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Advanced control of glutathione fermentation process   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
A study was performed to understand the fermentation process for production of glutathione fermentation (GSH) with an improved strain of baker's yeast. Simultaneous utilization of sugar and ethanol has been found to be a key factor in the industrial process to produce GSH using Saccharomyces cerevisiae KY6186. Based on this observation, the optimal sugar feed profile for the fed-batch operation has been determined. A feedforward/feedback control system was developed to regulate the sugar feed rate so as to maximize GSH production yields. Using the feedforward/feedback control system and the on-line data of oxygen and ethanol concentration in exhaust gas, the successful scaleup to the production level was accomplished. An average of 40% improvement of glutathione production compared to a conventionally programmed control of exponential fed-batch operation was found in the new process. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The monitoring and control of bioprocesses is a challenging task. This applies particularly if the actions to the process have to be carried out in real‐time. This work presents a system for on‐line monitoring and control of batch yeast propagation under limiting conditions based on a virtual plant operator, which uses the concept of intelligent control algorithms by means of fuzzy logic theory. Process information is provided on‐line using a sensor array comprising the measurement of OD, operating temperature, pressure, density, dissolved oxygen, and pH value. In this context practical problems arising through on‐line sensing and signal processing are addressed. The preprocessed sensor data are fed to a neural network for on‐line biomass estimation. The root mean squared error of prediction is 4 × 106 cells/mL. The proposed system then triggers temperature and aeration by usage of a temperature dependent metabolic growth model and sensor data. The deviation of the predicted biomass from that of the reference trajectory as modeled by the metabolic growth model and its temporal derivative are used as inputs for the fuzzy temperature controller. The inputs used by the fuzzy aeration controller are the deviation of measured extract from that of the reference trajectory, the predicted cell count, and the dissolved oxygen concentration. The fuzzy‐based expert system allows to provide the desired yeast cell concentration of 100–120 × 106 cells/mL at a minimum residual extract limit of 6.0 g/100 g at the required point of time. Thus, a dynamic adjustment of the propagation process to the overall production schedule is possible in order to produce the required amount of biomass at the right time.  相似文献   

Process control strategies, e.g. the steady-;state fermation, which do not consider the cell-;state distribution of cell populations, cause a decrease of yield coefficient connected to an increase of heat-;production coefficient. Contrary to this, the dynamic process control adapts the carbon-;substrate supply to the different repetitive cell-;population states during fermentation. In order to recognize the different states, the cell population is synchronized. The optimum period ofchanging carbon-;substrate supply was found to be dependent on the cell-;doubling time. Dynamic process control causes a higher yield coefficient as well as a lower heat-;production coefficient compared to the steady-;state fermentation.  相似文献   

The optimal temperature control policy to be followed in the operation of a two-stage fermentation system in which gene expression is induced by a temperature-sensitive gene switching system was studied. A genetically structured model was used to describe product formation, and kinetic equations based on experimental data were used to quantify the specific gene expression rate and parameters that affect plasmid instability. A constant temperature control policy and temperature profiling control policy including temperature cycling were studied and compared. Maximum average production rate was obtained from a temperature control policy in which the second stage was operated initially at about 40.5 degrees C and the temperature decreased slightly to a constant value at 40.0 degrees C. The maximum average production rate, which corresponds to the optimal temperature control policy, for an operation of 180 h was 29.7 units of protein (mg of cells)-1 h-1.  相似文献   

Adaptive predictive control of a multistage fermentation process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theoretical and experimental studies concerning the application of modern adaptive techniques for the control of continuous alcoholic fermentation of glucose by a yeast strain conducted in a multistage reactor are reported. The practical control objective was the regulation of the substrate concentration in the process effluent. Mathematical expressions for the control scheme are given, with the underlying control engineering argumentation. Suitable feeding of sugar for stage 2 was controlled to minimize the effluent sugar concentration.  相似文献   

A fuzzy expert system was developed for online diagnosing and controlling of bioprocesses. The system was constructed in object-oriented Smalltalk/V for diagnosing and controlling of bioprocesses. Lactic acid fermentation with an industrial strain ofLactobacillus casei was chosen as the model system. The performance of the fuzzy expert system and the knowledge base utilizing experts' knowledge and several facts obtained from the experiments were successfully validated with on-line fermentations. The fuzzy expert system could diagnose a fault on-line and give reasonable advice to the process operator. In order to achieve the diagnosing faculty, a database, a knowledge base, and both backward and forward chaining procedures were implemented employing the object-oriented programming environment. A defuzzifier was implemented in the system to achieve on-line control. In order to realize a decision-making system with a human operator and a fuzzy expert system, a new control strategy namedAdvice was also introduced. Several cultivations were carried out in order to collect knowledge on the effects concerned with inoculum properties to the process and to construct a database including standard time-course profiles. The performance of the fuzzy expert control system was successfully tested with on-line experiments.Visiting scientist from HUT at RIKEN  相似文献   

Propionic acid (PA) is a short-chain fatty acid with wide industrial application including uses in pharmaceuticals, herbicides, cosmetics, and food preservatives. As a three-carbon building block, PA also has potential as a precursor for high-volume commodity chemicals such as propylene. Currently, most PA is manufactured through petrochemical routes, which can be tied to increasing prices and volatility due to difficulty in demand forecasting and feedstock availability. Herein described are research advancements to develop an industrially feasible, renewable route to PA. Seventeen Propionibacterium strains were screened using glucose and sucrose as the carbon source to identify the best platform strain. Propionibacterium acidipropionici ATCC 4875 was selected as the platform strain and subsequent fermentation optimization studies were performed to maximize productivity and yield. Fermentation productivity was improved three-fold to exceed 2 g/l/h by densifying the inoculum source. Byproduct levels, particularly lactic and succinic acid, were reduced by optimizing fermentor headspace pressure and shear. Following achievement of commercially viable productivities, the lab-grade medium components were replaced with industrial counterparts to further reduce fermentation costs. A pure enzymatically treated corn mash (ECM) medium improved the apparent PA yield to 0.6 g/g (PA produced/glucose consumed), but it came at the cost of reduced productivity. Supplementation of ECM with cyanocobalamin restored productivity to near lab-grade media levels. The optimized ECM recipe achieved a productivity of 0.5 g/l/h with an apparent PA yield of 0.60 g/g corresponding to a media cost <1 USD/kg of PA. These improvements significantly narrow the gap between the fermentation and incumbent petrochemical processes, which is estimated to have a manufacturing cost of 0.82 USD/kg in 2017.  相似文献   

Protein quality control processes active in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), including ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) and the unfolded protein response (UPR), prevent the cytotoxic effects that can result from the accumulation of misfolded proteins. Characterization of a yeast mutant deficient in ERAD, a proteasome-dependent degradation pathway, revealed the employment of two overflow pathways from the ER to the vacuole when ERAD was compromised. One removes the soluble misfolded protein via the biosynthetic pathway and the second clears aggregated proteins via autophagy. Previously, autophagy had been implicated in the clearance of cytoplasmic aggresomes, but was not known to play a direct role in ER protein quality control. These findings provide insight into the molecular mechanisms that result in the gain-of-function liver disease associated with both alpha1-deficiency and hypofibrinogenemia (abnormally low levels of plasma fibrinogen, which is required for blood clotting), and emphasize the need for a more complete understanding of the molecular mechanisms of autophagy and its relationship to protein quality control.  相似文献   

Truly continuous solid-state fermentations with operating times of 2-3 weeks were conducted in a prototype bioreactor for the production of fungal (Penicillium glabrum) tannase from a tannin-containing model substrate. Substantial quantities of the enzyme were synthesized throughout the operating periods and (imperfect) steady-state conditions seemed to be achieved soon after start-up of the fermentations. This demonstrated for the first time the possibility of conducting solid-state fermentations in the continuous mode and with a constant noninoculated feed. The operating variables and fermentation conditions in the bioreactor were sufficiently well predicted for the basic reinoculation concept to succeed. However, an incomplete understanding of the microbial mechanisms, the experimental system, and their interaction indicated the need for more research in this novel area of solid-state fermentation.  相似文献   

Using a sequential approach, we described efficient blastospore production in a stirred tank bioreactor (3?L capacity). We used the response surface methodology to optimise the media ingredients and fermentation parameters to obtain the maximum production of blastospores by a locally collected isolate of Metarhizium acridum (Ascomycota: Hypocreales). The results showed that a liquid culture medium supplemented with monopotassium phosphate (15.17?g/L), corn steep liquor (69.25?g/L), and casamino acids (80.68?g/L) in a stirred tank bioreactor under operating conditions constant at 635?rpm, a temperature of 26°C, and pH 3.3 produced 1.25?×?108?blastospores (bls)/ml, with 93% viability after 120?h of fermentation. This bioreactor yield compares favourably with the yields obtained by shake flask production and confirms the suitability of the media and production parameters for the potential scale-up fermentation production of M. acridum.  相似文献   

Summary High-productivity continuous fermentation processes have been developed for the production of important industrial microorganisms in specially designed fermentors.Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia pastoris, Kluyveromyces fragilis, andCandida utilis yeasts have been grown in bench-scale fermentors at cell densities of over 120 g/l, whileEscherichia coli, Bacillus megaterium, Methylomonas sp. andPseudomonas putida bacteria have been cultivated to cell densities of more than 110 g/l. Productivities (g cells per 1 per h) greater than 25 have been achieved in both bench-scale and 1500-liter fermentors with yeasts, and values as high as 55 have been achieved with bacteria in the bench-scale fermentor. The microorganisms were grown on defined media using ammonia for pH control and as nitrogen source. The fermentor, capable of high oxygen and heat transfer rates, was operated at constant volume with continuous feed and product discharge. The high-productivity process reduces fermentor size, media sterilization requirements, and may under some circumstances eliminate waste and recycle streams. It can also be applied to a variety of biological products.  相似文献   

The paper reports the variability of replicate measurements for soluble protein and some enzyme activities in batch and continuous culture of S. cerevisiae. The measurement variability in these assays depended on the measured concentration and could be represented as a standard deviation proportional to the measured value.The support of the ESPRC and BBSRC through the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, and through the Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering, University College London is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

An oxygen-limited fed-batch technique (OLFB) was compared to traditional methanol-limited fed-batch technique (MLFB) for the production of recombinant Thai Rosewood β-glucosidase with Pichia pastoris. The degree of energy limitation, expressed as the relative rate of respiration (q O/q O,max), was kept similar in both the types of processes. Due to the higher driving force for oxygen transfer in the OLFB, the oxygen and methanol consumption rates were about 40% higher in the OLFB. The obligate aerobe P. pastoris responded to the severe oxygen limitation mainly by increased maintenance demand, measured as increased carbon dioxide production per methanol, but still somewhat higher cell density (5%) and higher product concentrations (16%) were obtained. The viability was similar, about 90–95%, in both process types, but the amount of total proteins released in the medium was much less in the OLFB processes resulting in substantially higher (64%) specific enzyme purity for input to the downstream processing.  相似文献   

Biological hydrogen production from anaerobic waste fermentation possesses potential benefits in simultaneously reducing organic wastes and generating sustainable energy sources. Three kinetic-based steady-state models for anaerobic fermentation of multiple substrates, including glucose and peptone, were evaluated. Experimental results obtained from a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) were primarily used for model evaluation. The dual-substrate steady-state model developed and the associated kinetic parameters estimated in this study successfully described the anaerobic growth of hydrogen-producing bacteria. The model was able to capture the general trends of consumption of substrates and accumulation of products, including formate, acetate, butyrate, and hydrogen, at dilution rates (D) between 0.06 and 0.69/h. According to the model, the adverse effects of endogeneous and peptone metabolism on net hydrogen production can be minimized by increasing D. For the operational conditions of D > 0.69/h, however, substantial washout of hydrogen-producing bacteria from the CSTR was observed, and it resulted in a rapid drop in hydrogen production rate as well.  相似文献   

A high-density-cell fermentation process for production of an exracellular alginat lyase from Klebseilla pneumoniae on a defined medium has been developed. The process employs a strategy using two carbon sources. One low-molecular-mass, low-viscosity carbon source (sucrose) with high water solubililty is used as the main carbons source for growth, while the high-molecular-mass and viscoous alginate in low concentration is used as an inducer for enzyme synthesis. The repression of algiante lyase production by sucrose and the growth inhibition that we observed at increased levels of ammonia were circumvented by a computer-assisted fed-batch addition of the carbon sources (succrose and alginate) and by supplying nitrogen source as ammonia in the pH control. No enzyme production was observed when dissolved oxygen limited growth at an oxygen uptake rate of 40%–50% of the maximum uptake rate. An optimal composition of the feeding solution (12.5 g alginate and 587.5 g sucrose 1–1) was found both for the maximum final concentration of enzyme (1330 U 1–1) and for the maximum volumetric rate of enzyme production (67 U 1–1 h–1). The enzyme production dependes of the growth rate in the linear growth phase, giving a maximum enzyme concentration at the highest growth rate tested. The final enzyme concentration shows a fiveflod increase compare with previously reproted daata where alginate was used as a carbon source. In addition, the ratio of alginate lyase by a factor of apporximately 15. A doubling in extracellular specific activity of the enzyme was observed, a property of significant interest, especially for purification of the enzyme. On the othr hand, the final dry cell weight concentration of the bacteria also increased by a factor of 15–20 thus giving a relatively lower specific productivity of 0.4 U (g cell dry weight)–1 h–1.  相似文献   

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