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First measurements of proton relaxation on chloroplast membranes are presented here. Experiments show that the water proton spin-lattice relaxation rate in chloroplast thylakoid membrane suspensions can be used to monitor membrane-bound manganese. The relaxation effect is reduced to 0.4 of its original value upon manganese extraction by washing with either alkaline Tris buffer or NH2OH/EDTA solution. Large increases in the proton relaxation rate are measured in the presence of reductants such as tetraphenylboron and NH2OH; oxidants such as potassium ferricyanide or 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol lead to an decrease in this rate. These results suggest that manganese exists as a mixture of oxidation states in dark-adapted chloroplasts. 相似文献
Nuclear magnetic relaxation measurements are reported as a function of field strength corresponding to the frequency range from 0.01 to 20 MHz for water protons in monoclinic lysozyme crystals at 278 and 298 K. Though the instrumentation used selects only a portion of the total magnetization to sample, the data clearly indicate a field dependence of the relaxation rate that signals the presence of slow motions characterized by time constants in the range of tenths of microseconds and slower. The data support, but do not uniquely prove, the hypothesis that this time scale is that appropriate to the isotropic averaging of locally anisotropic water molecule motion at the protein surface. 相似文献
Nuclear magnetic relaxation of aqueous solutions of proteins, plasma, erythrocytes, and blood] 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
T P Zefirova A N Glebov E N Gur'ev R S Mavliautdinov O Iu Tarasov 《Biulleten' eksperimental'no? biologii i meditsiny》1991,112(10):378-381
The effects of some components of the blood on times of spin-grade and spin-spin relaxation of water protons using the method of proton magnetic relaxation. Equations of correlation for the content of hemoglobin and proteins in saline was obtained. A model for the relaxation measurements of the whole blood was constructed. 相似文献
H.H. Robinson R.R. Sharp C.F. Yocum 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》1980,93(3):755-761
Field dispersion profiles of the proton spin-lattice relaxation rate, T1?1, in chloroplast suspensions show a local maximum near 20 MHz, probably due to bound Mn(II); EDTA extraction eliminates, and MnCl2 addition restores, the paramagnetic relaxivity. Since neither treatment affects water oxidation, the Mn(II) site monitored appears to lie outside the water-splitting enzyme. Intense illumination almost totally suppresses the paramagnetic relaxivity through an electron-transport-dependent mechanism. Previous reports that chloroplast nuclear magnetic relaxivity varies cyclically in flash experiments require reevaluation in terms of the probable role of Mn(II) that is nonfunctional in water oxidation. 相似文献
The origin of the nonexponentiality of proton spin echoes of skeletal muscle has been carefully examined. It is shown that the slowly decaying part of the proton spin echoes is not due to extracellular water. First, for muscle from mice with in vivo deuteration, the deuteron spin echoes were also nonexponential, but the slowly decaying part had a larger weighing factor. Second, for glycerinated muscle in which cell membranes were disrupted, the proton spin echoes were similar to those in intact muscle. Third, the nonexponentiality of the proton spin echoes in intact muscle increased when postmortem rigor set in. Finally, when the lifetimes of extracellular water and intracellular water were taken into account in the exchange, it was found that the two types of water would not give two resolvable exponentials with the observed decay constants. It is suggested that the unusually short T2's and the nonexponential character of the spin echoes of proton and deuteron in muscle water are mainly due to hydrogen exchange between water and functional groups in the protein filaments. These groups have large dipolar or quadrupolar splittings, and undergo hydrogen exchange with water at intermediate rates. The exchange processes and their effects on the spin echoes are pH-dependent. The dependence of transverse relaxation of pH was observed in glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers. 相似文献
The longitudinal proton magnetic relaxation times T1 were measured for ferri (met)-and carbonmonoxy-bovine haemoglobin and equine myoglobin in 0.1 M KH2PO4 aqueous solutions near pH 6 at 5°C and 35°C from 1.5- to 60-MHz Larmor frequencies. It is concluded that the correlation time τC for the dipole–dipole interaction of electron and nuclear spins is in fact the electron (ferric) spin relaxation time τS being close to 1.5 × 10?10 sec for both metHb and metMb at 5°C. At 35°C the paramagnetic relaxation rates are not determined solely by the relaxation of protons exchanging from the haem pocket with bulk solvent. Hence, τC at 35°C cannot be calculated from the dispersion data obtained at this temperature. The relevance of this for the determination of interspin distances r is discussed. 相似文献
L S Szczepaniak A Sargeson I I Creasei R J Geue M Tweedle R G Bryant 《Bioconjugate chemistry》1992,3(1):27-31
The nuclear magnetic spin-lattice relaxation rates of water protons are reported for solutions of manganese(II), copper(II), and chromium(III) cage complexes of the sarcophagine type. As simple aqueous solutions, the complexes are only modest magnetic relaxation agents, presumably because they lack protons on atoms in the first-coordination-sphere protons that are sufficiently labile to mix the large relaxation rate at the metal complex with that of the bulk solvent. The relaxation is approximately modeled using spectral density functions derived for translational diffusion of the interacting dipole moments with the modification that the electron spin relaxation rate is directly included as a contribution to the correlation time. In all cases studied, the electron spin relaxation rate is sufficiently large that it contributes directly to the water-proton spin relaxation process. The poor relaxation efficiency of the cage compound may, however, be improved dramatically by binding the complex to a protein. The efficiency is improved even further if the rotational motion of the protein is reduced drastically by an intermolecular cross-linking reaction. The relaxation efficiency of the cross-linked protein-cage complexes rivals that of the best first-coordination-sphere relaxation agents like [Gd(DTPA)(H2O)]2- and [Gd(DOTA)(H2O)]-. 相似文献
E.I. Fedin V.G. Tsitsishvili V.Ya. Grinberg T.I. Bakari V.B. Tolstoguzov 《Carbohydrate research》1975,39(2):193-199
The times of proton magnetic relaxation in dilute (<1%), aqueous solutions of dextrans, having a molecular weight range of 17 x 103?500 x 103, are highly sensitive to the temperature—time prehistory of the samples investigated. Reliable results have been obtained only after preliminary heating of the solutions at 100° for 30 min. On the basis of the model of “two states of water in a solution”, the dependence of the degree of hydration of a dextran on its molecular weight has been obtained. In the molecular weight range 17 x 103?110 x 103, only a fraction of the D-glucose residues are hydrated, the degree of hydration increasing with the molecular weight. The data obtained are considered to be a consequence of intersegmentary interaction in a dextran macromolecule. 相似文献
Greta Pifat 《Biophysical chemistry》1973,1(2):112-116
Proton magnetic longitudinal T1 relaxation times have been measured for acid (horse) ferrimyoglobin solutions [0.1 M NaCl and KH2PO4, 2 M NaCl and 1 M MgCl2] from 5°C to 35°C in dependence on myoglobin concentration up to 6 mM. The enhancement of the relaxation rate due to the paramagnetic haem iron. which is observed in this temperature range is compared with analogous data for the ferrihaemoglobin solution. The conclusion is that the protons exchanging from the haem pocket with bulk solvent are not those from the water molecule at the sixth ligand site of haem iron. The exchanging protons are more than 4 Å away from the haem iron being closer to it in ferrimyoglobin than in ferrihaemogiobin. This distance becomes larger in solutions with higher salt concentration, the largest difference between 0.1 M NaCl and 1 M MgCl2 being over one Angstrom unit. This indicates a conformational change of the haem pocket, possibly its tightening. 相似文献
Nuclear magnetic resonance study of spin relaxation and magnetic field gradients in maple leaves. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

D C McCain 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(3):1111-1116
1H Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques were used to measure the distributions of spin-spin relaxation times, T2, and of magnetic field gradients in both the chloroplast and nonchloroplast water compartments of maple leaves (Acer platanoides). Results showed that encounters between water molecules and membranes inside chloroplasts provide an inefficient relaxation mechanism; i.e., chloroplast membranes interact weakly with water molecules. Gradient measurements indirectly measured the sizes of chloroplasts by showing that water in the chloroplasts is confined to small compartments a few microns in diameter. A comparison between measured gradients and gradients calculated for a model leaf indicated that chloroplasts are somewhat more likely to occupy positions along cell walls adjacent to air spaces, but also they may be found in the interiors of cells. 相似文献
Proton spin-lattice relaxation rates (R1) have been measured in a variety of dark-adapted chloroplast suspensions over a range of field strengths between 1 and 15 kG (4–5 MHz). When the effects of EDTA or Tris washing on chloroplast relaxivities are compared, the pool of Mn associated with oxygen evolution is seen not to contribute significantly to relaxivity. Instead, nearly all of the observed relaxivity, which is characterized by a paramagnetic maximum near 20.7 MHz in the field dispersion profile of R1, appears to arise from contaminating non-functional Mn(II) that can be removed by EDTA during the isolation procedure. These observations, which contradict previous reports ascribing chloroplast relaxivity to the water-oxidizing system, require a reevaluation of proposed models, derived from NMR studies, of the state of Mn in the water-splitting reaction.Chloroplasts from which loosely bound non-functional Mn has been removed by EDTA washing do show an enhancement of relaxivity when exposed to NH2OH at concentrations known to inactivate water oxidation. This NH2OH-induced relaxivity is comprised of Mn(II) in two distinct paramagnetic sites. One site is chelatable by EDTA, whereas the other site is not. This finding suggests that some Mn(II) tightly bound to thylakoid membranes can contribute to relaxivity after inactivation of the oxygen-evolving reaction. 相似文献
Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation times and plasmalemma water exchange in ivy bark 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Measurement of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation times (transverse [T2] and longitudinal [T1]) for Hedera helix L. cv. Thorndale (ivy) bark water indicates the presence of at least two populations of water with different relaxation characteristics. One population of water with short T2 and T1 was found to be composed of both hydration water and extracellular free water. The second population of water with long T2 and T1 was identified as intracellular bulk water. 相似文献
Manganese-deoxyribonucleic acid binding modes. Nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion results. 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1

Ion-DNA interactions are discussed and the applied magnetic field strength dependence of water proton spin-lattice relaxation rates is used to study the Mn(II)-DNA interaction both qualitatively and quantitatively. Associations in which the manganese II (Mn(II)) ion is completely immobilized on the DNA are identified as well as a range of associations in which the ion is only partially reorientationally restricted. Quantitative analysis of the strength of the association in which manganese is immobilized is carried out both with and without a counter-ion condensation correction for electrostatic attraction of the mobile ions. From competition experiments with manganese the relative strengths of the interactions of magnesium and calcium with DNA are found to be identical but less than that of manganese with DNA and the affinity of lithium for DNA is found to be slightly higher than that of sodium. The data demonstrate that the reduced mobility of nonsite-bound ions may have a significant effect on DNA-ion binding analyses performed using magnetic resonance and relaxation methods. 相似文献