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1. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (L-aspartate: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, EC was immobilized on amino ethyl cellulose using the bifunctional reagent diethyl adipimidate. 2. The steady state kinetic analysis was performed for the particulate and the free enzyme, and the Michaelis constants measured for the amino ethyl cellulose derivative were not greatly different from those measured for the free glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, while the latter were in good agreement with values in the literature. 3. The amino ethyl cellulose-glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase was slightly more stable than the free enzyme at 65 degrees C, but was stabilised less by polyethylene glycol than the free enzyme.  相似文献   

Natural substrates and analogs rapidly diffuse through crystals of pig heart mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase and react at the active sites causing spectral changes that can be measured by single-crystal microspectrophotometry. Dissociation constants for natural substrates and rate constants of transamination for slowly reacting substrates have been determined. A comparison between the data obtained in the crystal and in solution shows that the crystalline enzyme is catalytically competent and that events occurring in the crystal essentially parallel those occurring in solution, even though minor differences have been detected.  相似文献   

The kinetic behaviour of chicken liver and turkey liver aspartate aminotransferases (L-aspartate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, EC was studied. Steady-state data were obtained from a wide range of concentrations of substrates and product L-glutamate. The data were fitted by rational functions of degree 1:1, 1:2 and 2:2 with respect to substrates and 0:1, 1:1, 0:2 and 1:2 with regard to product (L-glutamate), by using a non-linear regression program that guarantees the fit. The goodness of fit was improved by the use of a computer program that combines model discrimination parameter refinement and sequential experimental design. It was concluded that aspartate aminotransferase requires a minimum velocity equation of degree 2:2 for L-aspartate, 2:2 for 2-oxoglutarate and 1:2 for L-glutamate. Finally, a plausible kinetic mechanism that justifies these experimental results is proposed.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane H+-ATPase from bakers' yeast was purified and reconstituted with phosphatidylserine. The steady state kinetics of ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by the H+-ATPase were studied over a wide range of Mg2+ and ATP concentrations. Whereas MgATP was the substrate hydrolyzed, excess concentrations of either Mg2+ or ATP were inhibitory. The dependence of the steady state initial velocity of ATP hydrolysis on the concentration of MgATP at a fixed concentration of Mg2+ was sigmoidal rather than hyperbolic. This precluded mechanisms involving only activation and inhibition by Mg2+ and competitive inhibition by ATP. Two alternative interpretations of these results are: 1) the enzyme possesses multiple catalytic sites which interact cooperatively; or 2) the enzyme can exist in multiple conformational states which catalyze MgATP hydrolysis by parallel pathways. The rate laws for both mechanisms are identical so that the two mechanisms cannot be distinguished on the basis of the kinetic data. The data are well fit by the rate law for these mechanisms with the inclusion of competitive inhibition by Mg2+ and ATP and an independent inhibition site for Mg2+.  相似文献   

Hydroxylamine and its derivatives of general formula H2NOR react with aldehydes and aldimines to produce oximes. If R corresponds to the side chain of a natural amino acid, such compounds can be thought of as analogs of the corresponding amino acids, lacking the alpha-carboxylate group. Oximes formed between such compounds and pyridoxal phosphate in the active site of aspartate amino-transferase mimic external aldimine intermediates that occur during catalysis by this enzyme. The properties of oxime derivatives of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase with hydroxylamine and 6 compounds H2NOR were studied by absorption spectroscopy and circular dichroism in solution and by linear dichroism in crystals. Stable oximes, absorbing at lambda max congruent to 380 nm and exhibiting a negative Cotton effect, were obtained with the carboxylate-containing compounds. The oximes formed with carboxylate-free compounds showed somewhat different properties and stability. With H-Tyr a stable complex absorbing at lambda max congruent to 370 nm rather than at 380 nm, was obtained, H-Ala and H-Phe produced unstable oximes with the initial absorption band at lambda max congruent to 380 nm that was gradually replaced by a band at lambda max congruent to 340 nm. The species absorbing at 340 nm were shown to be coenzyme-inhibitor complexes which were gradually released from the enzyme. A similar 330-340 nm absorption band was observed upon reaction of the free coenzyme with all hydroxylamine inhibitors at neutral pH-values. The results of the circular dichroism experiments in solution and the linear dichroism studies in microcrystals of mAspAT indicate that the coenzyme conformation in these inhibitor/enzyme complexes is similar to that occurring in an external aldimine analogue, the 2-MeAsp/mAspAT complex. Co-crystallizations of the enzyme with the H2NOR compounds were also carried out. Triclinic crystals were obtained in all cases, suggesting that the "closed" structure cannot be stabilized by a single carboxylate group.  相似文献   

The kinetic mechanism of the sheep brain glutamine synthetase has been examined by both initial rate kinetics using the glutamate analog beta-glutamate and by isotope exchange measurements at equilibrium. Results of the initial rate studies were compatible with a number of sequential mechanisms but not with a partially or fully ordered rapid equilibrium or a ping-pong mechanism. Kinetic parameters at 37 degrees and pH 7.2 were K beta-Glu = 16 mM, KATP = 0.28 mM, and KNH2OH = 1.4 mM. For all equilibrium exchanges studied (ATP in equilibrium ADP, ATP in equilibrium Pi, and Glu in equilibrium Gln), the rate of exchange rose smoothly to a maximum as all substrates and products were simultaneously raised in a constant ratio. This result is in accord with a random order of substrate addition. A brief treatment of equilibrium exchange rates in cases where all substrate/product pairs are varied together is also presented.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of aspartate aminotransferase from Escherichia coli was established by sequence analysis and alignment of 39 tryptic peptides and 7 cyanogen bromide peptides. The total number of amino acid residues of the subunit was 396, and the molecular weight was calculated to be 43,573. A comparison of the primary structure of the E. coli enzyme with all known sequences of the two types of isoenzyme (mitochondrial and cytosolic enzymes) in vertebrates revealed that approximately 25% of all residues are invariant. The amino acid residues which were proposed from crystallographic studies on the vertebrate enzymes to be essential for the enzymic action are well conserved in the E. coli enzyme. The E. coli enzyme shows a similar degree of sequence homology to both the mitochondrial and cytosolic isoenzymes (close to 40%). The finding that the positions of deletions introduced into the sequence of E. coli enzyme to give the maximum homology agree well with those of the mitochondrial enzymes supports the endosymbiotic hypothesis of mitochondrial origin.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of partially purified rat liver selenium-glutathione peroxidase were studied under various conditions. Steady state kinetic measurements show sigmoidal saturation curves, parabolic double reciprocal plots, and Hill coefficients greater than unity. Although these kinetic results appear to show cooperative interactions between subunits, they more reflect the presence of several oxidation-reduction forms of the catalytic site. A substrate-induced transition between enzyme forms was evidence by the occurrence of a lag in the attainment of the final steady state velocity under certain preincubation conditions. This hysteretic behavior was evident only when the enzyme was incubated in the absence of reduced glutathione, the donor substrate. Thus, reduced glutathione induces the transition to the fully active form of the enzyme, a slow process requiring about 0.5 min after addition of glutathione, depending on conditions. The length, tau, of the lag period is dependent on the concentrations of enzyme and glutathione, but to a first approximation, this lag period is independent of the concentration of the hydroperoxide acceptor substrate. The lag period is also relatively independent of the nature of the hydroperoxide species. A model for the transition process that is compatible with these observations and with the possible oxidation-reduction properties of the selenium moiety of the enzyme is suggested.  相似文献   

A method for the purification of mitochondrial isoenzyme of sheep liver aspartate aminotransferase (EC is described. The final preparation is homogeneous by ultracentrifuge analyses and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and has a high specific activity (182 units/mg). The molecular weight determined by sedimentation equilibrium is 87,100 +/- 680. The amino acid composition is presented; it is similar to that of other mitochondrial isoenzymes, but with a higher content of tyrosine and threonine. Subforms have been detected. On isoelectric focusing a broad band was obtained, with pI 9.14. The properties of the mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase are compared with those of the cytoplasmic isoenzyme. The Km for L-aspartate and 2-oxoglutarate for the cytoplasmic enzyme were 2.96 +/- 0.20 mM and 0.093 +/- 0.010 mM respectively; the corresponding values for the mitochondrial form were 0.40 +/- 0.12 mM and 0.98 +/- 0.14 mM. Cytoplasmic aspartate aminotransferase showed substrate inhibition by concentrations of 2-oxoglutarate above 0.25 mM in the presence of aspartate up to 2mM. The mitochondrial isoenzyme was not inhibited in this way. Pi at pH 7.4 inhibited cytoplasmic holoenzyme activity by up to about 60% and mitochondrial holoenzyme activity up to 40%. The apparent dissociation constants for pyridoxal 5'-phosphate were 0.23 micrometer (cytoplasmic) and 0.062 micrometer (mitochondrial) and for pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate they were 70 micrometer (cytoplasmic) and 40 micrometer (mitochondrial). Pi competitively inhibited coenzyme binding to the apoenzymes; the inhibition constants at 37 degree C were 32 micrometer for the cytoplasmic isoenzyme and 19.5 micrometer for the mitochondrial form.  相似文献   

Steady state and time-resolved fluorescence studies on native, desulpho and deflavo xanthine oxidase (XO) have been carried out to investigate the conformational changes associated with the replacement of the molybdenum double bonded sulphur by oxygen and the removal of the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). The steady state quenching experiments of the intrinsic tryptophan residues of the enzyme show that all the nine tryptophans are accessible to neutral quencher, acrylamide, in the native as well as desulpho and deflavo enzymes. However, the number of the tryptophan residues accessible to the ionic quenchers, potassium iodide and cesium chloride, increases upon removal of the FAD centre from the enzyme. This indicates that two tryptophan residues move out from the core of the enzyme to the solvent upon the removal of the FAD. The time-resolved fluorescence studies were carried out on the native, desulpho and deflavo XO by means of the time-correlated single photon counting technique, and the data were analysed by discrete exponential and maximum entropy methods. The results show that the fluorescence decay curve fitted best to a three-exponential model with lifetimes tau(1)=0.4, tau(2)=1.4 and tau(3)=3.0 ns for the native and desulpho XO, and tau(1)=0.7, tau(2)=1.7 and tau(3)=4.8 ns for the deflavo XO. The replacement of the molybdenum double bonded sulphur by oxygen in the desulpho enzyme does not cause any significant change of the lifetime components. However, removal of the FAD centre causes a significant change in the shortest and longest lifetime components indicating a conformational change in the deflavo XO possibly in the flavin domain. Decay-associated emission spectra at various emission wavelengths have been used to determine the origin of the lifetimes. The results show that tau(1) and tau(3) of the native and desulpho XO originate from the tryptophan residues which are completely or partially accessible to the solvent but tau(2) corresponds to those residues which are buried in the core of the enzyme and not exposed to the solvent. For deflavo enzyme, tau(2) is red shifted compared to the native enzyme indicating the movement of tryptophan residues from the core of the enzyme to the solvents.  相似文献   

Addition of hydrogen peroxide to ascorbate oxidase results in formation of a complex which has been analyzed kinetically. Since reduction of molecular oxygen to water by this enzyme occurs in more than one step, the peroxide complex may be a mimic for a catalytic intermediate. The properties of the complex are similar to those reported for a peroxide complex with laccase. Changes in the activity of ascorbate oxidase as a function of pH indicate the presence of a group in the enzyme with an apparent pK of 7.8 which must be protonated in order for the enzyme to function. The ascorbate Km is known to be insensitive to pH in this region and the present work indicates the same to be true for the oxygen Km. It would appear that the rate determining step in the catalytic mechanism involves protonation of an intermediate.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for the separation of the five molecular forms, alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon, of chicken liver cytoplasmic aspartate aminotransferase free from lactate dehydrogenase activity. These molecular forms varied in isoelectric point, but no differences were observed either in their Michaelis constants or in the degree of their inhibition by excess of 2-oxoglutarate or L-aspartate.  相似文献   

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