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The influences of denervation and of direct electrical stimulation of denervated muscle upon the post-hatching differentiation of fibre types in the fast avian muscle posterior latissimus dorsi have been investigated. Denervation inhibits the normal decrease in number of muscle fibres exhibiting acid-stable myofibrillar ATPase activity and leads to weak oxidative activity in all the fibres. Direct stimulation at a low rhythm of denervated muscle induces the normal decrease of fibres exhibiting acid-stable myofibrillar ATPase but does not allow the occurrence of normal oxidative activity pattern. The results emphasize the role of muscular activity upon the differentiation of fibre types in a developing muscle.  相似文献   

Electrodes were implanted around the spinal cord of 7-day-old chick embryos and electric pulses delivered at 0.5-Hz frequency from the 10th to 15th day of incubation. At Day 15, the posterior latissimus dorsi (PLD) muscle, which, in control animals, is focally innervated, was dissected. The number and distribution of AChR clusters revealed by autoradiography after labeling with 125I-α-bungarotoxin was quantitatively studied on isolated muscle fiber fragments and on serial sections of the whole muscle. After chronic stimulation, muscle fibers with multiple AChR clusters were observed. The distribution of the clusters appeared less regular than in the anterior latissimus dorsi muscle which, in control embryos, receives a multiple innervation. The total number of AChR clusters per PLD muscle increased about 1.8 times as a consequence of the stimulation without significant change of the total number of muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Explants of thoracic body wall from rat embryos, including intercostal muscles, ribs, and the adjacent segments of spinal cord, were maintained in organ culture. Nerve-muscle differentiation proceeded in culture with a pattern and time course similar to that of the same synapses developing in utero. To understand further the factors that regulate acetylcholine sensitivity in developing rat myotubes, we studied the effects of electrical inactivity and denervation on the distribution of acetylcholine receptors. When muscle and spinal cord were explanted at 15 days of gestation, prior to the appearance of junctional receptor clusters, intact nerve terminals were required to initiate receptor aggregation at the site of nerve-muscle junction. Electrical activity was not necessary for induction of these primary junctional clusters. Inactivity resulted, however, in the appearance of secondary multiple receptor clusters at random sites along the fibers. In the presence of tetrodotoxin, the electrically inactive nerve terminals sprouted; this was accompanied by the enlargement of the junctional receptor clusters, at the end plate, but there was no correlation between nerve sprouting and the location of extrajunctional receptor aggregates. Later in development, at a time when the junctional receptors are metabolically more stable, terminal sprouting failed to induce the increase in size of junctional receptor aggregates.  相似文献   

James, R. S., V. M. Cox, I. S. Young, J. D. Altringham, andD. F. Goldspink Mechanical properties of rabbit latissimus dorsimuscle after stretch and/or electrical stimulation.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 398-406, 1997.The work loop technique was used to measure the mechanicalperformance in situ of the latissimus dorsi (LD) muscles of rabbitsmaintained under fentanyl anesthesia. After 3 wk of incrementallyapplied stretch the LD muscles were 36% heavier, but absolute poweroutput (195 mW/muscle) was not significantly changed relative to thatof external control muscle (206 mW). In contrast, continuous 10-Hzelectrical stimulation reduced power output per kilogram of muscle>75% after 3 or 6 wk and muscle mass by 32% after 6 wk. Whencombined, stretch and 10-Hz electrical stimulation preserved orincreased the mass of the treated muscles but failed to prevent an 80%loss in maximum muscle power. However, this combined treatmentincreased fatigue resistance to a greater degree than electricalstimulation alone. These stretched/stimulated muscles, therefore, aremore suitable for cardiomyoplasty. Nonetheless, further work will benecessary to find an ideal training program for this surgicalprocedure.


To study functional, structural, and biochemical adaptations to electrical stimulation of striated muscle in a large animal, the canine latissimus dorsi (LD) muscle was conditioned continuously for 24 wk with an increasing number of pulse bursts (burst duration 250 ms, burst frequency 30 Hz). Force measurements in vivo after 12 wk showed a significant decrease in the ripple, the ratio of interstimulus to peak force amplitude, from 0.94 +/- 0.03 to 0.13 +/- 0.08 (SE; n = 8, P less than 0.05), indicating reduction in contractile speed. Also the steep part of the force-frequency relation shifted to lower frequencies. A significant change in fiber-type composition was seen with both enzyme- and immunohistochemistry, manifested by an increase of type I fibers from 29.5 +/- 2.9 to 83 +/- 8% (SE; n = 8, P less than 0.05). During this period a transient rise in the number of type IIc/Ic fibers (from 3 to 10%) was seen. In the stimulated muscle, capillary-to-fiber ratio increased from 1.9 +/- 0.4 to 2.7 +/- 0.1 (P less than 0.05). A significant increase in mitochondrial volume was also seen, especially in the peripheral part of the fiber. Both creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase revealed a significant decline in activity within 12 wk. At the same time a shift in lactate dehydrogenase-isozyme pattern was observed toward the cardiac composition. No additional changes occurred after 12 wk of stimulation, indicating that conversion of the canine LD muscle was complete within this period.  相似文献   

The regulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in chick ciliary ganglia was examined by using a radiolabeled anti-AChR mAb to quantitate the amount of receptor in ganglion detergent extracts after preganglionic denervation or postganglionic axotomy. Surgical transection of the preganglionic input to the ciliary ganglion in newly hatched chicks caused a threefold reduction in the total number of AChRs within 10 d compared with that present in unoperated contralateral control ganglia. Surgical transection of both the choroid and ciliary nerves emerging from the ciliary ganglion in newly hatched chicks to establish postganglionic axotomy led to a nearly 10-fold reduction in AChRs within 5 d compared with unoperated contralateral ganglia. The declines were specific since they could not be accounted for by changes in ganglionic protein or by decreases in neuronal survival or size. Light microscopy revealed no gross morphological differences between neurons in operated and control ganglia. A second membrane component of cholinergic relevance on chick ciliary ganglion neurons is the alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-Bgt)-binding component. The alpha-Bgt-binding component also declined in number after either postganglionic axotomy or preganglionic denervation, but appeared to do so with a more rapid time course than did ganglionic AChRs. The results imply that cell-cell interactions in vivo specifically regulate both the number of AChRs and the number of alpha-Bgt-binding components in the ganglion. Regulation of these neuronal cholinergic membrane components clearly differs from that previously described for muscle AChRs.  相似文献   

Histochemical differentiation of the chick anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscle was studied during embryonic development and after hatching. The two types of adult ALD tonic fibres (alpha' and beta') differentiate from a pool of acid and alkali-stable myofibrillar ATPase fibres. Intermediate stages of the transformation from beta' to alpha' were observed. At all developmental stages studied, a low percentage of formalin-resistant, alkali-stable and acid-labile ATPase fibres were observed. Such fibres have the histochemical properties of the alpha R or fast oxidative-glycolytic fibres and are assumed to be focally innervated.  相似文献   

George, David T., Stuart A. Binder-Macleod, Thomas N. Delosso, and William P. Santamore. Variable-frequency trainstimulation of canine latissimus dorsi muscle during shorteningcontractions. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3):994-1001, 1997.In cardiomyoplasty, the latissimus dorsi muscle(LDM) is wrapped around the heart ventricles and electrically activatedwith a constant-frequency train (CFT). This study tested the hypothesesthat increased mechanical performance from the LDM could be achieved byactivating the muscle with variable-frequency trains (VFTs) of shorterduration or containing fewer stimulus pulses than the CFT now used. Themechanical performance of the canine LDM (n = 7) during shortening contractionswas measured while the muscle was stimulated with 5- and 6-pulse CFTs(of duration 132 and 165 ms, respectively) and 5- and 6-pulse VFTs (ofduration 104 and 143 ms, respectively) that were designed to takeadvantage of the catchlike property of skeletal muscle. Measurementswere made from fresh and fatigued muscles. For the fresh muscles, the VFTs elicited significantly greater peak power than did the 6-pulse CFT. When the muscles were fatigued, VFT stimulation significantly improved both the peak and mean power produced compared withstimulation by CFTs. These results show that stimulation of the LDMwith shorter duration VFTs is potentially useful for application incardiomyoplasty.


Klabunde, Richard E., William A. Anderson, Marius Locke,Sigrid E. Ianuzzo, and C. David Ianuzzo. Regional blood flows inthe goat latissimus dorsi muscle before and after chronic stimulation. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(6):2365-2372, 1996.Latissimus dorsi muscle (LDM) regional bloodflows were determined in anesthetized goats by using coloredmicrospheres under noncontracting and contracting conditions, eitherbefore or after 8-10 wk of chronic muscle stimulation. Surgicaldissection of the LDM, leaving only the thoracodorsal artery to supplythe muscle, did not alter regional noncontracting blood flows butsignificantly reduced the normal hyperemic response to musclecontraction in muscle regions (posterior-medial) furthest from theentrance of the thoracodorsal artery. Eight to 10 wk after acute muscledissection, posterior-medial hyperemic flows were restored. Chronicstimulation of the LDM for 8-10 wk, in either dissected ornondissected muscles, did not alter regional blood flows innoncontracting muscle; however, it significantly reduced hyperemicflows in all muscle regions, although capillary density was increasedand the muscle was transformed into a predominantly type I fiber type.These results, coupled with data from previous experiments, suggestthat the muscle damage observed in the posterior-medial regions of theLDM after surgical dissection and chronic stimulation may be related toreduced hyperemic flow responses caused by surgical isolation of themuscle.


The evolution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and AChE molecular form distribution were studied in slow-tonic anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) and in fast-twitch posterior latissimus dorsi (PLD) muscles of chickens 2-18 days of age. In ALD as well as in PLD muscles, the AChE-specific activity increased transiently from day 2 to day 4; the activity then decreased more rapidly in PLD muscle. During this period asymmetric AChE forms decreased dramatically in ALD muscle and the globular forms increased. In PLD muscle, the most striking change was the decline in A8 form between days 2 and 18 of development. Denervation performed at day 2 delayed the normal decrease in AChE-specific activity in PLD muscle, whereas little change was observed in ALD muscle. Moreover, A forms in these two muscles were virtually absent 8 days after denervation. Direct electrical stimulation depressed the rise in AChE-specific activity in denervated PLD muscle and prevented the loss of the A forms. Furthermore, the different molecular forms varied according to the stimulus pattern. In ALD muscle, electrical stimulation failed to prevent the effect of denervation. This study emphasizes the differential response of denervated slow and fast muscles to electrical stimulation and stresses the importance of the frequency of stimulation in the regulation of AChE molecular forms in PLD muscle during development.  相似文献   

The accumulation of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the changes in AChE-specific activity and in AChE molecular form distribution were studied in slow-tonic anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) and in fast-twitch posterior latissimus dorsi (PLD) muscles of the chick embryo. From stage 36 (day 11) to stage 42 (day 17) of Hamburger and Hamilton, the AChE-specific activity decreased, while the relative proportion of asymmetric A 12 and A 8 forms increased. Repetitive injection of curare resulted at stage 42 (day 17) in a decrease in AChE-specific activity, in the accumulation of the synaptic AChE and in the expression of AChE asymmetric forms. Electrical stimulation at a relatively high frequency (40 Hz) of curarized ALD and PLD muscles resulted in a normal increase in AChE asymmetric forms, whereas a lower frequency (5 Hz) resulted in a dominance of globular forms. Both patterns of stimulation partly prevented the loss in synaptic AChE accumulations. These results suggest that in chick embryo muscles, muscle activity and its rhythms are involved in the normal evolution of AChE.  相似文献   

The latissimus dorsi (LD) muscle is considered suitable to assist ventricular mechanical function in either cardiomyoplasty or extra-aortic-assist devices. Such application requires that this mixed-type skeletal muscle be transformed into a fatigue-resistant muscle, the adaptation of which can be elicited by chronic stimulation. In this study the LD muscles of dog and goat were subjected in situ to 12 wk of continuous electrical stimulation through intramuscular electrodes, and their myofibrillar and metabolic adaptations were compared. A gradual increase in the contraction rate of the muscle (in 10 wk from 30 to 80 contractions/min) caused the proportion of immunohistochemically identified type I fibers to increase in dog muscle from 30 to 74% and in goat muscle from 21 to 99%. Correspondingly, the anaerobic-glycolytic activity (fructose-6-phosphate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activities) decreased by approximately 75% in both dog and goat muscles, whereas the oxidative capacity (fatty acid oxidation and citrate synthase activity) increased two- to threefold in goat LD muscle but remained unaltered in dog LD muscle. Muscular contents of high-energy phosphates and endogenous substrates were maintained, but the L-carnitine content decreased by 43% in both dog and goat. Our data further indicate that, for the monitoring of the metabolic adaptation of skeletal muscle, the ratio of activities of the oxidative and anaerobic-glycolytic pathways (e.g., citrate synthase to fructose-6-phosphate kinase activities) is a useful parameter in both dog and goat.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Brain Cell Biology - The development of high-density clusters of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) and the relationship of these clusters to nerve contacts on embryonic chick wing muscle fibres has...  相似文献   

Influence of chronic spinal cord stimulation upon some characteristic enzyme activities of energy metabolism was investigated in slow anterior (ALD) and fast posterior (PLD) latissimus dorsii muscles of the chick embryo. During embryonic life, oxidative metabolism (as evaluated by the activity of malate dehydrogenase (MDH] represents the main energetic pathway in both slow and fast muscles. At the end of embryonic life, an increase in anaerobic (as evaluated by the activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH] and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activities occurs in PLD muscle. Chronic spinal cord stimulation at a low frequency was performed from the 10th day to the 16th day of embryonic development. In ALD, the enzyme activities were unaffected, while in PLD a concomitant decrease in LDH and CPK activities was observed.  相似文献   

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