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白癜风是一种多基因遗传性疾病,虽然环境是白癜风的发病因素,遗传因素在白癜风发病机制中也起着重要作用.近年来不断有与白癜风相关基因的报道,综述近几年关于白癜风易感基因定位及相关基因的研究,为进一步研究白癜风的病因提供思路.  相似文献   

精神分裂症迄今病因未明,家系研究、双生子与寄养子的研究显示了精神分裂症的遗传倾向,各国学者开展了许多寻找其致病基因的研究工作。已经有大量关于精神分裂症易感基因的报道,有些结果也在后续试验中取得了较好的重复性。本文主要就精神分裂症易感基因的研究近况做一综述。  相似文献   

白癜风的病因尚不明,国内外研究表明其发生与遗传因素相关,其遗传特征不符合孟德尔遗传规律,而是属于多基因遗传的范畴.主要与人类白细胞抗原HLA-Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类及Ⅲ类基因及其产物相关,以往文献报道认为HLA-Ⅱ类基因与白癜风的关系最为密切.HLA基因的多态性决定HLA分子的多样性.充分认识HLA基因水平的多态性,有助于白癜风的基因诊断和治疗.  相似文献   

乳腺癌易感基因研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓炜  柴建华 《生物工程进展》1999,19(1):14-18,13
Brcal和Brca2是乳腺癌易感基因,在家族性乳腺癌患者中的突变是可以遗传的,在散发性乳腺癌患者中有杂合性丢失(LOH),而且表达水平下降,体外实验证明,Brcal能抑制乳腺癌和卵巢癌细胞的的增殖。Brcal和Brca2基因分别定位于17q12-21和13q12-13,编码序列5711bp和10987bp,其表达有一定的组织特异性。BRCA1和BRCA2蛋白分别由1863个氨基酸和3418个氨基  相似文献   

食管癌的发生发展是多个基因参与改变的过程,本文对近年来研究热点的遗传易感基因p53基因、FHIT基因、p16基因、错配修复基因、PLCE1基因在食管癌发生发展过程中的作用作了简要阐述,以期为食管癌的早期诊断、预后评估及基因治疗寻找一条可行的途径。  相似文献   

全基因组基因-基因相互作用研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈佳薇  胡晓菡  师咏勇 《遗传》2011,33(8):820-828
复杂疾病目前正在全球范围流行, 极大地影响人类的健康。研究发现, 复杂疾病的性状受到多个位点的相互作用影响。目前的全基因组关联分析(Genome-wide association study, GWAS)仅仅解析单个SNP位点对疾病易感性的贡献, 单纯依靠这一种策略并不能在寻找复杂疾病的病因上得到根本性的突破。基因-基因相互作用可能是复杂疾病致病的主要因素之一。针对这一点, 科学家已经提出了一些检验基因相互作用的算法, 包括惩罚logistic回归模型、多因子降维(Multifactor dimensional reduction)、集合关联法(Set-association approach)、贝叶斯网络(Bayesian networks)、随机森林法等。文章首先对目前这些方法做了综述, 并指出了其中的不足, 包括计算复杂度太高、假设驱动、数据会过度拟合、对低维数据不敏感等, 进而简述了一种由笔者所在实验室开发的基于GPU的研究基因相互作用的算法, 该算法复杂度低, 不需要任何假设, 没有边际效应, 有很好的稳定性, 速度快, 适用于进行全基因组范围内的基因-基因相互作用计算。  相似文献   

前列腺癌相关基因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前列腺癌是目前最重要的危害欧美国家男性健康的肿瘤疾病,在我国发病也呈上升趋势,本综述了前列腺相关基因研究的最新献,分染色体畸变、易感基因、原癌基因、抑癌基因和其他基因等五个部分。  相似文献   

全基因组扫描寻找强直性脊柱炎的易感基因位点   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
为了寻找中国人群强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis,AS)的易感基因位点,采用全基因组扫描法对9个强直性脊柱炎家系进行基因分型、参数连锁分析和非参数连锁分析。在参数连锁分析中,D6S276位点的最大LOD值为3.8821(0=0.0),精细分析显示距D6S276位点附近的D6S1691和D6S1618的LOD值分别为1.5717(0=0.1)及2.0056(0=0.1)。在非参数连锁分析中,位于D6S276附近的LOD值高达5.0623,非参数连锁分析的NPJ值为3.7561,最小P值为0.000233。上述结果提示,D6S276与强直性脊柱炎之间存在较强的连锁关系,D6S1691-D6S276-D6S1618区域可能存在强直性脊柱炎的易感基因位点。此外,D3S1292、D4S1535和D18S64的最大LOD值分别为1.2768(0=0.2)、1.1246(0=0.2)和1.1851(0=0.1),提示这些标记与AS之间存在一定的连锁关系。  相似文献   

杨曦  沈沭彤  郭军 《生命科学》2011,(5):459-464
FTO(fat mass and obesity associated)是肥胖症易感基因,表达于人体各组织,且在下丘脑中高表达。它能编码核酸去甲基化酶,通过去甲基化作用影响其他相关基因表达。FTO的基因多态性与体重指数(BMI)及肥胖症密切相关。FTO能够影响能量摄入及能量消耗,并通过多种途径诱导人群中肥胖症及2型糖尿病等相关疾病的发生,而FTO失活的小鼠能够避免肥胖发生。主要综述了FTO基因多态性与肥胖等疾病易感性的相关性、FTO可能的作用机制和FTO对人群中能量平衡的影响。  相似文献   

人类长寿相关基因研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类长寿是多因素、系统性生物学现象。衰老死亡是不可抗拒的自然规律,但通过科学研究可以延缓衰老达到延长寿命目的。影响长寿的因素可分为遗传和环境两种,其中遗传因素是决定长寿的内因,而环境因素则作为影响长寿的外因。本文介绍了人类长寿研究领域的研究现状和进展,概括人类长寿相关基因研究中取得的成果,并将人类染色体长寿相关基因归纳为三类,分别是控制炎症和代谢的长寿相关基因,以及控制信号通路的长寿相关基因,并进一步对三类基因中的代表性基因进行介绍。同时,对长寿研究的方向与未来提出了展望。  相似文献   

Spritz RA 《遗传学报》2011,38(7):271-278
Vitiligo is an acquired disease characterized principally by patchy depigmentation of skin and overlying hair. Generalized vitiligo (GV), the predominant form of the disorder, results from autoimmune loss of melanocytes from affected regions. GV is a “complex trait”, inherited in a non-Mendelian polygenic, multifactorial manner. GV is epidemiologically associated with other autoimmune diseases, both in GV patients and in their close relatives, suggesting that shared genes underlie susceptibility to this group of diseases. Early candidate gene association studies yielded a few successes, such as PTPN22, but most such reports now appear to be false-positives. Subsequent genomewide linkage studies identified NLRPI and XBPI, apparent true GV susceptibility genes involved in immune regulation, and recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of GV in Caucasian and Chinese populations have yielded a large number of additional validated GV susceptibility genes.Together, these genes highlight biological systems and pathways that reach from the immune cells to the melanocyte, and provide insights into both disease pathogenesis and potential new targets for both treatment and even prevention of GV and other autoimmune diseases in genetically susceptible individuals.  相似文献   

Summary The dose dependent effects of position-effect variegation (PEV) modifying genes were studied in chromosome arms2L, 2R and3R. Four groups of PEV modifying genes can be distinguished: haplo-abnormal suppressor and enhancer loci with or without a triplo-effect. using duplications four triplo-abnormal suppressor and four triplo-abnormal enhancer functions were localized. In two cases we proved that these functions correspond to a converse haplo-abnormal one. Altogether 43 modifier loci were identified. Most of these loci proved not to display significant triplo-effects (35). The group of haplo-abnormal loci with a triplo-effect may represent genes which play an important role in heterochromatin packaging.  相似文献   

The genetics of generalized vitiligo and associated autoimmune diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vitiligo is an acquired disorder in which patches of depigmented skin and often overlying hair, and mucous membranes, are the result of progressive autoimmune loss of melanocytes from the involved areas. Considered the most common pigmentary disorder, vitiligo involves complex interaction of environmental and genetic factors that ultimately contribute to melanocyte destruction, resulting in the characteristic depigmented lesions. In the past few years, studies of the genetic epidemiology of vitiligo have led to the recognition that generalized vitiligo is part of a broader autoimmune disease diathesis. Attempts to identify genes involved in susceptibility to generalized vitiligo have involved gene expression studies, genetic association studies of candidate genes, and genome-wide linkage analyses to discover new genes. These studies have begun to yield results that shed light on the mechanisms of vitiligo pathogenesis. It is anticipated that the discovery of biological pathways of vitiligo pathogenesis will provide novel targets for future approaches to the treatment and prevention of vitiligo and its associated autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

胰岛素依赖型糖尿病HLAⅡ类抗原DNA多态性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 用Southern DNA分析法,对正常人和胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(IDDM)病人外周血白细胞DNA进行限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)研究。HLA抗原与IDDM相关,我们用HLA-DQβcDNA探针和EcoR Ⅰ、BamH Ⅰ内切酶,测得EcoR Ⅰ 2.2kb片段与正常人DR2抗原相关联(r=0.78,P=1×10~(-6),与IDDM DR2抗原无关联;此片段在DR2的正常组和IDDM组中的频率有显著差异(P=0.02)。EcoR Ⅰ 3.0kb和BamH Ⅰ 3.3kb片段在IDDM组中的频率均降低,与正常组比较其频率有显著差异(P=3.2×10~(-3)和P=1.8×10~(-3),这二片段的差异还未见报道。DNA的RFLP研究提示,IDDM病人中可能是由于基因片段的缺失或是基因结构的改变,导致经酶切后与探针杂交的结果与正常者有差异。  相似文献   

肖扬  龚文兵  边银丙 《菌物学报》2016,35(7):782-790
近年来,基于连锁不平衡的关联分析被逐渐应用于解析真菌数量性状的遗传基础。本文在介绍关联分析方法的基础上,综述了关联分析在真菌遗传学中的研究进展,并对其未来的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

The candidate gene approach in plant genetics: a review   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The candidate gene (CG) approach has been applied in plant genetics in the past decade for the characterisation and cloning of Mendelian and quantitative trait loci (QTLs). It constitutes a complementary strategy to map-based cloning and insertional mutagenesis. The goal of this paper is to present an overview of CG analyses in plant genetics. CG analysis is based on the hypothesis that known-function genes (the candidate genes) could correspond to loci controlling traits of interest. CGs refer either to cloned genes presumed to affect a given trait (`functional CGs') or to genes suggested by their close proximity on linkage maps to loci controlling the trait (`positional CGs'). In plant genetics, the most common way to identify a CG is to look for map co-segregation between CGs and loci affecting the trait. Statistical association analyses between molecular polymorphisms of the CG and variation in the trait of interest have also been carried out in a few studies. The final validation of a CG will be provided through physiological analyses, genetic transformation and/or sexual complementation. Theoretical and practical applications of validated CGs in plant genetics and breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

The alkaline phosphatases (EC are determined by at least three gene loci, which can be sharply distinguished one from another by their sensitivity to inhibition with various amino acids and peptides and by ther-mostability. Alkaline phosphatase is present in the brains of guinea pig, rat, mouse, hamster, squirrel, rabbit, cat, sheep, cow, tamarin, baboon, and man. The gene locus coding for alkaline phosphatase in all these brains is the liver/ bone/kidney locus, as indicated by thermostability studies and by inhibition studies with L-phenylalanine, L-homoarginine, and L-phenylalanylglycylglycine. The average brain alkaline phosphatase activity is about 35% of the average for the livers and only 7.2% and 4.4% of the average kidney and placental activities, respectively. During growth and development, brain alkaline phosphatase activity decreases in the mammals studied. The amount of change is tissue- and species-dependent.  相似文献   

Abstract Several laboratories around the world have started work on genetic analysis of clostridia. Interest in this diverse group of anaerobic organisms has grown with increasing awareness of the benefits that may accrue from their biotechnological exploitation. Research to date has focussed on construction of shuttle vectors containing replicons from clostridial and streptococcal plasmids, development of methods for transferring genes, and molecular cloning of genes—especially those involved in toxigenicity, fermentative metabolism and polysaccharide utilization. In selected species gene transfer by protoplast transformation, electroporation and conjugation has been accomplished and transposable elements have been introduced. It can be anticipated that our understanding of the molecular biology of these interesting organisms will grow rapidly in the future, bringing with it improved prospects for rational biotechnological exploitation.  相似文献   

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