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The mtrB gene from Bacillus pumilus encodes a 76-amino-acid polypeptide with 77% identity to the trp RNA-binding attenuation protein (TRAP) from Bacillus subtilis. B. pumilus TRAP binds trp leader RNA from either B. subtilis or B. pumilus in a tryptophan-dependent manner. Altering threonine 52 to alanine eliminated RNA-binding activity of B. pumilus TRAP.  相似文献   

Expression of the Bacillus subtilis trp genes is negatively regulated by an 11-subunit trp RNA-binding attenuation protein (TRAP), which is activated to bind RNA by binding l-tryptophan. We used Western blotting to estimate that there are 200 to 400 TRAP 11-mer molecules per cell in cells grown in either minimal or rich medium.  相似文献   

TRAP (trp RNA-binding attenuation protein) is an 11 subunit RNA-binding protein that regulates expression of genes involved in tryptophan metabolism (trp) in Bacillus subtilis in response to changes in intracellular tryptophan concentration. When activated by binding up to 11 tryptophan residues, TRAP binds to the mRNAs of several trp genes and down-regulates their expression. Recently, a TRAP mutant was found that binds RNA in the absence of tryptophan. In this mutant protein, Thr30, which is part of the tryptophan-binding site, is replaced with Val (T30V). We have compared the RNA-binding properties of T30V and wild-type (WT) TRAP, as well as of a series of hetero-11-mers containing mixtures of WT and T30V TRAP subunits. The most significant difference between the interaction of T30V and WT TRAP with RNA is that the affinity of T30V TRAP is more dependent on ionic strength. Analysis of the hetero-11-mers allowed us to examine how subunits interact within an 11-mer with regard to binding to tryptophan or RNA. Our data suggest that individual subunits retain properties similar to those observed when they are in homo-11-mers and that individual G/UAG triplets within the RNA can bind to TRAP differently.  相似文献   

The trp RNA-binding attenuation protein (TRAP) negatively regulates expression of the tryptophan biosynthesis genes of Bacillus subtilis. In the presence of tryptophan, TRAP is activated to bind to the 5'-leader region of the trp mRNA resulting in termination prior to the structural genes. In addition, accumulation of uncharged tRNA(Trp) induces synthesis of anti-TRAP (AT), which binds to TRAP and inhibits its function. Both of these proteins consist of oligomers of identical subunits. Here, we characterize the self-association of each of these proteins and the TRAP-AT interaction in free solution using equilibrium and velocity analytical ultracentrifugation. TRAP exists as a stable 11-mer in the absence and in the presence of tryptophan. Tryptophan binding induces a conformational change in TRAP. AT exists in a reversible equilibrium between trimer and dodecamer with an equilibrium constant of approximately 3 x 10(14)M(-3). About 20% of the trimer is incompetent to form dodecamer. The AT equilibrium is slow on the time-scale of the velocity experiment. Formation of TRAP-AT complexes occurs only in the presence of tryptophan. A complex containing one TRAP 11-mer and one AT 12-mer forms with high affinity. At higher ratios of TRAP:AT complexes containing two TRAP 11-mers and one AT 12-mer are detected. A model for the structure of the complex is proposed.  相似文献   

Murtola T  Vattulainen I  Falck E 《Proteins》2008,71(4):1995-2011
Tryptophan biosynthesis in Bacillus stearothermophilus is regulated by a trp RNA binding attenuation protein (TRAP). It is a ring-shaped 11-mer of identical 74 residue subunits. Tryptophan binding pockets are located between adjacent subunits, and tryptophan binding activates TRAP to bind RNA. Here, we report results from all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of the system, complementing existing extensive experimental studies. We focus on two questions. First, we look at the activation mechanism, of which relatively little is known experimentally. We find that the absence of tryptophan allows larger motions close to the tryptophan binding site, and we see indication of a conformational change in the BC loop. However, complete deactivation seems to occur on much longer time scales than the 40 ns studied here. Second, we study the TRAP-RNA interactions. We look at the relative flexibilities of the different bases in the complex and analyze the hydrogen bonds between the protein and RNA. We also study the role of Lys37, Lys56, and Arg58, which have been experimentally identified as essential for RNA binding. Hydrophobic stacking of Lys37 with the nearby RNA base is confirmed, but we do not see direct hydrogen bonding between RNA and the other two residues, in contrast to the crystal structure. Rather, these residues seem to stabilize the RNA-binding surface, and their positive charge may also play a role in RNA binding. Simulations also indicate that TRAP is able to attract RNA nonspecifically, and the interactions are quantified in more detail using binding energy calculations. The formation of the final binding complex is a very slow process: within the simulation time scale of 40 ns, only two guanine bases become bound (and no others), indicating that the binding initiates at these positions. In general, our results are in good agreement with experimental studies, and provide atomic-scale insights into the processes.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis tryptophan biosynthetic genes are regulated by the trp RNA-binding attenuation protein (TRAP). Cooperative binding of L-tryptophan activates TRAP so that it can bind to RNA. The crystal structure revealed that L-tryptophan forms nine hydrogen bonds with various amino acid residues of TRAP. We performed site-directed mutagenesis to determine the importance of several of these hydrogen bonds in TRAP activation. We tested both alanine substitutions as well as substitutions more closely related to the natural amino acid at appropriate positions. Tryptophan binding mutations were identified in vivo having unchanged, reduced, or completely eliminated repression activity. Several of the in vivo defective TRAP mutants exhibited reduced affinity for tryptophan in vitro but did not interfere with RNA binding at saturating tryptophan concentrations. However, a 10-fold decrease in TRAP affinity for tryptophan led to an almost complete loss of regulation, whereas increased TRAP affinity for tryptophan had little or no effect on the in vivo regulatory activity of TRAP. One hydrogen bond was found to be dispensable for TRAP activity, whereas two others appear to be essential for TRAP function. Another mutant protein exhibited tryptophan-independent RNA binding activity. We also found that trp leader RNA increases the affinity of TRAP for tryptophan.  相似文献   

We describe the sequence and characterization of the Bacillus subtilis flhF gene. flhF encodes a basic polypeptide of 41 kDa that contains a putative GTP-binding motif. The sequence of FlhF reveals a structural relationship to two Escherichia coli proteins, Ffh and FtsY, as well as to other members of the SRP54 family, in a domain presumed to bind GTP. flhF is located in a large operon consisting of chemotaxis and flagellar genes. Cells deficient in flhF are nonmotile. Through the use of anti-flagellar antibodies we have established that flhF is a flagellar (fla) gene. Thus, flhF is a unique flagellar gene in that it encodes a GTP-binding protein with similarities to members of the SRP54 family of proteins. These data suggest that flagellar biosynthesis in B. subtilis requires GTP.  相似文献   

Western blot (immunoblot) analysis of Bacillus subtilis cell extracts detected two proteins that cross-reacted with monospecific polyclonal antibody raised against Escherichia coli initiation factor 2 alpha (IF2 alpha). Subsequent Southern blot analysis of B. subtilis genomic DNA identified a 1.3-kilobase (kb) HindIII fragment which cross-hybridized with both E. coli and Bacillus stearothermophilus IF2 gene probes. This DNA was cloned from a size-selected B. subtilis plasmid library. The cloned HindIII fragment, which was shown by DNA sequence analysis to encode the N-terminal half of the B. subtilis IF2 protein and 0.2 kb of upstream flanking sequence, was utilized as a homologous probe to clone an overlapping 2.76-kb ClaI chromosomal fragment containing the entire IF2 structural gene. The HindIII fragment was also used as a probe to obtain overlapping clones from a lambda gt11 library which contained additional upstream and downstream flanking sequences. Sequence comparisons between the B. subtilis IF2 gene and the other bacterial homologs from E. coli, B. stearothermophilus, and Streptococcus faecium displayed extensive nucleic acid and protein sequence homologies. The B. subtilis infB gene encodes two proteins, IF2 alpha (78.6 kilodaltons) and IF2 beta (68.2 kilodaltons); both were expressed in B. subtilis and E. coli. These two proteins cross-reacted with antiserum to E. coli IF2 alpha and were able to complement in vivo an E. coli infB gene disruption. Four-factor recombination analysis positioned the infB gene at 145 degrees on the B. subtilis chromosome, between the polC and spcB loci. This location is distinct from those of the other major ribosomal protein and rRNA gene clusters of B. subtilis.  相似文献   

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