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Detailed quantitative calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy was carried out on a subsurface lower–upper Pliocene succession (Kafr El Sheikh Formation) in three offshore wells (Ras El Barr-1, Bougaz-1 and Bougaz East-1), north-east Nile Delta area, Egypt. The standard zonations are easily applied in these sediments and additional biohorizons have been adopted in this study. For early to late Pliocene interval, the following five bioevents are considered reliable: last occurrences (LOs) of Discoaster surculus, D. tamalis, Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus and Amaurolithus tricorniculatus and first occurrence of D. asymmetricus. The LO of R. pseudoumbilicus was used to detect the early/late Pliocene boundary in the three studied wells. In Bougaz-1-Well, the LO of D. intercalcaris was used to approximate the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. The calcareous nannofossils are moderate to good preserved. Lower–upper Pliocene sediments are dominated by small-sized reticulofenestrids (R. minuta), Pseudoemiliania lacunosa, Helicosphaera carteri and H. kamptneri. Large size (>7 μm) R. pseudoumbilicus is recorded. Discoaster species is rarely represented. No nannofossils were found in the top part of the Kafr El Sheikh and the overlying Wastani Formations.  相似文献   

Calcareous nannofossil quantitative and biostratigraphic analyses integrated with carbon and oxygen stable isotopes were carried out on the core ANDRA (Agence Nationale pour la gestion des Déchets Radio-Actifs—FRANCE) HTM 102 across the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary drilled at Cirfontaines-en-Ornois, Départment de Haute-Marne, eastern France. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages at the Callovian–Oxfordian transition are dominated by the genus Watznaueria. An increase in abundance of Biscutum spp. and A-group, which consists of Axopodorhabdus spp. (A. atavus, A. rahla, and A. cylindratus), Podorhabdus grassei, Octopodorhabdus decussatus, Hexapodorhabdus cuvillieri (family Axopodorhabdaceae), and Triscutum spp., correlates with a significant positive excursion in δ18O suggesting that these groups were probably adapted to cooler surface waters. A positive increase in δ13C values is coupled with high abundances of eutrophic taxa such as Zeughrabdotus erectus, Biscutum spp., and small-sized Watznaueria britannica, and a decrease in abundance of the big and oligotrophic taxa Schizosphaerella punctulata and Watznaueria manivitae. Climate cooling across the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary probably triggered a breakdown in stratification of surface waters leading to more intense nutrient recycling and higher primary productivity that favoured the shift in abundance of small-sized eutrophic taxa in the East Paris Basin.  相似文献   

This study is a preliminary quantitative analysis of Paleocene calcareous nannofossil assemblages of the Tenida area (Egypt) in order to establish a detailed biostratigraphic framework as well as to reconstruct the paleoclimatic trends. A total of 48 samples with an average sample spacing of 1.5 m allowed the identification of 63 calcareous nannofossil species belonging to 19 different genera. The preservation of the studied samples varies from poor to moderate and is characterized by the frequent presence of small frangible placoliths, and nannoliths. This study recognizes three calcareous nannofossil biozones in the Danian-Thanetian time interval; Chiasmolithus danicus (NP3) Zone, Ellipsolithus macellus (NP4) Zone, and Heliolithus kleinpellii (NP6) Zone. Moreover, the multivariate statistical analysis of the calcareous nannofossil communities reveals a relationship between the distribution of these nannofossil assemblages and variations in paleoclimatic trends. Accordingly, the relative abundances of Coccolithus pelagicus in addition to nine calcareous nannofossil genera along with the diversity and preservation indices of calcareous nannofossil elements have been used to elucidate changes in paleoclimatic trends. Based on the cyclic change from cold to warm climates, it was possible to subdivide the Paleocene Period recorded in the Tenida section into four paleoclimatic intervals. The oldest is a global cooling trend spanning 2.01 Myr long, starting in the early Paleocene (Danian) during the deposition of the lower part of the Kharga Shale Member. This cooling trend is followed by a ~ 0.56 Myr warming trend during deposition of the middle part of the Kharga Shale Member that was followed by a return to a cooling mode, with an estimated duration of roughly 1.67 Myr. The last interval includes a 0.39 Myr long period at the Selandian/Thanetian boundary interval, which is dominated by a global warming trend during deposition of the upper part of the Upper Kharga Shale Member.  相似文献   

The Thomel Level of the Lambruisse section in the Vocontian Basin (southeast France), which is marked by intercalations of black shales and organic-rich marls, accumulated during the oceanic anoxic event 2 (OAE2) occurring in the Cenomanian-Turonian (C-T) boundary interval. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic investigation of this interval revealed a total of five nannofossil zones, corresponding to the UC3-UC8 zones (Middle Cenomanian-Middle Turonian) as defined by Burnett. Biostratigraphically important taxa observed in the section include Cretarhabdus striatus, Axopodorhabdus albianus, Lithraphidites acutus, Corollithion kennedyi, Helenea chiastia, Quadrum gartneri, Q. intermedium, Eiffellithus eximius, Eprolithus octopetalus and E. eptapetalus. The two nannofossil events commonly used in the delineation of the C-T boundary, namely the LO of H. chiastia and the FO of Q. gartneri, occur less than 2 m apart in the studied section. These two bioevents define the limits of the UC6 nannofossil Zone and occur within the Whiteinella archaeocretacea foraminifer Zone. Previous litho- and chemostratigraphic analyses indicate that the δ13C profile of the section corresponds well with changes in lithofacies and fluctuations in the total organic carbon (TOC) and calcium carbonate content of the section. Initial increase in the δ13C values occurs within the UC3-UC4a undifferentiated zone, coinciding with the onset of the deposition of the organic-rich sediments of the Thomel Level and a drastic decline in the CaCO3 values. The plateau of high δ13C values, on the other hand, occurs within the UC5 zone, between the LO of C. kennedyi and the LO of H. chiastia (and FO of Q. gartneri). This interval of high δ13C values also corresponds to the interval of high TOC and low CaCO3 values. The integrated nannofossil, planktonic foraminifer and δ13C data provide a precise biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic framework of the C-T boundary in the Lambruisse section that can be used in future studies in the Vocontian Basin and allow correlations with other well-studied C-T boundary sections.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2009,73(3-4):111-128
A detailed study of the calcareous nannofossil assemblages of latest Danian to early Selandian age from Wadi Qena (the Qreiya-1, Qreiya-2, and Araas sections) in the central Eastern Desert and the Gebel Duwi section at the Red Sea Coast has been carried out to understand the local phytoplankton paleocommunities. For the first time in Egypt four calcareous nannofossil zones (NTp6, NTp7, NTp8, NTp9) and five subzones (NTp7A, NTp7B, NTp8A, NTp8B and NTp8C) were distinguished subdividing the standard NP4 and NP5 zones. The calcareous nannofossil zones were correlated with nannofossil zonations from the Tethyan region (e.g. Tunisia and the Zumaia section, the GSSP for the Danian/Selandian boundary). The calcareous nannofossil assemblages are moderately to well preserved. The event beds are characterized by a dark-brown shaley-marl bed rich in organic carbon and coprolites. Three main assemblages are distinguished: a pre-event assemblage, a transitional assemblage and a post-event assemblage. The paleoenvironments vary from cool eutrophic water below and above the event to warm oligotrophic conditions during the event. The result of this study concludes that the “Latest Danian Event” (LDE) may represent an early Paleocene hyperthermal.  相似文献   

During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 at Demerara Rise (western tropical Atlantic) expanded sections of organic-rich laminated shales of late Cretaceous age, including the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval (CTBI) were recovered. These sediments yield rich assemblages of calcareous nannofossils, offering a unique possibility to calibrate the stable carbon isotope curve (δ13Corg). The calcareous nannofossils of Sites 1258, 1259, 1260 and 1261 have been investigated in order to gain a detailed biostratigraphic framework for the CTBI in the tropical latitudes. The bioevents observed have been correlated with the characteristic δ13Corg excursion of the CTBI. The events occurring during the excursion, and slightly below and above it, include the first occurrences of the calcareous nannofossil species Cylindralithus biarcus, Quadrum gartneri, Quadrum intermedium, Eprolithus octopetalus, Eprolithus eptapetalus, Eiffellithus eximius and the last occurrences of Corollithion kennedyi and Axopodorhabdus albianus. These bioevents have been correlated with those of other biostratigraphically and chemostratigraphically studied CTBI sections.  相似文献   

The latest Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian) is characterized by several global cooling and intermittent warming events. These climatic changes influenced the palaeoceanography substantially, including changes of the deep water sources and surface water currents. One of the most prominent episodes of climatic cooling occurred during the Campanian–Maastrichtian transition. This study focuses on the palaeoclimate and palaeoceanography of the Campanian–Maastrichtian transition by analysing the calcareous nannofossils of DSDP Hole 390A (139.92–126.15 mbsf; Blake Nose). For the examination of calcareous nannofossils sixty samples were processed using the settling technique. Biostratigraphical index taxa (Broinsonia parca constricta, Uniplanarius trifidus, and Tranolithus orionatus) suggest a late Campanian age for the major part of the studied section. The calcareous nannofossils are well preserved, highly abundant (6.80 billion specimens/gram sediment) and diverse (80 species/sample). The assemblages are dominated by Prediscosphaera spp. (20.5%), Watznaueria spp. (20.3%) and Retecapsa spp. (9.8%). Cool water taxa (Ahmuellerella octoradiata, Gartnerago segmentatum, and Kamptnerius magnificus), however, appear less frequently and do not exceed more than 1%. Due to their rarity these cool water taxa do not support the existence of an intense cooling phase during the Campanian–Maastrichtian transition at DSDP Hole 390A. Around 133 mbsf several nannofossil taxa, however, show a distinctive turnover. Mesotrophic species like Discorhabdus ignotus, Zeugrhabdotus bicrescenticus and Zygodiscus exmouthiensis are abundant below 133 mbsf, whereas oligotrophic taxa like Watznaueria spp., Eiffellithus spp. and Staurolithites flavus become common above this level. These changes imply a decrease in the input of nutrients, perhaps caused by a reorganization of ocean currents (Palaeo Gulf Stream) and reduced upwelling.  相似文献   

In the present study, we document paleoenvironmental change across the Danian–Selandian transition (planktic foraminiferal interval P2–P3b; calcareous nannofossil Zone NP4, Subzones NTp6–NTp8A; 61–59 Ma) in NW Tunisia. Diversifications of Paleogene planktic foraminifera with the evolution of the muricate and photosymbiotic lineages Morozovella, Acarinina and Igorina and of the biostratigraphically important nannofossils genus Fasciculithus are recorded within this interval. The present study aims to understand early Paleogene environmental changes in the southern Tethys, by analyzing the evolution of surface-water and–to a lesser extent–seafloor conditions. Three localities were investigated: Ain Settara, Elles and El Kef, all representing outer neritic deposition in the same basin, the Tunisian Trough. Paleoenvironmental changes are explored by combining planktic foraminiferal, organic dinocyst and calcareous nannofossils assemblages and several proxy parameters (planktic/benthic ratio, numbers of planktic foraminifera per gram, peridinioid/gonyaulacoid ratio; terrestrial/marine palynomorph ratio). In addition, also some geochemical parameters (calcite content and stable isotopes) are examined. Our records indicate that the environment evolved from an initially oligotrophic, open marine, deep outer neritic setting in P2–P3a towards a shallower and nutrient-rich setting from the base of Subzone P3b. This change is seen in the foraminiferal assemblages, with the substitution of Praemurica by Morozovella among the planktic foraminifera and an upward decrease in deeper benthic taxa. Also the organic-dinocyst assemblages show a peak of peridinioid cysts (Cerodinium and Lejeunecysta). Associated to these dinocyst assemblages, the lowest occurrence of Apectodinium is recorded, which seem to have evolved in this region, possibly in response to enhanced nutrient levels on the shelf. Additionally, a distinct change in calcareous nannofossil assemblages is also described, marked by the lowest appearance of Chiasmolithus edentulus, the lowest consistent occurrence of Fasciculithus and a slight increase in near-shore taxa (essentially Pontosphaera).This project provides an accurate understanding of paleoenvironmental change across the Danian–Selandian transition in Tunisia. Especially, integrating different proxies demonstrates a paleobathymetric shallowing from the Danian to the Selandian, associated to increase surface paleoproductivity. Furthermore, the results are compared with those from other localities along the Southern Tethyan margin (Egypt and Jordan) and a more regional paleoclimatic/paleoceanographic perturbation in the Southern Tethys is suggested.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the thermoluminescence (TL) properties of milky quartz samples collected from the Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. The crystallinity and the elemental concentrations of the milky quartz samples were examined using X‐ray diffraction and an atomic absorption spectrometer. Samples were irradiated using a gamma source at different doses from 250 mGy up to 2 kGy. For annealing, the samples were heated at 400°C for 1 h, followed by slow cooling. Kinetic analyses for the TL glow curves were performed using new designed TL deconvolution software. The glow curves were composed of six overlapped trapping sites at 428, 468, 498, 545, 586, and 639 K. The samples also displayed a linear dose–response from 0.25 Gy up to 20 Gy and a supralinear response from 20 Gy up to 200 Gy. The samples exhibited very low sensitivity for gamma radiation compared with LiF and the minimum detectable dose was 545 μGy. From its linear nature, it was observed that the sensitivity had changed. This study recommends starting measurements of these milky quartz samples after 4 days to give established measurements.  相似文献   

A biostratigraphic study based on calcareous nannofossils was performed on the Ravin du Bès section (Bas Auran area, SE France). Semi-quantitative estimates of total nannofossil and single species abundances showed that calcareous nannofloras are rare to common and their preservation is poor to moderate. The following biohorizons were identified and calibrated to ammonite biozonation: the first occurrence (FO) of Watznaueria aff. W. communis, the FO of Pseudoconus enigma; the FO of “Rucinolithus”; the last occurrence (LO) of Carinolithus magharensis; the FO of Stephanolithion speciosum octum and the FO of Watznaueria barnesiae. These results confirm that calcareous nannofossils are good biostratigraphic markers for the Bajocian/Bathonian boundary interval. Moreover, the occurrence of P. enigma allows a direct calibration between Tethyan and Boreal nannofossil events and biozones. Morphometric analyses were performed on the W. communis-W. barnesiae group in order to quantify changes between the two taxa. The intermediate form W. aff. W. communis has been identified; it comprises coccoliths very similar to W. communis, but with central area length ≤ 0.9 μm. This study allowed the detailed reconstruction of the evolutionary trends from W. communis to W. barnesiae: the intermediate taxon W. aff. W. communis appears abruptly in the latest Bajocian and persists after the FO of W. barnesiae in the earliest Bathonian. Our results support the model of punctuated equilibrium rather than a phyletic gradualism. The finding of “Rucinolithus” morphotypes, very similar to the Cretaceous taxa R. terebrodentarius and R. terebrodentarius youngii, is intriguing. They might represent nannoliths strongly affected by a recurrent “Lazarus effect” or be diagenetic artifacts or of bacterial bioprecipitation.  相似文献   

Paleontological and biostratigraphical studies on carbonate platform succession from southwest Iran documented a great diversity of shallow-water benthic foraminifera during the Oligocene–Miocene. Larger foraminifera are the main means for the stratigraphic zonation of carbonate sediments. The distributions of larger benthic foraminifera in two outcrop sections (Abolhayat and Lali) in the Zagros Basin, Iran, are used to determine the age of the Asmari Formation. Four assemblage zones have been recognized by distribution of the larger benthic foraminifera in the study areas. Assemblage 3 (Aquitanian age) and 4 (Burdigalian age) have not been recognized in the Abolhayat section (Fars area), due to sea-level fall. The end Chattian sea-level fall restricted marine deposition in the Abolhayat section and Asmari Formation replaced laterally by the Gachsaran Formation. This suggests that the Miocene part of the formation as recognized in the Lali section (Khuzestan area) of the Zagros foreland basin is not present in the Abolhayat outcrop. The distribution of the Oligocene larger benthic foraminifera indicates that shallow marine carbonate sediments of the Asmari Formation at the study areas have been deposited in the photic zone of tropical to subtropical oceans. Based on analysis of larger benthic foraminiferal assemblages and microfacies features, three major depositional environments are identified. These include inner shelf, middle shelf and outer shelf. The inner shelf facies is characterized by wackestone–packstone, dominated by various taxa of imperforate foraminifera. The middle shelf is represented by packstone–grainstone to floatstone with a diverse assemblage of larger foraminifera with perforate wall. Basinwards is dominated by argillaceous wackestone characterized by planktonic foraminifera and large and flat nummulitidae and lepidocyclinidae. Planktonic foraminifera wackestone is the dominant facies in the outer shelf.  相似文献   

The planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils of three wells in the Gulf of Suez penetrating the Early to Middle Miocene Upper Rudeis and Kareem Formations are attributed (from top to base) to the Middle Miocene Globorotalia peripheroronda Partial Range Zone (M6), the earliest Middle Miocene Praeorbulina sicana–Orbulina suturalis Interval Zone (M5), subdivided into the Praeorbulina glomerosa s. strict.–O. suturalis Interval Subzone (M5b) and the P. sicana–P. glomerosa s. str. Interval Subzone (M5a) and the Early Miocene Globigerinoides bisphericus Partial Range Subzone (M4b). The appearance of O. suturalis at the base of Subzone M5b represents the final stage of evolution of the Globigerinoides trilobus–Praeorbulina–Orbulina Lineage. In addition, the calcareous nannoplankton assemblages indicate the Sphenolithus heteromorphus Zone (NN5) and the Helicosphaera ampliaperta Zone (NN4). These biozones are well correlatable with those established by El-Heiny and Martini (1981, Geol Mediterr. Tome, VIII(2): 101–108) from the southwestern flank of the Gulf of Suez.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an integrated study of a 115‐m‐thick section that spans the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary at Agost (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain). Our study includes magnetostratigraphic results and biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental data derived from planktic foraminifera, small and larger benthic foraminifera, and calcareous nannofossils. Our results demonstrate that the Agost section is continuous and spans from Zones P9 to P12 (E7 to E10), Zones CP11 to CP14a (NP13 to NP16), Zones SBZ11 to SBZ15, and Chrons C22n to C19r. The first occurrence (FO) of H. nuttalli (base of P10) and the FO of G. nuttalli (base of E8) are found within Chron C20r, at a much younger age (3–5 Myr) than previously considered in standard calibration schemes. Similarly, the boundary between SBZ12 and SBZ13 is located within Chron C21n, also at a younger age than previously considered. On the contrary, the FO of B. inflatus (base of CP12b) is found within Chron C21r, which conforms to the magnetostratigraphically calibrated age of ca. 48 Ma (middle part of C21r) considered in standard calibration schemes. These results corroborate earlier studies and indicate that all the events that have been proposed to mark the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary appear at different stratigraphic intervals and have different ages. Based on our results from Agost and on data from other sections elsewhere, we suggest that the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary might be approximated by the FO of B. inflatus (base of CP12b). The Agost section might be considered as a potential candidate to locate the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the base of the Lutetian Stage, because it includes all the events that might be selected as marker events for the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary and it fulfils most of the geological, biostratigraphic and infrastructure requirements demanded for definition of a GSSP.  相似文献   

Callovian–Oxfordian calcareous nannofossils are documented from four sections distributed along a proximal–distal (slope to central basin) transect in the French Subalpine Basin (south-eastern France). The sections were dated and correlated using integrated ammonite, dinoflagellate and nannofossil biostratigraphies. The nannofossil assemblages are constantly dominated by Watznaueria britannica. However, significant spatial changes in nannofossil assemblage composition are recorded. Nannofossil assemblages recovered in slope and slope-to-basin transition sections are characterized by high abundances, lowest diversities, highest percentages of smallest-sized morphotypes of W. britannica, subordinated W. britannica/manivitiae (a morphotype described in this study), and are indicative of turbulent, unstable and/or eutrophic conditions. Towards the central part of the basin, as the nutrient content and turbulence declined and paleoenvironmental stability increased, the nannofossil assemblages become more diverse and characterized by lower relative abundances of W. britannica but higher contribution of larger morphotypes and higher relative abundances of W. barnesiae/fossacincta, Biscutum dubium and Zeugrhabdotus erectus. These latter small coccoliths, markers of high surface-waters fertility for the Cretaceous, were probably not competitive with respect to smaller-sized W. britannica in unstable and eutrophic surface waters for the Jurassic. An increase in the surface water productivity is recorded both in proximal and distal sections at the Callovian–Oxfordian transition, and is demonstrated both by an increase in nannofossil total abundances and in the relative abundances of taxa adapted to high-trophic levels. Thermal minimum in surface waters, as indicated by an increase in the percentages of the cool-water nannofossil taxa, is associated to increased productivity. Further studies will be necessary to demonstrate whether surface-water productivity changes, already recorded in the eastern Paris Basin, were global.  相似文献   

Summary The climatic and physiographic features of the Western Desert of Egypt vary gradually from the Mediterranean coast inland. The present study provides an analysis of the gradients exhibited by these environmental variations and their relationships with vegetational gradients and the phytosociological behaviour of species in a sector along the Cairo-Alexandria desert road. The multivariate analyses of the vegetation lead to the recognition of six interrelated vegetational groupings which were distributed along a climatic gradient of increasing aridity, and an edaphic gradient of increasing sandiness and decreasing salinity and level of total phosphorus. These groupings were distinguished into three sets: a set ofConvolvulus-Helianthemum-Artemisia, andHelianthemum-Echiochilon, a set ofAnabasis, andSalsola-Anabasis, and a set ofAsphodelus-Noaea andThymelaea-Anabasis-Noaea groupings. The first set occupies the more arid end of the climatic gradient and the end of the coarse texture, low salinity and low levels of total phosphorus of the edaphic gradient. The second set occupies the opposite end of the edaphic gradient and the middle position of the climatic gradient and the middle position of the climatic gradient, and the third, the middle position of the edaphic gradient and the less arid end of the climatic gradient. Taxonomic nomenclature is according to T?ckholm (1974). The multivariate analyses were carried out using a Burroughs B6700 at the Computer Center of Utah State University, and supported by the U.S. Desert Biome. The authors are indebted to W. Valentine, H. C. Romesburg and K. Marshall for their assistance with data processing.  相似文献   

Results are presented of an integrated stratigraphic (calcareous plankton biostratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy) study of the Serravallian/Tortonian (S/T) boundary section of Monte Gibliscemi (Sicily, Italy). Astronomical calibration of the sedimentary cycles provides absolute ages for calcareous plankton bio-events in the interval between 9.8 and 12.1 Ma. The first occurrence (FO) of Neogloboquadrina acostaensis, usually taken to delimit the S/T boundary, is dated astronomically at 11.781 Ma, pre-dating the migratory arrival of the species at low latitudes in the Atlantic by almost 2 million years. In contrast to delayed low-latitude arrival of N. acostaensis, Paragloborotalia mayeri shows a delayed low-latitude extinction of slightly more than 0.7 million years with respect to the Mediterranean (last occurrence (LO) at 10.49 Ma at Ceara Rise; LO at 11.205 Ma in the Mediterranean). The Discoaster hamatus FO, dated at 10.150 Ma, is clearly delayed with respect to the open ocean. The ages of D. kugleri first and last common occurrence (FCO and LCO), Catinaster coalitus FO, Coccolithus miopelagicus last (regular) occurrence (L(R)O) and the D. hamatus/neohamatus cross-over, however, are in good to excellent agreement with astronomically tuned ages for the same events at Ceara Rise (tropical Atlantic), suggesting that both independently established timescales are consistent with one another. The lack of a reliable magnetostratigraphy hampers a direct comparison with the geomagnetic polarity timescale of Cande and Kent (1995; CK95), but ages of calcareous nannofossil events suggests that CK95 is significantly younger over the studied time interval. Approximate astronomical ages for the polarity reversals were obtained by exporting astronomical ages of selected nannofossil events from Ceara Rise (and the Mediterranean) to eastern equatorial Pacific ODP Leg 138 Site 845, which has a reliable magnetostratigraphy.Our data from the Rio Mazzapiedi–Castellania section reveal that the base of the Tortonian stratotype corresponds almost exactly with the first regular occurrence (FRO) of N. acostaensis s.s. as defined in the present study, dated at 10.554 Ma. An extrapolated age of 11.8 Ma calculated for the top of the Serravallian stratotype indicates that there is a gap between the top of the Serravallian and the base of the Tortonian stratotype, potentially rendering all bio-events in the interval between 11.8 and 10.554 Ma suitable for delimiting the S/T boundary. Despite the tectonic deformation and the lack of a magnetostratigraphy, Gibliscemi remains a candidate to define the S/T boundary by means of the Tortonian global boundary stratotype section and point (GSSP).  相似文献   

Summary Gene frequency surveys conducted in Alexandria and Cairo reveal genetic profiles which are extensions of those that characterize the cat populations of European cities. For nine selected comparisons with Alexandria, regression analysis indicates that a linear function best describes the relationship between Nei's and Cavalli-Sforza's genetic distance indices and geographic distance.  相似文献   

The Emsian? through early Eifelian Onondaga Limestone of the Appalachian Basin was deposited in a topographic basin and on the carbonate platform which surrounded the basin on the west, north, and northeast. Onondaga strata thin from the platform into the basin. Two sedimentary cycles are present in the sub-Tioga Onondaga of eastern North America. The Edgecliff-Amherstburg represents an interval of transgression, in which epeiric seas spread over much of eastern North America. During the Nedrow-Lucas regression, the interior of the carbonate platform became restricted, resulting in the deposition of evaporites. The Moorehouse-Anderdon transgression continued through the deposition of the Tioga Bentonite, followed by the pre-Speeds-Dundee regression from the craton. Early Eifelian Appalachian Basin Onondaga brachiopod communities, arranged from nearshore to offshore, include the Atrypid-Megakozlowskiella, Atrypid-Levenea, Chonetid, Atlanticocoelia, Ambocoeliid, and Truncalosia Communities. The Onondaga-age Eastern Americas Realm is divided into the Appohimchi Province in the Appalachian Basin and the Michigan Basin-Hudson Bay Lowland Province in the Midwest. The provincial assignment of the James Bay region of Ontario is uncertain; the Eastern Townships of Quebec are near the boundaries both of the two provinces of the Eastern Americas Realm, and of the Eastern Americas Realm and the Old World Realm, the latter realm being probably in the Canadian Maritime Provinces.  相似文献   

Organic carbon isotope and geochemical changes across a continental interior Permo-Triassic boundary section from the Raniganj Basin, India, indicate a ∼9‰ drop in organic carbon δ13C in the Early Triassic and synchroneity of this event throughout the Pangea. The study demands a common causative mechanism for the perturbation of the global carbon reservoir and not a combination of multiple causes. A global sea-level fall and oxidation of marine gas hydrates possibly increased the 12CO2 input in the ocean-atmosphere system which caused a climatic shift from humid to warm semi-arid type and consequent extinction of land plants. Simultaneous increase in erosion from near-barren lands, change in the erosional base level and provenance deposited the boundary sandstone with positive europium anomaly and debris flow type matrix rich conglomerate. No extraterrestrial source, therefore, is needed to explain this Eu anomaly. The response of the terrestrial plant community to this perturbation of the carbon reservoir was, however, sluggish and the δ13C drop took place slowly, being maximal in the Early Triassic only.  相似文献   

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