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Mark Meuth 《Mutation research》1983,110(2):383-391
Chinese hamster ovary cell strains deficient in deoxycytidine kinase activity were selected by isolating mutants resistant to high concentrations of the analogue arabinosyl cytosine. Mutants isolated were deficient in the pool of dCTP, supporting earlier a suggestion that the deoxycytidine kinase may play a role in the turnover and maintenance of the dCTP pool. Consistent with earlier observations that increased intracellular levels of dTTP relative to dCTP lead to increased sensitivy to monofunctional DNA alkylating agents, deoxycytidine kinase-deficient mutants showed a 2–5-fold increase in sensitivity to the cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of one agent, ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). The survival of the two kinase-deficient strains after mutagen treatment was clearly related to dCTP level as the strain with lowest dCTP was most sensitive to EMS. Thus hypersensitivity to this class of DNA damaging agents can result from cellular mutations decreasing the intracellular level of dCTP.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II was purified from an amsacrine-resistant mutant of P388 leukemia. A procedure has been developed which allows the rapid purification of nearly homogeneous enzyme in quantities sufficient for enzyme studies or production of specific antisera. The purified topoisomerase II migrated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as two bands with apparent molecular masses of 180 (p180) and 170 kDa (p170); both proteins unknotted P4 DNA in an ATP-dependent manner and displayed amsacrine-stimulated covalent attachment to DNA. Staphylococcus V8 protease cleavage patterns of p170 and p180 showed distinct differences. Specific polyclonal antibodies to either p170 or p180 recognized very selectively the form of the enzyme used to generate the antibodies. Immunoblotting with these specific antibodies showed that both p180 and p170 were present in cells lysed immediately in boiling sodium dodecyl sulfate. Comparison of the purified topoisomerase II from amsacrine-resistant P388 with that from amsacrine-sensitive P388 demonstrated that each cell type contained both p180 and p170; however, the relative amounts of the two proteins were consistently different in the two cell types. The data strongly suggest that p170 is not a proteolytic fragment of p180. Thus, P388 cells appear to contain two distinct forms of topoisomerase II.  相似文献   

HL-60/AMSA is a human leukemia cell line that is 50-100-fold more resistant than its drug-sensitive HL-60 parent line to the cytotoxic actions of the DNA intercalator amsacrine (m-AMSA). HL-60/AMSA topoisomerase II is also resistant to the inhibitory actions of m-AMSA. HL-60/AMSA cells and topoisomerase II are cross-resistant to anthracycline and ellipticine intercalators but relatively sensitive to the nonintercalating topoisomerase II reactive epipodophyllotoxin etoposide. We now demonstrate that HL-60/AMSA and its topoisomerase II are cross-resistant to the DNA intercalators mitoxantrone and amonafide, thus strongly indicating that HL-60/AMSA and its topoisomerase II are resistant to topoisomerase II reactive intercalators but not to nonintercalators. At high concentrations, mitoxantrone and amonafide were also found to inhibit their own, m-AMSA's, and etoposide's abilities to stabilize topoisomerase II-DNA complexes. This appears to be due to the ability of these concentrations of mitoxantrone and amonafide to inhibit topoisomerase II mediated DNA strand passage at a point in the topoisomerization cycle prior to the acquisition of the enzyme-DNA configuration that yields DNA cleavage and topoisomerase II-DNA cross-links. In addition, amonafide can inhibit the cytotoxic actions of m-AMSA and etoposide. Taken together, these results suggest that the cytotoxicity of m-AMSA and etoposide is initiated primarily by the stabilization of the topoisomerase II-DNA complex. Other topoisomerase II reactive drugs may inhibit the enzyme at other steps in the topoisomerization cycle, particularly at elevated concentrations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gene amplification has been associated with multidrug resistance (MDR) in several drug-resistant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines which exhibit cross-resistance to other unrelated, cytotoxic drugs. In situ hybridization studies (Teeter et al., J. Cell Biol., in press) suggested the presence of an amplified gene associated with the MDR phenotype on the long arm of either of the largest CHO chromosomes (1 or Z1) in vincristine-resistant cells. In this study, somatic cell hybrids were constructed between these vincristine-resistant CHO cells and drug-sensitive murine cells to determine the functional relationship between the chromosome bearing the amplified sequences and the MDR phenotype. Hybrids exhibited primary drug resistance and MDR in an incomplete dominant fashion. Hybrid clones and subclones segregated CHO chromosomes. Concordant segregation between vincristine resistance, the MDR phenotype, the presence of the MDR-associated amplified sequences, overexpression of the gene located in those sequences, and CHO chromosome Z1 was consistent with the hypothesis that there is an amplified gene on chromosome Z1 of the vincristine-resistant CHO cells which is responsible for the MDR in these cells. A low level of discordance between CHO chromosomes Z8 and 2 and the drug resistance phenotype suggests that these chromosomes may contain genes involved with the MDR phenotype.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells were transfected by human DNA ligated to the bacterial gpt (xanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyltransferase) gene which was used either in its native form or after partial inactivation with methylnitrosourea. The gpt+ transfectants were screened for resistance to high doses of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Using this approach, we showed that Chinese hamster ovary cells can acquire N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine resistance upon transfection with DNA from diploid human fibroblasts, that this resistance is transferable by secondary transfection and is specific for methylating mutagens, and that it is not caused by increased removal of O6-methylguanine, 3-methyladenine, and 7-methylguanine from DNA.  相似文献   

6 platinum (Pt) compounds were compared in suspension cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-S) cells with respect to their inhibition of growth, their reduction of cloning efficiency, and their induction of mutants resistant to 200 microM (30 micrograms/ml) 8-azaguanine (8-AG) and 3 mM ouabain (OUA), respectively. The toxicity of these compounds can be ranked by the medium concentrations which decrease suspension growth/or cloning efficiency by 50%: cis-Pt(NH3)2-Cl2 (0.9/1.5 microM) greater than Pt(SO4)2 + methylcobalamin (MeB-12) methylation product (20/10 microM) greater than K2PtCl4 (32/50 microM) = K2PtCl6 (34/50 microM) = MePtCl2-3 (60/50 microM) greater than Pt(SO4)2 (66/105 microM). Following 20 h exposures to concentrations which resulted in relative survivals of 80-2%, none of the foregoing compounds increased consistently the frequency of OUA(R) mutants above the spontaneous frequency (6.0 x 10(-6)). Parallel treatments with 800 microM (100 micrograms/ml) ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) increased the OUA(R) mutant frequency 10--12-fold. Using 8-AG for mutant selection, dose-dependent increases of 5--7-fold above the spontaneous frequency (3--8 x 10(-5) were obtained with cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2, Pt(S04)2, and the product from Pt(SO4)2 + MeB-12. Identical 20 h exposures to varying amounts of K2PtCl4, K2PtCl6, and MePtCl2-3 did not induce 8-AG(R) mutants. Optimal detection of Pt-induced 8-AG(R) mutants required 7 post-treatments, expression doublings in suspension culture. Under our selection conditions 8/8 spontaneous and 24/24 Pt-induced 8-AG(R) variants contained reduced hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) specific activities (means ranging from 3 to 11% of the parental CHO-S cells). When compared from linear plots of the 8-Ag(r) frequency against the initial medium concentration, cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 is 134 times and Pt(SO4)2 si 3.5 times more mutagenic than EMS. However, on a cell-survival basis EMS is 8--10-fold more mutagenic than these two Pt-compounds. 6-Thioguanine (10 microM) can be substituted for 8-AG to assay mutant induction by cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 and Pt(SO4)2 in CHO-S cells. The sensitivity of the CHO-S HGPRT locus for detecting mutagenesis by Pt complexes can be increased several fold by continuous subculture in the presence of these agents for 10--25 population doublings. By this procedure K2PtCl6 is seen to be weakly mutagenic and 20 microM Pt(SO4)2 produces 8-AG(R) mutants at frequencies requiring 7--8-fold higher concentrations when a fixed 20 h exposure is used.  相似文献   

HL-60/AMSA is a human leukemia cell line that is 100 times more resistant to the cytotoxic actions of the antineoplastic, topoisomerase II-reactive DNA intercalating acridine derivative amsacrine (m-AMSA) than is its parent HL-60 line. HL-60/AMSA cells are minimally resistant to etoposide, a topoisomerase II-reactive drug that does not intercalate. Previously we showed that HL-60 topoisomerase II activity in cells, nuclei, or nuclear extracts was sensitive to m-AMSA and etoposide, while HL-60/AMSA topoisomerase II was resistant to m-AMSA but sensitive to etoposide. Now we show that purified topoisomerase II from the two cell lines exhibits the same drug sensitivity or resistance as that in the nuclear extracts although the magnitude of the m-AMSA resistance of HL-60/AMSA topoisomerase II in vitro is not as great as the resistance of the intact HL-60/AMSA cells. In addition HL-60/AMSA cells are cross-resistant to topoisomerase II-reactive intercalators from the anthracycline and ellipticine families and the pattern of sensitivity or resistance to the cytotoxic actions of the various topoisomerase II-reactive drugs is paralleled by topoisomerase II-reactive drug-induced DNA cleavage and protein cross-link production in cells and the production of drug-induced, topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage and protein cross-linking in isolated biochemical systems. In addition to its lowered sensitivity to intercalators, HL-60/AMSA differed from HL-60 in 1) the susceptibility of its topoisomerase II to stimulation of DNA topoisomerase II complex formation by ATP, 2) the catalytic activity of its topoisomerase II in an ionic environment chosen to reproduce the environment found within the living cell, and 3) the observed restriction enzyme pattern on a Southern blot probed with a cDNA for human topoisomerase II. These data indicate that an m-AMSA-resistant form of topoisomerase II contributes to the resistance of HL-60/AMSA to m-AMSA and to other topoisomerase II-reactive DNA intercalating agents. The drug resistance is associated with additional biochemical and molecular alterations that may be important determinants of cellular sensitivity or resistance to topoisomerase II-reactive drugs.  相似文献   

HeLa and Chinese hamster (ovary) cells were exposed in vitro to methylene dimethanesulphonate (MDMS) and their survival of colony-forming ability was assayed in monolayer culture. Asynchronous cultures were exposed to the drug for the whole culture period but cell survival was complicated by the toxicity of formaldehyde which is a final breakdown product of the drug. A short treatment schedule of 15 min within the hydrolytic half life of the agent was therefore employed and the response of synchronous cultures of HeLa cells was then assayed throughout the course of the cells cycle. Cells were most sensitive at the beginning of the DNA synthetic phase (early-S) and most resistant at the end (late-S).  相似文献   

Novobiocin, an inhibitor of gyrase-induced DNA supercoiling and DNA replication in prokaryotes, inhibited the incorporation of DNA precursors into DNA in both intact and permeable Chinese hamster ovary cells; much higher concentrations were required for permeable cells, in which no new replicons were initiated. Nucleoids were prepared from cells that were incubated for 60 min with 200 micrograms/ml novobiocin, made permeable, and incubated with 0--50 micrograms/ml ethidium bromide. Sedimentation of the nucleoids in neutral sucrose gradients suggested that the number of supercoils in the average nucleoid had been reduced by prior incubation with novobiocin. In intact cells, novobiocin is required inside the cell for continued inhibition of DNA synthesis, suggesting that it does not act directly on the DNA. Alkaline sucrose gradient profiles of DNA synthesized in the presence of novobiocin in intact cells indicated that the drug inhibited replicon initiation while having little if any effect on chain elongation. These data are consistent with the idea that an activity similar to the bacterial gyrase generates supercoils in mammalian DNA and produces the proper conformation for the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that very high levels of hypersensitivity to several resistance modifiers are correlated with increasing multidrug resistance in a series of Chinese hamster ovary cell lines. We have now selected a new member of the series which is an exception to this correlation in that although it is almost twice as multidrug resistant as the cell line from which it was derived, it shows much less hypersensitivity to resistance modifiers. Level of resistance modifier hypersensitivity correlated with the level of reduction of verapamil accumulation in these cells, and with the density of P-glycoprotein, but since the selection of this cell line has involved a doubling of cell volume, it was not correlated with total amount of P-glycoprotein.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of 18 h of incubation of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO K1) cells with cycloheximide, hydroxyurea, and aphidicolin. Treatment of cells with cycloheximide alone at a concentration adequate to inhibit DNA synthesis to less than 10% of control was significantly less cytotoxic and clastogenic than treatment with hydroxyurea or aphidicolin, did not induce unbalanced cellular growth, and had no effect on the frequency of resistant cells in methotrexate selections compared with control cells. When combined with hydroxyurea or aphidicolin and compared with the effects of either drug alone, cycloheximide blocked the induction of unbalanced growth during drug treatment, reduced the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in recovering cell populations, and decreased cell killing. In addition, the increased frequency of methotrexate-resistant cells observed after treatment with hydroxyurea or aphidicolin was eliminated when cycloheximide was present during drug treatment.  相似文献   

D J Fernandes  M K Danks  W T Beck 《Biochemistry》1990,29(17):4235-4241
CEM leukemia cells selected for resistance to VM-26 (CEM/VM-1) are cross-resistant to various other DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors but not to Vinca alkaloids. Since DNA topoisomerase II is a major protein of the nuclear matrix, we asked if alterations in nuclear matrix topoisomerase II might be important in this form of multidrug resistance. Pretreatment of drug-sensitive CEM cells for 2 h with either 5 microM VM-26 or 3 microM m-AMSA reduced the specific activity of newly replicated DNA on the nuclear matrix by 75 and 50%, respectively, relative to that of the bulk DNA. However, neither VM-26 nor m-AMSA affected the relative specific activity of nascent DNA isolated from the nuclear matrices of drug-resistant CEM/VM-1 cells. The decatenating and unknotting activities of DNA topoisomerase II were 6- and 7-fold lower, respectively, in the nuclear matrix preparations from the CEM/VM-1 cells compared to parental CEM cells. Western blot analysis revealed that the amount of immunoreactive topoisomerase II in the nuclear matrices of the CEM/VM-1 cells was decreased 3.2-fold relative to that in CEM cells, but there was no significant difference in the amount of enzyme present in the nonmatrix (1.5 M salt soluble) fractions of nuclei from these cell lines. Increasing the NaCl concentration used in the matrix isolation procedure from 0.2 to 1.8 M resulted in a progressive decrease in the specific activity of topoisomerase II in matrices of CEM/VM-1 but not CEM cells, which suggested that the association of the enzyme with the matrix is altered in the resistant cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Transfection of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with human DNA has been shown in several laboratories to produce clones which stably express the DNA-repair protein, O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), that is lacking in the parent cell lines (Mex- phenotype). We have investigated the genetic origin of the MGMT in a number of such MGMT-positive (Mex+) clones by using human MGMT cDNA and anti-human MGMT antibodies as probes. None of the five independently isolated Mex+ lines has human MGMT gene sequences. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the absence of the human protein in the extracts of these cells. The MGMT mRNA in the lines that express low levels of MGMT (0.6-1.4 x 10(4) molecules/cell) is of the same size (1.1 kb) as that present in hamster liver. One cell line, GC-1, with a much higher level of MGMT (4 x 10(4) molecules/cell) has two MGMT mRNAs, a major species of 1.3 kb and a minor species of 1.8 kb. It has also two MGMT polypeptides (32 and 28 kDa), both of which are larger than the 25 kDa MGMT present in hamster liver and other Mex+ transfectants. These results indicate that the MGMT in all Mex+ CHO cell clones is encoded by the endogenous gene. While spontaneous activation of the MGMT gene cannot be ruled out in the Mex+ cell clones, the intervention of human DNA sequences may be responsible for activation of the endogenous gene in the GC-1 line.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) grown for one cycle in bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) contain a small amount (0.5%) of unusually dense double stranded DNA. This dense DNA has been previously interpreted as being bifilarly substituted with BrdU and hence evidence that sister chromatid exchange (SCE) formation proceeds via the Holliday model of recombination. However, the amount of this dense DNA is 100 times greater than that expected based on the SCE frequency in similarly cultured CHO cells, and it is not increased by treating the cells with mitomycin C. Moreover, contrary to expectations for bifilary substituted DNA, the amount of this dense DNA is not reduced by growing BrdU-labeled cells for a second cycle in TdR. Finally, DNA isolated from CHO cells contains a minor band (0.5%) with a density 0.025 gm/cc greater than that of the main band, whether or not BrdU has been incorporated. These results call into question the identification of this unusually dense DNA as bifilarly substituted and hence its previously postulated relationship to SCE formation.  相似文献   

JB3-B is a Chinese hamster ovary cell mutant previously shown to be temperature sensitive for DNA replication (J. J. Dermody, B. E. Wojcik, H. Du, and H. L. Ozer, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:4594-4601, 1986). It was chosen for detailed study because of its novel property of inhibiting both polyomavirus and adenovirus DNA synthesis in a temperature-dependent manner. Pulse-labeling studies demonstrated a defect in the rate of adenovirus DNA synthesis. Measurement of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) pools as a function of time after shift of uninfected cultures from 33 to 39 degrees C revealed that all four dNTP pools declined at similar rates in extracts prepared either from whole cells or from rapidly isolated nuclei. Ribonucleoside triphosphate pools were unaffected by a temperature shift, ruling out the possibility that the mutation affects nucleoside diphosphokinase. However, ribonucleotide reductase activity, as measured in extracts, declined after cell cultures underwent a temperature shift, in parallel with the decline in dNTP pool sizes. Moreover, the activity of cell extracts was thermolabile in vitro, consistent with the model that the JB3-B mutation affects the structural gene for one of the ribonucleotide reductase subunits. The kinetics of dNTP pool size changes after temperature shift are quite distinct from those reported after inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase with hydroxyurea. An indirect effect on ribonucleotide reductase activity in JB3-B has not been excluded since human sequences other than those encoding the enzyme subunits can correct the temperature-sensitive growth defect in the mutant.  相似文献   

Expression of human tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) at high levels has been achieved in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells by cotransfection and subsequent coamplification of the transfected sequences. Expression vectors containing the t-PA cDNA gene and dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) cDNA gene were cotransfected into CHO DHFR-deficient cells. Transformants expressing DHFR were selected by growth in media lacking nucleosides and contained low numbers of t-PA genes and DHFR genes. Stepwise selection of the DHFR+ transformants in increasing concentrations of methotrexate generated cells which had amplified both DHFR genes and t-PA genes over 100-fold. These cell lines expressed elevated levels of enzymatically active t-PA. To optimize both t-PA sequence amplification and t-PA expression, various modifications of the original procedure were used. These included alterations to the DHFR expression vector, optimization of the molar ratio of t-PA to DHFR sequences in the cotransfection, and modification of the methotrexate resistance selection procedure. The structure of the amplified DNA, its chromosomal location, and its stability during growth in the absence of methotrexate are reported.  相似文献   

Using male mice BDF1, it has been shown that the retention period of doxorubicin (DOX) is shorter in the leukemia P 388 cells with induced antibiotic resistance (P 388/DOX) as compared to the P 388 cells, sensitive to DOX. Administration of finoptin (FP) to animals leads to the increase of DOX concentration in the leukemia P 388/DOX cells during 240 min observation. FP promotes the therapeutic effect of DOX on mice bearing leukemia P 388/DOX. It can be suggested that the mechanism of FP action is the damaged DOX elimination from cells with induced resistance, since FP doesn't change the period of antibiotic circulation in the murine blood plasma.  相似文献   

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