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Shoot and Root Growth of Lettuce Seedlings Following Root Pruning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydroponically-grown lettuce seedlings with 13 to 18 primarylateral roots were root pruned in one of four ways; the rootapices were removed from the main root only (1) or from allthe root membranes (2), or half the total root system was removedwith the remaining apices left intact (3) or removed (4). Duringthe following 8 d the rate of lateral root production on prunedplants increased, decreased, and then increased again relativeto the unpruned control. Conversely, the rate of increase intotal root length decreased, then increased, and if all theroot apices were removed, declined again, prior to increasingon day 8. These changes in the rates of lateral root productionand growth resulted in similar, but less pronounced, patternsof change in the total root length and the total number of lateralroots with time. The changes in total lateral root productionwere related to differences in the rates of primary, secondaryand tertiary root emergence. The shoot d. wt of the most severely root pruned seedlings (treatment4) fell below that of the control 4 d after pruning and remainedlower than the control on day 14, whereas the root d. wt hadrecovered to the control level by day 6. The root: shoot d.wt ratio, which was reduced by root pruning, rose above thatof the control on days 6 and 8. Lactuca sativa L., lettuce, root pruning, root growth, lateral root, nutrient solution  相似文献   

RICHARDS  D.; ROWE  R. N. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(4):729-740
Peach seedlings were grown in aerated nutrient solution in small(15 cm3) or large (500 cm3) containers. Subsequently some plantswere removed from the small to the large containers or werestressed by root pruning. Half the plants received a foliarspray of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) every 4 days. Root restriction eventually impaired growth rates and ultimatelyplant size. The effect of root pruning was quickly overcomeby a redistribution of growth in favour of the roots. When restrictedplants were transferred into large containers there was an accompanyingrapid root growth and plants attained a comparable size to unrestrictedplants. BAP applied to the leaves to some extent overcame thereduced growth of restricted plants, however, its major effectwas on the distribution of dry matter. Restriction and BAP application,in general, reduced the levels of mineral nutrients in the leaves. It is argued that the limit set by the roots on top growth involvesan internal regulation by the root, in particular the productionand supply of growth substances. The evidence suggests thatthis is related to root morphology and must be taken into accountwhen studying top:root inter-relationships. The experiment highlights the importance of root restrictionas a technique for manipulating root growth and studying rootfunction and its interaction with the top. Some implicationsof controlled root growth in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Episodic Growth and Relative Shoot: Root Balance in Loblolly Pine Seedlings   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
DREW  A. P.; LEDIG  F. T. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(2):143-148
Leaf, root and stem systems of loblolly pine seedlings are characterizedby a seasonal periodicity in growth, during which they alternatein spurts of activity. Despite this periodicity, the allometriccoefficient describing the ratio of the relative growth ratesof leaf to root remains constant for at least the first twoyears of development. In part, constancy results from the inabilityof variation in the allocation of growth increment during briefperiods to change a pre-existing structure accumulated overthe life of the seedling. In addition, alternating periods ofleaf, root and stem growth may represent the action of feedbackmechanisms which operate to maintain an adaptive balance betweenorgan systems. Pinus taeda L., loblolly pine, allometric coefficient, homeostatic control of growth  相似文献   

The effect of varying independently nutrient solution temperature(5, 15, 25 C) and air temperature (10, 20, 30 C) on hydroponicallygrown Ceanothus greggii (Rhamnaceae) seedlings was studied.Increasing both air and solution temperatures caused higherroot and shoot biomass and larger root and leaf areas. Root/shootbiomass ratio increased with increasing solution temperatureand decreased with increasing air temperature. The surface areaof individual leaves decreased with higher air temperaturesbut did not change with solution temperatures. These resultsare opposite to what is predicted from Davidson's balanced rootand shoot activity model. We suggest that nutrient solutiontemperature directly affected root growth and that air temperaturedirectly affected shoot growth. Ceanothus greggii (Trel.) Jeps., root temperatures, soot temperature, plant growth, biomass allocation  相似文献   

KORDAN  H. A. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(2):173-177
Cruciferous seedlings germinated on glass-distilled water andon barbital manifested normal root and shoot geotropisms whereastwisted roots and shoots were evident in seedlings germinatedon amobarbital and secobarbital, the roots often being completelysuspended in the air. The marked difference in germination anddevelopment behaviour of cress and white mustard seedlings germinatedon barbital compared with that on amobarbital and secobarbitalindicate that the Meyer-Overton principle of drug potency andlipid solubility was operative in both species of germinatingseedlings. Lepidium sativum L., Sinapsis alba L., seed germination, geotropism, barbiturates  相似文献   

Shoot and Root Activities During Steady-state Plant Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple model for steady-state plant growth is described. Thegrowth constant, measured during steady-state exponential growth,is related to the specific activities of the shoot and the root,enabling the effects of certain environmental variables (light,carbon dioxide and nitrogen) on the growth constant to be examined.The model is used to interpret data on the growth kinetics ofwheat (Macdowall, 1972a, b, c).  相似文献   

Flooding induced several physiological and morphological changes in Fraxinus pennsylvanica seedlings, with stomatal closure among the earliest responses. Subsequent changes included: reduction in dry weight increment of roots, stems, and leaves; formation of hypertrophied lenticels and production of adventitious roots on submerged portions of the stem above the soil line; leaf necrosis; and leaf abscission. After 15 days of stomatal closure as a result of flooding, stomata began to reopen progressively until stomatal aperture was similar in flooded and unflooded plants. Adventitious roots began to form at about the time stomatal reopening began. As more adventitious roots formed, elongated, and branched, the stomata opened further. The formation of adventitious roots was an important adaptation for flooding tolerance as shown by the high efficiency of adventitious roots in absorption of water and in high correlation between the production of adventitious roots and stomatal reopening.  相似文献   

玉米幼苗地上部/根间氮的循环及其基因型差异   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以两个玉米(ZeamaysL.)自交系原引1号(YY1)和综31(Z31)为研究材料,采用盆栽土培的培养方法,在正常供氮(HN,0.15gN/kg干土)和低氮量供应(LN,0.038gN/kg干土)培养条件下对玉米幼苗植株体内氮的循环量及其在地上部/根间的分配量进行了定量地测定、计算。结果表明,在玉米幼苗地上部/根间氮的循环量很高。低氮量供应使玉米幼苗植株吸氮量下降,根中氮的分配比例增加,同时地上部/根间氮的循环量也随之减少。与氮低效自交系Z31相比,氮高效自交系YY1幼苗中地上部/根间的氮循环量大、氮向根的分配量高,因而有利于其根系的生长,表现为根/地上部之比和总根长较高。这可能有利于其中后期对氮素的高效吸收与利用。  相似文献   

CANNELL  M. G. R. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(6):1291-1303
During the first 100 days after sowing (March-June) the followingchanges took place at the terminal shoot apices of Picea sitchensisseedlings: plastochrones (T) decreased from over 24 h to 4 h;apical domes enlarged from less than 0·20 mm to 0·45mm diameter (D); the ‘projected’ area of tissuesproduced by the apical domes (i.e. viewed from above) increasedin amount from less than 0·012 to 0·024 mm2 day-1;about 15 per cent of this tissue was re-invested in the apicaldomes, the rest was used to produce primordia; and the volume-doublingtimes of the apical dome tissues decreased from over 150 h to50 h. After 100 days there was no further re-investment in theapical domes, but the domes did not decrease abruptly in size.Less tissue was produced per day, but the primordia were smallerso that the rate of primordia formation did not fall precipitously.Plastochrone ratios were inversely related to D, but the relationshipbetween T and D depended on whether T was decreasing or increasing.Progenies which were known to be fast growing tended to build-uptheir apical domes rapidly (i.e. have large ‘re-investmentratios’) and to be capable of producing small primordia.These attributes can evidently be evaluated on seedlings andcould help to lessen the cost of tree breeding progeny-testprogrammes. meristem, Picea sitchensis, Sitka spruce, growth, shoot apex  相似文献   

Two-node explants from Sweet Orange cv. St Ives Valencia orangeshoots produced prolific callus and formed secondary abscissionzones within internodes when cultured in vitro with abscisicacid (ABA, 5 µM) or -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA, 5 µM).Benzyladenine (BA, 1 µm) induced callus but had littleeffect on abscission. Secondary abscission zone formation wasassociated with ABA-induced and auxin-induced ethylene formation.Treatment of explants with inhibitors of ethylene synthesis[aminoethoxyvinyl glycine (AVG), Co2+, PO43–] preventedformation of secondary abscission zones but had variable effectson callus formation. Newly made explants contained high concentrationsof endogenous ABA (up to 6000 ng g–1 f.wt), as measuredby GC/MS/SIM. Long-term subculture of explants (two years) inmedia containing BA (1 µm) led to a reduction in endogenousABA level (40 ng g–1 f. wt) and to loss of capacity toform extensive callus and secondary abscission zones. Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. St Ives Valencia, sweet orange, secondary abscission zones, in vitro, ethylene, endogenous ABA, endogenous IAA  相似文献   

Root and Shoot Growth of Plants Treated with Abscisic Acid   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Young seedlings of Capsicum annum L., Commelina communis L.and maize (Zea mays L.) were subjected to a mild water-stressingtreatment and/or treated with abscisic acid (ABA). Plants rootedin soil received a soil-drying treatment and their leaves weresprayed with a 10–4 M solution of ABA. Plants grown insolution culture were stressed by the addition of polyethyleneglycol (PEG) to the rooting medium and ABA was also added tothe rooting medium, either with or without PEG. The effectsof both treatments on the growth of roots and shoots and theultimate root: shoot dry weight ratio were very similar. Shootgrowth was limited both by water stress and by ABA application;while there was some evidence that mild water stress and/orABA application may have resulted in a stimulation of root growth.More severe water stress reduced the growth of roots but theoverall effect of stress was to increase the ratio of rootsto shoots. Capsicum annum L., Commelina communis L., Zea mays L., water stress, abscisic acid  相似文献   

Interactions among the foraging behaviours of co-occurring animal species can impact population and community dynamics; the consequences of interactions between plant and animal foraging behaviours have received less attention. In North American forests, invasions by European earthworms have led to substantial changes in plant community composition. Changes in leaf litter have been identified as a critical indirect mechanism driving earthworm impacts on plants. However, there has been limited examination of the direct effects of earthworm burrowing on plant growth. Here we show a novel second pathway exists, whereby earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris L.) impact plant root foraging. In a mini-rhizotron experiment, roots occurred more frequently in burrows and soil cracks than in the soil matrix. The roots of Achillea millefolium L. preferentially occupied earthworm burrows, where nutrient availability was presumably higher than in cracks due to earthworm excreta. In contrast, the roots of Campanula rotundifolia L. were less likely to occur in burrows. This shift in root behaviour was associated with a 30% decline in the overall biomass of C. rotundifolia when earthworms were present. Our results indicate earthworm impacts on plant foraging can occur indirectly via physical and chemical changes to the soil and directly via root consumption or abrasion and thus may be one factor influencing plant growth and community change following earthworm invasion. More generally, this work demonstrates the potential for interactions to occur between the foraging behaviours of plants and soil animals and emphasizes the importance of integrating behavioural understanding in foraging studies involving plants.  相似文献   

大麦幼苗根系液泡膜质子泵对苗的发育和盐胁迫的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大麦种子露白后52h的根和芽鞘中V-PPase的水解和质子转运活性较高,并随着幼苗的生长进程而下降,V-ATPase活性逐渐增强,用NaCl处理20d龄的大麦幼苗后,耐盐品种根系的V-PPase活性升高,而不耐盐品种则下降,NaCl对离体膜徵囊V-PPase活性有抑制作用。  相似文献   

Several morphological, anatomical and physiological changesand their relationship with differential root vs. shoot growthinhibition at low temperature (5°C) were studied in springand winter wheat cultivars. Root:shoot ratios, expressed eitheras a function of root and shoot fresh weight or as a functionof root and leaf areas, increased at low temperature and thisincrement was more pronounced in spring cultivars than in winterones. Although winter cultivars developed relatively smallerroot systems at 5°C, this characteristic was counterbalancedby a lower stomatal frequency and increased thickness of epidermalcell walls in leaves unfolded at this temperature, relativeto spring cultivars. Likewise, at 5°C a decrease in theosmotic potential of shoots and roots was observed in parallelwith sugar accumulation; this decrease was more marked in wintercultivars. These results indicate a differential morpho-anatomicaland physiological plasticity of winter and spring cultivarsduring development at low temperature. The possible associationbetween these changes and plant water economy at low temperaturesis discussed. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Spring wheat, winter wheat, Triticum aestivum, low temperature, root:shoot ratio, root surface area, stomatal frequency, osmotic potential  相似文献   

High-frequency regeneration of shoots was achieved at root region of seedlings of Robinia pseudoacacia L. cultured from seeds on medium supplemented with thidiazuron (TDZ, 1.0 M). The roots of intact seedlings proliferated and formed a compact callus followed by differentiation of numerous shoots. Corresponding cultures on benzylaminopurine-containing medium exhibited much weaker response. Hypocotyl segments also formed shoots at a lower concentration of TDZ (0.1 M). The shoots formed on TDZ-containing medium were well-developed and readily rooted on hormone-free medium. The obtained plants after acclimation in culture room survived after transfer to soil.  相似文献   

A Model of Shoot: Root Partitioning with Optimal Growth   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
A shoot: root partitioning model is presented, which is a developmentof previous approaches in the area. The model incorporates asa physiologically reasonable apparent ‘goal’ forthe plant, the assumption that the partitioning of growth betweenthe shoot and root maximizes the plant specific growth ratein balanced exponential growth. The analysis is concerned principallywith plant growth being a function of carbon and nitrogen only,although it is indicated how other nutrients, or growth factors,may be incorporated. Plant growth is driven by the environmentalconditions, and partitioning is defined entirely in terms ofthe shoot: root ratio and carbon and nitrogen status of theplant. In its basic form the model requires the definition ofa single plant growth parameter, along with the shoot and rootspecific activities and structural composition. Shoot: root partitioning, specific growth rate, vegetative phase  相似文献   

Wang  Yanping  Li  Jinzhu  Yang  Li  Chan  Zhulong 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2023,42(3):1833-1845

Melatonin functions as the key growth regulator in various plant species. The mechanisms of the interactions between melatonin and cytokinins remain largely unknown. In this study, the kinetic effects of melatonin over a range of concentrations were investigated. The results showed that melatonin functioned as a positive regulator of root growth ranged from 0.1 to 100 nM. In contrast, exogenous cytokinin at 0.5–1 nM and overexpression of cytokinin biosynthesis gene ISOPENTENYLTRANSFERASE 8 (IPT8) inhibited primary root growth. Combined treatments with melatonin and cytokinin indicated that melatonin antagonized the inhibitory effect of cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BA) on primary root elongation. Further analysis revealed that melatonin promotes primary root growth by modulating expression and distribution of auxin efflux transporters PIN2/3 and influx transporter AUX1. Moreover, the cytokinin signaling components AHK4, AHP2/3/5, and type-A ARR15 were down-regulated after melatonin treatment. The polar auxin transport inhibitor 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) impaired the promotive effect of melatonin on primary root growth, indicating that auxin transport is essential in melatonin-mediated root growth. Taken together, our data provided evidence to show that melatonin regulates primary root growth in coordination with cytokinin partially through auxin-dependent pathway.


In experiments with rooted cuttings of aspen (Populus tremula L). with a small leaf area, it was found that the roots grew well as long as there was no shoot growth. The onset of shoot growth was followed by a period of decreased root growth. When the leaf area had increased sufficiently, root growth recovered. Decreasing the shoot growth by removal of growth points in the shoot or by short day treatment increased the fraction of photosynthesis products used for root growth, leading to increased root/shoot ratios. Competition between growing shoots and roots for carbohydrates formed in photosynthesis is considered to cause the effects noted and to be of importance for maintaining the balance between the root and shoot systems.  相似文献   

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