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Cell-free sonic extracts prepared from Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 were found to enhance the uptake of [3H]thymidine by normal mouse spleen cell cultures in vitro and also stimulate an enhanced antibody response to sheep erythrocytes, both in immunized and nonimmunized cultures. Increased background antibody responses to other erythrocyte species also occurred, indicating that the Legionella antigen was a polyclonal B cell activator. A purified cell wall component with physicochemical properties relatively similar to endotoxin, but without toxicity for mice, was found to have mitogenic activity for normal mouse spleen cells and immunostimulatory properties for anti-erythrocyte antibody response. Heating the sonicate or the purified somatic antigen for 10 min diminished immunoenhancing activity but had little effect on mitogenic properties. These results point to the complex effects of Legionella-derived antigens on normal lymphoid cell function and indicate that antigens derived from Legionella have marked immunomodulatory properties.  相似文献   

Continuous infusion of a gram-negative bacterial endotoxin in relatively small doses into rats by means of an implanted osmotic pump was studied. The model system was designed to examine the effects of endotoxin on the blastogenic response of spleen cells to the endotoxin itself and to a nonspecific T-cell mitogen, concanavalin A (Con A). Rats were implanted with an osmotic pump which delivered saline for the first 42 hr to provide postsurgical recovery before the onset of endotoxin infusion. Previous studies had shown that during the first 1-4 days after administration of endotoxin marked alterations of metabolism and some changes in physiologic parameters such as blood pressure and in vitro myocardial performance occurred. In the present study the blastogenic responsiveness of spleen cells to endotoxin itself as well as to the nonspecific T-cell mitogen Con A was markedly decreased after several days of continuous administration of endotoxin. Control animals receiving only saline for the same period of time showed a similar depression of blastogenic responsiveness to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS), as well as to Con A, however, with a delay of 2-4 days before comparable levels of suppression became evident. These results indicate that marked alterations of immune competence as measured by blastogenesis of spleen cells to Escherichia coli LPS and to a mitogen such as Con A may occur after implantation of an osmotic pump, with or without continuous infusion of endotoxin. Further studies seem warranted to determine the role of the foreign body reaction to the osmotic pump as well as to the endotoxin administered by the pump.  相似文献   

In vitro mitogenic stimulation of murine spleen cells by herpes simplex virus.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Spleen cells of B6 mice not previously immunized were induced to DNA synthesis by supernatants from HSV-infected tissue culture. The stimulatory principle could be passed through a 45-micrometer filter and sedimented at 100,000 x G. It was abolished by UV light, heating at 56 degrees C, and by an anti-HSV serum. The possibility that the observed stimulation was caused by LPS was therefore excluded, and there was a-so no indication of mycoplasma contamination. Partial purification of spleen cells from macrophages resulted in an increased stimulation by HSV. From experiments with nylon columns, anti-theta antibody, and nude mice it was concluded that HSV acted as a B cell mitogen. Strains of both HSV types 1 and 2 were stimulatory for B6 spleen cells. Of nine freshly isolated HSV strains with identical passage history (twice in HEF) four were strongly stimulatory, three showed a moderate stimulation, and two did not stimulate. Spleen cells from A/J and DBA/2 mice were stimulated to the same extent by HSV (WAL) as spleen cells from B6 mice. No viral replication was demonstrable in B6 spleen cell cultures stimulated for DNA synthesis by HSV. Thus our study demonstrates induction of cellular DNA synthesis in B lymphocytes by HSV which is abolished by inactivation of the virus.  相似文献   

Granulocyte-macrophage colony formation from bone marrow cells in soft agar is dependent upon the presence of a stimulating factor and the number of colonies is related to its concentration. This dose-response effect provided a measurement of the responsiveness to stimulation of colony forming cell populations in marrows from different sources. There were significant differences between the responsiveness of cells from different strains of mice which paralleled the previously observed myelopoietic and immune responsiveness of these strains to stimulation in vivo. Low concentrations of hydrocrotisone reduced the responsiveness of colony forming cells (a) when added to cultures of normal marrow or (b) when cells were taken from hydrocortisone-treated mice and cultured in its absence. The reduction which followed inoculation was not apparent until the 4th day and occurred irrespective of mouse strain, type of drug or route of inoculation and with a dose (100 μg) which did not affect the actual number of colony forming cells in the marrow.  相似文献   

The suppressive effects of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on the proliferation of lymphocytes from the spleen, lymph node, and thymus of weanling animals vs adult animals to the T-cell mitogen PHA were examined. THC had a suppressive effect on thymus cells from animals of both younger and older mice. THC suppressed spleen and lymph node cells responses to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) more readily when the cells were obtained from young mice rather than older animals. Suppression by THC in the adult mice was greater in an organ containing fewer mature T lymphocytes such as the thymus in comparison to lymphocytes in secondary organs such as the spleen and lymph nodes which contain more mature lymphocytes.  相似文献   

J Jones  R M Greene 《Life sciences》1988,42(7):841-851
The objective of this study was to determine the responsiveness of isolated embryonic murine and avian epithelial and mesenchymal tissue to PGE2 stimulation. On days 12 and 14 of gestation, murine palatal epithelium responded to PGE2 (10(-5) M) with 3.5 and 4.0 fold elevations in intracellular cAMP, respectively. On day 13 of gestation, murine palatal epithelium was responsive to forskolin, PGE1 and isoproterenol as indicated by the accumulation of cAMP, but unresponsive to PGE2 and PGF2 alpha less than treatment. Avian palatal epithelium and mesenchyme, developmental stages 31 to 34, as well as murine palatal mesenchyme on day 13 of gestation responded to PGE2 treatment with dose-dependent elevations in intracellular cAMP. Of importance, is the lack of responsiveness of murine palatal epithelium to PGE2 treatment on day 13 of gestation. This corresponds to the time of murine palatal medial edge epithelial differentiation. Lack of a PGE2 response may effect, initiate or occur as the result of murine medial edge epithelial differentiation.  相似文献   

We tested whether rabbit immune lymphocytes could be suppressed by anti-allotype antibody (Ab) in vitro as shown for normal lymphocytes. Spleen cells (SpC) from rabbits heterozygous at the b locus (b4b5) of immunoglobulin (Ig) κ chains were treated with IgG preparations of anti-b4 or anti-b5 Ab in vitro for 24 hr (day 1). After this treatment, the SpC were washed and recultured in medium to day 5. The secreted b4- and b5-Ig were quantitated by a radioimmunoassay. SpC from rabbits injected once with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) were allotype-suppressed. Thus, these SpC treated with anti-b4 Ab secreted normal amounts of b5-Ig but secreted much lower amounts of b4-Ig. Similarly, SpC treated with anti-b5 Ab secreted normal amounts of b4-Ig but secreted no detectable b5-Ig. In contrast, SpC from rabbits injected several times with SRBC (hyperimmunized) could not be allotype-suppressed. Hence, the susceptibility of primary immune cells and the resistance of hyperimmune cells to suppression appear to depend on the stage of B-lymphocyte differentiation, presumably because of loss of surface Ig or perhaps because of other changes in the cells as they differentiate during the immune response.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila, the etiologic agent of respiratory pneumonia and systemic infections of man and some experimental animals, was studied in regard to the ability of these bacteria to induce blastogenic responses by spleen cells from normal vs sensitized mice. Antigens from this organism, including whole cell vaccine, an outer membrane extract, and a purified lipopolysaccharide-rich antigen, induced blastogenesis of normal spleen cells with peak responses on day +3 in vitro, similar to the blastogenic responses of spleen cells from the same animals exposed to the plant mitogens phytohemagglutinin and Concanavalin A, or the nonspecific bacterial antigenEscherichia lipopolysaccharides coli (LPS). Spleen cells from mice vaccinated with killedLegionella or infected with a sublethal dose of these bacteria 3–4 weeks or more previously evinced increased blastogenic responses to theLegionella antigens but not to the nonspecific mitogens or theE. coli LPS. The spleen cells from legionellae-sensitized mice evinced not only heightened blastogenic responses on day +3 of culture but also heightened responses during day +5 of culture. Spleen cells from sensitized mice showed less responses to the nonspecific plant mitogens orE. coli LPS on day +5 of culture. These results support the view that, after sensitization of mice with a bacterial antigen such asL. pneumophila, spleen cells respond in a specific heightened blastogenic manner toLegionella antigen, and this response has a higher magnitude and is more prolonged than the non-specific responses of cells from normal mice.  相似文献   

Cultures of dispersed spleen cells, prepared from MDV-infected chickens with MD visceral lymphomas, showed marked depression of responsiveness to the T cell mitogen PHA, as measured by 3H-Tdr incorporation in cells in vitro. When data are expressed quantitatively in terms of cpm/10(5) viable cells, the functional depletion of PHA-responsive cells appear to result from lower levels of 3H-Tdr incorporation in the PHA-stimulated spleen cultures from chickens with acute MD symptoms, as compared to similar cultures from uninfected isolator-reared control chickens. It is suggested that depression of PHA-induced blastogenesis is spleen cell cultures from chickens with acute MD reflects virus-related alterations in T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is one of the most important pathogens which cause community-acquired pneumonia. Although TNF-alpha is considered to play an important role in response to bacteria, the role of the TNF-alpha receptor on L. pneumophila infection remains to be elucidated. To investigate this, we infected TNF receptor deficient mice with L. pneumophila. L. pneumophila was inoculated intranasally into TNF receptor (TNFR)-1-knock-out mice or TNFR2-knock-out mice. The mortality rate, histology of the lung, bacterial growth in the lung, and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids were investigated. The bacterial growth of L. pneumophila in the macrophages was also studied. Almost all the mice survived after an intranasal inoculation of 1x10(6)CFU/head of L. pneumophila, but more than 90% mice were killed after inoculation of 1x10(8)CFU/head of L. pneumophila. In the case of TNFR1-knock-out mice and TNFR2-knock-out mice, a high mortality rate was observed after inoculation of 1x10(7)CFU/head of L. pneumophila in comparison to wild-type mice. The lung histology from both the TNFR1-knock-out mice documented severe lung injury at day 3 after inoculation. The clearance of L. pneumophila in the lung of the TNFR1-knock-out mice was slower than those from both the TNFR2-knock-out mice and the wild-type mice. Moreover, L. pneumophila growth in the peritoneal macrophages from the TNFR1-knock-out mice was observed. Interestingly, a lack of neutrophils accumulation in the BAL fluids and a dysregulation of cytokines (IFN-gamma, interleukin-12, and TNF-alpha) were observed in the TNFR1-knock-out mice. On the contrary, large accumulation of neutrophils in BAL fluids was observed in TNFR2-knock-out mice. These data suggested that a TNFR1 deficiency led to a compromise of the innate immunity against L. pneumophila, while a TNFR2 deficiency induced an excessive inflammatory response and resulted in death. The present study confirmed that TNFR1 and TNFR2 play a crucial, but different role in the control of L. pneumophila-induced mortality.  相似文献   

Murine spleen cells developed into nonspecific cytotoxic cells within 72 hr of culture in the presence of highly purified sources of human interleukin 2. In whole spleen cell cultures, human interleukin 2 generated effector cells which were Thy 1.2+, Lyt 2.2+, resistant to γ irradiation (1000 R), and capable of lysing both H-2 compatible and incompatible targets. The effector cells generated in this manner were not restricted to classical natural killer cell-sensitive targets. If thymus-derived cells (T cells) were depleted from the spleen cell population before culture with human interleukin 2, the effector cells generated were enriched in effectors capable of lysing natural killer cell-sensitive targets. Interferon was not produced in interleukin 2-stimulated spleen cell cultures. In addition, heterologous antibody to murine -γ-interferon did not abrogate the generation of cytotoxic cells by human interleukin 2. These and additional data suggest that human interleukin 2 is capable of stimulating γ-irradiation-sensitive Thy 1.2+ cell(s) capable of lysing a variety of target cells regardless of inherent sensitivities to classical natural killer cells. Thy 1.2? cells were also stimulated by human interleukin 2 and lysed only natural killer cell-sensitive targets. Human interleukin 2 caused some Thy 1.2? cells to become susceptible to lysis by anti-Thy 1.2 serum and complement.  相似文献   

Spleen cells removed from immunized mice specifically kill allogeneic lymphoma cells in vitro, but in the presence of specific antigen nonspecific target cell growth inhibition also occurs. Only the specific target cell killing was found to be θ-sensitive, the nonspecific cytotoxicity was caused by a population of θ-resistant, adherent, and AMS-sensitive cells. Nonspecific cytotoxic effects were caused by spleen cells from normal mice after incubation with endotoxin, and these effects were inhibited by removal of the adherent cells.  相似文献   

Summary Injection of syngeneic lymphoma cells in AKR mice resulted in an important increase of splenic natural killer (NK) activity in the early days following the graft. Modifications of the production of different types of cytokine: interferon, interleukins 1 and 2, tumor necrosis factor (IFN, IL-1, IL-2, TNF), involved in the regulation of NK activity, were investigated in short-term cultures of total, adherent and non-adherent fractionated spleen cells, using lipopolysaccharide as the triggering or amplifying agent.Upon stimulation with lipopolysaccharide, splenocytes from lymphoma-grafted mice released a large amount of interferon as compared to controls with a maximum level 1 day after the graft. Equal amounts of IFN- and IFN-/ were detected. Treatment of spleen cells prior to culture with anti-(asialo-GM1) or anti-(Thy-1.1) antibodies reduced interferon production by 80% and 50% respectively. This finding indicates that (a) the IFN- is produced by Thy-1-positive cells and (b) the production of IFN- by these cells is at least partially under the control of asialo-GM1-positive cells. We also showed that non-adherent fractionated spleen cells from lymphoma-grafted mice produced IL-1 and IL-2. IL-1 was released by asialo-GM1-positive cells and IL-2 by Thy-1-positive cells. Adherent cells released only IL-1. In contrast, total cells released smaller amounts of IL-1 and IL-2, suggesting a reciprocal inhibition between subpopulations of non-adherent and adherent cells. A high level of TNF production by adherent cells was observed only 4 days after the graft. These results indicate that graft of lymphoma cells entails important modifications of spleen cell populations releasing different types of cytokines implicated in NK activation.  相似文献   

Postnatal T-suppressor cells have been detected in a number of experimental systems. They have been shown to inhibit humoral responses, proliferation in a mixed-lymphocyte reaction and the induction of killer cells. The suppressor function observed in the postnatal mouse does not appear to be antigen specific and its ontogeny may be influenced by other cell types and by serum factors such as α-fetoprotein. We have detected a nonadherent, radioresistant splenic T cell present in neonatal mice ranging in age from 1 to 9 days which can nonspecifically suppress killer cell induction. This suppressor cell must be cultured in vitro in order to function, but it does not require alloantigen to be induced. Adult spleen cells tested in the same system yield antigen-specific T-cell suppression. Our results suggest that the nonspecific suppressor detectable in 1- to 9-day-old mice disappears in adult life, and is replaced by antigen-specific suppressors. The biological role of these suppressors is discussed.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from nonlethally MCMV-infected weanling and adult DBA/2 mice had diminished responses to Con A stimulation. In contrast, only lethal MCMV infections were associated with a complete suppression of the Con A response. The immune response to SRBC was depressed even in asymptomatic infections of weanling and adult mice. A marked maturation of resistance to the lethal effects of MCMV infection was found to occur during the fourth week of life.  相似文献   

Bone marrow-derived lymphocytes (B cells) with or without receptors for third component of complement (CR) were studies in their responsiveness to T-independent antigens and B-cell mitogens in terms of anti-DNP PFC response. Spleen cells were fractionated by centrifugation over a Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient after they were rosetted with antigen-antibody-complement complexes. The cells in interface fraction could not respond to any T-independent antigen tested, while they responded well to polyclonal stimulations by lipopolysaccharide and polymerized flagellin but not by keyhole limpet hemocyanin. Reduced response to T-independent antigen of the cells in interface fraction could not be explained by a shift of the kinetics, lack of number of B cells, or by the depletion of macrophages. Significance of CR in B-cell differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

We tested whether purified antibodies (Ab) to immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain isotoypes could suppress immune Ig-secreting lymphocytes in vitro. Rabbit immune spleen cells (SpC) were treated with purified goat Ab to IgM (anti-μ Ab) or to IgG (anti-γ Ab) in vitro for 24 hr (Day 1). After this treatment, the SpC were washed and recultured to Day 5. The cells were again washed and then tested for Ig-bearing cells by a rosette forming cell assay and tested for Ab-secreting cells by the conventional plaque forming cell assay. In addition, the supernatant fluids were quantitated for secreted Ig by a radial immune hemolysis in gel assay. The number of Ig-bearing cells, the number of Ab-secreting cells and the amount of secreted b4 Ig decreased when “primary immune” SpC were pretreated with anti-μ but not when the SpC were pretreated with anti-γ Ab. Thus, SpC from rabbits injected once with SE were suppressed by anti-μ but not by anti-γ Ab. In contrast, SpC from rabbits injected several times with SE (hyperimmunized) were not suppressed by either anti-μ or by anti-γ Ab. This susceptibility of primary immune (IgM-secreting) SpC and resistance of hyperimmune (IgG-secreting) SpC to suppression may depend on the stage of B lymphocyte differentiation. That is, more differentiated cells such as IgG-secreting cells are insensitive to anti-μ and anti-γ Ab presumably due to lack of surface Ig molecules or for other reasons.  相似文献   

Simultaneous in vitro exposure of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells to phytohemagglutinin-P (PHA) and either soluble schistosomal egg antigenic preparation (SEA) or soluble cercarial antigenic preparation (CAP) obtained from Schistosoma mansoni resulted in decreased responsiveness as compared to exposure to PHA alone. The addition of a soluble adult worm antigenic preparation (SWAP) did not predictably alter PHA responses in this system. The suppression due to in vitro exposure to either SEA or CAP was expressed whether the lymphocyte donors were S. mansoni patients (early infection, chronic, or treated), or uninfected subjects. The degree of suppression was related to the concentration of SEA used, and the timing of exposure. Preexposure to SEA for 3 days before the addition of PHA resulted in more potent suppression. However, a delay in the time of the addition of SEA of 6 and 24 hr after PHA exposure decreased and eliminated, respectively, its suppressive capacity. SEA and CAP were not directly toxic to responding cells, and appeared to exert their nonspecific suppressive influences through T lymphocyte-related mechanisms. It was observed that although these suppressive events could be induced and observed in vitro, the responsiveness of S. mansoni patient lymphocytes to PHA was equal with that of uninfected controls.  相似文献   

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