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Three new species of Magelona are described from the Seychelles: M. conversa, M. falcifera and M. gemmata. Magelona conversa belongs to a 'M. mirabilisgroup', having a rounded prostomium and specialised chaetae on chaetiger 9, but differs from all other members in having long prechaetal neuropodial lamellae on chaetigers 1–8. Magelona falcifera bears large sickle-shaped hooded hooks in the abdomen and thus approaches the genus Meredithia, but lacks prostomial horns. Magelona gemmata belongs to a 'M. longicornis group' in having distinct prostomial frontal horns, and a thorax with lanceolate postchaetal lamellae in the notopodia and ventral neuropodial lobes. The distinctively swollen bud-like tips on the notopodial lamellae of chaetiger 9 are an unique feature. The status of MeredithiaHernández-Alcántara & Solís-Weiss, 2000 and current magelonid terminology are discussed.  相似文献   

Two species of jaw bearing Ampharetidae (Adercodon pleijeli (Mackie 1994) and Ampharete sp. B) were investigated in order to describe the microanatomy of the mouth parts and especially jaws of these enigmatic polychaetes. The animals of both studied species have 14–18 mouth tentacles that are about 30 µm in diameter each. In both species, the ventral pharyngeal organ is well developed and situated on the ventral side of the buccal cavity. It is composed of a ventral muscle bulb and investing muscles. The bulb consists of posterior and anterior parts separated by a deep median transversal groove. In both species, the triangular teeth or denticles are arranged in a single transversal row on the surface of the posterior part of the ventral bulb just in front of its posterior edge. There are 36 denticles in Adercodon pleijeli and 50 in Ampharete sp. B. The height of the denticles (6–12 µm) is similar in both species. Each tooth is composed of two main layers. The outer one (dental) is the electron‐dense sclerotized layer that covers the tooth. The inner one consists of long microvilli with a collagen matrix between them. The thickness of the dental layer ranges from 0.95 to 0.6 µm. The jaws of the studied worms may play a certain role in scraping off microfouling. The fine structure of the jaws in Ampharetidae is very similar to that of the mandibles of Dorvilleidae, the mandibles and the maxillae of Lumbrineridae, Eunicidae and Onuphidae, and the jaws of other Aciculata. This type of jaw is characterized by unlimited growth and the absence of replacement. The occurrence of jaws in a few smaller Ampharetidae is considered as an apomorphic state.  相似文献   

An update of the systematics is given for the eight most important interstitial polychaete families: Diurodrilidae, Nerillidae, Protodrilidae, Protodriloididae, Saccocirridae, Parergodrilidae, Polygordidae and Psammodrilidae. Additional information and new observations are presented for the Diurodrilidae, Nerillidae and Psammodrilidae. Three new supplementary evolutionary hypotheses for these families are here suggested: (I) basal position of Diurodrilidae in Polychaeta, (2) evolution of Nerillidae in mud, and (3) evolution from meio- to macrofaunal forms of Psammodrilidae.  相似文献   

Observations of the feeding behavior of Cirriformia filigera (Delle Chiaje, 1825) (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the intertidal zone of S?o Francisco and Engenho D'água beaches (S?o Sebasti?o, State of S?o Paulo) were made in the laboratory. This species, like other cirratulids, is a deposit feeder, feeding mainly on sediment surface with the aid of its grooved and ciliated palps, which are used to capture food particles. The worm lies just beneath the substrate surface in a J-shaped tube. When feeding, it extends up to 4 palps over the sediment surface, capturing food particles which pass down the groove of each palp directly to the mouth. Only fine sand grains are ingested. The worm frequently extends 4 branchial filaments into the overlying water for aeration. When it moves with the prostomium sideways, it collects and transports sand grains that pass backwards along its ventral region until reaching the middle part of its body. Next, the parapodia and palps move the sand grains to the dorsal posterior end of the animal, covering this area with sand. Some sand grains are also ingested as the worm moves.  相似文献   

Nereimyra Blainville, 1828 (Psamathini, Hesionidae, Aciculata, Annelida) is revised based on examination of all available types and newly collected specimens. We assessed the phylogeny of Nereimyra in an analysis based on cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI), 16S rDNA, 18S rDNA, and 28S rDNA. The genus is delineated to include the three species Nereimyra aphroditoides (Fabricius, 1780), Nereimyra punctata (O.F. Müller, 1776), and Nereimyra woodsholea (Hartman, 1965), which are redescribed. Nereimyra punctata has a characteristic pigmentation, but otherwise there are no clear morphological characters for separating the species. Based on the molecular data we obtained strong support both for the monophyly of Nereimyra and for each of the three included species. Nereimyra punctata and N. woodsholea are sister species, and the Kimura two‐parameter (K2P)‐corrected COI distances between the three species are 16–23%. Syllidia Quatrefages, 1866, is sister group to Nereimyra. Previous uncertainties regarding the type species of the genus are settled to Nereis rosea Fabricius, 1780, junior synonym of N. aphroditoides. A neotype is designated for N. aphroditoides. The distribution of Nereimyra is at present restricted to the Arctic and the boreal parts of the North Atlantic, possibly extending to the Gulf of Mexico on the United States east coast. Records outside this area require verification. Castalia multipapillata Théel, 1879, and Nereimyra alvinae Blake, 1985, are of uncertain affinity and are treated as nomina dubia. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 36–51.  相似文献   

Summary The paired prominent ejaculatory ducts of the hermaphroditic polychaete Microphthalmus cf. listensis are surrounded by gland cells the processes of which penetrate the ducts themselves. These cells produce, in separate regions, two different types of spherical granules. Type I is composed of an electron dense and an electron lucent part. Type II granules contain a tubular filament that forms a single or double spiral in the periphery of a more or less unstructured electron dense material. Golgi vesicles give rise to this granule type. During the passage of sperm, these granules are obviously discharged into the lumen of the duct. Here they change form and probably dissolve. Their function is as yet unknown; capacitation of sperm is assumed.  相似文献   

Following an enzymatic procedure for softening the egg envelope, blastomeres in the embryo of the polychaete Platynereis dumerilii were injected with TRITC-dextran. Injection was successful in the following blastomeres: AB, CD, A, B, C, D, 1a-1d, 1A-1D, 4d, and 4d(1). The distribution of fluorescent label was recorded by confocal laser scanning microscopy of young, three-segmented worms after 3 or 4 days of development, in some cases also in 1-day-old trochophore larvae. Results were documented by single optical sections, by stacking a limited number or a complete set of optical sections, and by computer-generated surface views of both the labeled tissue domains and the body contours from complete image stacks of whole worms. With respect to their descent from the embryonic cell pattern, five major compartments can be distinguished which together compose the body of the young worm: 1) The epispheric, epidermal, and neural region of the head, composed of four domains arranged as quasi-radial sectors derived from micromeres 1a, 1b (left and right ventral), and 1c and 1d (right and left dorsal). 2) A posttrochal epidermal region of the head originating from micromeres 2a(1)-2c(1) and constituting the ventral and lateral posttrochal epidermis of the head. 3) A stomodeal-ectomesodermal region of the head, including the stomodeum (micromeres 2a(2) and 2c(2)), its mesodermal envelope, and head mesoderm (micromeres 3a-3d). 4) A solid cone composed of the four terminal macromeres 4A-4D, forming the core of the trunk as the endoderm anlage. 5) An epidermal and mesodermal coating of the trunk originating from the dorsal micromeres 2d and 4d. The region of the so-called (first, anterior) peristomial cirri at the posterior flanks of the head is also composed of 2d- and 4d-derived trunk tissue, thus corroborating the postulated descent of this region and its appendages from a cephalized anteriormost trunk segment and its parapodia. The cell-lineage domains of the first and third micromere tiers are arranged left or right of the sagittal plane, while two micromeres of the second quartet are in a lateral and, initially, two in a median position (2b ventral and 2d dorsal). The offspring of micromere 2d expand from a dorsal position toward the ventral midline and those of cell 4d from a posterior-dorsal site toward the anterior, initially forming two lateral bands. In the epispheric part of the head, part of the neurectodermal tissue derived from micromeres 1a and 1b interweaves in a medio-sagittal bar, and part of the first micromere offspring of all four quadrants (1a-1d) combine in forming a central brain neuropil. Each of the latter sends neurites through both of the circumesophageal connectives. Paired muscle tracts extend through the head toward the base of the antennae and are probably derived from micromeres 3a and 3b. A mesodermal envelope of the stomodeum is probably built by the 3c and 3d micromeres. The formation of symmetry and the nature of the body axes in the embryo and adult of Platynereis dumerilii are discussed. J. Morphol.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in Polydora ciliata (Johnston) was assessed on the basis of evidence from morphological characters, which were studied by scanning electron microscopy. Differences were observed between populations of P. ciliata with respect to the setae of the fifth modified segment and in the caruncle. Two other species, namely P. ligni Webster and P. limicola (Annenkova), were also studied in order to assess interspecific variation. The two forms of P. ciliata , that is boring and non-boring, were found to be different morphologically.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of spionid genera are estimated from parsimony analyses of morphological characters, with Trochochaetidae, Poecilochaetidae and Uncispionidae as outgroups. A first analysis of currendy recognised genera proved inconclusive and even exclusion of six of the most polymorphic genera resulted in 13 305 equally parsimonious trees and a fully collapsed consensus tree. A second analysis using only the type species of each genus, yielded four equally parsimonious trees; reduced to two after successive weighting. The topologies of these two trees indicated division of the family into four main groups: (1) Aonidella and Xandaros; (2) Prionospio (sensu fato)-complex, Laonice, Spiophanes and Aonides; (3) a large assemblage of genera, including Polydora-{senm late), Scolelepis, Malacoceros and Spio; (4) Atherospio, Pseudatherospio and Pygospiopsis. Earlier literature classifications of the group are evaluated and compared with die new results.  相似文献   

1. Experiments to compare the exchange (total influx) of sodium and chloride in the polychaete Nereis diversicolor in steady-state adaptation to very low salinities are reported. 2. The Na-uptake mechanism shows a high affinity for sodium, reaching half the maximal uptake rate at an external Na-concentration of 8-10 mM/liter (ca. 2% SW), and becomes "saturated" or reaches a plateau of uptake at concentrations of 40-50 mM/liter (ca. 10% SW) up to ca. 350 mM/liter (75% SW), above which Na-exchange is proportional to the external concentration. 3. The Cl-uptake curve differs from the Na-uptake curve in showing a relative depression at very low salinities before reaching "saturation" at Cl-concentrations of 50-60 mM/liter (ca. 10% SW). Cl-uptake becomes proportional to external concentration in salinities of 50% SW or greater, suggestive of passive diffusion in the ionic and osmotic conforming range. 4. It is shown that the permeability of the body wall, both to Na and to Cl, is reduced at very low salinities, thus destroying one of the assumptions upon which a previously-presented balance-sheet for chloride exchanges in N. diversicolor was based (Smith, 1970a). 5. Attempts to demonstrate an activation of the Na-uptake mechanism at very low salinities were inconclusive; reduction of body-wall permeability to sodium masks any possible activation. 6. It is suggested that the inside-negative body-wall potential is related to the depression of the Cl-uptake curve in salinities below 10% SW.  相似文献   

A syllid species new to science is described from intertidal sandy sediments on the cast coast of India, for which a new genus is erected: Psammosyllis aliceae gen. et sp.n. Incorporation into either the Eusyllinae or the Exogoninae is unresolved, because it possesses characters of both of these poorly defined subfamilies.  相似文献   

Coelomocytes of Nephtys coeca were studied by transmission electron microscopy. The majority of the coelomocytes were found to be structurally identical with the muscle cells of the body wall. Animals kept under unfavourable conditions tended to have an increased number of coelomocytes and a decreased thickness of the body wall. The muscular coelomocytes, probably released from the body wall, showed various degrees of decomposition, indicating a process of autophagy.  相似文献   

Three hundred and thirty two species of polychaetes belonging to 50 families are reported for Costa Rica based on previously published reports. In a few families, available material was re-examined and appropriate changes in species identifications were made. Only three species, (Glycera oxycephala Ehlers, 1887; Hemipodia pustulata (Friedrich 1956); and Scolepis (Scolepis) squamata (Miller, 1806)) have been reported from the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, and these three species have also been reported from the Pacific Coast. The families with more than 15 species are the Spionidae (26), Cirratulidae (24), Nereididae (21), Lumbrineridae (19) and Paraonidae (16). Despite extensive sampling on the Pacific coast over the last 25 years, the Costa Rican polychaete fauna, especially that of the Caribbean coast, remains poorly known.  相似文献   

Summary Early development of Platynereis massiliensis was studied in serial sections of fixed embryos and in living or fixed embryos whose nuclei had been made visible with a fluorescent label. The unfertilized egg is an ellipsoid with three axes of differing length. The longest axis corresponds to the dorsoventral axis of the developing embryo. Egg volume is ten times that in the sibling species, P. dumerilii, mainly due to increased yolk content. The timing and spatial pattern of cleavage were observed from first cleavage to the 62-cell stage. Volumes of the blastomeres, their nuclei, their yolk-free cytoplasm and their yolk were determined from serial sections up to the 29-cell stage. In the P. massiliensis embryo, cell cycles are on average 3.7 times longer than in P. dumerilii; volume proportions among the blastomeres also differ and the macromeres containing the bulk of yolk are particularly large, but otherwise the cleavage patterns, differential segregation of yolk and yolk-free cytoplasm, and the histogenetic fates of the blastomeres are the same as in P. dumerilii. This equivalence of cell lineage and of cytoplasmic segregation mechanisms in both species, maintained in spite of the different appearance of the embryos, suggests functional importance of and selective constraint on these developmental features. The relatively accelerated divisions of the 2d cell line in P. massiliensis may be interpreted as the precocious development of cell lines which give rise to adult structures. Several structures, obviously functional in developing P. dumerilii, have lost their function in P. massiliensis: the egg contains few cortical granules, giving rise to only a moderate egg jelly layer in the zygote; prototroch cells develop cilia, but the heavy embryo is unable to swim; the larva develops three pairs of parapodia but, unlike the corresponding stage in P. dumerilii, is not capable of coordinate locomotion. This loss of motility is related to the brooding habit of the species developing inside the parental tube and is explained as the result of a switch from pelagic to benthic, protected reproduction in P. massiliensis. Offprint requests to: A.W.C. Dorresteijn  相似文献   

Ravara, A., Wiklund, H., Cunha, M. R. & Pleijel, F. (2010). Phylogenetic relationships within Nephtyidae (Polychaeta, Annelida). —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 394–405. We present the first phylogeny of nephtyids, a common, soft‐bottom living polychaete family comprising five genera and over 100 species. Characters used to distinguish nephtyid genera are a matter of controversy and considerable confusion remains as to the generic delineations. The phylogeny is estimated with molecular data from the mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase I and 16S rDNA, the nuclear genes 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA and morphological data. The results reveal two well‐supported major clades, corresponding in part to the two main genera of the family, Aglaophamus and Nephtys. The species Nephtys pulchra and Nephtys australiensis are transferred to Aglaophamus, and new diagnoses for the genera are provided. Dentinephtys is synonymized with Nephtys, and Nephtys cornuta is sister to the remaining nephtyids and is referred to the new genus Bipalponephtys, together with Nephtys danida and Micronephthys neotena. Micronephthys is sister to Nephtys and Inermonephtys is of uncertain position.  相似文献   

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