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Summary Anion exchange transport in the mouse lacrimal gland acinar cell membrane was studied by measuring the intracellular H+ (pHi) and Cl (aCli) activities with double-barreled ion-selective microelectrodes. In a HCO 3 -free solution of pH 7.4 (HEPES/Tris buffered), pHi was 7.25 andaCli was 33mm. By an exposure to a HCO 3 (25mm HCO 3 /5% CO2, pH 7.4) solution for 15 min,aCli was decreased to 25mm and pHi was transiently decreased to about 7.05 within 1 min, then slowly relaxed to 7.18 in 15 min. Intracellular HCO 3 concentration [HCO 3 ]i, calculated by the Henderson-Hasselbalch's equation, was 11mm at 1 min after the exposure and then slowly increased to 15mm. Readmission of the HCO 3 -free solution reversed the changes inaCli and pHi. The intracellular buffering power was about 40mm/pH. An addition of DIDS (0.2mm) significantly inhibited the rates of change inaCli, pHi, and [HCO 3 ]i caused by admission/withdrawal of the HCO 3 , solution and decreased the buffer value. Replacement of all Cl with gluconate in the HCO 3 solution increased pHi, and readmission of Cl decreased pHi. The rates of these changes in pHi were reduced by DIDS by 32–45% but not by amiloride (0.3mm). In the HCO 3 solution, a stimulation of intracellular HCO 3 production by exposing the tissue to 25mm NH 4 + increasedaCli significantly. While in the HCO 3 -free solution or in the HCO 3 , solution containing DIDS, exposure to NH 4 + had little effect onaCli. All of these findings were consistent with the presence of a reversible, disulfonic stilbene-sensitive Cl/HCO 3 exchanger in the basolateral membrane of the acinar cells. The possibility of anion antiport different from one-for-one Cl/HCO 3 exchange is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The apical membrane of rabbit urinary bladder can be functionally removed by application of nystatin at high concentration if the mucosal surface of the tissue is bathed in a saline which mimics intracellular ion concentrations. Under these conditions, the tissue is as far as the movement of univalent ions no more than a sheet of basolateral membrane with some tight junctional membrane in parallel. In this manner the Na+ concentration at the inner surface of the basolateral membrane can be varied by altering the concentration in the mucosal bulk solution. When this was done both mucosal-to-serosal22Na flux and net change in basolateral current were measured. The flux and the current could be further divided into the components of each that were either blocked by ouabain or insensitive to ouabain. Ouabain-insensitive mucosal-to-serosal Na+ flux was a linear function of mucosal Na+ concentration. Ouabain-sensitive Na+ flux and ouabain-sensitive, Na+-induced current both display a saturating relationship which cannot be accounted for by the presence of unstirred layers. If the interaction of Na+ with the basolateral transport process is assumed to involve the interaction of some number of Na+ ions,n, with a maximal flux,M max, then the data can be fit by assuming 3.2 equivalent sites for interaction and a value forM max of 287.8pm cm–2 sec–1 with an intracellular Na concentration of 2.0mm Na+ at half-maximal saturation. By comparing these values with the ouabain-sensitive, Na+-induced current, we calculate a Na+ to K+ coupling ratio of 1.40±0.07 for the transport process.  相似文献   

The effect of electric shock convulsions (ESC) on the function of brain cortex GABAA receptors has been studied in the rabbit. Three single electroconvulsive shocks (ECS) were given at intervals of 48 hours and the brain cortex was sampled 36 hours after the last shock. The dose-response curve was determined for GABA-stimulated36Cl accumulation into brain cortex microsacs. The parameters of the curve (maximal accumulation rate, Ka and Hill coefficient, n) were constant when determined in two different series of experiences. Animals handled in the same way as the animals from the electric shock group but which did not receive the ECSs (sham ECS group) showed similar maximal accumulation rate and Ka. However, theaverage n coefficient was significantly higher in the electric shock group. Naive animals, taken from their cages just before the sacrifice, showed dose-response curves which varied from one experimental series to another. This last result (confirming previous observations) shows modifications and inconsistencies in the evaluation of GABAA receptor function in stressed handling-naive animals.Clinica Neurologica dell'Universita.  相似文献   

Summary In previous studies we have found that several anions can be transported by an exchange process in rabbit ileal brush border membranes. We demonstrated exchanges of Cl for OH or HCO3, SO4 for OH, oxalate for OH, and oxalate for Cl. The purpose of these studies was to determine the number of distinct carriers mediating these exchanges. We utilized substrate and inhibitor specificity studies to distinguish between different anion exchange transporters. We conclude that SO4OH and oxalate: OH exchange occur on the same carrier because: (i) pH-gradient stimulated transport of both14C-oxalate and35SO4 were equally sensitive tocis-inhibition by unlabeled SO4 or oxalate; and (ii) both were inhibited equally by K. We conclude that oxalate: OH and oxalate: Cl exchanges occur on different carriers because: (i) Cl or SO4 caused unequalcis-inhibition of these two exchanges; and (ii) as compared to oxalate: Cl exchange, oxalate: OH exchange was more sensitive to inhibition by probenecid and K and less sensitive to inhibition by bumetanide. Finally, we conclude that oxalate: Cl exchange and ClHCO3 exchange occur on different carriers because: (i) ClHCO3 exchange was almost completely insensitive tocis-inhibition by oxalate; and (ii) oxalate: Cl exchange was more sensitive to inhibition by DIDS and bumetanide than ClHCO3 exchange. Thus we have found that there are at least three separate anion exchangers on rabbit ileal brush border: (i) a ClHCO3 exchanger; (ii) a SO4OH exchanger, which also transports oxalate; and (iii) an oxalate: Cl exchanger.  相似文献   

Various ecophysiological investigations are presented in Aldrovanda vesiculosa, a rootless aquatic carnivorous plant. A distinct polarity of N, P, and Ca tissue content per dry mass (DM) unit was found along Aldrovanda shoots. Due to effective re-utilization, relatively small proportions of N (10 – 13 %) and P (33 – 43 %) are probably lost with senescent leaf whorls, while there is complete loss of all Ca, K, and Mg. The total content of starch and free sugars was 26 – 47 % DM along adult shoots, with the maximum in the 7th – 10th whorls. About 30 % of the total maximum sugar content was probably lost with dead whorls. The plant was found to take up 5 – 7 times more NH4 + to NO3 from a mineral medium. Under nearly-natural conditions in an outdoor cultivation container, catching of prey led to significantly more rapid growth than in unfed plants. DM of the fed controls was 48 % higher than in the unfed plants. The controls produced 0.69 branches per plant, while the unfed plants did not produced any. However, the N and P content per DM unit increased by 6 – 25 % in the apices and the first 6 whorls in the unfed variant, as compared to the fed controls. It may be suggested that carnivory is very important for Aldrovanda.  相似文献   

The permeation of labeled Cl ions across single plasma membranes from Deiter's neurons has been studied in the presence of various concentrations of phosphatidylserine (PS) on their extracellular side. PS reduces significantly basal Cl permeation only at 10–5 M on the membrane exterior. No effect was found at other concentrations. GABA activable36Cl permeation is heavily reduced and almost abolished at 10–11–10–5 M phosphatidylserine. This exogenous phosphatidylserine effect is difficult to interpret in relation to the function of the endogenous phospholipid. However, it may be involved in the epileptogenic effect in vivo of exogenous phosphatidylserine administration to rats.  相似文献   

Our results show that AtNRT2.1 expression has a positive effect on the NH4+ ion influx, mediated by the HATS, as also occurs with AtAMT1.1 expression on the NO3 ion influx. AtNRT2.1 expression plays a key role in the regulation of AtAMT1.1 expression and in the NH4+ ion influx, differentiating the nitrogen source, and particularly, the lack of it. Nitrogen starvation produces a compensatory effect by AtAMT1.1 when there is an absence of the AtNRT2.1 gene. Our results also show that, in the atnrt2 mutant lacking both AtNRT2.1 and AtNRT2.2, gene functions present different kinetic parameters on the NH4+ ion influx mediated by the HATS, according to the source and availability of nitrogen. Finally, the absence of AMT1.1 also produces changes in the kinetic parameters of the NO3 influx, showing different Vmax values depending on the source of nitrogen available.  相似文献   

S20787 has recently been proposed to be a selective Cl--HCO3- anion exchange (AE) inhibitor in rat cardiomyocytes. The AE transporter mediates sarcolemmal acid influx but is only one part of the cardiac cell's dual acid loading mechanism, the other part being a sarcolemmal Cl--OH- exchanger (CHE). We have therefore (1) investigated the differential effects of S20787 on the AE and CHE transporters in isolated guinea pig ventricular myocytes and (2) re-examined the influence of the drug on other sarcolemmal acid transporters by monitoring its effect on intracellular pH (pH(i)) recovery from alkali or acid loads. The pH(i) was measured using microspectrofluorimetry (carboxy-SNARF-1). The results indicate that CHE activity was unaffected by the drug (1-20 microM), whereas up to 78% of AE activity was blocked (K(i) = 3.9 microM). Thus, S20787 targets only the AE component of the dual acid influx system. Activities of other acid-transporting carriers, such as Na+-H+ exchange, Na+-HCO3- co-transport and the monocarboxylic acid transporter, were unaffected by the drug. The inhibitory efficacy of S20787 for AE in guinea pig cardiomyocytes appears to be considerably higher (approximately 78%) than proposed previously for rat cardiomyocytes (50%). This is most likely because, in both cells, a significant fraction (20-30%) of acid influx is mediated through the S20787-insensitive CHE transporter. Previous studies made no allowance for the CHE component, which would result in an underestimation. S20787 is thus a highly selective AE inhibitor which may be useful as an experimental tool and a potential cardiac protective agent in the heart.  相似文献   

pH i recovery in acid-loaded Ehrlich ascites tumor cells and pH i maintenance at steady-state were studied using the fluorescent probe BCECF.Both in nominally HCO 3 -free media and at 25 mm HCO 3 , the measured pH i (7.26 and 7.82, respectively) was significantly more alkaline than the pH i . value calculated assuming the transmembrane HCO 3 gradient to be equal to the Cl gradient. Thus, pH i in these cells is not determined by the Cl gradient and by Cl/HCO 3 exchange.pH i recovery following acid loading by propionate exposure, NH 4 + withdrawal, or CO2 exposure is mediated by amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchange in HCO3 free media, and in the presence of HCO 3 (25 mm) by DIDS-sensitive, Na+-dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange. A significant residual pH i recovery in the presence of both amiloride and DIDS suggests an additional role for a primary active H+ pump in pH i regulation. pH i maintenance at steady-state involves both Na+/H+ exchange and Na+-dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange.Acute removal of external Cl induces a DIDS-sensitive, Na+-dependent alkalinization, taken to represent HCO 3 influx in exchange for cellular Cl. Measurements of 36Cl efflux into Cl-free gluconate media with and without Na+ and/or HCO 3 (10 mm) directly demonstrate a DIDS-sensitive, Na+ dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange operating at slightly acidic pH i (pHo 6.8), and a DIDS-sensitive, Na+-independent Cl/HCO 3 exchange operating at alkaline pH i (pH o 8.2).The excellent technical assistance of Marianne Schiødt and Birgit B. Jørgensen is gratefully acknowledged. The work was supported by the Carlsberg Foundation (B.K.) and by a grant from the Danish Natural Science Foundation (E.K.H. and L.O.S.).  相似文献   

Summary Rabbit erythrocytes are well known for possessing highly active Na+/Na+ and Na+/H+ countertransport systems. Since these two transport systems share many similar properties, the possibility exists that they represent different transport modes of a single transport molecule. Therefore, we evaluated this hypothesis by measuring Na+ transport through these exchangers in acid-loaded cells. In addition, selective inhibitors of these transport systems such as ethylisopropyl-amiloride (EIPA) and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) were used. Na+/Na+ exchange activity, determined as the Na o + -dependent22Na efflux or Na i + -induced22Na entry was completely abolished by NEM. This inhibitor, however, did not affect the H i + -induced Na+ entry sensitive to amiloride (Na+/H+ exchange activity). Similarly, EIPA, a strong inhibitor of the Na+/H+ exchanger, did not inhibit Na+/Na countertransport, suggesting the independent nature of both transport systems. The possibility that the NEM-sensitive Na+/Na+ exchanger could be involved in Na+/H+ countertransport was suggested by studies in which the net Na+ transport sensitive to NEM was determined. As expected, net Na+ transport through this transport system was zero at different [Na+] i /[Na+] o ratios when intracellular pH was 7.2. However, at pH i =6.1, net Na+ influx occurred when [Na+] i was lower than 39mm. Valinomycin, which at low [K+] o was lower than 39mm. Valinomycin, which at low [K+] o clamps the membrane potential close to the K+ equilibrium potential, did not affect the net NEM-sensitive Na+ entry but markedly stimulated, the EIPA-and NEM-resistant Na+ uptake. This suggest that the net Na+ entry through the NEM-sensitive pathway at low pH i , is mediated by an electroneutral process possibly involving Na+/H+ exchange. In contrast, the EIPA-sensitive Na+/H+ exchanger is not involved in Na+/Na+ countertransport, because Na+ transport through this mechanism is not affected by an increase in cell Na from 0.4 to 39mm. Altogether, these findings indicate that both transport systems: the Na+/Na+ and Na+/H+ exchangers, are mediated by distinct transport proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of extracellular and intracellular Na+ (Na o + , Na i + ) on ouabain-resistant, furosemide-sensitive (FS) Rb+ transport was studied in human erythrocytes under varying experimental conditions. The results obtained are consistent with the view that a (1 Na++1 K++2 Cl) cotransport system operates in two different modes: modei) promoting bidirectional 11 (Na+–K+) cotransport, and modeii) a Na o + -independent 11 K o + /K i + exchange requiring Na i + which, however, is not extruded. The activities of the two modes of operation vary strictly in parallel to each other among erythrocytes of different donors and in cell fractions of individual donors separated according to density. Rb+ uptake through Rb o + /K i + exchange contributes about 25% to total Rb+ uptake in 145mm NaCl media containing 5mm RbCl at normal Na i + (pH 7.4). Na+–K+ cotransport into the cells occurs largely additive to K+/K+ exchange. Inward Na+–Rb+ cotransport exhibits a substrate inhibition at high Rb o + . With increasing pH, the maximum rate of cotransport is accelerated at the expense of K+/K+ exchange (apparent pK close to pH 7.4). The apparentK m Rb o + of Na+–K+ cotransport is low (2mm) and almost independent of pH, and high for K+/K+ exchange (10 to 15mm), the affinity increasing with pH. The two modes are discussed in terms of a partial reaction scheme of (1 Na++1 K++2 Cl) cotransport with ordered binding and debinding, exhibiting a glide symmetry (first on outside = first off inside) as proposed by McManus for duck erythrocytes (McManus, T.J., 1987,Fed. Proc., in press). N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) chemically induces a Cl-dependent K+ transport pathway that is independent of both Na o + and Na i + . This pathway differs in many properties from the basal, Na o + -independent K+/K+ exchange active in untreated human erythrocytes at normal cell volume. Cell swelling accelerates a Na o + -independent FS K+ transport pathway which most probably is not identical to basal K+/K+ exchange. K o + o +
  • o + o 2+ reduce furosemide-resistant Rb+ inward leakage relative to choline o + .  相似文献   

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    The exudation of certain organic anions and protons by roots which may affect solubility of metals and P and uptake by plants, is affected by nitrogen form and pH. The objective of this work was to study exudation of carboxylates and H+/OH by tomato plants in response to NH4/NO3 ratio and pH in nutrient solution. Four NH4/(NH4+NO3) ratios (R= 0, 0.33, 0.67 and 1) and constant vs. variable solution pH treatments were investigated. The sum of the exudation rates of all carboxylates tended to decline with increasing R, particularly tri- and dicarboxylates. The molar fraction of the exuded tri- and dicarboxylates, averaged over all treatments and plant ages, increased in the order tartarate 2%), malate (6%), succinate (15%), citrate (26%) and fumarate (46%). At R=1 the solution pH dropped from 5.2 to 3 and at R=0 increased to 8. The R corresponding to the pH stat of tomato plant was 0.3. For the constant solution pH treatment, the effect of solution pH on carboxylate exudation rate was small as compared to the effect of R. The exudation of citrate and H+ efflux which were initiated when NO3 and NH4 uptake rates per plant exceeded certain threshold values, increased with plant age.  相似文献   

    Vascular smooth muscle intracellular pH is maintained by the Na+/H+ and Cl/HCO 3 antiporters. The Na+/H+ exchanger is a major route of H+ extrusion in most eukaryotic cells and is present in vascular smooth muscle cells in a similar capacity. It extrudes H into the extracellular space in exchange for Na+. The Cl/HCO 3 exchanger plays an analogous role to lower the pH of vascular smooth muscle cells when increases in intracellular pH occur. Its activity has also been demonstrated in A7r5 and A10 vascular smooth muscle cells. The Na+/H+ exchanger is regulated by a number of agents which act through inositol trisphosphate/diacylglycerol, to stimulate the antiporter. Calcium-calmodulin dependent protein kinase may also activate the antiporter in vivo. Phosphorylation of the Cl/HCO 3 exchanger has also been observed but its physiological role is not known. Both these antiporters exist in the plasma membrane as integral proteins with free acidic cytoplasmic termini. These regions may be important in sensing changes in intracellular pH, to which these antiporters respond.Abbreviations CaM Calmodulin - DCCD Dicylohexyl-Carbodiimide - DG Diacylglycerol - DIDS-4 4-Diisthiocyanostilbene-2,2-Disulfonic Acid - IP3 Inositol Trisphosphate - PKC protein Kinase C - SITS-4 4-Acetamido-4-Isothiocyanstilbene-2,2-Disulfonate - VSMC Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell  相似文献   

    In short-term water culture experiments with different 15N labeled ammonium or nitrate concentrations, citrus seedlings absorbed NH4 + at a higher rate than NO3 . Maximum NO3 uptake by the whole plant occurred at 120 mg L–1 NO3 -N, whereas NH4 + absorption was saturated at 240 mg L–1 NH4 +-N. 15NH4 + accumulated in roots and to a lesser degree in both leaves and stems. However, 15NO3 was mostly partitioned between leaves and roots.Adding increasing amounts of unlabeled NH4 + (15–60 mg L–1 N) to nutrient solutions containing 120 mg L–1 N as 15N labeled nitrate reduced 15NO3 uptake. Maximum inhibition of 15NO3 uptake was about 55% at 2.14 mM NH4 + (30 mg L–1 NH4 +-N) and it did not increase any further at higher NH4 + proportions.In a long-term experiment, the effects of concentration and source of added N (NO3 or NH4 +) on nutrient concentrations in leaves from plants grown in sand were evaluated. Leaf concentration of N, P, Mg, Fe and Cu were increased by NH4 + versus NO3 nutrition, whereas the reverse was true for Ca, K, Zn and Mn.The effects of different NO3 -N:NH4 +-N ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100) at 120 mg L–1 total N on leaf nutrient concentrations, fruit yield and fruit characteristics were investigated in another long-term experiment with plants grown in sand cultures. Nitrogen concentrations in leaves were highest when plants were provided with either NO3 or NH4 + as a sole source of N. Lowest N concentration in leaves was found with a 75:25 NO3 -N/NH4 +-N ratio. With increasing proportions of NH4 + in the N supply, leaf nutrients such as P, Mg, Fe and Cu increased, whereas Ca, K, Mn and Zn decreased. Yield in number of fruits per tree was increased significantly by supplying all N as NH4 +, although fruit weight was reduced. The number of fruits per tree was lowest with the 75:25 NO3 -N:NH4 +-N ratio, but in this treatment fruits reached their highest weight. Rind thickness, juice acidity, and colour index of fruits decreased with increasing NH4 + in the N supply, whereas the % pulp and maturity index increased. Percent of juice in fruits and total soluble solids were only slightly affected by NO3 :NH4 + ratio.  相似文献   

    Summary The effects of pH on the permeability and conductance of the membranes to nitrate and to chloride of semitendinosus and lumbricalis muscle fibers were examined.Membrane potential responses to quick solution changes were recorded in semitendinosus fibers initially equilibrated in isotonic, high K2SO4 solutions. External solutions were first changed to ones in which either Rb+ or Cs+ replaced K+ and then to solutions containing either NO 3 or Cl to replace SO 4 2– . The hyperpolarizations produced by Cl depend on external pH, being smaller in acid than in alkaline solutions. By contrast, hyperpolarizations produced by NO 3 were independent of external pH over a pH range from 5.5 to 9.0.In addition, voltage-clamp measurements were made on short lumbricalis muscle fibers. Initially they were equilibrated in isotonic solutions containing mainly K2SO4 plus Na2SO4. KCl or KNO3 were added to the sulfate solutions and the fibers were equilibrated in these new solutions. When finally equilibrated the fibers had the same volume they had in the sulfate solutions before the additions. Constant hyperpolarizing voltage pulses of 0.6-sec duration were applied when all external K+ was replaced by TEA+. For these conditions, inward currents flowing during the voltage pulses were largely carried by Cl or NO 3 depending on the final equilibrating solution. Cl currents during voltage pulses were both external pH and time dependent. By contrast, NO 3 currents were independent of both external pH and time.The voltage dependence of NO 3 currents could be fit by constant field equations with aP NO 3 of 3.7·10–6 cm/sec. The voltage dependence of the initial or instantaneous Cl currents at pH 7.5 and 9.0 could also be fit by constant field equations with PCl of 5.8·10–6 and 7.9·10–6 cm/sec, respectively. At pH 5.0, no measurable instantaneous Cl currents were found.From these results we conclude that NO 3 does not pass through the pH, time-dependent Cl channels but rather passes through a distinct set of channels. Furthermore, Cl ions do not appear to pass through the channels which allow NO 3 through. Consequently, the measured ratio ofP Cl/P NO 3 based on membrane potential changes to ionic changes made on intact skeletal muscle fibers is not a measure of the selectivity of a single anion channel but rather is a measure of the relative amounts of different channel types.  相似文献   

    Summary Models for active Cl transport across epithelia are often assumed to be universal although they are based on detailed studies of a relatively small number of epithelia from vertebrate animals. Epithelial Cl transport is also important in many invertebrates, but little is known regarding its cellular mechanisms. We used short-circuit current, tracer fluxes and ion substitutions to investigate the basic properties of Cl absorption by locust hindgut, an epithelium which is ideally suited for transport studies. Serosal addition of 1mm adenosine 35-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), a known stimulant of Cl transport in this tissue, increased short-circuit current (I sc) and net reabsorptive36Cl flux (J net Cl ) by 1000%. Cl absorption did not exhibit an exchange diffusion component and was highly selective over all anions tested except Br. Several predictions of Na- and HCO3-coupled models for Cl transport were tested: Cl-dependentI sc was not affected by sodium removal (<0.05mm) during the first 75 min. Also, a large stimulation ofJ net Cl was elicited by cAMP when recta were bathed for 6 hr in nominally Na-free saline (<0.001 to 0.2mm) and there was no correlation between Cl transport rate and the presence of micromolar quantities of Na contamination. Increased unidirectional influx of36Cl into rectal tissue during cAMP-stimulation was not accompanied by a comparable uptake of22Na.J net Cl was independent of exogenous CO2 and HCO3, but was strongly dependent on the presence of K. These results suggest that the major fraction of Cl transport across this insect epithelium occurs by an unusual K-dependent mechanism that does not directly require Na or HCO3.  相似文献   

    Background Halophytes are the flora of saline soils. They adjust osmotically to soil salinity by accumulating ions and sequestering the vast majority of these (generally Na+ and Cl) in vacuoles, while in the cytoplasm organic solutes are accumulated to prevent adverse effects on metabolism. At high salinities, however, growth is inhibited. Possible causes are: toxicity to metabolism of Na+ and/or Cl in the cytoplasm; insufficient osmotic adjustment resulting in reduced net photosynthesis because of stomatal closure; reduced turgor for expansion growth; adverse cellular water relations if ions build up in the apoplast (cell walls) of leaves; diversion of energy needed to maintain solute homeostasis; sub-optimal levels of K+ (or other mineral nutrients) required for maintaining enzyme activities; possible damage from reactive oxygen species; or changes in hormonal concentrations.Scope This review discusses the evidence for Na+ and Cl toxicity and the concept of tissue tolerance in relation to halophytes.Conclusions The data reviewed here suggest that halophytes tolerate cytoplasmic Na+ and Cl concentrations of 100–200 mm, but whether these ions ever reach toxic concentrations that inhibit metabolism in the cytoplasm or cause death is unknown. Measurements of ion concentrations in the cytosol of various cell types for contrasting species and growth conditions are needed. Future work should also focus on the properties of the tonoplast that enable ion accumulation and prevent ion leakage, such as the special properties of ion transporters and of the lipids that determine membrane permeability.  相似文献   

    Summary In goldfish intestine chloride was substituted by large inorganic anions (gluconate or glucuronate) either mucosally, serosally or bilaterally. Changes in intracellular activities of chloride (a i Cl), sodium (a i Na+) and potassium (a i K+), pHi, relative volume, membrane and transepithelial potentials, transepithelial resistance and voltage divider ratio were measured. Control values were:a i Cl=35 meq/liter, a i Na+=11 meq/liter and a i K+=95 meq/liter. During bilateral substitution the latter two did not change while a i Cl dropped to virtually zero.Mucosal membrane potentials (ms) were: control,-53 mV; serosal substitution,-51 mV; bilateral substitution,-66 mV; while during mucosal substitution a transient depolarization occurred and the final steady state ms was-66 mV.During control and bilateral substitution the transepithelial potentials (ms) did not differ from zero. During unilateral substitutions ms was small, in the order of magnitude of the errors in the liquid junction potentials near the measuring salt bridges.During bilateral substitution pH i increased 0.4 pH units. Cellular volume decreased during mucosal substitution to 88% in 40 min; after serosal substitution it transiently increased, but the new steady-state value was not significantly above its control value.Three minutes after mucosal substitution ana i Cl of approx. 10 meq/liter was measured.Chemical concentrations of Na, K and Cl were determined under control conditions and bilateral substitution. Cl concentrations were also measured as a function of time after unilateral substitutions.The data indicate an electrically silent chloride influx mechanism in the brush border membrane and an electrodiffusional chloride efflux in the basolateral membrane. A substantial bicarbonate permeability is present in the basolateral membrane. The results are in agreement with the observed changes in membrane resistances, volume changes and pH changes.  相似文献   

    Molecular hydrogen (H2) can be produced via hydrogenases during mixed-acid fermentation by bacteria. Escherichia coli possesses multiple (four) hydrogenases. Hydrogenase 3 (Hyd-3) and probably 4 (Hyd-4) with formate dehydrogenase H (Fdh-H) form two different H2-evolving formate hydrogen lyase (FHL) pathways during glucose fermentation. For both FHL forms, the hycB gene coding small subunit of Hyd-3 is required. Formation and activity of FHL also depends on the external pH ([pH]out) and the presence of formate. FHL is related with the F0F1-ATPase by supplying reducing equivalents and depending on proton-motive force. Two other hydrogenases, 1 (Hyd-1) and 2 (Hyd-2), are H2-oxidizing enzymes during glucose fermentation at neutral and low [pH]out. They operate in a reverse, H2-producing mode during glycerol fermentation at neutral [pH]out. Hyd-1 and Hyd-2 activity depends on F0F1. Moreover, Hyd-3 can also work in a reverse mode. Therefore, the operation direction and activity of all Hyd enzymes might determine H2 production; some metabolic cross-talk between Hyd enzymes is proposed. Manipulating of different Hyd enzymes activity is an effective way to enhance H2 production by bacteria in biotechnology. Moreover, a novel approach would be the use of glycerol as feedstock in fermentation processes leading to H2 production, reduced fuels and other chemicals with higher yields than those obtained by common sugars.  相似文献   

    Intracellular pH (pH(i)) exerts considerable influence on cardiac contractility and rhythm. Over the last few years, extensive progress has been made in understanding the system that controls pH(i) in animal cardiomyocytes. In addition to the housekeeping Na(+)-H(+) exchanger (NHE), the Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) symporter (NHS) has been demonstrated in animal cardiomyocytes as another acid extruder. However, whether the NHE and NHS functions exist in human atrial cardiomyocytes remains unclear. We therefore investigated the mechanism of pH(i) recovery from intracellular acidosis (induced by NH(4)Cl prepulse) using intracellular 2',7'-bis(2-carboxethyl)-5(6)-carboxy-fluorescein fluorescence in human atrial myocardium. In HEPES (nominally HCO(3)(-)-free) Tyrode solution, pH(i) recovery from induced intracellular acidosis could be blocked completely by 30 microM 3-methylsulfonyl-4-piperidinobenzoyl, guanidine hydrochloride (HOE 694), a specific NHE inhibitor, or by removing extracellular Na(+). In 3% CO(2)-HCO(3)(-) Tyrode solution, HOE 694 only slowed the pH(i) recovery, while addition of HOE 694 together with 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (an NHS inhibitor) or removal of extracellular Na(+) inhibited the acid extrusion entirely. Therefore, in the present study, we provided evidence that two acid extruders involved in acid extrusion in human atrial myocytes, one which is HCO(3)(-) independent and one which is HCO(3)(-) dependent, are mostly likely NHE and NHS, respectively. When we checked the percentage of contribution of these two carriers to pH(i) recovery following induced acidosis, we found that the activity of NHE increased steeply in the acid direction, while that of NHS did not change. Our present data indicate for the first time that two acid extruders, NHE and NHS, exist functionally and pH(i) dependently in human atrial cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

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