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To examine the interactions between age and photoperiod on reproduction and spleen weights, we exposed adult male and female rice rats of various ages to photoperiods of 16:8-h light-dark photoperiods (16L:8D) or 12L:12D. After 10 wk, animals were killed and the following data were recorded: weights of testes, seminal vesicles, uterus, ovaries, body, and spleen and, in addition, vaginal patency. Young adult males displayed a greater degree of testicular and seminal vesicle regression in short photoperiods than did older males; the testes of most older males did not regress in response to short photoperiods. Spleen weight was unresponsive to short photoperiods in all males, but was affected by age. Females, however, exhibited reproductive organ regression and decreased vaginal patency in response to short photoperiods at all ages examined. Body weights were affected by photoperiod in young females, and, as in males, photoperiod had no effect on spleen weights. These data suggest that the reproductive response to photoperiod in adult male rice rats declines with age, whereas in adult females it does not.  相似文献   

Zdravko Dolenec 《Biologia》2006,61(5):635-637
Increasing evidence suggests that climate change affects bird breeding phenology and other life-history traits of wildlife. This study is based on the mean spring temperatures (February, March, April) and laying dates of first eggs of the marsh tit Parus palustris. We collected data from 1984 to 2004 for the Mokrice area in NW Croatia. Correlation between laying date and mean spring temperatures was significant. The relationship between mean laying date (y) and air temperature (x) can be expressed as y = 44.69 − 2.08x. Results indicate that spring temperatures are a good predictor of timing of laying eggs. Such long-term data could than be used in order to assess the effects on biological systems if human activities influence climate.  相似文献   

Habitat range and phenotypic variation in salt marsh plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ecologists have long speculated that species with wider environmental ranges would have broader ranges in phenotype; however, most tests of this hypothesis have involved small numbers of species and/or closely related taxa. We related phenotypic variation in twelve salt marsh plant species from six families to variation in four environmental variables using multiple regression. Within species, plant phenotype was predictably related to environmental variation. Salinity was the most common predictor of plant traits, followed by organic content, water content and elevation. Across species, regressions of single plant trait CVs on range (2 × SD) of single environmental variables were not significant and did not support the hypothesis that species occupying broad environmental ranges would have broad ranges in phenotypes. However, regression of a composite phenotypic PCA1 on a composite environmental PCA1 showed a marginally significant (P = 0.054). linear relationship for 10 species. Considering the different patterns of response across species, the lack of a relationship between variation in single phenotypic traits and single environmental variables is likely because the distantly-related taxa employed fundamentally different morphological and physiological strategies to respond to environmental stress gradients. The significant relationship between composite environmental and phenotypic variables reflects the complex nature of species phenotypic response to multivariate environmental gradients. Specifically, in this system, species increase variation in the number of leaves, but decrease variation in leaf size in response to an increase in range of salinity and decrease in range of water and organic content.  相似文献   

Nutrient hot spots in the soil have a limited life span, but the costs and benefits for root foraging are still underexposed. We assessed short-term costs that may arise when a nutrient-rich patch induces root proliferation, but then rapidly disappears. Rumex palustris plants were grown with a homogeneous or a heterogeneous nutrient application. After root proliferation in a nutrient-rich patch, nutrient supply was switched from homogeneous to heterogeneous, and vice versa, or the patch location was changed. R. palustris proliferated its roots in the rich patch. After switching, the relative growth rates of the roots were adjusted to the novel pattern of nutrient availability. However, the changes in local root biomass lagged behind the rapid shift in nutrient supply, because the root mass realized in specific sectors could not be rapidly relocated. Despite this, R. palustris did not exhibit costs of switching in terms of biomass or nitrogen uptake. Our data suggest that rapid shifts in uptake rate and redistribution of nitrogen within the plant may have lowered the costs of incorrect root placement.  相似文献   

Rice rats were studied for four years by grid trapping in a tidal marsh on the northern Gulf of Mexico. Preliminary trapping indicated that marshes are preferred over other coastal habitats. Population densities fluctuated from spring lows of about 2/ha to highs of about 25/ha in the autumn and early winter. Reproduction occurred throughout the year, the major season being late spring to late autumn. Recruitment of juveniles was at a maximum from May to September. Males were more abundant than females in population samples, and had a higher mean body weight. This was because weight classes of 40 g and below were slightly skewed in favour of females and weight classes above 40 g heavily favoured males. The survival rate was low, with less than 20% of animals marked remaining on the grids for more than three months. Maximum longevity was 24 months. Results are compared to those of previous studies done on an offshore island and in the Florida everglades.  相似文献   

The roles of photoperiod, melatonin, and the pineal gland in regulating the magnitude of compensatory gonadal hypertrophy (CGH) and other reproductive and non-reproductive organ growth during post-weaning development were examined in the marsh rice rat Oryzomys palustris. Juvenile rice rats of both sexes were left gonadally intact (control group) or unilaterally castrated (ULC) and housed on 12L:12D, 14L:10D, or 16L:8D. Within a photoperiod (14L:10D and 16L:8D, but not 12L:12D), growth of the remaining testis, but not the remaining ovary, as well as several additional organs in both sexes were significantly affected, suggesting that the compensatory hypertrophy of the testis is photoperiod-dependent. There was no effect of testis asymmetry on CGH as ULC of either testis in rice rats housed on 14L:10D resulted in a comparable increase of CGH. Melatonin implants in rice rats maintained on 16L:8D had little to no effect (CGH included) on most parameters examined. Both melatonin implants and pinealectomy (separate experiments) in rice rats transferred to 12L:12D prevented short photoperiod-induced effects on CGH, the growth of the reproductive organs and the Harderian glands. Evening melatonin injections had a significant inhibitory effect on the growth of the remaining testis (no CGH was observed) and all other parameters measured. Lastly, ULC did not alter the percentage of males which successfully mated compared to intact animals. Taken together, these data suggest that photoperiod, melatonin, and the pineal gland can affect and regulate reproductive (e.g., CGH in some cases) and non-reproductive growth during postnatal development in the marsh rice rat.  相似文献   

I L Shklair  S A Ralls 《Microbios》1988,55(222):25-31
The rice rat spontaneously develops periodontal disease, and this process can be accelerated if the animal is placed on a high sucrose diet. As the aetiological agent(s) is unknown, this study was undertaken to determine the micro-organisms associated with bone loss. Animals at weaning were placed on either a high sucrose diet or on regular rat chow and were sampled periodically for a variety of micro-organisms. Bacteroides spp., spirochetes, and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans were not isolated from any animals, but fusiform-like organisms and Capnocytophaga spp. were isolated occasionally. An unidentified organism which had characteristics of both A. actinomycetemcomitans and Haemophilus aphrophilus was isolated from all animals at every sampling. Whether this organism is the primary aetiological agent of periodontal disease in the rice rat remains to be determined. Over the 12 week experimental period the animals on the high sucrose diet had significantly more exposed root surface than animals on regular rat chow.  相似文献   

Using body size to predict perceptual range   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We examined the relationship between body size and perceptual range (the distance at which an animal can perceive landscape elements) for a group of forest-dwelling rodents. We used previously published data on orientation ability at various distances for three sciurid species (gray squirrel, fox squirrel and chipmunk) and one murid species (white-footed mouse) to build a predictive model. We found a significant positive relationship between perceptual range and body mass. Although this model was built using a 15.5 m high horizon, we used this relation to predict the perceptual range of root voles (3.9–4.3 m) orienting towards a 0.5 m high horizon which was consistent with other empirical work suggesting a value of something less than 5 m. This model illustrates a relationship between perceptual range and body size and can be used to develop starting points for future investigations of perceptual range for similar organisms.  相似文献   

Optomotor anemotaxis polarizes self-steered zigzagging in flying moths   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT. Experiments with oriental fruit moth males, Grapholita molesta (Buck), provide evidence that a pheromone plume in zero wind elicits an endogenous, self-steered programme of counterturning (zigzagging) flight, and that wind experienced in flight establishes the polarity of the counterturns; they become aligned so that displacement occurs toward the source, even after the wind is stopped. In zero wind, males located a pheromone source more frequently when they had experienced a wind after having already taken flight before the wind was stopped (46%) compared with those that took flight later and therefore only experienced wind while they were in contact with the ground (14%). Furthermore, males placed in a stationary pheromone plume in zero wind located the source, eventually, on 21% of occasions. The flight tracks of these males, as well as those having experienced a wind only while on the ground, often exhibited repetitive counterturns (zigzags) of c. 180–200. However, the counterturns meandered around the flight tunnel, the inter-reversal track angles having no consistent direction. Sometimes the males displaced down-tunnel in the stationary plume, sometimes up, eventually locating the source and performing a courtship display. The inter-reversal track angles of males counterturning in wind, on the other hand, displayed a consistent orientation of c. 60 to either side of the wind line, resulting in consistent upwind displacement toward the source. With no pheromone present, with or without wind, counterturns were not observed.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins (AFS) are toxic and carcinogenic fungal metabolites. Aflatoxin B1 is the most toxic and has been classified as a Group I carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Samples of imported rice were analyzed for their AFS content. Finley ground rice subsamples were extracted with water/methanol (100:150 v/v) followed by purification with Immunoaffinity columns (IAC). AFS purified from extracts were determined with RP-HPLC-FLD using post column electrochemical derivatization with a Kobra Cell. Concentrations of aflatoxin B1 and total AFS in test rice samples were ≤0.123 and ≤2.58 µg/kg, respectively. Tween 80 improved recoveries (86 and 106%) of aflatoxin B1 and aflatoxin G1 from brown rice. Recoveries of Aflatoxin B2 and aflatoxin G2 were substantially reduced (non-detected to 27%) by Tween 80 used in IAC cleanup of brown rice extracts. Visible dense growth of Aspergillus parasiticus (food isolate) occurred at 25 °C but higher aflatoxin B1amounts (23.9–39.3 µg/kg) accumulated when the mold grew at 37 °C in rice seeds stored for three weeks. It could be concluded that levels of aflatoxin B1 and total AFS in rice samples were within the permissible amounts of the EU and other international legislations.  相似文献   

Using multiple logistic regression analysis, we investigated the influence of nest site characteristics, laying date and nest size in marsh warblers Acrocephalus palustris on the risk of parasitism by common cuckoos Cuculus canorus . Marsh warblers breed in more diverse and dense herbaceous vegetation than other cuckoo hosts investigated in comparable studies. The "perch proximity" hypothesis was supported as parasitized nests were situated closer to trees than non-parasitized ones. Furthermore, demonstrated for the first time in a cuckoo host, tree height was an important predictor of parasitism, with higher trees increasing the parasitism odds ratio. The "nest exposure" hypothesis was also supported since parasitized nests had a shorter stand of vegetation in the close vicinity than non-parasitized nests. However, visibility of the nest from the nearest potential cuckoo perch (cuckoo view) was not selected by the model, probably because most nests were well concealed. Laying date, height of nest above ground and the distance from the nest to the nearest edge of the vegetation were not important predictors of parasitism. Though smaller nests tended to be parasitized more frequently than larger ones, nest size only approached significance, making its importance unclear.  相似文献   

During the winter, small birds face the threat of starvationduring the day and overnight. The threat of starvation can bereduced by maintaining higher energetic reserves, either asinternal fat stores or as external hoards. I present here empiricaldata concerning the management of energetic reserves in responseto unpredictability in foraging success. Predictions of a modelwere tested using marsh tits (Parus palustris) experiencingconditions of low and high temporal variation in food supply.Under the high-variation treatment, birds increased externalhoards but not internal fat reserves. In addition, birds decreasedtheir mean hoard-recovery interval compared to conditions inwhich food was predictable. Detailed examination of body weightthroughout the day indicates that marsh tits delayed the accumulationof overnight fat reserves until relatively late in the day.Overall, these results support the theory that fat reservesare costly to acquire and maintain and suggest that marsh titsactively manage both internal and external energetic reserveswithin and among days.  相似文献   

Limited filling of the potential range in European tree species   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
The relative roles of environment and history in controlling large‐scale species distributions are important not only theoretically, but also for forecasting range responses to climatic change. Here, we use atlas data to examine the extent to which 55 tree species fill their climatically determined potential ranges in Europe. Quantifying range filling (R/P) as realized/potential range size ratios using bioclimatic envelope modelling we find mean R/P = 38.3% (±30.3% SD). Many European tree species naturalize extensively outside their native ranges, providing support for interpreting the many low R/Ps as primarily reflecting dispersal limitation. R/P increases strongly with latitudinal range centroid and secondarily with hardiness and decreases weakly with longitudinal range centroid. Hence, European tree species ranges appear strongly controlled by geographical dispersal constraints on post‐glacial expansion as well as climate. Consequently, we expect European tree species to show only limited tracking of near‐future climate changes.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, EC 1. 1. 1. 1), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, EC 1. 1. 1. 27) and alanine aminotransferase (AlaAT, EC 2. 6. 1. 2) activity in wild rice ( Zizania palustris L.) root tissue increased after 4 days of exposure to hypoxic stress. The activities of ADH and AlaAT also increased in leaf tissue under these same conditions, whereas LDH activity did not. Isozyme banding patterns indicate that wild rice has at least two functional Adh genes, only one of which is hypoxically induced in root and leaf tissue. The isozyme profile of LDH also indicates the presence of two functional Ldh genes in wild rice. Two bands of AlaAT activity are visible on native electrophoretic gels of root and leaf tissue. Neither of these bands appears to increase in activity in hypoxic samples, even though spectrophotometric assays indicate an increase in AlaAT activity. Ethanol accumulation was the highest of all the metabolites measured. Alanine and malate also accumulated under hypoxic conditions but only to about one-fifth the level of ethanol. Succinate, aspartate and lactate showed no observable changes throughout the induction period. These results show that wild rice differs from domesticated rice ( Oryza sativa L.) in its metabolic responses to anaerobic stress. The possible role of these responses in conferring flood tolerance is discussed.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Purple nonsulfur bacteria (PNSB), Rhodopseudomonas palustris strains (TLS06, VNW02, VNW64 and VNS89), were investigated to increase rice growth and grain yield in acid sulfate...  相似文献   

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