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Focal adhesion disassembly is regulated by microtubules (MTs) through an unknown mechanism that involves dynamin. To test whether endocytosis may be involved, we interfered with the function of clathrin or its adaptors autosomal recessive hypercholesteremia (ARH) and Dab2 (Disabled-2) and found that both treatments prevented MT-induced focal adhesion disassembly. Surface labeling experiments showed that integrin was endocytosed in an extracellular matrix–, clathrin-, and ARH- and Dab2-dependent manner before entering Rab5 endosomes. Clathrin colocalized with a subset of focal adhesions in an ARH- and Dab2-dependent fashion. Direct imaging showed that clathrin rapidly accumulated on focal adhesions during MT-stimulated disassembly and departed from focal adhesions with integrin upon their disassembly. In migrating cells, depletion of clathrin or Dab2 and ARH inhibited focal adhesion disassembly and decreased the rate of migration. These results show that focal adhesion disassembly occurs through a targeted mechanism involving MTs, clathrin, and specific clathrin adaptors and that direct endocytosis of integrins from focal adhesions mediates their disassembly in migrating cells.  相似文献   

Imaging studies implicate microtubule targeting of focal adhesions in focal adhesion disassembly, although the molecular mechanism is unknown. Here, we develop a model system of focal adhesion disassembly based on the finding that microtubule regrowth after nocodazole washout induces disassembly of focal adhesions, and that this disassembly occurs independently of Rho and Rac, but depends on focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and dynamin. During disassembly, dynamin interacts with FAK and colocalizes with focal adhesions. Inhibition of dynamin prevents migration of cells with a focal adhesion phenotype. Our results show that focal adhesion disassembly involves microtubules, dynamin and FAK, and is not simply the reversal of focal adhesion formation.  相似文献   

Endothelial cell migration is critical for vascular angiogenesis and is compromised to facilitate tumor metastasis. The migratory process requires the coordinated assembly and disassembly of focal adhesions (FA), actin, and microtubules (MT). MT dynamics at FAs deliver vesicular cargoes and enhance actomyosin contractility to promote FA turnover and facilitate cell advance. Noncentrosomal (NC) MTs regulate FA dynamics and are sufficient to drive cell polarity, but how NC MTs target FAs to control FA turnover is not understood. Here, we show that Rac1 induces the assembly of FA-proximal septin filaments that promote NC MT growth into FAs and inhibit mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK)-associated MT disassembly, thereby maintaining intact MT plus ends proximal to FAs. Septin-associated MT rescue is coupled with accumulation of Aurora-A kinase and cytoplasmic linker-associated protein (CLASP) localization to the MT between septin and FAs. In this way, NC MTs are strategically positioned to undergo MCAK- and CLASP-regulated bouts of assembly and disassembly into FAs, thereby regulating FA turnover and cell migration.  相似文献   

Integrin-associated intracellular Ca(2+) oscillations modulate cell migration, probably by controlling integrin-mediated release of the cell rear during migration. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK), via its tyrosine phosphorylation activity, plays a key role in integrin signaling. In human U87 astrocytoma cells, expression of the dominant negative FAK-related non-kinase domain (FRNK) inhibits the Ca(2+)-sensitive component of serum-dependent migration. We investigated how integrin-associated Ca(2+) signaling might be coupled to focal adhesion (FA) dynamics by visualizing the effects of Ca(2+) spikes on FAs using green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged FAK and FRNK. We report that Ca(2+) spikes are temporally correlated with movement and disassembly of FAs, but not their formation. FRNK transfection did not affect generation of Ca(2+) spikes, although cell morphology was altered, with fewer FAs of larger size and having a more peripheral localization being observed. Larger sized FAs in FRNK-transfected cells were not disassembled by Ca(2+) spikes, providing a possible explanation for impaired Ca(2+)-dependent migration in these cells. Stress fiber end movements initiated by Ca(2+) spikes were visualized using GFP-tagged myosin light chain kinase (MLCK). Ca(2+)-associated movements of stress fiber ends and FAs had similar kinetics, suggesting that stress fibers and FAs move in a coordinated fashion. This indicates that increases in Ca(2+) likely trigger disassembly of adhesive structures that involves disruption of integrin-extracellular matrix interactions, supporting a key role for Ca(2+)-sensitive inside-out signaling in cell migration. A rapid increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK was found in response to an elevation in Ca(2+) induced by thapsigargin, and we propose that this represents the initial triggering event linking Ca(2+) signaling and FA dynamics to cell motility.  相似文献   

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) activity and Ca(2+) signaling led to a turnover of focal adhesions (FAs) required for cell spreading and migration. We used yellow Cameleon-2 (Ycam), a fluorescent protein-based Ca(2+) sensor fused to FAK or to a FAK-related non-kinase domain, to measure simultaneously local Ca(2+) variations at FA sites and FA dynamics. Discrete subcellular Ca(2+) oscillators initiate both propagating and abortive Ca(2+) waves in migrating U87 astrocytoma cells. Ca(2+)-dependent FA disassembly occurs when the Ca(2+) wave reaches individual FAs, indicating that local but not global Ca(2+) increases trigger FA disassembly. An unexpectedly rapid flux of FAK between cytosolic and FA compartments was revealed by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching studies. The FAK-Ycam recovery half-time (17 s) at FAs was slowed (to 29 s) by Ca(2+) elevation. FAK-related non-kinase domain-Ycam had a faster, Ca(2+)-insensitive recovery half-time (11 s), which is consistent with the effect of Ca(2+) on FAK-Ycam dynamics not being due to a general modification of the dynamics of FA components. Because FAK association at FAs was prolonged by Ca(2+) and FAK autophosphorylation was correlated to intracellular Ca(2+) levels, we propose that local Ca(2+) elevations increase the residency of FAK at FAs, possibly by means of tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK, thereby leading to increased activation of its effectors involved in FA disassembly.  相似文献   

Control of motile and invasive cell phenotypes by focal adhesion kinase   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Cell motility is stimulated by extracellular stimuli and initiated by intracellular signaling proteins that localize to sites of cell contact with the extracellular matrix termed focal contacts. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is an intracellular protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK) that acts to regulate the cycle of focal contact formation and disassembly required for efficient cell movement. FAK is activated by a variety of cell surface receptors and transmits signals to a range of targets. Thus, FAK acts as an integrator of cell motility-associated signaling events. We will review the stimulatory and regulatory mechanisms of FAK activation, the different signaling connections of FAK that are mediated by a growing number of FAK-interacting proteins, and the modulation of FAK function by tyrosine and serine phosphorylation. We will also summarize findings with regard to FAK function in vertebrate and invertebrate development as well as recent insights into the mechanistic role(s) of FAK in promoting cell migration. As increased FAK expression and tyrosine phosphorylation have been correlated with the progression to an invasive cell phenotype, there is growing interest in elucidating the important FAK-related signaling connections promoting invasive tumor cell movement. To this end, we will discuss the effects of FAK inhibition via the dominant-negative expression of the FAK C-terminal domain termed FAK-related non-kinase (FRNK) and how these studies have uncovered a distinct role for FAK in promoting cell invasion that may differ from its role in promoting cell motility.  相似文献   

Mechanical ventilation-induced excessive stretch of alveoli is reported to induce cellular stress failure and subsequent lung injury, and is therefore an injurious factor to the lung. Avoiding cellular stress failure is crucial to ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) treatment. In the present study, primary rat alveolar type II (ATII) cells were isolated to evaluate their viability and the mechanism of their survival under tonic stretch. By the annexin V/ PI staining and flow cytometry assay, we demonstrated that tonic stretch-induced cell death is an immediate injury of mechanical stress. In addition, immunofluorescence and immunoblots assay showed that the cells experienced an expansion-contraction-reexpansion process, accompanied by partial focal adhesion (FA) disassembly during contraction. Manipulation of integrin adherent affinity by altering bivalent cation levels in the culture medium and applying an integrin neutralizing antibody showed that facilitated adhesion affinity promoted cell death under tonic stretch, while lower level of adhesion protected the cells from stretch-induced stress failure. Finally, a simplified numerical model was established to reveal that adequate disassembly of FAs reduced the forces transmitting throughout the cell. Taken together, these results indicate that ATII cells escape stress failure caused by tonic stretch via active cell morphological remodeling, during which cells transiently disassemble FAs to unload mechanical forces.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin induces reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and restructuring of focal adhesions. This activity is localized to amino acids 17-35 in the N-terminal heparin-binding domain of thrombospondin and can be replicated by a peptide (hep I) with this sequence. Thrombospondin/hep I stimulate focal adhesion disassembly through a mechanism involving phosphoinositide 3-kinase activation. However, the receptor for this thrombospondin sequence is unknown. We now report that calreticulin on the cell surface mediates focal adhesion disassembly by thrombospondin/hep I. A 60-kDa protein from endothelial cell detergent extracts has homology and immunoreactivity to calreticulin, binds a hep I affinity column, and neutralizes thrombospondin/hep I-mediated focal adhesion disassembly. Calreticulin on the cell surface was confirmed by biotinylation, confocal microscopy, and by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analyses. Thrombospondin and calreticulin potentially bind through the hep I sequence, since thrombospondin-calreticulin complex formation can be blocked specifically by hep I peptide. Antibodies to calreticulin and preincubation of thrombospondin/hep I with glutathione S-transferase-calreticulin block thrombospondin/hep I-mediated focal adhesion disassembly and phosphoinositide 3-kinase activation, suggesting that calreticulin is a component of the thrombospondin-induced signaling cascade that regulates cytoskeletal organization. These data identify both a novel receptor for the N terminus of thrombospondin and a distinct role for cell surface calreticulin in cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Cells utilize dynamic interactions with the extracellular matrix to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Thrombospondin 1 (TSP1) induces focal adhesion disassembly and cell migration through a sequence (hep I) in its heparin-binding domain signaling through the calreticulin-low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein receptor complex. This involves the Galphai-dependent activation of ERK and phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinase, both of which are required for focal adhesion disassembly. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) regulates adhesion dynamics, acting in part by modulating RhoA activity, and FAK is implicated in ERK and PI 3-kinase activation. In this work, we sought to determine the role of FAK in TSP1-induced focal adhesion disassembly. TSP1/hep I does not stimulate focal adhesion disassembly in FAK knockout fibroblasts, whereas re-expressing FAK rescues responsiveness. Inhibiting FAK signaling through FRNK or FAK Y397F expression in endothelial cells also abrogates this response. TSP1/hep I stimulates a transient increase in FAK phosphorylation that requires calreticulin and Galphai, but not ERK or PI 3-kinase. Hep I does not activate ERK or PI 3-kinase in FAK knockout fibroblasts, suggesting activation occurs downstream of FAK. TSP1/hep I stimulates RhoA inactivation with kinetics corresponding to focal adhesion disassembly in a FAK, ERK, and PI 3-kinase-dependent manner. Furthermore, hep I does not stimulate focal adhesion disassembly in cells expressing constitutively active RhoA, suggesting that RhoA inactivation is required for this response. This is the first work to illustrate a connection between FAK phosphorylation in response to a soluble factor and RhoA inactivation, as well as the first report of PI 3-kinase and ERK in FAK regulation of RhoA activity.  相似文献   

The early endosome protein Rab5 was recently shown to promote cell migration by enhancing focal adhesion disassembly through mechanisms that remain elusive. Focal adhesion disassembly is associated to proteolysis of talin, in a process that requires calpain2. Since calpain2 has been found at vesicles and endosomal compartments, we hypothesized that Rab5 stimulates calpain2 activity, leading to enhanced focal adhesion disassembly in migrating cells. We observed that calpain2 co-localizes with EEA1-positive early endosomes and co-immunoprecipitates with EEA1 and Rab5 in A549 lung carcinoma cells undergoing spreading, whereas Rab5 knock-down decreased the accumulation of calpain2 at early endosomal-enriched fractions. In addition, Rab5 silencing decreased calpain2 activity, as shown by cleavage of the fluorogenic substrate tBOC-LM-CMAC and the endogenous substrate talin. Accordingly, Rab5 promoted focal adhesion disassembly in a calpain2-dependent manner, as expression of GFP-Rab5 accelerated focal adhesion disassembly in nocodazole-synchronized cells, whereas pharmacological inhibition of calpain2 with N-acetyl-Leu-Leu-Met prevented both focal adhesion disassembly and cell migration induced by Rab5. In summary, these data uncover Rab5 as a novel regulator of calpain2 activity and focal adhesion proteolysis leading to cell migration.  相似文献   

Tumor cell migration is a crucial step in the metastatic cascade, and interruption of this step is considered to be logically effective in preventing tumor metastasis. Lipid rafts, distinct liquid ordered plasma membrane microdomains, have been shown to influence cancer cell migration, but the underlying mechanisms are still not well understood. Here, we report that lipid rafts regulate the dynamics of actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesion in human melanoma cell migration. Disrupting the integrity of lipid rafts with methyl-β cyclodextrin enhances actin stress fiber formation and inhibits focal adhesion disassembly, accompanied with alterations in cell morphology. Furthermore, actin cytoskeleton, rather than microtubules, mediates the lipid raft-dependent focal adhesion disassembly by regulating the dephosphorylation of focal adhesion proteins and the internalization of β3 integrin. We also show that Src–RhoA–Rho kinase signaling pathway is responsible for lipid raft disruption-induced stress fiber formation. Taken together, these observations provide a new mechanism to further explain how lipid rafts regulate the migration of melanoma cell and suggest that lipid rafts may be novel and attractive targets for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

In this article, we show that, in transfected COS-1 cells, protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP)-PEST translocates to the membrane periphery following stimulation by the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin. When plated on fibronectin, PTP-PEST (-/-) fibroblasts display a strong defect in motility. 3 h after plating on fibronectin, the number and size of vinculin containing focal adhesions were greatly increased in the homozygous PTP-PEST mutant cells as compared with heterozygous cells. This phenomenon appears to be due in part to a constitutive increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of p130(CAS), a known PTP-PEST substrate, paxillin, which associates with PTP-PEST in vitro, and focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Another effect of this constitutive hyperphosphorylation, consistent with the focal adhesion regulation defect, is that (-/-) cells spread faster than the control cell line when plated on fibronectin. In the PTP-PEST (-/-) cells, an increase in affinity for the SH2 domains of Src and Crk towards p130(CAS) was also observed. In (-/-) cells, we found a significant increase in the level of tyrosine phosphorylation of PSTPIP, a cleavage furrow-associated protein that interacts physically with all PEST family members. An effect of PSTPIP hyperphosphorylation appears to be that some cells remain attached at the site of the cleavage furrow for an extended period of time. In conclusion, our data suggest PTP-PEST plays a dual role in cell cytoskeleton organization, by promoting the turnover of focal adhesions required for cell migration, and by directly or indirectly regulating the proline, serine, threonine phosphatase interacting protein (PSTPIP) tyrosine phosphorylation level which may be involved in regulating cleavage furrow formation or disassembly during normal cell division.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial regulation of actin-based cytoskeletal organization and focal adhesion formation play an essential role in cell migration. Here, we show that tyrosine phosphorylation of a focal adhesion protein, paxillin, crucially participates in these regulations. We found that tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin was a prominent event upon integrin activation during epithelial-mesenchymal trans-differentiation and cell migration. Four major tyrosine phosphorylation sites were identified, and two of them were highly inducible upon integrin activation. Paxillin exhibits three distinct subcellular localizations as follows: localization along the cell periphery colocalized with circumferential actin meshworks, macroaggregation at focal adhesions connected to actin stress fibers, and diffuse cytoplasmic distribution. Tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin localized at the cell periphery and focal adhesions was shown using phosphorylation site-specific antibodies. Mutations in the phosphorylation sites affected the peripheral localization of paxillin and paxillin-containing focal adhesion formation during cell migration and cell-cell collision, accompanied by altered actin organizations. Our analysis indicates that phosphorylation of multiple tyrosines in paxillin alpha is necessary for the proper function of paxillin and is involved in the temporospatial regulation of focal adhesion formation and actin cytoskeletal organization in motile cells.  相似文献   

The matricellular protein thrombospondin (TSP) stimulates stress fiber and focal adhesion disassembly through a sequence (hep I) in its heparin-binding domain. TSP/hep I signals focal adhesion disassembly by binding cell surface calreticulin (CRT) and activating phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K). However, other components of this signaling pathway have not been identified. We now show that TSP induces focal adhesion disassembly through activation of pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive G proteins and ERK phosphorylation. PTX pretreatment inhibits TSP/hep I-mediated focal adhesion disassembly as well as PI3K activation. In addition, membrane-permeable Galpha(i2)- and Gbetagamma-blocking peptides inhibit hep I-mediated focal adhesion disassembly. Hep I stimulates a transient increase in ERK activation, which is abrogated by both PTX and PI3K inhibitors. Inhibiting ERK activation with MEK inhibitors blocks hep I-mediated focal adhesion disassembly, indicating that ERK activation is required for cytoskeletal reorganization. G protein signals and ERK phosphorylation are induced by TSP binding to cell surface CRT, because CRT null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) fail to stimulate ERK phosphorylation in response to TSP/hep I treatment. These data show that G(i) protein and ERK, in concert with PI3K, are stimulated by TSP.CRT interactions at the cell surface to induce de-adhesive changes in the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In motile cells, protrusion of the lamellipodium (a type of cell margin) requires assembly of actin monomers into actin filaments at the tip of the lamellipodium. The importance of actin-filament disassembly in this process is less well understood, and is assessed here using the actin drug jasplakinolide, which has two known activities - inhibition of filament disassembly and induction of an increase in actin polymer. RESULTS: In cells the two activities of jasplakinolide were found to be separable; 1 microM jasplakinolide could permeate cells, bind cellular filamentous actin (F-actin) and inhibit filament disassembly within 3.5 minutes, but significant increase in actin polymer was not detected until 60 minutes of treatment. In live, permeabilised cells, jasplakinolide did not inhibit filament assembly from supplied, purified actin monomers. In migrating chick fibroblasts, lamellipodium protrusion was blocked within 1-5 minutes of treatment with 1 microM jasplakinolide, without any perturbation of actin organisation. In non-migrating chick fibroblasts, there was a delay in the onset of jasplakinolide-induced inhibition of lamellipodium protrusion, during which lamellipodium length increased linearly with no increase in protrusion rate. Motility of the bacterium Listeria in infected PtK2 cells was reduced 2.3-fold within 3 minutes of treatment with 1 microM jasplakinolide. CONCLUSIONS: Actin-filament disassembly is tightly coupled to lamellipodium protrusion in migrating chick fibroblasts and motility of Listeria in PtK2 cells. One simple interpretation of these data is a situation whereby ongoing actin-filament assembly uses free actin monomer derived from filament disassembly, in preference to stored monomer.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin (TSP) signals focal adhesion disassembly (the intermediate adhesive state) through interactions with cell surface calreticulin (CRT). TSP or a peptide (hep I) of the active site induces focal adhesion disassembly through binding to CRT, which activates phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK) through Galphai2 proteins. Because CRT is not a transmembrane protein, it is likely that CRT signals as part of a coreceptor complex. We now show that low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) mediates focal adhesion disassembly initiated by TSP binding to CRT. LRP antagonists (antibodies, receptor-associated protein) block hep I/TSP-induced focal adhesion disassembly. LRP is necessary for TSP/hep I signaling because TSP/hep I is unable to stimulate focal adhesion disassembly or ERK or PI3K signaling in fibroblasts deficient in LRP. LRP is important in TSP-CRT signaling, as shown by the ability of hep I to stimulate association of Galphai2 with LRP. The isolated proteins LRP and CRT interact, and LRP and CRT are associated with hep I in molecular complexes extracted from cells. These data establish a mechanism of cell surface CRT signaling through its coreceptor, LRP, and suggest a novel function for LRP in regulating cell adhesion.  相似文献   

The surface-bound ActA polypeptide of the intracellular bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes is the sole listerial factor needed for recruitment of host actin filaments by intracellularly motile bacteria. Here we report that following Listeria infection the host vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP), a microfilament- and focal adhesion-associated substrate of both the cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases, accumulates on the surface of intracytoplasmic bacteria prior to the detection of F-actin 'clouds'. VASP remains associated with the surface of highly motile bacteria, where it is polarly located, juxtaposed between one extremity of the bacterial surface and the front of the actin comet tail. Since actin filament polymerization occurs only at the very front of the tail, VASP exhibits properties of a host protein required to promote actin polymerization. Purified VASP binds directly to the ActA polypeptide in vitro. A ligand-overlay blot using purified radiolabelled VASP enabled us to identify the ActA homologue of the related intracellular motile pathogen, Listeria ivanovii, as a protein with a molecular mass of approximately 150 kDa. VASP also associates with actin filaments recruited by another intracellularly motile bacterial pathogen, Shigella flexneri. Hence, by the simple expedient of expressing surface-bound attractor molecules, bacterial pathogens effectively harness cytoskeletal components to achieve intracellular movement.  相似文献   

In recent years, several antagonists of alpha(v)beta3 have been used to develop therapeutic approaches to the treatment of melanoma neoplasia. We studied the effects of anti-alpha(v)-integrin-blocking antibodies on attached M21 melanoma cells, the cellular distribution of alpha(v)-integrin and the molecular organization of focal structures. Anti-alpha(v)-integrin-blocking antibodies 17E6 and LM609, and an anti-alpha(v)beta3-integrin antagonist peptide cRGD 85189 induced detachment of M21 melanoma cells cultured for 24 hours on various substrates. cRGD was the most effective antagonist, reducing the number of adherent cells by 80%, while 17E6 reduced adhesion by only 30%. Light- and electron microscopy revealed attached cells with a flat shape and well-formed actin cytoskeleton. After treatment, cells became rounded and detached from the culture dish. alpha(v)-Integrins and focal-contact proteins were observed at adhesion sites in focal structures by immunocytochemistry. After treatment, however, cell rounding was accompanied by disorganization of the actin filaments and redistribution of alpha(v)-integrins and most of the focal proteins studied, except vinculin and tensin. Our results indicate that treatment of M21 melanoma cells with a(v)-integrin antagonists disrupts the actin cytoskeleton, redistributes a(v)-integrin and induces molecular disassembly of focal contacts.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a significant role in blood-brain barrier breakdown and angiogenesis after brain injury. VEGF-induced endothelial cell migration is a key step in the angiogenic response and is mediated by an accelerated rate of focal adhesion complex assembly and disassembly. In this study, we identified the signaling mechanisms by which VEGF regulates human brain microvascular endothelial cell (HBMEC) integrity and assembly of focal adhesions, complexes comprised of scaffolding and signaling proteins organized by adhesion to the extracellular matrix. We found that VEGF treatment of HBMECs plated on laminin or fibronectin stimulated cytoskeletal organization and increased focal adhesion sites. Pretreating cells with VEGF antibodies or with the specific inhibitor SU-1498, which inhibits Flk-1/KDR receptor phosphorylation, blocked the ability of VEGF to stimulate focal adhesion assembly. VEGF induced the coupling of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) to integrin alphavbeta5 and tyrosine phosphorylation of the cytoskeletal components paxillin and p130cas. Additionally, FAK and related adhesion focal tyrosine kinase (RAFTK)/Pyk2 kinases were tyrosine-phosphorylated by VEGF and found to be important for focal adhesion sites. Overexpression of wild type RAFTK/Pyk2 increased cell spreading and the migration of HBMECs, whereas overexpression of catalytically inactive mutant RAFTK/Pyk2 markedly suppressed HBMEC spreading ( approximately 70%), adhesion ( approximately 82%), and migration ( approximately 65%). Furthermore, blocking of FAK by the dominant-interfering mutant FRNK (FAK-related non-kinase) significantly inhibited HBMEC spreading and migration and also disrupted focal adhesions. Thus, these studies define a mechanism for the regulatory role of VEGF in focal adhesion complex assembly in HBMECs via activation of FAK and RAFTK/Pyk2.  相似文献   

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