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C. A. Woodward  B. M. Ferrier 《CMAJ》1982,127(6):477-480
A study was undertaken of the career paths and decisions, and the factors influencing the decisions, of the first six graduating classes of McMaster University''s medical school. Climate and geography, preference for urban or rural living and influence of spouse were the factors that most influenced the location of practice, although the graduates who moved to the United States considered economic factors important too. Nearly one third of the specialists were practising in the United States. Personal challenge and positive clinical experience in the field were the major influences on choice of medical field. Graduates entering a specialty were more likely than those entering primary care to consider encouragement of others, a positive example set by medical school faculty members, working hours and research experience in the field as important influences on their choice of medical field. Data are needed on the career decisions, and the factors affecting them, of the graduates of all Canadian medical schools if Canadian medical manpower planning is to be realistic.  相似文献   

The career status of 149 graduates of the University of Toronto faculty of medicine who entered in 1958 and graduated in 1962 was determined in 1973. The response rate to the mailed questionnaire was 96.6%. Of the graduates 4.7% were not practising medicine, 2.0% stated that medicine was not their primary gainful activity and 4.1% were untraceable or unknown. Of the 24 women in the class 17 (70.8%) were practising at least 76% of their time and 4 (16.7%) were practising 26 to 75% of their time. General practice or family medicine had been chosen by 39.0% of the class and a specialty by 55.7%; 5.4% were unknown or untraceable. The place of longest residence before entrance to university was a good predictor of ultimate location of practice but not of type of practice.  相似文献   

W Feldman  R Milner  N Punthakee 《CMAJ》1980,123(3):185-189
A nationwide survey of Canadian pediatricians was undertaken to answer questions about demographic and practice characteristics, perceptions of the quantity and quality of residency training in relation to the realities of practice, and the patterns of use and the value of continuing medical education. The findings included a lower average age of pediatricians from that determined 10 years earlier, a higher proportion of women practising pediatrics, and higher proportions of pediatricians entering practice in smaller communities, doing geographic full-time university work and doing mainly consulting work. Pediatrics is still perceived as an attractive discipline, but there is dissatisfaction with the quantity and quality of training in adolescent medicine, ophthalmology, dermatology, psychosocial pediatrics and orthopedics. The changing patterns of continuing medical education among the most recent certificants suggest a need for journals and professional societies to assess how they can better meet the needs of Canadian pediatricians in this area.  相似文献   

We measured detailed regional depositionpatterns of inhaled particles in healthy adult male(n = 11; 25 ± 4 yr of age) and female (n = 11; 25 ± 3 yr of age)subjects by means of a serial bolus aerosol delivery technique formonodisperse fine [particle diameter(Dp) = 1 µm] and coarse aerosols(Dp = 3 and 5 µm). The bolus aerosol (40 ml half-width) was delivered to a specificvolumetric depth (Vp) of the lung ranging from 100 to 500 ml with a50-ml increment, and local deposition fraction (LDF) was assessed for each of the 10 local volumetric regions. In all subjects, the deposition distribution pattern was very uneven with respect to Vp,showing characteristic unimodal curves with respect to particle sizeand flow rate. However, the unevenness was more pronounced in women.LDF tended to be greater in all regions of the lung in women than inmen for Dp = 1 µm. For Dp = 3 and 5 µm, LDF showed a marked enhancement in the shallow region of Vp  200 ml in women compared with men(P < 0.05). LDF in women wascomparable to or smaller than those of men in deep lung regions of Vp > 200 ml. Total lung deposition was comparable between men and womenfor fine particles but was consistently greater in women than men forcoarse particles regardless of flow rates used: the difference rangedfrom 9 to 31% and was greater with higher flow rates(P < 0.05). The results indicatethat 1) particledeposition characteristics differ between healthy men and women undercontrolled breathing conditions and2) deposition in women is greaterthan that in men.


Cohort studies of doctors'' career choices and career progression since the mid-1970s have shown important changes in the medical workforce, in specialist training, and in employment. Examples of these changes are the increasing proportion of women doctors and of doctors who wish to work part time, the emigration patterns of doctors, and the development of vocational training for general practice. Studies enable the effects of longer term changes to be assessed, and sometimes they inform current debate.  相似文献   

P Jennett  K L Hunter 《CMAJ》1988,139(7):625-628
This collaborative study examined the career choices and practice locations of the 940 (58%) of the Alberta medical students graduating between 1973 and 1985 who remained in Alberta. Of the 686 practising graduates slightly less than two-thirds were in family/general practice; the remainder were in a specialty. More women (76%) than men (60%) had chosen family/general medicine. The women graduates spent about 10 hours less a week on patient care than their male colleagues. Personal and professional factors were cited most often as determinants of practice location. Approximately 20% of the practising graduates chose to locate in small towns or rural areas. Accessibility to consultants and opportunities for continuing medical education were reported as vital prerequisites for more physicians to move to smaller Alberta centres. These findings provide a starting point for studies designed to determine how Alberta medical school graduates are contributing to patient care within the province.  相似文献   

N. P. Roos  D. G. Fish 《CMAJ》1975,112(1):65-7,70
This paper follows the careers of the 1128 students who entered Canadian medical schools in 1965, most of whom graduated in 1969. The type of career pursued (whether general or specialty practice or some combination thereof), the type of specialty undertaken, the place of internship and residency training and the 1973 practice location of the graduates are examined. The wide variation in careers followed by the 12 schools'' graduates provides the major focus of the paper.  相似文献   

As exercise can improve the regulation of glucose and carbohydrate metabolism, it is important to establish biological factors, such as sex, that may influence these outcomes. Glucose kinetics, therefore, were compared between women and men at rest, during exercise, and postexercise. It was hypothesized that glucose flux would be significantly lower in women than men during both the exercise and postexercise periods. Subjects included normal weight, healthy, eumenorrehic women and men, matched for habitual activity level and maximal oxygen uptake per kilogram lean body mass. Testing occurred following 3 days of diet control, with no exercise the day before. Subjects were tested in the overnight-fasted condition with women studied in the midluteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Resting (120 min), exercise (85% lactate threshold, 90 min), and postexercise (180 min) measurements of glucose flux and substrate metabolism were made. During exercise, women had a significantly lower rate of glucose appearance (Ra) (P<0.001) and disappearance (Rd) (P<0.002) compared with men. Maximal values were achieved at 90 min of exercise for both glucose Ra (mean+/-SE: 22.8+/-1.12 micromol.kg body wt-1.min-1 women and 33.6+/-1.79 micromol.kg body wt-1.min-1 men) and glucose Rd (23.2+/-1.26 and 34.1+/-1.71 micromol.kg body wt-1.min-1, respectively). Exercise epinephrine concentration was significantly lower in women compared with men (P<0.02), as was the increment in glucagon from rest to exercise (P<0.04). During the postexercise period, glucose Ra and Rd were also significantly lower in women vs. men (P<0.001), with differences diminishing over time. In conclusion, circulating blood glucose flux was significantly lower during 90 min of moderate exercise, and immediately postexercise, in women compared with men. Sex differences in the glucagon increase to exercise, and/or the epinephrine levels during exercise, may play a role in determining these sex differences in exercise glucose turnover.  相似文献   

Androphilia refers to sexual attraction and arousal to adult males, whereas gynephilia refers to sexual attraction and arousal to adult females. The kin selection hypothesis for male androphilia suggests that androphilic males have been selected to act as “helpers-in-the-nest,” caring for nieces and nephews and, by extension, increasing their indirect fitness. Previous research has demonstrated that Samoan male androphiles (known locally as fa'afafine) exhibit significantly higher altruistic tendencies toward nieces and nephews compared to Samoan women and gynephilic men. Elevated avuncular tendencies must translate into real-world avuncular behavior if they are to have any impact on the fitness of nieces and nephews and the uncles themselves. The present study examined whether Samoan fa'afafine exhibit higher altruistic behavior toward nieces and nephews compared to women and gynephilic men. We used money given to, and received from, oldest and youngest siblings' sons and daughters as a behavioral assay of kin altruism. Compared to women and gynephilic men, fa'afafine gave significantly more money to their youngest siblings' daughters. No group differences were observed for money received from nieces and/or nephews. There were no correlations between number of children parented and monetary exchanges with the niece and nephew categories examined, suggesting that childlessness cannot account for why fa'afafine give more money to their youngest siblings' daughters. These findings are consistent with the kin selection hypothesis for male androphilia.  相似文献   

In order to test the effect of calorie information on fast food choices, we conducted a questionnaire employing two types of stated preferences methods (the best-worst-scaling and intentional questions) and a follow-up randomized field experiment in a sample of 119 participants. This combined approach allowed us to test the internal validity of preferences for fast food meals across elicitation scenarios. The results showed that calorie information reduces the probability of selecting high calorie meals only in the questionnaire, while it did not have any significant impact on actual purchasing behavior in the field experiment. Thus, the findings show that there is a clear difference between the role of calorie information on immediate stated preference choices, and the relatively low level of responsiveness in real choices in a restaurant. We believe that the current results are quite suggestive, indicating the limits of predicting actual fast food behavior, and may open the way to using data sources that combine stated methods with field experiments.  相似文献   

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