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We compared egg parasitization of two sporadic pests of avocado, Persea americana Miller, by Trichogramma platneri Nagarkatti reared on Sitotroga cerealella (Oliver) (=smaller parasitoids) with those reared on Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (= larger parasitoids) in the laboratory. Large T. platneri females invested less time than smaller parasitoids in obtaining offspring from eggs of either Amorbia cuneana Walsingham or Sabulodes aegrotata (Gueneé). Furthermore, large T. platneri invested substantially more time (ca. 3-fold) in obtaining offspring from S. aegrotata than A. cuneana eggs. These investment times positively correlated with percentage egg-load retained by a female after it had ceased exploiting a host species. This occurred even though the offspring produced by a parasitoid from either host species manifested the same size and fecundity (= quality). Host species utilization in the laboratory mirrored that observed in the avocado groves of southern California following augmentative release of commercially produced T. platneri (Oatman & Platner, 1985). Explanations for these differences in host utilization are discussed along with their implications for augmentative biological control.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of leaf damage simulating the feeding of early season insect herbivore species, e.g. Epirrita autumnata, to mountain birch, Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa, on the performance of insect larvae was studied with eleven leaf-chewing sawfly species. I found variation in the results that was due to short- and long-term inducible responses and to the phenology of herbivore species. In general, early and mid-season species were more strongly affected by induced reactions than late-season species. This finding is in accordance with earlier results but I could show that the persistance of induced reactions rather than the influence of timing of damage is responsible for the result. The growth of the larvae of mid-season sawfly species was affected by both short- and long-term induced reactions. This result shows that early season species may escape short-term induced reactions of mountain birch in current year but may not avoid long-term effects. It is supposed that seasonal deterioration of leaf quality either masks the effects of induced defences or late-season species are better adapted to low-quality leaves. Some species show variation in their response to induced defence in different years. This may be due to yearly differences in induced reactions as well as to species-specific responses. Induced defence reactions may play a role in competitive interactions between herbivore species in leaf-chewing guild of mountain birch.  相似文献   

Summary Response of the southern red mite, Oligonychus ilicis McGregor, to young and one year old leaves of Ilex opaca Aiton was studied on three dates during the period of leaf expansion in the spring. Young foliage, which is rich in nutrients but also contains high levels of saponins, was found to be unsuitable for colonization by this oligophagous herbivore until the leaves had matured and levels of saponins had declined. Mites preferentially colonized and had higher survival and reproduction on sclerophyllous, one-year old leaves than on young leaves in early spring. High levels of saponins in young, second-flush leaves of shoots that had earlier been damaged by frost were again correlated with low mite survival in June. Laboratory preference tests with the fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea Drury, and the eastern tent caterpillar, Malacosoma americanum (F.), indicated that young, saponin-rich holly foliage is especially unpalatable to these highly polyphagous caterpillars. Fifth instar fall webworms required significantly longer to complete their development, attained lower weights, and had greater mortality on artificial diet amended with low concentrations of purified holly saponins than on control diet. These results support the hypothesis that the high levels of saponins in young holly leaves provide protection from herbovores until the leaves have matured and their structural defenses are developed.The investigation reported in this paper (No. 88-7-8-196) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director  相似文献   

The effect of leaf shape variation on plant-herbivore interactions has primarily been studied from the perspective of host seeking behavior. Yet for leaf shape to affect plant-herbivore coevolution, there must be reciprocal effects of leaf shape variation on herbivore consumption and performance. We investigated whether alternative leaf morphs affected the performance of three generalist insect herbivores by taking advantage of a genetic polymorphism and developmental plasticity in leaf shape in the Ivyleaf morning glory, Ipomoea hederacea. Across four experiments, we found variable support for an effect of leaf shape genotype on insects. For cabbage loopers (Trichoplusia ni) and corn earworms (Helicoverpa zea) we found opposing, non-significant trends: T. ni gained more biomass on lobed genotypes, while H. zea gained more biomass on heart-shaped genotypes. For army beetworms (Spodoptera exigua), the effects of leaf shape genotype differed depending on the age of the plants and photoperiod of growing conditions. Caterpillars feeding on tissue from older plants (95 days) grown under long day photoperiods had significantly greater consumption, dry biomass, and digestive efficiency on lobed genotypes. In contrast, there were no significant differences between heart-shaped and lobed genotypes for caterpillars feeding on tissue from younger plants (50 days) grown under short day photoperiods. For plants grown under short days, we found that S. exigua consumed significantly less leaf area when feeding on mature leaves than juvenile leaves, regardless of leaf shape genotype. Taken together, our results suggest that the effects of leaf shape variation on insect performance are likely to vary between insect species, growth conditions of the plant, and the developmental stage and age of leaves sampled. Handling editor: May Berenbaum.  相似文献   

Summary We have constructed several plasmid expression vectors to express foreign genes in stably transformed insect cells. Unlike baculovirus-based expression vectors by which genes of interest are expressed transiently before lysis of the virus-infected cells, genes can be expressed continuously over many passages in a stable cell line. Furthermore, the function of a gene or genes expressed in a stable cell line from an insect-specific promoter that is constitutively expressed can be studied in the absence of virus infection and viral gene expression. In this study, we have expressed a novel, selectable marker gene, puromycin acetyltransferase, under the control of the Drosophila melanogaster hsp70 promoter or under the control of the AcMNPV ie-1 promoter which is active in Spodoptera frugiperda cells in the absence of virus infection. In addition, we have constructed expression vectors which coexpress two genes from separate promoters, the pac gene which confers resistance to puromycin and a baculovirus gene which inhibits apoptosis, derived from Orygia pseudotsugata nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Both genes were expressed in stable populations of S. frugiperda cells in the absence of continuous drug selection.  相似文献   

R. M. Beach  J. W. Todd 《BioControl》1986,31(3):237-242
Field grown foliage from the resistant soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] breeding line GAT “81–327” and the susceptible cultivar “Ransom” was used to rear unparasitized larvae of the soybean looper (SBL),Pseudoplusia includens (Walker), and larvae parasitized byCopidosoma truncatellum (Dalman). SBL larvae, whether parasitized or not, consumed more foliage when fed “Ransom”. Unparasitized larvae reared on “81–327” had longer developmental times and suffered greater mortality than unparasitized larvae reared on “Ransom”. Parasitization of SBL larvae byC. truncatellum increased total foliage consumption of both soybean lines. Parasitized larvae reared on the resistant “81–327” weighed less and yielded fewer parasitoid adults.
Résumé Des larves dePseudoplusia includens (Walker) parasitées ou non parCopidosoma truncatellum (Dalman) ont été nourries des feuilles de deux lignées de soja [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] l'une, GAT “81–327” résistante et l'autre, “Ransom” sensible. Les larves deP. includens qu'elles soient parasitées ou non consommaient plus de feuillage lorsqu'elles étaient nourries de la lignée “Ransom”. Les larves non parasitées élevées sur “81–327” avaient un cycle de développement beaucoup plus long et un taux de mortalité beaucoup plus élevé que les larves non parasitées élevées comparativement sur feuilles de “Ransom”. Par contre, les larves parasitées manifestaient une consommation accrue du feuillage des deux lignées de soja. Les larves parasitées élevées sur les feuilles de la variété résistante GAT “81–327” pesaient moins et produisaient moins également de parasites adultes.

Biological activities of the salannin type of limonoids isolated fromAzadirachta indica A. Juss were assessed using the gram pod borerHelicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and the tobacco armywormSpodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Inhibition of larval growth was concomitant with reduced feeding by neonate and third instar larvae. All three compounds exhibited strong antifeedant activity in a choice leaf disc bioassay with 2.0, 2.3 and 2.8 (μ/cm2 of 3-O-acetyl salannol, salannol and salannin, respectively deterring feeding by 50% inS. litura larvae. In nutritional assays, all three comounds reduced growth and consumption when fed to larvae without any effect on efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), suggesting antifeedant activity alone. No toxicity was observed nor was there any significant affect on nutritional indices following topical application, further suggesting specific action as feeding deterrents. When relative growth rates were plotted against relative consumption rates, growth efficiency of theH. armigera fed diet containing 3-O-acetyl salannol, salannol or salannin did not differ from that of starved control larvae (used as calibration curve), further confirming the specific antifeedant action of salannin type of limonoids. Where the three compounds were co-administered, no enhancement in activity was observed. Non-azadirachtin limonoids having structural similarities and explicitly similar modes of action, like feeding deterrence in the present case, have no potentiating effect in any combination.  相似文献   

Nicotiana tabacum plants were transformed with the cDNA of barley trypsin inhibitor BTI-CMe under the control of the 35S CaMV promoter. Although the transgene was expressed and the protein was active in the homozygous lines selected, growth of Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae reared on transgenic plants was not affected. The protease activity in larval midgut extracts after 2 days feeding on transformed tobacco leaves from the highest expressing plant showed a reduction of 25% in the trypsin-like activity compared to that from insects fed on non-transformed controls. The susceptibility of digestive serine-proteases to inhibition by BTI-CMe was confirmed by activity staining gels. This decrease was compensated with a significant induction of leucine aminopeptidase-like and carboxipeptidase A-like activities, whilechymotrypsin-, elastase-, and carboxipeptidase B-like proteases were not affected.  相似文献   

Caffeine (1,3,7–trimethylxanthine) is one of the most widely used plant secondary metabolites, primarily as a stimulant and an ingredient in drugs. In nature, caffeine is believed to function in chemical defense, acting as an antiherbivory and allelopathic agent, and therefore it might be employed to protect agriculturally important crop plants. In coffee plants, caffeine is synthesized from the precursor xanthosine in four steps, three N-methylations and removal of ribose. We had previously isolated genes encoding three distinct N-methyltransferases, and we demonstrated production of recombinant enzymes that yielded caffeine in in vitro reconstitution experiments. When these caffeine biosynthetic pathway genes were simultaneously expressed in tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum), caffeine was successfully produced up to 5 μg/g fresh weight in leaves. The leaves were unpalatable to tobacco cutworms (Spodoptera litura). This repellent action appeared to be more widely␣applicable to lepidopteran caterpillars as observed with small white (Pieris rapae) fed on Chinese cabbages that had been top-treated with caffeine. Our recent results suggest a novel approach to strengthen anti-herbivore traits by producing caffeine in crop plants.  相似文献   

Insecticidal crystal proteins produced by strains of Bacillus thuringiensis cause larval death upon interaction with specific receptors located at the midgut epithelium of susceptible insects. Large quantities of easily purified aminopeptidase and cadherin-like Cry toxin receptors can facilitate the further study of Cry toxin binding and pore formation. Here, we report the solubilisation and purification of aminopeptidase N from Spodoptera litura (SlAPN). Recombinantly expressed and membrane anchored aminopeptidase N showed differential solubilisation with various ionic and nonionic detergents. The N-lauryl sarcosine (NLS)-solubilised SlAPN was purified to near homogeneity by anion exchange and gel filtration chromatography and refolded to its catalytically active form. The optimized purification regimen lead to >90% purification of the catalytically active SlAPN with 11% recovery and 9-folds purification. The interaction of purified SlAPN with biologically active Cry1C protein has been qualitatively and quantitatively characterized. By ligand blotting experiment, we demonstrated the linearity of interaction of the two purified proteins and lack of interaction of SlAPN with structurally divergent nontoxic Cry1Ac protein. The equilibrium dissociation constant (K(D)) of purified SlAPN for Cry1C was calculated by ELISA (90nM). Interaction of enzymatically inactive SlAPN with Cry1C and catalytic activity of APN-Cry1C complex suggested that the catalytic site and toxin-binding sites of SlAPN do not overlap.  相似文献   

Specialist herbivores are suggested to be unaffected by or attracted to the defense compounds of their host-plants, and can even prefer higher levels of certain chemicals. Abrostola asclepiadis is a specialist herbivore whose larvae feed on the leaves of Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, which contains toxic alkaloids and is unpalatable to most generalist herbivores. The food choice, leaf consumption and growth of A. asclepiadis larvae were studied to determine whether there is variation among and within host-plant populations in their suitability for this specialist herbivore. There was significant variation in food preference and leaf consumption among host-plant populations, but no differences were found in larval growth and feeding on different host-plant populations. A. asclepiadis larvae preferred host-plant populations with higher alkaloid concentrations, but did not consume more leaf material from plants originating from such populations in a no-choice experiment. There was also some variation in food preference of larvae among host-plant individuals belonging to the same population, suggesting that there was variability in leaf chemistry also within populations. Such variation in larval preference among host-plant genotypes and populations may create potential for coevolutionary dynamics in a spatial mosaic.  相似文献   

It is estimated that over half of all proteins are glycosylated, yet only a small number of the structures in the protein data bank are of intact glycoproteins. One of the reasons for the lack of structural information on glycoproteins is the high cost of isotopically labeling proteins expressed from eukaryotic cells such as in insect and mammalian cells. In this paper we describe modifications to commercial insect cell growth medium that reduce the cost for isotopically labeling recombinant proteins expressed from Sf9 cells. A key aspect of this work was to reduce the amount of glutamine in the cell culture medium while maintaining sufficient energy yielding metabolites for vigorous growth by supplementing with glucose and algae-derived amino acids. We present an analysis of cell growth and protein production in Sf9 insect cells expressing secreted Thy1-GFP fusion construct. We also demonstrate isotopic enrichment of the Thy-1 protein backbone with 15N and carbohydrates with 13C by NMR spectroscopy.Electronic supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Patchiness in herbivore attack is a well-documented phenomenon. When neighboring plants suffer vastly different levels of attack, then one suspects genotypic differences among plants to be the underlying mechanism. In this study, I use common garden experiments in two natural, but divergent, habitats at the Cedar Creek Natural History Area in central Minnesota to determine the role of plant genotype, environment and gender in plant resistance to a specialist herbivore. Resistance was measured by larval survivorship and weight. Eight clones ofRhus glabra were selected and 12 equal-aged ramets were dug up and planted in two gardens (each garden received 6 ramets per clone). First instarBlepharida rhois (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larvae of known parentage were transferred to ramets and censused every other day. At the end of the experiment, larvae were collected and weighed. Analysis of variance was used to determine the importance of plant genotype, environment and gender on larval mortality and weight. The experiment was repeated in its entirety one month later. Both plant genotype and environment significantly affected larval survivorship in the first run of the experiment. No interactions were significant. Results from the second run indicated marginally significant genotype and environment main effects, and a genotype by environment interaction in larval survivorship. There was a significant genotype by environment interaction in larval weight on the same run. In neither run did clone gender have significant affects on resistance.  相似文献   

Summary We have introduced hsp-cat plasmid DNA intoSpodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) cells by transfection with purified DNA (1 to 48 μg/ml) mixed with the polycation polybrene (100 μg/ml) in serum-free Grace's medium. The hsp-cat construct contains a gene coding for the bacterial enzyme chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT), whose expression is controlled by a promoter derived from aDrosophila heat shock protein (hsp) gene. Expression of CAT activity in transfectedSpodoptera cells was induced by a 2-h heat shock at 43°C. The temperature of the heat shock was based on conditions that maximized the expression of endogenous heat shock protein genes in these cells. CAT activity was maximal in cells that were exposed to the heat shock 2 d after transfection; by 4 d, activity was diminished, and little activity was detectable after 6 d. Transfection frequencies, which varied with DNA concentration and ranged as high as 6000 per million cells, were determined using a histochemical staining procedure. This work was supported by grant 88-37263-4020 from the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, and by the University of Minnesota Experiment Station. This is contribution 17,543 from the University of Minnesota Experiment Station, St. Paul, MN.  相似文献   

The response of generalist egg parasitoids to alternative natural hosts that are present simultaneously is not well known. We investigated the behavior of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in relation to two field hosts Helicoverpa armigera Hübner and Spodoptera litura Fabricius, in choice and no choice tests. We quantified the effects of natal host species and post-emergence adult age on the oviposition preference of the parasitoids. H. armigera eggs were consistently preferred over S. litura eggs, regardless of the natal host and adult age. When only S. litura eggs were available as hosts, they were parasitized at statistically similar rates to H. armigera eggs (average of 17 ± 2.7 vs. 13 ± 3.0, H. armigera to S. litura). The adult lifespan and lifetime fecundity of T. pretiosum were variable but were affected by natal host species and/or host species to which they were exposed. Mean lifespan and fecundity of parasitoids that had developed in H. armigera eggs and were exposed to H. armigera eggs for oviposition were 13.9 ± 1.8 days and 98.7 ± 11.0 adult offspring. By contrast, those that developed in S. litura eggs and were exposed to S. litura eggs for oviposition lived for 7 ± 0.9 days and produced 53.8 ± 8.0 adult offspring. The ovigeny index (OI) was significantly lower in the parasitoids exposed to H. armigera eggs than in those exposed to S. litura eggs, regardless of the natal host, indicating that H. armigera eggs sustain the adult parasitoids better than S. litura eggs. These results are used to predict parasitoid behavior in the field when both hosts are available.  相似文献   

Summary The intervertebral ligament of the brittlestar Ophiocomina nigra contains numerous cellular processes which belong to perikarya located on the outer surfaces of the ligament. These are described as the juxtaligamental cells and have been studied by light and electron microscopy. The cells are mainly concentrated in four pairs of ganglion-like nodes associated with the intervertebral ligament and in similar nodes adjacent to every other major connective tissue component of the arm. Although their histochemistry and ultrastructure indicate a neurosecretory function, they are anomalous in containing unusually large electron-dense granules probably associated with calcium. The ganglion-like nodes are innervated by hyponeural nerves, though synaptic contacts with the juxtaligamental cells have yet to be demonstrated.The function of the cells is discussed and it is suggested that they may be involved in the rapid loss of tensile strength which the intervertebral ligament sustains during arm autotomy. They may achieve this by controlling the availability of Ca2+ ions to the extracellular compartment of the ligament.A version of this paper was read at the U.K.-Eire Echinoderms Colloquium, Bedford College, London, in July 1978This work was conducted mainly at University Marine Biological Station, Millport, during tenure of a N.E.R.C. research studentship. I am grateful to Professor N. Millott for his keen supervision, to Professor D.R. Newth for permission to use the electron microscope in the Department of Zoology, University of Glasgow, where Maureen Gardner provided expert assistance, and to Professor R.M. Kenedi for Facilities in the University of Strathclyde. I have benefited from discussion with J.L.S. Cobb, V.W. Pentreath, and especially A.M. Raymond, University of St. Andrews, who allowed me to mention his unpublished observations.  相似文献   

Summary Indirect immunofluorescence, using monoclonal antibodies to actin and tubulin, applied to sections of root tips ofLepidium, Lycopersicon, Phleum, andZea, revealed features of the cytoskeleton that were unique to the statocytes of their root caps. Although the cortical microtubules (CMTs) lay in dense arrays against the periphery of the statocytes, these same cells showed depleted complements of endoplasmic microtubules (EMTs) and of actin microfilament (AMF) bundles, both of which are characteristic of the cytoskeleton of other post-mitotic cells in the proximal portion of the root apex. The scarcity of the usual cytoskeletal components within the statocytes is considered responsible for the exclusion of the larger organelles (e.g., nucleus, plastids, ER elements) from the interior of the cell and for the absence of cytoplasmic streaming. Furthermore, the depletion of dense EMT networks and AMF bundles in statocyte cytoplasm is suggested as being closely related to the elevated cytoplasmic calcium content of these cells which, in turn, may also favour the formation of the large sedimentable amyloplasts by not permitting plastid divisions. These latter organelles are proposed to act as statoliths due to their dynamic interactions with very fine and highly unstable AMFs which enmesh the statoliths and merge into peripheral AMFs-CMTs-ER-plasma membrane complexes. Rather indirect evidence for these interactions was provided by showing enhanced rates of statolith sedimentation after chemically-induced disintegration of CMTs. All these unique properties of the root cap statocytes are supposed to effectively enhance the gravity-perceptive function of these highly specialized cells.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Benno Parthier on the occasion of his retirement  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the secretory, binucleate tapetum of Brassica oleracea in the micro spore mother cell (MMC) stage through to the mature pollen stage is reported. The tapetal cells differentiate as highly specialized cells whose development is involved in lipid accumulation in their final stage. They start breaking down just before anther dehiscence. Nuclei with dispersed chromatin, large nucleoli and many ribosomes in the cytoplasm characterize the tapetal cells. The wall-bearing tapetum phase ends at the tetrade stage. The dissolution of tapetal walls begins from the inner tangential wall oriented towards the loculus and proceeds gradually along the radial walls to the outer tangential one. The plasmodesmata transversing the radial walls between tapetal cells persist until the mature microspore, long after loss of the inner tangential wall. After wall dissolution, the tapetal protoplasts retain their integrity and position within the anther locule. The tapetal cell membrane is in direct contact with the exine of the microspores/pollen grains and forms tubular evaginations that increase its surface area and appear to be involved in the translocation of solutes from the tapetal cells to the microspores/ pollen grains. The tapetal cells exhibit a polarity expressed by spatial differentiation in the radial direction.  相似文献   

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