134 conferring mercury resistance, were monitored in andosol and sand microcosms. The survival of genetically engineered and wild-type P. putida was not significantly different in andosol. The population change of the two strains was dissimilar in andosol and sand. The survival of genetically engineered and wild-type P. putida strains was affected by the water content of andosol, and increased with the increment of the water content. The impact of the addition of genetically engineered and wild-type P. putida strains on indigenous bacteria and fungi was examined. Inoculation of both strains had no apparent effect on the density of indigenous microorganisms.  相似文献   

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