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Juvenile hormone modulates post-imaginal reproductive division of labor in primitively eusocial species and promotes the production of queens (e.g., Polistes) while it modulates age polyethism and promotes the production of foragers in highly eusocial species (e.g., the honey bee). Ropalidia marginata is a primitively eusocial wasp that shows both post-imaginal regulation of reproductive division of labor as well as age polyethism. Hence, R.marginata is a particularly interesting model system to study the effect of juvenile hormone. We demonstrate here that a single, topical application of 100 micro g of juvenile hormone-III per female wasp accelerates ovarian development of wasps held in isolation. Similar application to wasps released back on to their natal nests has no effect on their rate of behavioral development as witnessed from the age of first performance of feed larva, build, bring pulp and bring food. We conclude therefore that in R.marginata, juvenile hormone has retained its function of modulating reproductive division of labor and has not acquired the function of modulating age polyethism.  相似文献   

O'Donnell  Sean 《Behavioral ecology》2001,12(3):353-359
Workers in many insect societies interact via body contact withtheir nest mates, and social biting and other forms of contactmay play a general role in regulating task performance. HereI present evidence that social biting affects task performancewithout direct reproductive conflict in Polybia occidentalis,a swarm-founding eusocial wasp. Polybia occidentalis workersengaged in social biting with nest mates. Most workers thatwere active on the nest surface participated in biting interactions,but individuals differed significantly in their rates of biting and of being bitten. Rates of being bitten corresponded withnonreproductive task performance: more biting was directedat foragers than nonforagers, and foraging rates were correlatedwith rates of being bitten. Furthermore, some on-nest workersinitiated foraging activity immediately after they were bitten.Together these patterns suggest that social biting influencesforaging rates by increasing workers' probabilities of leavingthe nest. Variation in biting rates did not correspond withdifferences in reproductive physiology: highly active bitersand recipients did not differ in body size or in ovary development.In P. occidentalis and in other eusocial insects with largeworker forces, biting and other types of social contact amongworkers may regulate task performance independently of directreproductive competition.  相似文献   

I measured oocyte sizes of Polybia occidentalis workers to assess whether ovary development corresponded with adult age or with individual variation in behavior. Workers exhibited temporal polyethism by first working inside the nest, then performing on-nest tasks, and later foraging and defending the nest. Individuals varied in their ages at first performance of each of these sets of behavioral acts. Ovary development corresponded strongly with adult age. Workers' ovaries declined quickly after an initial phase of partial development. The period of ovary decline overlapped with the age range at which most workers began performing tasks on the exterior nest surface. However, after accounting for age effects, individual behavioral differences (rate of temporal polyethism and performance of foraging and defense tasks) did not correspond with ovary development. These data suggest that ovary development had little or no effect on variation in task performance by P. occidentalis workers on the nest surface.  相似文献   

Although tapping the nest in simulated vertebrate attack caused all but 1-day-old workers of Polybia occidentalis to rush from inside and cover the envelope, defense itself—attack of a target—was shown to be carried out only by workers older than about 10 days. While foraging was also performed by older workers, the frequency-age distribution of defensive behavior was skewed to a significantly younger age than was that of foraging. The plot of mean individual probability of defending as a function of age was logistic, leveling off at 0.11 by the age of about 13 days. The distribution of the probability of defending among workers 13 days of age was random, indicating that there is no specialized defender class among older workers. Workers that defended were recruited from among both nest workers and foragers. Although foragers were more likely to defend than were nonforagers, nonforagers contributed more individuals to the pool of defenders because they were more numerous.  相似文献   

Different patterns of division of labor can affect the expected longevity of social insects workers. It has been earlier suggested that when tasks performed inside and outside colony are equally risky then the expected longevity of workers in colonies with caste polyethism is greater than that in colonies without polyethism. To verify these predictions I used a model assuming two sets of tasks, associated with different mortality rates. In the colony without polyethism the workers preformed safe and risky tasks in turn, while in the colony with caste polyethism the workers specialized in only one set of tasks. The outcomes suggest that the expected longevity of workers in colonies with caste polyethism cannot be greater than that in colonies without polyethism. Only if there is no aging and under some special and rare conditions are there no differences in expected longevity between colonies with and without caste polyethism. If aging is independent of activity, caste polyethism does not shorten longevity when all tasks in the colony are equally risky. The results can explain why caste polyethism is not as widespread among social insects as age polyethism.  相似文献   

The swarm founders are unusual among the social wasps in having socialized the dispersal stage of the life cycle. Colonies are initiated by groups of workers accompanied by smaller numbers of queens. Thus, swarm founders avoid the colony size bottleneck faced by the independent founders, whose colonies start with one or a few queens. Among the advantages of swarm founding is a reduction of the risk of colony failure due to attrition of the founding adults. Stochasticity in adult mortality is less likely to lead to outright extinction of a large founding group before new workers are produced (pre-emergence period). However, it is not known how important pre-emergence mortality is as a selective force on founding and dispersal behaviour in swarm founders, since colony-wide mortality rates have never been reported for a large-colony social wasp. Sixty-eight swarms of Polybia occidentalis were censused just before colony initiation and again 24 days later. Mortality over this period averaged 0.41±0.12 of the founding swarm population. Including mortality on the day of emigration and extrapolating to day 30, when the first adult offspring eclose, the original absconding swarm would be reduced by 0.52 of its initial size. Rates of loss during the first week, while the colonies engaged in nest construction, did not differ from rates over the full 24 days. Thus, colony founding in P. occidentalis is both costly and highly variable in terms of mortality of the founding adults.  相似文献   

Social organization in highly eusocial bees relies upon two important processes: caste differentiation in female larvae, and age polyethism in adult workers. Juvenile Hormone (JH) is a key regulator of both processes. Here we investigated the expression of two genes involved in JH metabolism - mfe (biosynthesis) and jhe (degradation) - in the context of social organization in the stingless bee Melipona interrupta. We found evidence that the expression of mfe and jhe genes is related to changes in JH levels during late larval development, where caste determination occurs. Also, both mfe and jhe were upregulated when workers engage in intranidal tasks, but only jhe expression was downregulated at the transition from nursing to foraging activities. This relation is different than expected, considering recent reports of lower JH levels in foragers than nurses in the closely related species Melipona scutellaris. Our findings suggest that highly eusocial bees have different mechanisms to regulate JH and, thus, to maintain their level of social organization.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Radioimmunoassay showed that melatonin, N -acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, was synthesized in the brain of workers of Apis mellifera ligustica Spinola, and related to the polyethism of the workers. Statistically significant differences were found in melatonin levels between workers at different ages and between workers performing different tasks. The level in foragers was higher than that in young nurses. The highest melatonin level was found in 21-day-old adult workers (213.15 pg per worker head) and the lowest level in 1-day-old adult workers (6.08 pg per worker head); and the highest level in pollen-collecting workers (404.13 pg per worker head) and the lowest in nurse workers (13.10 pg per worker head). Apis cerana cerana Fabricius showed a similar pattern, but the nectar foragers had the highest melatonin levels. The melatonin level also showed a daily rhythm. In 30-day-old adult workers there were two peaks, at 7:00 and 19:00 hours, and three troughs at 15:00, 21:00 and 1:00 hours respectively.  相似文献   

Division of labor based on age, with workers delaying performanceof risky tasks, evolved in all major lineages of eusocial insects,raising questions about possible selective advantages of thispattern. We present a model showing that patterns of senescencein workers can have profound implications for the evolutionof age polyethism in insect societies. Controversy exists overthe relative importance of programmed versus rate of livingsenescence in determining the longevity of animals. If programmedsenescence occurs in eusocial insects, workers that delay performanceof risky tasks until later in life have greater expected longevityand therefore perform more labor per unit production cost. Ifsenescence does not occur or if the age of senescent death isdetermined solely by rate of living effects, then worker longevityis not increased by delayed performance of risky tasks. Severallines of indirect evidence suggest that high rates of work havenegative effects on worker longevity, supporting the rate ofliving hypothesis. Critical empirical data on patterns of senescencein eusocial insect workers are lacking, however, particularlywith respect to the occurrence of programmed senescence. Furthermore,programmed senescence may operate in conjunction with rate ofliving effects. In this case, a negative relationship betweenwork rate and longevity will be evident in highly active workers,while longevity of inactive workers will reach an upper plateauand will not be related to differences in work rate. If programmedsenescence is demonstrated in eusocial insect workers, thenincreased worker longevity may have favored the evolution ofage polyethism with delayed performance of risky tasks.  相似文献   

Summary The reproductive partitioning generates a persistent conflict within insects societies and a sustained theoretical and empirical attention is devoted to understand its resolution. In that context, thelytokous parthenogenesis by workers is an intriguing phenomenon where each individual is virtually reproducing. This reproductive strategy, scarce among Formicidae, was studied in C. biroi, an obligatory thelytokous cerapachyine ant. Particularly, we searched for a reproductive division of labour in colonies assumed to be clonal. The results revealed that no sterile caste was present in the colonies. However, reproduction was linked both to a temporal polyethism, in which older workers ceased to lay as they became foragers, and to a morphological polyethism, illustrated by two morphological types of individuals displaying different task allocations and ovary capacities. Evolutionary implication of this uncommon social structure, seemingly free of traditional conflict and characterised by a reproduction evenly distributed among nestmates, is discussed from comparisons to other ant species with extreme kin structure.Received 18 June 2003; revised 6 August 2003; accepted 7 August 2003.  相似文献   

Functionally sterile honey bee workers synthesize the yolk protein vitellogenin while performing nest tasks. The subsequent shift to foraging is linked to a reduced vitellogenin and an increased juvenile hormone (JH) titer. JH is a principal controller of vitellogenin expression and behavioral development. Yet, we show here that silencing of vitellogenin expression causes a significant increase in JH titer and its putative receptor. Mathematically, the increase corresponds to a dynamic dose-response. This role of vitellogenin in the tuning of the endocrine system is uncommon and may elucidate how an ancestral pathway of fertility regulation has been remodeled into a novel circuit controlling social behavior.  相似文献   

Workers of the ant species Ectatomma tuberculatum (Ectatomminae) have active ovaries and lay eggs that are eaten by the queen and larvae (trophic eggs). Vitellogenins are the main proteins found in the eggs of insects and are a source of nutrients. The aim of this study was to characterize the period of vitellogenin production in workers of E. tuberculatum. The vitellogenin was identified from queen and worker eggs by SDS-PAGE. Anti-vitellogenin antibodies were obtained and used to detect this protein in the fat body and haemolymph of workers at different ages. Vitellogenin from E. tuberculatum consists of two polypeptides of 31 and 156 kDa. In the eggs of queens, the 156 kDa polypeptide is cleaved into two subunits of 36 and 123 kDa. The analysis of the haemolymph of workers showed that the secretion of vitellogenin varies with age. The secretion is initiated around the fifth day after emergence, with peak production from days 20 to 60, and stops around day 100. The variation in production is related to the different activities performed by the workers within the colony, suggesting that vitellogenin may have an important role in maintaining age polyethism.  相似文献   

Summary We examined division of labor and colony demography in the antPonera pennsylvannica. Observation of three colonies with individually marked workers revealed a high degree of interindividual behavioral variation and a rough but consistent division of labor between brood tenders and foragers. This division was present both in colonies consisting entirely of workers produced in the previous summer and in colonies containing freshly eclosed ants. Two colonies showed typical age-based polyethism, with young ants focusing on brood care and overwintered ants on foraging. No such age basis was detected in the third colony. This difference may relate to variability in brood production schedules. Colonies showing temporal polyethism had two peaks of brood production and thus had relatively large brood populations when the first young workers eclosed, while the third colony had only one peak and little brood for the young workers to tend. Even if young ants have a lower threshold for brood care, it may have been concealed in the latter situation. Demographic data indicate that natural colonies produce one brood per year and that workers typically eclose into colonies with relatively low brood care demands. This suggests that overwintered workers do most of a colony's work and that the division of labor among overwintered ants is the more important one under natural conditions. The basis of this division is as yet unknown. These results also suggest that small colony size, univoltine brood schedule and a close association between foraging and brood care do not preclude division of labor among specialized castes, as has been suggested for another ponerine species (Traniello 1978).  相似文献   

Worker honey bees treated with 250 μg of the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene shifted from the broodnest to the food storage region prematurely and displayed precocious foraging behaviour. Treatments with 25 and 2.5 μg caused slight but non-significant effects. Methoprene did not influence individual foraging performance as measured by mean number of foraging trips/h, mean amount of time spent foraging/h or mean duration of the total foraging period. Methoprene also induced premature production of two alarm pheromones, 2-heptanone and isopentyl acetate. These results support the hypothesis that juvenile hormone regulates temporal division of labour in the honey bee colony.  相似文献   

Individuals within social groups often show consistent differences in behaviour across time and context. Such interindividual differences and the evolutionary challenge they present have recently generated considerable interest. Social insects provide some of the most familiar and spectacular examples of social groups with large interindividual differences. Investigating these within‐group differences has a long research tradition, and behavioural variability among the workers of a colony is increasingly regarded as fundamental for a key feature of social insects: division of labour. The goal of this review is to illustrate what we know about both the proximate mechanisms underlying behavioural variability among the workers of a colony and its ultimate consequences; and to highlight the many open questions in this research field. We begin by reviewing the literature on mechanisms that potentially introduce, maintain, and adjust the behavioural differentiation among workers. We highlight the fact that so far, most studies have focused on behavioural variability based on genetic variability, provided by e.g. multiple mating of the queen, while other mechanisms that may be responsible for the behavioural differentiation among workers have been largely neglected. These include maturational, nutritional and environmental influences. We further discuss how feedback provided by the social environment and learning and experience of adult workers provides potent and little‐explored sources of differentiation. In a second part, we address what is known about the potential benefits and costs of increased behavioural variability within the workers of a colony. We argue that all studies documenting a benefit of variability so far have done so by manipulating genetic variability, and that a direct test of the effect of behavioural variability on colony productivity has yet to be provided. We emphasize that the costs associated with interindividual variability have been largely overlooked, and that a better knowledge of the cost/benefit balance of behavioural variability is crucial for our understanding of the evolution of the mechanisms underlying the social organization of insect societies. We conclude by highlighting what we believe to be promising but little‐explored avenues for future research on how within‐colony variability has evolved and is maintained. We emphasize the need for comparative studies and point out that, so far, most studies on interindividual variability have focused on variability in individual response thresholds, while the significance of variability in other parameters of individual response, such as probability and intensity of the response, has been largely overlooked. We propose that these parameters have important consequences for the colony response. Much more research is needed to understand if and how interindividual variability is modulated in order to benefit division of labour, homeostasis and ultimately colony fitness in social insects.  相似文献   

Scorpions arc generally non-social, solitary animals that interact with conspecifics at birth, courtship or predation only. The present study reports the presence of advanced sub social behaviour inHeterometrus fulvipes Brunner and evaluates the importance of its burrowing as a cause for such social behaviour.Heterometrus fulvipes constructed deep angular burrows at the base of plants. Burrows provided (i) protection against predation, (ii) increased availability of food and (iii) ideal microclimate for year round activity of the scorpions. No cannibalism was observed in laboratory maintained colonies. The risk of predation and the difficult by immatures to dig tunnels during dry soil conditions may have forced the mother and offspring to live together in the burrow for longer durations. The cohabitation of relative offsprings transforms the burrow into a nest. The members of a colony exhibits division of labour for nest expansion and in foraging. The mother communicates with the immatures through “Buzz” sound and may provide premasticated food. There is food sharing also among colony members. All these behaviours indicate the presence of advanced sub social behaviour inHeterometrus fulvipes.  相似文献   

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