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We have constructed a binary vector containing elements of the monopartite geminivirus, tobacco yellow dwarf virus (TYDV). The vector is designed to be stably integrated into the plant genome, via Agrobacterium-mediated transfer. Upon expression of the viral replication-associated protein the TYDV elements are released from the T-DNA and then replicate episomally. We refer to these released forms as multicopy plant episomes (MPE). Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv `Samsun') transformed with the vector showed MPE release and subsequent episomal replication in 6 of 11 of these plants. An MPE vector containing the uidA gene faithfully replicated and maintained the reporter gene, even though the construct was considerably larger than the wild-type TYDV genome. Histochemical staining revealed a speckled GUS expression phenotype which could be correlated with MPE replication. Received: 11 July 1997 / Revision received: 4 November 1997 / Accepted: 8 December 1997  相似文献   

To prepare various root active promoters for expressing transgenes and prevent gene silencing caused by the repeated use of the same promoter, the expression characteristics of various root active promoters were comparatively evaluated using GUS as a reporter gene. The high-affinity potassium transporter (HKT1;1), the Shaker family potassium ion channel (SKOR), the Shaker family inward rectifying potassium channel (AKT1), the major facilitator superfamily protein (MFS1), and the senescence associated gene 14 (SAG14) promoter from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) were used, and for comparison, four additional constitutive or green tissue specific promoters in the expression vectors were also employed. As the Gateway cloning technology provided by Invitrogen can offer high efficiency and cloning reliability, and easy manipulation of fusion constructs in vitro, our expression vectors are based on binary (destination) vectors compatible with this cloning technique. These destination vectors are also advantageous for stable expression of the transgene, as the heat shock protein terminator is utilized. The AtHKT1;1, SKOR, AKT1, MFS1 and SAG14 promoters were all active in roots but showed slightly different tissue specificities: AtHKT1;1, SKOR, and MFS1 were dominantly active in vascular bundle tissue, while AtHKT1;1 and MFS1— but not SKOR, AKT1, and SAG14—were active in root tips. SKOR showed the strongest root-specificity, and SAG14 showed the highest activity among the five root active promoters. The activity of MFS was developmentally regulated. These destination vectors are now available to express multiple transgenes in transgenic plants, especially in roots.  相似文献   

We isolated a gene, BnSKP1γ1, expressed in rapeseed (Brassica napus) microspores, which encodes a protein closely related to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Skp1p protein previously shown to play a role in cell cycle regulation. Twelve SKP1-related genes have already been identified in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Using a PCR-based strategy, we isolated three other genes. To date, most data available concerning the function of the SKP1-related genes in plants are indirect. Studies on transgenic A. thaliana plants showthat a 1100-bp BnSKP1γ1 promoter fragment can direct GUS expression in female gametophytes soon after the first haploid mitosis and in male gametophytes from the tetrade stage. No GUS expression can be detected in sporophytic tissues. RT-PCR experiments suggest that this gene is expressed in a similar way in rapeseed. This is the first reported case of a gene exhibiting such an expression pattern in angiosperms. Received: 5 October 1999 / Revision accepted: 28 March 2000  相似文献   

Gene expression is controlled and regulated by interactions between cis-regulatory DNA elements (CREs) and regulatory proteins. Enhancers are one of the most important classes of CREs in eukaryotes. Eukaryotic genes, especially those related to development or responses to environmental cues, are often regulated by multiple enhancers in different tissues and/or at different developmental stages. Remarkably, little is known about the molecular mechanisms by which enhancers regulate gene expression in plants. We identified a distal enhancer, CREβ, which regulates the expression of AtDGK7, which encodes a diacylglycerol kinase in Arabidopsis. We developed a transgenic line containing the luciferase reporter gene (LUC) driven by CREβ fused with a minimal cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The CREβ enhancer was shown to play a role in the response to osmotic pressure of the LUC reporter gene. A forward genetic screen pipeline based on the transgenic line was established to generate mutations associated with altered expression of the LUC reporter gene. We identified a suite of mutants with variable LUC expression levels as well as different segregation patterns of the mutations in populations. We demonstrate that this pipeline will allow us to identify trans-regulatory factors associated with CREβ function as well as those acting in the regulation of the endogenous AtDGK7 gene.  相似文献   

以拟南芥内源MIR319a前体为骨架,构建沉默DUF647家族基因At5t01510和At5g49820表达的人工microRNAs,研究其对目的基因表达的抑制效果。利用WMD平台设计分别靶向At5g01510和At5g49820的amiRNAs序列,通过重叠PCR改造拟南芥MIR319a骨架序列,使其包含我们设计的特异amiRNAs序列。构建35S::amiR-At5g0150和35S::amiR-At5g49820融合基因,以农杆菌介导的花苞浸染法转化获得转基因拟南芥。RT-PCR分析表明,人工microRNAs能够显著抑制靶基因的表达,获得了抑制效果明显的转基因植株。本工作为进一步研究这两个基因的功能奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

应用GUS基因研究弗氏中华根瘤菌的结瘤及效果   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
应用GUS(葡萄糖苷酶 )基因标记技术将标记基因GUS导入受体菌S .fredii8855,标记菌株形成的根瘤可被GUS染色缓冲液染成蓝色 ,而土著菌形成的根瘤不能着色 .由此即可十分简便地确定土著菌的影响程度 .盆栽试验表明 ,S .fredii 8855的结瘤抗酸碱能力高于土著菌 ,能在土壤中较大范围内迁移 .当它的根瘤占有率不小于 43%时 ,接种能显著提高大豆产量 ,大豆产量与根瘤占有率呈正相关 (r=0 .98) ,而与总瘤数关系不大 (r=0 .1 3) .土壤N素显著抑制其结瘤 ,补加P能缓解这种抑制作用 .  相似文献   

GUS continues to be the reporter of choice for many gene fusion applications, due to the unparalleled sensitivity of the encoded enzyme and the ease with which it can be quantified in cell-free extracts and visualized histochemically in cells and tissues. A compatible and functionally equivalent reporter gene would facilitate dual promoter studies and internal standardization of expression analyses in the same plant. A search for a candidate enzyme activity not found in plants, which might form the basis of a novel GUS-compatible reporter system, led us to investigate nanH, a Clostridium perfringens gene which encodes the so-called 'small' cytoplasmic sialidase. Expression of the native, AT-rich nanH gene in transgenic plants did not, however, result in detectable sialidase activity. For this reason, a codon-optimized derivative, NAN, was synthesized which possesses a GC content similar to that found in highly expressed plant genes. NAN enzyme activity was expressed at high levels in both stably and transiently transformed cells, possessed kinetic and stability properties similar to those of GUS, and showed optimal activity in GUS buffer. Moreover, NAN and GUS activity could be visualized simultaneously in polyacrylamide gels using the corresponding methylumbelliferone-based substrates, and in whole seedlings and tissue sections using the histochemical substrates 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl alpha-d-N-acetylneuraminic acid (X-NeuNAc) and 5-bromo-6-chloro-3-indolyl beta-d-glucuronide (X-GlucM), respectively.  相似文献   

Critical developmental and gene expression profiles were charted during the formation of shoots from root explants in Arabidopsis tissue culture. Shoot organogenesis is a two-step process involving pre-incubation on an auxin-rich callus induction medium (CIM) during which time root explants acquire competence to form shoots during subsequent incubation on a cytokinin-rich shoot induction medium (SIM). At a histological level, the organization of shoot apical meristems (SAMs) appears to occur during incubation on SIM about the time of shoot commitment, i.e. the transition from hormone-dependent to hormone-independent shoot development. Genes involved in SAM formation, such as SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) and CLAVATA1 (CLV1), were upregulated at about the time of shoot commitment, while WUSCHEL (WUS) was upregulated somewhat earlier. Genes required for STM expression, such as CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON 1 and 2 (CUC1 and 2) were upregulated prior to shoot commitment. Gene expression patterns were determined for two GFP enhancer trap lines with tissue-specific expression in the SAM, including one line reporting on CUC1 expression. CUC1 was generally expressed in callus tissue during early incubation on SIM, but later CUC1 was expressed more locally in presumptive sites of shoot formation. In contrast, the expression pattern of the enhancer trap lines during zygotic embryogenesis was more localized to the presumptive SAM even in early stages of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

F-box蛋白作为SCF(Skpl,Cullin and anF-boxprotein)复合体的成员,参与调节植物的生长发育过程。At5g22700为功能未知的F-box基因家族成员。本研究通过酵母双杂交分析At5g22700蛋白与ASK(Arabidop-sis-SKP1-1ike)家族蛋白的相互作用,发现At5g22700蛋白的F-box结构域与ASK4蛋白相互作用。实时定量PCR分析该基因在不同组织器官中的表达,发现该基因在根和花中的表达量最高,说明At5g2700可能在根和花的发育中具有重要作用。以At5g22700基因的T—DNA插入突变体和过量表达转基因株系为材料,分析不同光照条件下幼苗的表型,发现蓝光下At5g22700过量表达转基因幼苗的主根比野生型长。这些研究结果表明,At5g22700在植物体内可能形成SCF复合体,并在植物幼苗主根伸长生长中起促进作用。  相似文献   

Ri质粒介导GUS基因转化商陆的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
发根农杆菌Ar1334工程菌株与商陆叶片共培养,诱导效率不同程度地受到发根农杆菌生理状态、浓度、浸泡时间、共培养时间的影响:采用稀释5倍的处于对数生长期的Ar1334工程菌株,感染商陆无菌苗幼嫩叶圆片5min,在MS培养基上共培养2d,可达最大转化效率82.2%;诱导的根在附加20mg·L-1Kan的MS无激素MS培养基上,呈现旺盛的生长态势和典型的发状根结构特点,经PCR检测扩增出了560bp的rolC基因的目的片断,组织化学检测也证实了GUS基因在发状根中的表达.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the protein product of the gene locus At1g05000, a hypothetical protein from A. thaliana, was determined by the multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction method and was refined to an R factor of 20.4% (R(free) = 24.9%) at 3.3 A. The protein adopts the alpha/beta fold found in cysteine phosphatases, a superfamily of phosphatases that possess a catalytic cysteine and form a covalent thiol-phosphate intermediate during the catalytic cycle. In At1g05000, the analogous cysteine (Cys(150)) is located at the bottom of a positively-charged pocket formed by residues that include the conserved arginine (Arg(156)) of the signature active site motif, HCxxGxxRT. Of 74 model phosphatase substrates tested, purified recombinant At1g05000 showed highest activity toward polyphosphate (poly-P(12-13)) and deoxyribo- and ribonucleoside triphosphates, and less activity toward phosphoenolpyruvate, phosphotyrosine, phosphotyrosine-containing peptides, and phosphatidyl inositols. Divalent metal cations were not required for activity and had little effect on the reaction.  相似文献   

Several factors were investigated for their influence on the transfer of an intron-containing β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene into blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) leaf explants during the early stages of Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer, including days of cocultivation, strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, explant age and genotype. The number of GUS-expressing leaf zones and calli were counted immediately and 2 weeks after cocultivation, respectively, to evaluate the gene transfer process. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 (pEHA105/p35SGUS-int) was significantly more effective for transformation than strain LBA4404 (pAL4404/p35SGUSint). Four days of cocultivation with A. tumefaciens strain EHA105 yielded about 50-fold more GUS-expressing zones than 2 days of cocultivation. Significant differences among cultivars were observed for both GUS-expressing leaf zones and calli. For some cultivars, explant age influenced the number of GUS-expressing leaf zones and calli. In most cases, the number of GUS-expressing calli was highest in those cultivars where GUS expression in the leaves was high. Received: 25 May 1998 / Revision received: 29 July 1998 / Accepted: 14 August 1998  相似文献   

Growth and glucuronidase (GUS) activity were followed in the cotyledons and rosette leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh (ecotype Wassilewskija) plants transformed with the GUS gene under the control of the cytokinin-dependent promoter of the ARR5 gene. The presence of active cytokinins in plant tissues was assessed from GUS activity. Plants were grown for three weeks on the nitrate-or ammonium-containing nutrient medium. In plants grown on ammonium nutrition, cotyledon and leaf growth was substantially suppressed as compared with plants feeding with nitrates. In correspondence with this growth inhibition, GUS activity was markedly lower in plant leaves grown on the ammonium-containing medium. This indicated a reduction in these leaves of active cytokinin forms capable of activation of the promoter for the ARR5 gene. On both nitrogen sources, GUS activity increased during leaf growth and dropped sharply after growth ceasing. This indicated that leaf growth depended on the cytokinin content in them. High GUS activity was detected in petioles and leaf conductive system, indicating leaf providing with cytokinins along the conductive vessels. A sharp drop in the GUS activity after leaf growth stoppage coincided in time with GUS activation in the leaf positioned above this leaf. This indicated possible cytokinin redistribution in the plant; its content could be a limiting factor for leaf growth. A higher growth rate in plants on nitrate nitrogen nutrition and corresponding high GUS activity in them are discussed in terms of cytokinin signaling role in leaf growth regulation mediated by nitrate.  相似文献   

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