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Yield studies show that increases in grain yield are always accompanied by an increase in grain number and, hence, further increases in yield potential may require additional improvements in grain number. The improvement of modern durum wheat was mainly based on the introduction of semidwarf genes. A 2‐year field drought stress experiment, concerning two different genotype groups (landraces vs modern cultivars), was carried out under a rainout shelter in order (a) to assess the effect of water deficit on floret dynamics and grain number determination, (b) to explore the relationship between plant water status with grain number per spike and its components (i.e., spikelets per spike, fertile florets per spikelet and grain set) and (c) to quantify the importance of several plant traits in determining the final number of grains per spike and fertile florets per spike when the main source of variation is water availability. Compared to control (well irrigated), grain number per spike was reduced, depending on year, genotype and water availability level, by 12.4–58.7% and this reduction was evident almost in all spikelet positions along the spike. Although there were some doubts in the past about the increased sensitivity of semidwarf cultivars to drought stress, they were not confirmed from our results. In most of the cases, the variation in plant water status (by means of water potential index [WPI]) during floret primordia phase (FPP) explained most of the variance in grain number per spike, fertile florets per spikelet, grain set and fertile spikelets per spike. In general, increasing water stress intensity decreased grain number per spike by an average rate of 13.5 and 9.4 grains per 0.2 MPa decrease in WPI, in modern cultivars and landraces, respectively. However, seasonal and genotypic effects were evident by modifying the slopes of the linear regressions between WPI and the studied plant traits. Commonality analysis revealed that the number of fertile florets per spikelet was the best predictor of grain number per spike, indicating that there is still much space for further improvement for this trait in landraces. However, this trait has been clearly improved in modern cultivars, especially at the basal and central spikelets. Although the number of spikelets per spike was the best unique predictor of the number of grains per spike in modern cultivars, grain set presented the highest total effect.  相似文献   

Podocyte dysfunction results in glomerular diseases accounted for 90% of end‐stage kidney disease. The evolutionarily conserved Notch signalling makes a crucial contribution in podocyte development and function. However, the underlying mechanism of Notch pathway modulating podocyte differentiation remains less obvious. Autophagy, reported to be related with Notch signalling pathways in different animal models, is regarded as a possible participant during podocyte differentiation. Here, we found the dynamic changes of Notch1 were coincided with autophagy: they both increased during kidney development and podocyte differentiation. Intriguingly, when Notch signalling was down‐regulated by DAPT, autophagy was greatly diminished, and differentiation was also impaired. Further, to better understand the relationship between Notch signalling and autophagy in podocyte differentiation, rapamycin was added to enhance autophagy levels in DAPT‐treated cells, and as a result, nephrin was recovered and DAPT‐induced injury was ameliorated. Therefore, we put forward that autophagy is involved in kidney development and podocyte differentiation regulated by Notch signalling.  相似文献   

自噬是亚细胞膜结构发生动态变化并经溶酶体介导的细胞内蛋白质和细胞器降解的过程。通过平衡细胞内的合成和分解代谢,自噬可以维持细胞内环境稳态。干细胞是具有自我更新能力和多向分化潜能的细胞,对组织器官再生和维持组织稳态有重要作用。近年的研究表明,自噬在维持干细胞功能方面有非常重要的作用,本文综述了自噬的形成过程和分子机制及其在发育及干细胞中的作用。  相似文献   

Anther culture has been developed in the winter wheat cultivar Florida to achieve accelerated production and identification of homozygous transgenic lines. With untransformed, seed-derived plants to develop the culture system, it was shown that cold pre-treatment of spikes excised from donor plants and addition of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid together with either kinetin or 6-benzylaminopurine in the callus induction medium improves the anther culture response. The procedure developed allowed production of fertile homozygous lines within 8–9 months, which includes an 8-week vernalisation period. With transgenic wheat plants produced by particle bombardment as donors, we show that the system can be used to produce homozygous transgenics, requiring one generation cycle. Both T0 tissue culture-derived plants and their T1 seed-derived descendents serve as suitable donors. We show that an anther culture response comparable to that of untransformed, seed-derived plants can be achieved with T0 tissue culture-derived plants. PCR and Southern molecular analyses of anther culture-derived transgenics show that the transgenes are stably inherited; there are no perturbations at the chromosomal level around the sites of transgene integration as a result of in vitro chromosome manipulation during anther culture.  相似文献   

土壤分水分亏缺导致小麦幼穗内氮、磷、异戊烯基腺嘌呤(iPAs)含量降低,脱落酸(ABA)含量升高,影响小花的发育,结实粒数减少。在水分充足的条件下,耐旱性不同的品种穗中氮、氮、iPAs含量和ABA含量无显著差异;在水分胁迫条件下,旱地品种幼穗中氮,磷、iPAs含量降低的幅度和ABA含量升高的幅度低于水浇地品种,这是耐旱品种在土壤水分亏缺时,较水浇地品种小花发育好、成花率和结实率高,穗粒数稳定的生理  相似文献   

以“97鉴1”、“扬麦158”和“河南8679”分别代表特大穗型、大穗型和穗数型基因型材料,测定和分析了小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)从小花分化至抽穗期穗部和叶片的内源植物激素水平。幼穗中ABA高峰出现在雌雄蕊分化期至药隔形成期之间,出现时间则随穗型增大而推迟。在减数分裂期前,特大穗型幼穗中内源激素水平特别是,ABA和GA1+3水平明显下降,但IAA/ABA及iPA/ABA的比值  相似文献   

小麦-冰草远缘杂交后代品系普冰10696具有多粒的遗传特性.为深入了解其多粒性状形成的发育进程,本研究以多粒品系普冰10696和黄淮冬麦区主推品种为供试材料,通过解剖学和统计学方法比较小花分化、退化和结实的动态进程差异,进一步解析冰草多花多粒的特性,为多粒基因型材料在育种中的应用提供理论参考.农艺性状比较结果显示,普冰...  相似文献   

The pineal controls the reproductive response of ewes to both stimulatory (short) and inhibitory (long) day lengths. Melatonin, a pineal hormone whose nocturnal secretion is entrained by photoperiod, mediates the effect of stimulatory photoperiod. We now report that melatonin also mediates the effect of inhibitory day length, monitored as response to estradiol negative feedback on luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion. Ovariectomized, estradiol-implanted ewes were pinealectomized and intravenously infused with melatonin to restore the nightly melatonin rise. Following transfer from short to long days, and a concurrent switch from short- to long-day melatonin patterns, LH dropped precipitously in pinealectomized ewes, matching the photoinhibitory response of pineal intact controls. LH dropped similarly in pinealectomized ewes when long-day melatonin was infused under short days. Pinealectomized ewes transferred from long to short days displayed a marked LH rise, provided melatonin was also switched to the short-day pattern. LH remained suppressed if long-day melatonin was infused following transfer to short days. These data indicate the nighttime melatonin rise mediates reproductive responses to inhibitory, as well as stimulatory photoperiods; they further suggest the duration of this rise controls suppression of LH under long days. Rather than being strictly pro- or antigonadal, the pineal participates in measuring day length.  相似文献   

The levels of endogenous plant hormones regulate floret development and degeneration, and thus grain set in flower crops. This study was undertaken to characterize the changes of endogenous hormone levels during floret development in three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes: “97J1" with the highest grain set and fertile florets per spike, “H8679" with the lowest grain set and fertile florets per spike, and a medium, “YM158". The results showed that the peak level of ABA appeared between stamen and pistil differentiation and antherlobe formation of floret development, and the timing delayed with the size of spike (earliest in “H8679” and latest in “97J1”). From antherlobe formation to meiosis, the levels of ABA and GA1+3decreased sharply in the ears of “97J1”, while in the ears of “H8679” there was only a slight decrease in ABA, and even an increase in GA1+3. The ratio of isopentenyladenosine (iPA)/ABA and IAA/ABA in the ears of “97J1” increased sharply from antherlobe formation to meiosis, but changed only slightly in the ears of “H8679”. At antherlobe formation, IAA and GA1+3 levels were higher in the ears of “97J1”, but lower in the ears of “H8679”than in the leaves. At meiosis, ABA, GA1+3 and IAA levels in the “97J1” ears were much lower than in the leaves, but similar in “H8679”. These results indicated that the sharp decreases of ABA and GA1+3 in ears from antherlobe formation to meiosis and the lowest maintenance at meiosis may be favorable for development of fertile florets and enhancement of grain set in wheat.  相似文献   

真核生物通过双层膜结构包裹细胞内受损的蛋白、细胞器或外源物质, 经溶酶体(或液泡)将内含物降解并进行循环利用, 这种高度保守的生物学过程称为自噬。活性氧是细胞有氧代谢的副产物, 作为一种信号分子广泛参与不同生物学过程的调控。研究表明, 真核生物中自噬与活性氧之间存在密切联系。该文结合近年的研究进展, 对植物细胞中活性氧的种类及作用和自噬的分子机制等进行概述, 旨在探讨活性氧对自噬的调控作用。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Although the apical development of wheat has been widely described, studies analysing how genetic breeding over the 20th century influenced the developmental phases and its consequences on yield generation are lacking, especially for durum wheat under field conditions in Mediterranean environments. The aims of this study were to analyse the effects of breeding in Spain and Italy on crop development during the last century, to determine whether or not breeding significantly altered the developmental phases between sowing and maturity, and to evaluate the importance of each phase in determining the number of grains per spike of durum wheat (Triticum durum) cultivars representing the germplasm grown throughout the 20th century in Spain and Italy.


Eight field experiments were carried out during 4 years in two contrasting latitudes (Lleida and Granada, Spain). Plant material consisted of 24 durum wheat cultivars (12 Italian and 12 Spanish) grown throughout the 20th century in Spain and Italy.

Key Results

In Spanish materials, breeding reduced the duration of the period from sowing to anthesis, placing the grain-filling period in better conditions. In those cultivars, the sub-phase sowing–terminal spikelet formation was reduced while the duration of the period from booting to anthesis was increased. The number of grains per spike increased by 23 % from old to modern cultivars, by changes in the number of grains per spikelet in both Spanish and Italian cultivars. Floral abortion from booting to anthesis diminished by 24 % from old to modern cultivars, and grain setting increased by 13 %.


The results suggest that breeding reduced not only plant height, but also the time to anthesis. By extending the duration of the phase from booting to anthesis, which was associated with an increase in spike dry weight and grains per spike, it suggests that future increases in spike fertility could be achieved by enlarging that phase.  相似文献   

细胞自噬是细胞内高度保守的细胞自我消化和分解代谢过程,细胞内变性蛋白、衰老和受损的细胞器被转运到溶酶体降解. 自噬过程失调引起多种疾病,包括感染、衰老、神经退行性疾病、癌症和心脏疾病等,因此,自噬过程需要非常精确的调控. MicroRNA是一类在基因转录后水平调控目的基因的功能性小RNA分子.研究发现,microRNA可以通过RNA干扰(RNA interference, RNAi)途径调控某些自噬相关基因(autophagy related gene, ATG)及其调节因子.这些microRNA表达异常足以影响自噬水平,使得microRNA成为自噬研究的新视角,同时也使microRNA成为治疗自噬失调引起的疾病的潜在靶点.本文将对有关microRNA参与细胞自噬调控的最新研究动态进行综述.  相似文献   

亚精胺(spermidine)是含有3个胺基的低分子量脂肪族碳化物,是存在于所有生物体中的天然多胺之一。自噬(autophagy)对于降解细胞内受损蛋白质和细胞器是必需的。外源性亚精胺可作为自噬的天然诱导剂,并且是安全和无毒的。新近研究表明,亚精胺可通过AKT/AMPK-FoxO3-Atg途径诱导自噬,还能促进组蛋白脱乙酰基酶4(histone deacetylase 4,HDAC4)向细胞核转运,降低细胞质HDAC4含量,进而增强微管相关蛋白1S(microtubule-associated protein 1S,MAP1S)乙酰化和稳定性以激活自噬。此外,亚精胺可作为乙酰转移酶抑制剂调节EP300活性,进而改变Atg5、Atg7、LC3和Atg12的乙酰化状态。同时,还可通过诱导哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin,mTOR)去磷酸化,激活ULK1/2-Atg13-FIP200复合物参与调控动物机体内的自噬过程。本文就自噬概念和亚精胺诱导自噬作用途径的最新研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

活性氧是细胞代谢中产生的有很强反应活性的分子,易将邻近分子氧化,并参与细胞内多种信号转导途径,对相关生理过程进行调控.自噬是真核细胞通过溶酶体机制对自身组分进行降解再利用的过程,在细胞应激及疾病发生等过程中发挥重要作用.本文对活性氧和自噬相关调节进行分类介绍,根据新近研究进展,从活性氧参与的自噬性死亡、自噬性存活以及线粒体自噬3方面探讨了相关信号转导机制,对活性氧作为信号分子参与的自噬调控途径做一总结和介绍.  相似文献   

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