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Bed rest (BR) deconditioning causes excessive increase of exercise core body tempera-ture, while aerobic training improves exercise thermoregulation. The study was designed to determine whether 3 days of 6 degrees head-down bed rest (HDBR) affects body temperature and sweating dynamics during exercise and, if so, whether endurance training before HDBR modifies these responses. Twelve healthy men (20.7+/-0.9 yrs, VO2max: 46+/-4 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) ) underwent HDBR twice: before and after 6 weeks of endurance training. Before and after HDBR, the subjects performed 45 min sitting cycle exercise at the same workload equal to 60% of VO2max determined before training. During exercise the VO2, HR, tympanic (Ttymp) and skin (Tsk) temperatures were recorded; sweating dynamics was assayed from a ventilated capsule on chest. Training increased VO2max by 12.1% (p<0.001). Resting Ttymp increased only after first HDBR (by 0.22 +/- 0.08 degrees C, p<0.05), while exercise equilibrium levels of Ttymp were increased (p<0.05) by 0.21 +/- 0.07 and 0.26 +/- 0.08 degrees C after first and second HDBR, respectively. Exercise mean Tsk tended to be lower after both HDBR periods. Total sweat loss and time-course of sweating responses were similar in all exercise tests. The sweating threshold related to Ttymp was elevated (p<0.05) only after first HDBR. In conclusion: six-week training regimen prevents HDBR-induced elevation of core temperature (Ttymp) at rest but not during ex-ercise. The post-HDBR increases of Ttymp without changes in sweating rate and the tendency for lower Tsk suggest an early (<3d) influence of BR on skin blood flow.  相似文献   

In the previous studies, when Bed rest (BR) was prolonged over 2 weeks, muscle mass and strength began progressively to become reduced. There are many publications investigating the changes in skeletal muscles during inactivity. However it is still unclear whether the changing degrees of muscle mass and strength not only in antigravity muscles but also in non-antigravity muscles differ between males and females. So, the purpose of this study is to investigate gender difference in the effect of 20 days of BR (BR 20) on regional muscle mass and strength of the arm and leg.  相似文献   

Preservation of muscle function, known to decline in microgravity and simulation (bed rest), is important for successful spaceflight missions. Hence, there is great interest in developing interventions to prevent muscle-function loss. In this study, 20 males underwent 56 days of bed rest. Ten volunteers were randomized to do resistive vibration exercise (RVE). The other 10 served as controls. RVE consisted of muscle contractions against resistance and concurrent whole-body vibration. Main outcome parameters were maximal isometric plantar-flexion force (IPFF), electromyography (EMG)/force ratio, as well as jumping power and height. Measurements were obtained before and after bed rest, including a morning and evening assessment on the first day of recovery from bed rest. IPFF (-17.1%), jumping peak power (-24.1%), and height (-28.5%) declined (P < 0.05) in the control group. There was a trend to EMG/force ratio decrease (-20%; P = 0.051). RVE preserved IPFF and mitigated the decline of countermovement jump performance (peak power -12.2%; height -14.2%). In both groups, IPFF was reduced between the two measurements of the first day of reambulation. This study indicates that bed rest and countermeasure exercises differentially affect the various functions of skeletal muscle. Moreover, the time course during recovery needs to be considered more thoroughly in future studies, as IPFF declined not only with bed rest but also within the first day of reambulation. RVE was effective in maintaining IPFF but only mitigated the decline in jumping performance. More research is needed to develop countermeasures that maintain muscle strength as well as other muscle functions including power.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes of the psychological state during 20 days bed rest (BR) in 10 young participants,(5 males and 5 females, age; 19-24 yrs). Psychological assessment was accomplished by the following authorized 3 indices: 1) Zung's Self-rating Depression Scale, 2) Cornell Medical Index, and 3) Goldberg's General Health Questionnaire. Zung's Self-rating Depression Scale is a indicator for depression, and the other two indices were used for detecting signs of neurosis. The results from Zung's Self-rating Depression Scale and the General Health Questionnaire in this study indicated a tendency toward depression and neurosis developing during BR, respectively. The scores in the Cornell Medical Index did not change. Urinary excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroid increased significantly, indicating that BR immobilization induced an important psychological stress. We were unable to determine which factors caused the changes in psychological state during BR, immobilization insert or personal problems.  相似文献   

The effect of 33 h of wakefulness on the control of forearm cutaneous blood flow and forearm sweating during exercise was studied in three men and three women. Subjects exercised for 30 min at 60% peak O2 consumption while seated behind a cycle ergometer (Ta = 35 degrees C, Pw = 1.0 kPa). We measured esophageal temperature (Tes), mean skin temperature, and arm sweating continuously and forearm blood flow (FBF) as an index of skin blood flow, twice each minute by venous occlusion plethysmography. During steady-state exercise, Tes was unchanged by sleep loss. The sensitivity of FBF to Tes was depressed an average of 30% (P less than 0.05) after 33 h of wakefulness with a slight decrease (-0.15 degrees C, P less than 0.05) in the core temperature threshold for vasodilatory onset. Sleep loss did not alter the Tes at which the onset of sweating occurred; however, sensitivity of arm sweating to Tes tended to be lower but was not significant. Arm skin temperature was not different between control and sleep loss experiments. Reflex cutaneous vasodilation during exercise appeared to be reduced by both central and local factors after 33 h of wakefulness.  相似文献   

Two potential mechanisms, reduced skin blood flow (SBF) and sweating rate (SR), may be responsible for elevated intestinal temperature (T(in)) during exercise after bed rest and spaceflight. Seven men underwent 13 days of 6 degrees head-down bed rest. Pre- and post-bed rest, subjects completed supine submaximal cycle ergometry (20 min at 40% and 20 min at 65% of pre-bed rest supine peak exercise capacity) in a thermoneutral room. After bed rest, T(in) was elevated at rest (+0.31 +/- 0.12 degrees C) and at the end of exercise (+0.33 +/- 0.07 degrees C). Percent increase in SBF during exercise was less after bed rest (211 +/- 53 vs. 96 +/- 31%; P < or = 0.05), SBF/T(in) threshold was greater (37.09 +/- 0.16 vs. 37.33 +/- 0.13 degrees C; P < or = 0.05), and slope of SBF/T(in) tended to be reduced (536 +/- 184 vs. 201 +/- 46%/ degrees C; P = 0.08). SR/T(in) threshold was delayed (37.06 +/- 0.11 vs. 37.34 +/- 0.06 degrees C; P < or = 0.05), but the slope of SR/T(in) (3.45 +/- 1.22 vs. 2.58 +/- 0.71 mg x min-1 x cm-2 x degrees C-1) and total sweat loss (0.42 +/- 0.06 vs. 0.44 +/- 0.08 kg) were not changed. The higher resting and exercise T(in) and delayed onset of SBF and SR suggest a centrally mediated elevation in the thermoregulatory set point during bed rest exposure.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that head-down tilt bed rest (HDBR) reduces adrenergic and nonadrenergic cutaneous vasoconstrictor responsiveness. Additionally, an exercise countermeasure group was included to identify whether exercise during bed rest might counteract any vasoconstrictor deficits that arose during HDBR. Twenty-two subjects underwent 14 days of strict 6 degrees HDBR. Eight of these 22 subjects did not exercise during HDBR, while 14 of these subjects exercised on a supine cycle ergometer for 90 min a day at 75% of pre-bed rest heart rate maximum. To assess alpha-adrenergic vasoconstrictor responsiveness, intradermal microdialysis was used to locally administer norepinephrine (NE), while forearm skin blood flow (SkBF; laser-Doppler flowmetry) was monitored over microdialysis membranes. Nonlinear regression modeling was used to identify the effective drug concentration that caused 50% of the cutaneous vasoconstrictor response (EC(50)) and minimum values from the SkBF-NE dose-response curves. In addition, the effects of HDBR on nonadrenergic cutaneous vasoconstriction were assessed via the venoarteriolar response of the forearm and leg. HDBR did not alter EC(50) or the magnitude of cutaneous vasoconstriction to exogenous NE administration regardless of whether the subjects exercised during HDBR. Moreover, HDBR did not alter the forearm venoarteriolar response in either the control or exercise groups during HDBR. However, HDBR significantly reduced the magnitude of cutaneous vasoconstriction due to the venoarteriolar response in the leg, and this response was similarly reduced in the exercise group. These data suggest that HDBR does not alter cutaneous vasoconstrictor responses to exogenous NE administration, whereas cutaneous vasoconstriction of the leg due to the venoarteriolar response is reduced after HDBR. It remains unclear whether attenuated venoarteriolar responses in the lower limbs contribute to reduced orthostatic tolerance after bed rest and spaceflight.  相似文献   

Using ultrasound, muscle thickness and fascicle angles from aponeurosis were evaluated before, during and after 20 days bed rest (BR). Subjects were healthy adults (4 women and 4 men). Measurements were carried out before and after BR and after 10 weeks of recovery, respectively. Muscle measurements were taken at nine sites in trunk and upper and lower extremities, respectively. For the m. triceps brachii, m. vastus lateralis, and m. gastrocnemius medialis, fascicle angles from the aponeurosis as well as muscle thickness were measured. There was a high statistical significant correlation between muscle thickness and cross-sectional area for quadriceps muscles, suggesting applicability of muscle thickness for evaluation of muscle size. Muscle thickness decreased in muscles of the lower extremity by 2.1-4.4 % after bed rest. In triceps brachii and vastus lateralis muscles, there were no prominent changes in muscle thickness and fascicle angles. It was concluded that muscle morphology deteriorates with changes in muscle architecture by bed rest but the response is small and muscle-specific. It was also suggested that bed rest affects not only muscle mass but muscle tone as well.  相似文献   

Soleus musclefibers from the rat display a reduction in peak power andCa2+ sensitivity after hindlimbsuspension. To examine human responses to non-weight bearing, weobtained soleus biopsies from eight adult men before and immediatelyafter 17 days of bed rest (BR). Single chemically skinned fibers weremounted between a force transducer and a servo-controlled positionmotor and activated with maximal (isotonic properties) and/orsubmaximal (Ca2+ sensitivity)levels of free Ca2+. Gelelectrophoresis indicated that all pre- and post-BR fibers expressedtype I myosin heavy chain. Post-BR fibers obtained from one subjectdisplayed increases in peak power andCa2+ sensitivity. In contrast,post-BR fibers obtained from the seven remaining subjects showed anaverage 11% reduction in peak power (P < 0.05), with each individualdisplaying a 7-27% reduction in this variable. Post-BR fibersfrom these subjects were smaller in diameter and produced 21% lessforce at the shortening velocity associated with peak power. However,the shortening velocity at peak power output was elevated 13% in thepost-BR fibers, which partially compensated for their lower force.Post-BR fibers from these same seven subjects also displayed a reducedsensitivity to free Ca2+(P < 0.05). These results indicatethat the reduced functional capacity of human lower limb extensormuscles after BR may be in part caused by alterations in thecross-bridge mechanisms of contraction.


To evaluate the effects of 20 days bed rest (BR) on cardiovascular system in normal subjects, left ventricular (LV) echocardiography and vascular ultrasound of the common carotid artery and abdominal aorta were performed during rest and a supine lower body negative pressure (LBNP) test in 14 healthy volunteers (mean age: 22 years) before and after BR. After BR, heart rates (HR) at rest and during LBNP (-40 mmHg) increased. In contrast, LV dimensions, stroke volume, and blood pressures decreased both at rest and during LBNP. Also LBNP tolerance time decreased after BR. Although resting cardiac output (CO) and abdominal aortic flow decreased after bed rest, CO and abdominal aortic flow were unchanged during LBNP comparing before and after BR. Common carotid artery flows both at rest and during LBNP showed no change after BR. LBNP did not increase HR before BR, but increased HR prominently after BR. In conclusion, LBNP tolerance time and LV size during LBNP decreased after BR, suggesting orthostatic intolerance due to a decreased blood volume. However, CO and flow in the abdominal aorta and common carotid artery during LBNP were similar before and after BR due to a compensatory increase after BR.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated whether the previously reported alterations in core temperature circadian rhythm associated with bed rest might be attributable to increased heat loss from the skin. Infra-red thermograms were obtained at weekly intervals during 5 weeks of bed rest and after 4 weeks of active recovery. Tympanic temperature (Tty) was measured at hourly intervals from 0800 to 2300 hrs on similar occasions during bed rest. There were no significant changes in mean tympanic temperature or amplitude of Tty circadian rhythm during the 5 week bed rest period. Skin temperature decreased progressively during bed rest (P<0.005), with distal regions being the most affected.  相似文献   

To examine how long-lasting microgravity simulated by 6 degrees head-down bed rest (HDBR) induces changes in the baroreflex control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) at rest and changes in responses of MSNA to orthostasis, six healthy male volunteers (range 26-42 yr) participated in Valsalva maneuver and head-up tilt (HUT) tests before and after 120 days of HDBR. MSNA was measured directly using a microneurographic technique. After long-term HDBR, resting supine MSNA and heart rate were augmented. The baroreflex slopes for MSNA during Valsalva maneuver (in supine position) and during 60 degrees HUT test, determined by least-squares linear regression analysis, were significantly steeper after than before HDBR, whereas the baroreflex slopes for R-R interval were significantly flatter after HDBR. The increase in MSNA from supine to 60 degrees HUT was not different between before and after HDBR, but mean blood pressure decreased in 60 degrees HUT after HDBR. In conclusion, the baroreflex control of MSNA was augmented, whereas the same reflex control of R-R interval was attenuated after 120 days of HDBR.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the claim of earlier reports, that of bed rest-induced alterations in visual function. Indices of visual function were studied in 10 healthy male subjects, during 35 days of horizontal bed rest. Before and after the 35 day bed rest, both eyes of all subjects were examined for visual acuity, intraocular pressure, contrast sensitivity, stereopsis and visual field. Pre- and post-bed rest values were compared with Student's T-test. There were no significant differences in any of the measured indices of visual function.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of head-down bed rest (HDBR) for 14 days on thermoregulatory sweating and cutaneous vasodilation in humans. Fluid intake was ad libitum during HDBR. We induced whole body heating by increasing skin temperature for 1 h with a water-perfused blanket through which hot water (42 degrees C) was circulated. The experimental room was air-conditioned (27 degrees C, 30-40% relative humidity). We measured skin blood flow (chest and forearm), skin temperatures (chest, upper arm, forearm, thigh, and calf), and tympanic temperature. We also measured sweat rate by the ventilated capsule method in which the skin area for measurement was drained by dry air conditioned at 27 degrees C under similar skin temperatures in both trials. We calculated cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) from the ratio of skin blood flow to mean blood pressure. From tympanic temperature-sweat rate and -CVC relationships, we assessed the threshold temperature and sensitivity as the slope response of variables to a given change in tympanic temperature. HDBR increased the threshold temperature for sweating by 0.31 degrees C at the chest and 0.32 degrees C at the forearm, whereas it reduced sensitivity by 40% at the chest and 31% at the forearm. HDBR increased the threshold temperature for cutaneous vasodilation, whereas it decreased sensitivity. HDBR reduced plasma volume by 11%, whereas it did not change plasma osmolarity. The increase in the threshold temperature for sweating correlated with that for cutaneous vasodilation. In conclusion, HDBR attenuated thermoregulatory sweating and cutaneous vasodilation by increasing the threshold temperature and decreasing sensitivity. HDBR increased the threshold temperature for sweating and cutaneous vasodilation by similar magnitudes, whereas it decreased their sensitivity by different magnitudes.  相似文献   

Five healthy men carried out a program of head-down bed rest (BR) for 20 days. Before and after BR, a series of cross-sectional scans of the thigh were performed using magnetic resonance imaging, from which volumes of the quadriceps muscles were determined and physiological cross-sectional areas (PCSA) were calculated. Muscle thickness and pennation angles of the triceps brachii, vastus lateralis, and triceps surae muscles were also determined by ultrasonography. During BR, subjects performed unilateral isokinetic knee extension exercises every day. The contralateral limb served as a control. Decrease in PCSA after BR was greater in the control (-10.2 +/- 6.3%) than in the trained limb (-5.2 +/- 4.2%). Among the quadriceps, vastus intermedius in the control limb was predominantly atrophied by BR with respect to the volume and PCSA, and the rectus femoris showed the greatest training effect and retained its size in the trained limb. Decreases in muscle thicknesses in leg muscles were not prevented by the present exercise protocol, suggesting a need for specific exercise training for these muscles. Neither trained nor control muscles showed significant changes in pennation angles in any muscles after BR, suggesting that muscle architecture does not change remarkably by muscle atrophy by up to 10%.  相似文献   

To assess if propranolol influences orthostatic intolerance induced by prolonged bed rest (BR), a lower body negative pressure test (LBNP) and left ventricular (LV) echocardiography before and during -40mmHg of LBNP were performed with and without intravenous propranolol administration (0.04mg/kg) in 9 healthy volunteers (mean age: 21 years) before and after 20 days BR. LBNP tolerance time (LBNP-T), endpoint heart rate(HR), and percentage changes from 0 to -40mmHg LBNP in HR, LV diastolic dimension(LVDd), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), and systemic vascular resistance(SVR) were measured. After BR, percentage changes in CO during LBNP was not altered by propranolol (-12+/-21% vs. -24+/-24%; with and without propranolol; p>0.05) because the effect on percentage changes in HR (18+/-11% vs. 26+/-12%; p<0.05) cancelled out the effects of percentage changes in LVDd (-9+/-6% vs. -15+/-10%; p<0.05) and percentage changes in SV (-26+/-16% vs. -39+/-22%; p<0.05). In addition, propranolol decreased end-point HR (85+/-15bpm vs. 119+/-l4bpm; p<0.05) and percentage changes in SVR (25+/-32% vs. 53+/-57%; p<0.05). As a result, LBNP-T after BR was unchanged by propranolol (8.8+/-3.3min vs. 10.8+/-5.0min; p>0.05). In conclusion, propranolol failed to change orthostatic intolerance induced by BR.  相似文献   



We tested whether intermittent short-radius centrifugation was effective for mitigating alteration in balance and gait following bed rest.


Ten male subjects were exposed to 5 days of 6° head-down tilt bed rest with: (a) no countermeasure; (b) daily 1-g centrifugation for a continuous 30-min period; and (c) daily 1-g centrifugation for six periods of 5 min. During and after the bed rest, subjects were asked to scale the severity of neurovestibular symptoms that followed centrifugation or 80º head-up tilt. Following the bed rest, equilibrium scores were derived from anterior-posterior sway while standing on a foam pad with the eyes open or closed while making pitch head movements, and gait was evaluated by grading subjects’ performance during various locomotion tasks.


At the beginning of bed rest, one single 30-min period of centrifugation induced more severe neurovestibular symptoms than six periods of 5-min centrifugation. After bed rest, although equilibrium scores and gait performance were not significantly altered, subjects felt less neurovestibular dysfunction with orthostatic stress when centrifugation was used.


Centrifugation was effective at reducing the severity of neurovestibular symptoms after bed rest, but this decrease was not different between one or multiple daily sessions.  相似文献   

Prolonged periods of head-down bed rest (HDBR) are commonly used to mimic the effects of microgravity. HDBR has been shown to produce, as in space, a cephalad redistribution of circulating blood volume with an increase in central blood volume which induces the early adaptations in blood volume regulating hormones. Changes in atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), arginine vasopressin (AVP), renin activity and aldosterone have been observed. Many reports describe these endocrine adaptations but few investigations of rhythms are in the literature. We proposed to evaluate the circadian rhythms of the hormones and electrolytes involved in the hydro-electrolytic regulation during a HDBR study which was designed to simulate a 17-day spaceflight (Life and Microgravity Spacelab experiment, LMS, NASA).  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that physical inactivity impairs the exercise-induced modulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), six healthy normally physically active male subjects completed 7 days of bed rest. Before and immediately after the bed rest, the subjects completed an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and a one-legged knee extensor exercise bout [45 min at 60% maximal load (W(max))] with muscle biopsies obtained from vastus lateralis before, immediately after exercise, and at 3 h of recovery. Blood samples were taken from the femoral vein and artery before and after 40 min of exercise. Glucose intake elicited a larger (P ≤ 0.05) insulin response after bed rest than before, indicating glucose intolerance. There were no differences in lactate release/uptake across the exercising muscle before and after bed rest, but glucose uptake after 40 min of exercise was larger (P ≤ 0.05) before bed rest than after. Muscle glycogen content tended to be higher (0.05< P ≤ 0.10) after bed rest than before, but muscle glycogen breakdown in response to exercise was similar before and after bed rest. PDH-E1α protein content did not change in response to bed rest or in response to the exercise intervention. Exercise increased (P ≤ 0.05) the activity of PDH in the active form (PDHa) and induced (P ≤ 0.05) dephosphorylation of PDH-E1α on Ser2?3, Ser2?? and Ser3??, with no difference before and after bed rest. In conclusion, although 7 days of bed rest induced whole body glucose intolerance, exercise-induced PDH regulation in skeletal muscle was not changed. This suggests that exercise-induced PDH regulation in skeletal muscle is maintained in glucose-intolerant (e.g., insulin resistant) individuals.  相似文献   

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