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《Animal behaviour》1982,30(3):811-818
Stoats (Mustela erminea) and weasels (Mustela nivalis) perform two types of marking behaviour: anal drag and body rubbing. In stoats the two secretions have different chemical composition, and individual differences were found in the anal sac secretion. Dominant male and female stoats marked more frequently than did subordinates. Different messages were probably carried out by the two marks; body rubbing occurred associated with agonistic interactions and seemed to have a threat significance. Anal drag is probably used to impregnante the area with the individual's odour. Scentmarking is considered to be important in allowing assessment of the asymmetry in a conflict, as between a territory owner and an intruder.  相似文献   

Stoats are significant predators of native fauna in New Zealand. They occur in many habitat types and consume a wide range of prey. The diet of stoats in the Tasman River, South Canterbury, was studied by analysis of scats and den contents. Analysis of 206 scats showed that stoats ate mainly lagomorphs, birds and invertebrates. Minor components included mice, lizards, fish and hedgehogs. Stoats ate more birds in spring than in autumn, and female stoats ate more invertebrates than did males. The contents of 219 dens collected in the same area at the same time provided further information. Birds and lagomorphs occurred at high frequency in dens, and other components were minor. Remains in dens were larger than in scats and allowed identification of many more prey items to species level. Den contents revealed a potentially substantial impact of stoats on threatened shorebirds locally; this impact was not detected by analysis of scats.  相似文献   

N. Alterio    H. Moller 《Journal of Zoology》1997,243(4):869-877
Spring and summer diets of feral house cats ( Felis catus ), ferrets ( Mustela furo ) and stoats ( M. erminea ) were studied in grassland surrounding breeding areas of yellow-eyed penguins ( Megadyptes antipodes ), a regionally threatened native species. All three predator species ate large numbers of young rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) and birds. Stoats also relied heavily on mice ( Mus musculus ). Use of rabbits increased in rank order of increasing predator size, and male stoats ate more lagomorphs than female stoats. Diet differences may reflect character displacement as a result of exploitation competition, but interference competition or predation may force the smaller species to exploit micro-habitats with increased ground cover and consequent increased availability of smaller prey. Reduction of predation of native species like yellow-eyed penguins by decreasing or increasing staple mammal prey numbers of the introduced predators may provide lasting conservation benefits, but could also trigger diet changes that increase risk to endangered wildlife.  相似文献   


Systematic direct observations of the small, fast‐moving, and wide‐ranging stoat are rarely practicable. The simplest indirect methods of observation are kill‐trapping, live‐trapping, and footprint recording. The data obtainable and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are reviewed. Two new kinds of traps and a footprint recording system are described; they are especially suitable for use in rugged field conditions far from base facilities. When operated together in suitable habitat, these techniques can provide useful information on the population structure, feeding habits, and natural movements of stoats. Together or singly they also have potential as management tools, especially in identification of nest predators and in faunal surveys of islands.  相似文献   

N. Alterio    K. Brown    H. Moller 《Journal of Zoology》1997,243(4):863-869
Eleven radio-tagged stoats ( Mustela erminea ) and one weasel ( M. nivalis ) died of secondary poisoning following Talon 20 PTM (20 ppm brodifacoum) poisoning operations which killed mice ( Mus musculus ), ship rats ( Rattus rattus ) and probably brushtail possums ( Trichosurus vulpecula ) in a New Zealand beech ( Nothofagus ) forest. This poisoning method could be an especially useful way of restoring New Zealand native bird populations because it kills several predator species in one operation. Potential unwanted side-effects must be researched before its routine use. This research also demonstrates the potential hazards of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides to conservation of rodent predators in Europe.  相似文献   


Ferrets at Pukepuke Lagoon were live-trapped during the periods November 1970 to August 1973 and January 1976 to July 1977. Although the sex ratio of the 75 trapped ferrets was equal, there was a strong bias towards male captures in the earlier period (58.4%) and towards female captures in the later period (68.7%). Habitat modification and changes in the trapping programme for the later period probably resulted in the increased abundance and capture rate of females. Between consecutive captures 58.2% of male movements exceeded 250 m, as against on1y 39.7% of female movements; the mean distance between consecutive captures was 435 m for males and 285 m for females. Mean monthly movements varied from 700 m in January to 315 m in June for males, and from 360 m in March to 150 m in September for females. Juveniles of both sexes moved similar, intermediate distances. Dispersing juveniles were trapped from January until April; males tended to appear in traps earlier in the year than females. Only 4 of 14 juvenile males setNed as residents, hut 15 of 28 juvenile females did so. Male and female home ranges overlapped extensively, but within each sex individual ranges were usually separate. Resident males maintained a well defined spacing pattern, adjusting their boundaries if a juvenile settled or a neighbouring range became vacant. In 1976 six females had overlapping ranges in an area of albundant food. Female ranges (12.4 ha) were on average smaller than male ranges (31.3 ha); home ranges of both sexes were smaller during the breeding season (August-February) than at other times.  相似文献   

The diet of 871 stoats (Mustela erminea) caught within the Okarito Kiwi Sanctuary, South Westland, New Zealand, between 2001 and 2004 was studied by assessment of gut contents. Stoat and ship rat (Rattus rattus) captures were used as a measure of relative abundance over time, and rat and mouse (Mus musculus) abundance was indexed using tracking tunnels between spring 2002 and winter 2004. There were major increases in rat captures in spring of 2002 and again in spring of 2003. Stoat captures peaked in the following summers, as rat captures declined. Rats and invertebrates were major components of stoat diet, occurring in 41% and 52% of guts respectively; birds were found in 19%. Changes in these percentages with time indicated that stoats shifted their diet from rats to birds and invertebrates as rat abundance (as indexed by tracking tunnels) decreased. The greatest impact on native species is therefore likely to be when rat abundance is declining after major irruptions, as the increased consumption of birds and invertebrates overlaps with the periods of highest stoat abundance.  相似文献   

C. M. King  P. J. Moors 《Oecologia》1979,39(2):129-150
Summary Mustela nivalis and M. erminea, two sympatric species of weasels of superficially similar appearance and habits, have different breeding and foraging strategies associated with the difference in their body size. M. nivalis is more efficient in exploiting small rodent prey, and can breed rapidly to take immediate advantage of rodent peaks, but is vulnerable to local extinction during rodent declines. M. erminea has more generalized food habits, and is the larger and probably the dominant species, but is limited by delayed implantation to producing only one litter a year. M. nivalis is therefore superior in exploitation competition, and erminea in interference competition. We offer the hypothesis that the co-existence of the two species is permitted by a balance of these competitive advantages determined, at a given time or place, by the heterogeneity of the environment and the distribution of the prey fauna. We use this hypothesis to explain cases where co-existence has either broken down or is not recorded (the results of simultaneous introductions to New Zealand and Terschelling Island, and of myxomatosis in Britain, and the distribution of nivalis and Erminea on the offshore islands of Britain). We argue that the diversity and size distribution of the prey fauna of an island (which are both related to its area and isolation) are important in deciding the species and size of mustelids surviving there; for example, we suggest that nivalis was present in Ireland in immediate post-glacial times but became extinct with the lemmings.  相似文献   

To determine the susceptibility of different forest types to lianes, and to investigate which ecological factors are limiting for lianes, a field survey covering 28 naturally forested sites in Golden Bay (Northwest Nelson) and on Banks Peninsula (Canterbury) was carried out. Results from Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis of liane species abundance data in relation to tree and shrub species abundance data and abiotic site variables, showed that the liane community composition was highly correlated with the composition of the tree and shrub community. Forest remnants with introduced lianes in the canopy were characterised by high soil pH, low altitude and high mean temperatures. Native lianes were more widespread geographically and showed a wider ecological tolerance range than introduced lianes. Native liane species were found in both early successional and mature forest, whereas introduced lianes occurred more often with early- successional vegetation. Forest canopy height was also an important factor affecting liane distribution and abundance. Both climbing mechanism and liane stem longevity seemed to affect the height of canopy accessible to lianes. The three twining lianes with longer-lived woody stems (Muehlenbeckia australis, Parsonsia spp. and Ripogonum scandens) reached higher host canopies than a twiner with herbaceous stems (Calystegia tuguriorum), a tendril climber (Passiflora mollisima), and a hook climber (Rubus cissoides). The susceptibility of individual tree and shrub species to canopy invasion by lianes was affected both by the light environment of the potential host, and the architectural properties (height and support availability) of the host.  相似文献   

Most hypotheses attempting to explain the evolution of pronounced sexual dimorphism in body size in the three species of weasels (Mustela erminea, M. frenata, M. nivalis) assume that sexual dimorphism is a long-term adaptation, associated with the different reproductive strategies of the two sexes. We here examine an auxiliary hypothesis which predicts that the degree of sexual dimorphism may also vary over the short-term, because when food is temporarily abundant, sexual selection should favour a greater growth rate of males than of females. This hypothesis concerns a phenotypic response which could introduce temporarily increased variation into an existing genotypic trait. We document the present size and sexual dimorphism of stoats introduced last century to New Zealand from Britain in relation to between-year variation in food supply in a single habitat (forests of southern beech, Nothofagus sp.). Southern beech trees produce heavy crops of flowers and seed at 3–5 year intervals, which are associated with very variable supplies of important prey of stoats, including several species of seed-eating birds, litter-feeding insects, and feral house mice (Mus musculus). Alternative prey are scarce. Regressions of condylobasal length and head-body length on mouse population indices were significant in both sexes. Mean condylobasal length was larger in both male and female stoats born after a heavy seedfall compared with those born in non-seedfall years. However, the largest males born in years of heavy seedfall were removed by selective mortality before the age of 3 years, so the condylobasal lengths for old (≥ 3.0 yr) males converged on a common mean regardless of food supply in their birth year. Sexual dimorphism did not vary with food supplies (as reflected in seedfall records or mouse population indices) at any age. First-year survivorship, at least from the age of independence, was significantly negatively correlated with density of stoats in the summer of their birth year.  相似文献   

Tree‐holes provide an important microhabitat that is used for feeding, roosting and breeding by numerous species around the world. Yet despite their ecological importance for many of New Zealand's endangered species, few studies have investigated the abundance or distribution of tree‐holes in native forests. We used complementary ground and climbed tree surveys to determine the abundance, distribution and characteristics of tree‐holes in undisturbed Nothofagus forest in the Lewis Pass, New Zealand. We found that hole‐bearing trees were surprisingly abundant compared with many other studies, including Australian Eucalyptus species and American beech. In fact, we estimated as many as 3906 tree‐holes per hectare, of which 963 holes per hectare were potentially large enough to provide roost sites for hole‐nesting bats in New Zealand, while only eight holes per hectare were potentially suitable for specialist hole‐nesting birds. This was of great interest as primary cavity‐excavating animals are absent from New Zealand forests, compared with North America and Australia. Moreover, tree‐hole formation in New Zealand is likely to be dominated by abiotic processes, such as branch breakage from windstorms and snow damage. As has been found in many other studies, tree‐holes were not uniformly distributed throughout the forest. Tree‐holes were significantly more abundant on the least abundant tree species, Nothofagus fusca, than on either N. menziesii or N. solandri. In addition to tree species, tree size was also an important factor influencing the structural characteristics of tree‐holes and their abundance in this forest. Moreover, these trends were not fully evident without climbed tree surveys. Our results revealed that ground‐based surveys consistently underestimated the number of tree‐holes present on Nothofagus trees, and illustrate the importance of using climbed inspections where possible in tree‐hole surveys. We compare our results with other studies overseas and discuss how these are linked to the biotic and abiotic processes involved in tree‐hole formation. We consider the potential implications of our findings for New Zealand's hole‐dwelling fauna and how stand dynamics and past and future forest management practices will influence the structural characteristics of tree‐holes and their abundance in remnant forest throughout New Zealand.  相似文献   


The gonads of 528 female and 821 male stoats were examined. The weights of ovaries and testes in adults peaked simultaneously in October, the season of births and of post-partum oestrus. Of 73 females, 78% had even numbers of nipples, mostly 8 or 10. The mean number of embryos in 13 pregnancies was 8.8 (6–13), and embryo weights ranged from 0.005 g to 2.9 g. Of 11 pregnant females, 8 contained fewer embryos than corpora lutea, and there was evidence of transuterine migration of blastocysts in 6. All but 2 of 451 females caught in December–July inclusive carried corpora lutea of delay. Few adult and no young females were found in oestrus in September–October, though adult males were fertile from August to February (no first-year males were fertile). There was some evidence that the breeding season started later at more southerly latitudes in both males and females. The mean number of corpora lutea per female was 9.7 (n = 439), and there was a significant inverse correlation between counts for the 2 ovaries of one individual. There was generally no significant variation in fecundity of females with age, body weight, or year. Of 11 females which were considered to have lost their litters, 10 were collected in beech (Nothofagus) forests. Four females and 9 males had abnormal gonads; the most severe abnormality was an ovarian teratoma of unknown pathology.  相似文献   


The extent of darkening of melanin‐based plumages in birds has previously been linked with increasing aggressive encounters between individuals. The North Island robin (Petroica longipes) is a territorial New Zealand endemic passerine that displays delayed plumage maturation (darkening of the plumage with age). Aggressive boundary interactions in the robin are relatively common during the breeding season, when territories are protected and juveniles are dispersing. This study tests the hypothesis of aggression‐mediated plumage darkening in a population of North Island robins by examining if males and older (darker) birds are either (1) involved in a higher number of aggressive interactions, or (2) are more often the aggressor than females and younger birds. When sex and age are accounted for, darker individuals will be either (3) involved in a higher number of interactions or (4) more often the aggressor in encounters with other individuals. Data were collected by scoring the plumage darkness of 32 individuals in the field, and observing (1) interaction behaviours, and (2) age and sex of the birds involved in each interaction. The results show no support for any aggression‐mediated plumage darkness in the robin; males and older birds were not involved in more aggressive interactions, and were not more often the aggressor; and neither the frequency of interactions or the number of aggressive interactions were correlated with a darker plumage. Other more complex mechanisms may explain delayed plumage darkness in the North Island robin.  相似文献   

Sanoamuang  L.  Stout  V. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):481-490
Thirty-five lakes in the South Island of New Zealand were surveyed for rotifers during 1988–1991. Of 85 taxa identified, 31 are first records for New Zealand, bringing the rotifers recorded from the country to 331. Four species (Keratella australis, K. slacki, Lecane herzigi and L. tasmaniensis), previously recorded as endemic forms only in Australia, are now added to the New Zealand checklist. Several of the new records are photographed, and scanning electron micrographs of the trophi are shown. Comments are made on the Australasian endemics and rotifer biogeography in New Zealand.  相似文献   

In the Holarctic, predation by mustelids on birds is often linked to population cycles of rodents (especially voles and lemmings) because birds may be buffered against mustelid predation at high rodent densities. By contrast, interguild relationships between introduced mustelids and rodents can have very different consequences for native birds in ecosystems where mustelids have been introduced. Here, we consider the interactions between Stoats Mustela erminea , feral House Mice Mus musculus and native birds in New Zealand beech Nothofagus spp. forests. We conclude that buffering to protect birds from Stoat predation normally fails in these systems, because peak populations of mice in these forests are low by Holarctic standards, and mice usually do not become sufficiently abundant to distract increased numbers of Stoats from preying on birds. However, temporary buffering is possible during rare episodes of extreme mouse abundance.  相似文献   

Our evaluation of pre-settlement Holocene (10 000–1000 BP) fire, using radiocarbon-dated charcoals and pollen and charcoal spectra in pollen diagrams, concludes that fires were infrequent and patchy in the eastern South Island of New Zealand. Charcoal radiocarbon dates point to three broad phases of fire frequency: infrequent patchy fires from 10 000 to 2600 BP; a slightly increased frequency between 2600 and 1000 BP; and an unprecedented increase of fires after 1000 BP, which peaked between 800 and 500 BP. We suggest that natural fire was driven more by vegetation flammability (with ignitibility and combustibility components) than climate within this rain-shadow region, that plant chemistry principally determined fire frequency, and that topography determined the extent of fire. The review suggests that there were rare spatial and temporal instances of a feedback relationship between fire and early-successional grasses in eastern South Island. This occurred only within narrow-range, cool environments, whose equilibrium communities were of flammable, phenolic-rich woody species and grasses, and was predominantly in the late pre-settlement period. Elsewhere, grasses and herbs were understorey components to otherwise low-flammability, hardwood forest and scrub.  相似文献   

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