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Neural crest cells are multipotential stem cells that contribute extensively to vertebrate development and give rise to various cell and tissue types. Determination of the fate of mammalian neural crest has been inhibited by the lack of appropriate markers. Here, we make use of a two-component genetic system for indelibly marking the progeny of the cranial neural crest during tooth and mandible development. In the first mouse line, Cre recombinase is expressed under the control of the Wnt1 promoter as a transgene. Significantly, Wnt1 transgene expression is limited to the migrating neural crest cells that are derived from the dorsal CNS. The second mouse line, the ROSA26 conditional reporter (R26R), serves as a substrate for the Cre-mediated recombination. Using this two-component genetic system, we have systematically followed the migration and differentiation of the cranial neural crest (CNC) cells from E9.5 to 6 weeks after birth. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that CNC cells contribute to the formation of condensed dental mesenchyme, dental papilla, odontoblasts, dentine matrix, pulp, cementum, periodontal ligaments, chondrocytes in Meckel's cartilage, mandible, the articulating disc of temporomandibular joint and branchial arch nerve ganglia. More importantly, there is a dynamic distribution of CNC- and non-CNC-derived cells during tooth and mandibular morphogenesis. These results are a first step towards a comprehensive understanding of neural crest cell migration and differentiation during mammalian craniofacial development. Furthermore, this transgenic model also provides a new tool for cell lineage analysis and genetic manipulation of neural-crest-derived components in normal and abnormal embryogenesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mammalian Grb2 adaptor protein binds pTyr-X-Asn motifs through its SH2 domain, and engages downstream targets such as Sos1 and Gab1 through its SH3 domains. Grb2 thereby couples receptor tyrosine kinases to the Ras-MAP kinase pathway, and potentially to phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3'-kinase. By creating a null (Delta) allele of mouse Grb2, we have shown that Grb2 is required for endoderm differentiation at embryonic day 4.0. RESULTS: Grb2 likely has multiple embryonic and postnatal functions. To address this issue, a hypomorphic mutation, first characterized in the Caenorhabditis elegans Grb2 ortholog Sem-5, was engineered into the mouse Grb2 gene. This mutation (E89K) reduces phosphotyrosine binding by the SH2 domain. Embryos that are compound heterozygous for the null and hypomorphic alleles exhibit defects in placental morphogenesis and in the survival of a subset of migrating neural crest cells required for branchial arch formation. Furthermore, animals homozygous for the hypomorphic mutation die perinatally because of clefting of the palate, a branchial arch-derived structure. Analysis of E89K/Delta Grb2 mutant fibroblasts revealed a marked defect in ERK/MAP kinase activation and Gab1 tyrosine phosphorylation following growth factor stimulation. CONCLUSIONS: We have created an allelic series within mouse Grb2, which has revealed distinct functions for phosphotyrosine-Grb2 signaling in tissue morphogenesis and cell viability necessary for mammalian development. The placental defects in E89K/Delta mutant embryos are reminiscent of those seen in receptor tyrosine kinase-, Sos1-, and Gab1-deficient embryos, consistent with the finding that endogenous Grb2 is required for efficient RTK signaling to the Ras-MAP kinase and Gab1 pathways.  相似文献   

Dental trigeminal nerve fiber growth and patterning are strictly integrated with tooth morphogenesis, but it is still unknown, how these two developmental processes are coordinated. Here we show that targeted inactivation of the dental epithelium expressed Fgfr2b results in cessation of the mouse mandibular first molar development at the degenerated cap stage and the failure of the trigeminal molar nerve to establish the lingual branch at E13.5 stage while the buccal branch develops properly. This axon patterning defect correlates to the histological absence of the mesenchymal dental follicle and adjacent Semaphorin3A-free dental follicle target field as well as appearance of ectopic Sema3A expression domain in the lingual side of the epithelial bud. Although the mesenchymal ligands for Fgfr2b, Fgf3 and -10 were present in the Fgfr2b(-/)(-) dental mesenchyme, mutant dental epithelium showed dramatically reduced proliferation and the lack of Fgf3. Tgfbeta1, which controls Sema3A was absent from the Fgfr2b(-/-) tooth germ, and Sema3A was specifically downregulated in the dental mesenchyme at the bud and cap stage. In addition, the epithelial primary enamel knot signaling center although being molecularly present neither was histologically detectable nor expressed Bmp4 and Fgf3 as well as Fgf4, which is essential for tooth morphogenesis and stimulates mesenchymal Fgf3 and Tgfbeta1. Fgf4 beads rescued Tgfbeta1 in the Fgfr2b(-/-) dental mesenchyme explants and Tgfbeta1 induced de novo Sema3A expression in the dental mesenchyme. Collectively these results demonstrate that epithelial Fgfr2b controls tooth morphogenesis and dental axon patterning, and suggests that Fgfr2b, by mediating local epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, integrates these two distinct developmental processes during odontogenesis.  相似文献   

Wnt/beta-catenin signaling plays key roles in tooth development, but how this pathway intersects with the complex interplay of signaling factors regulating dental morphogenesis has been unclear. We demonstrate that Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is active at multiple stages of tooth development. Mutation of beta-catenin to a constitutively active form in oral epithelium causes formation of large, misshapen tooth buds and ectopic teeth, and expanded expression of signaling molecules important for tooth development. Conversely, expression of key morphogenetic regulators including Bmp4, Msx1, and Msx2 is downregulated in embryos expressing the secreted Wnt inhibitor Dkk1 which blocks signaling in epithelial and underlying mesenchymal cells. Similar phenotypes are observed in embryos lacking epithelial beta-catenin, demonstrating a requirement for Wnt signaling within the epithelium. Inducible Dkk1 expression after the bud stage causes formation of blunted molar cusps, downregulation of the enamel knot marker p21, and loss of restricted ectodin expression, revealing requirements for Wnt activity in maintaining secondary enamel knots. These data place Wnt/beta-catenin signaling upstream of key morphogenetic signaling pathways at multiple stages of tooth development and indicate that tight regulation of this pathway is essential both for patterning tooth development in the dental lamina, and for controlling the shape of individual teeth.  相似文献   

Members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily of signaling molecules are involved in the regulation of many developmental processes that involve the interaction between mesenchymal and epithelial tissues. Smad7 is a potent inhibitor of many members of the TGF-beta family, notably TGF-beta and activin. In this study, we show that embryonic overexpression of Smad7 in stratified epithelia using a keratin 5 promoter, results in severe morphogenetic defects in skin and teeth and leads to embryonic and perinatal lethality. To further analyze the functions of Smad7 in epithelial tissues of adult mice, we used an expression system that allowed a controlled overexpression of Smad7 in terms of both space and time. Skin defects in adult mice overexpressing Smad7 were characterized by hyper-proliferation and missing expression of early markers of keratinocyte differentiation. Upon Smad7-mediated blockade of TGF-beta superfamily signaling, ameloblasts failed to produce an enamel layer in incisor teeth. In addition, TGF-beta blockade in adult mice altered the pattern of thymic T cell differentiation and the number of thymic T cells was significantly reduced. This study shows that TGF-beta superfamily signaling is essential for development of hair, tooth and T-cells as well as differentiation and proliferation control in adult tissues.  相似文献   

TGFβ/BMP signaling regulates the fate of multipotential cranial neural crest (CNC) cells during tooth and jawbone formation as these cells differentiate into odontoblasts and osteoblasts, respectively. The functional significance of SMAD4, the common mediator of TGFβ/BMP signaling, in regulating the fate of CNC cells remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of SMAD4 in regulating the fate of CNC-derived dental mesenchymal cells through tissue-specific inactivation of Smad4. Ablation of Smad4 results in defects in odontoblast differentiation and dentin formation. Moreover, ectopic bone-like structures replaced normal dentin in the teeth of Osr2-IresCre;Smad4(fl/fl) mice. Despite the lack of dentin, enamel formation appeared unaffected in Osr2-IresCre;Smad4(fl/fl) mice, challenging the paradigm that the initiation of enamel development depends on normal dentin formation. At the molecular level, loss of Smad4 results in downregulation of the WNT pathway inhibitors Dkk1 and Sfrp1 and in the upregulation of canonical WNT signaling, including increased β-catenin activity. More importantly, inhibition of the upregulated canonical WNT pathway in Osr2-IresCre;Smad4(fl/fl) dental mesenchyme in vitro partially rescued the CNC cell fate change. Taken together, our study demonstrates that SMAD4 plays a crucial role in regulating the interplay between TGFβ/BMP and WNT signaling to ensure the proper CNC cell fate decision during organogenesis.  相似文献   

BMPRIA is a receptor for bone morphogenetic proteins with high affinity for BMP2 and BMP4. Mouse embryos lacking Bmpr1a fail to gastrulate, complicating studies on the requirements for BMP signaling in germ layer development. Recent work shows that BMP4 produced in extraembryonic tissues initiates gastrulation. Here we use a conditional allele of Bmpr1a to remove BMPRIA only in the epiblast, which gives rise to all embryonic tissues. Resulting embryos are mosaics composed primarily of cells homozygous null for Bmpr1a, interspersed with heterozygous cells. Although mesoderm and endoderm do not form in Bmpr1a null embryos, these tissues are present in the mosaics and are populated with mutant cells. Thus, BMPRIA signaling in the epiblast does not restrict cells to or from any of the germ layers. Cells lacking Bmpr1a also contribute to surface ectoderm; however, from the hindbrain forward, little surface ectoderm forms and the forebrain is enlarged and convoluted. Prechordal plate, early definitive endoderm, and anterior visceral endoderm appear to be expanded, likely due to defective morphogenesis. These data suggest that the enlarged forebrain is caused in part by increased exposure of the ectoderm to signaling sources that promote anterior neural fate. Our results reveal critical roles for BMP signaling in endodermal morphogenesis and ectodermal patterning.  相似文献   

Little is known about the genes that interact with Ras signaling pathways to regulate morphogenesis. The synthesis of dorsal eggshell structures in Drosophila melanogaster requires multiple rounds of Ras signaling followed by dramatic epithelial sheet movements. We took advantage of this process to identify genes that link patterning and morphogenesis; we screened lethal mutations on the second chromosome for those that could enhance a weak Ras1 eggshell phenotype. Of 1618 lethal P-element mutations tested, 13 showed significant enhancement, resulting in forked and fused dorsal appendages. Our genetic and molecular analyses together with information from the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project reveal that 11 of these lines carry mutations in previously characterized genes. Three mutations disrupt the known Ras1 cell signaling components Star, Egfr, and Blistered, while one mutation disrupts Sec61beta, implicated in ligand secretion. Seven lines represent cell signaling and cytoskeletal components that are new to the Ras1 pathway; these are Chickadee (Profilin), Tec29, Dreadlocks, POSH, Peanut, Smt3, and MESK2, a suppressor of dominant-negative Ksr. A twelfth insertion disrupts two genes, Nrk, a "neurospecific" receptor tyrosine kinase, and Tpp, which encodes a neuropeptidase. These results suggest that Ras1 signaling during oogenesis involves novel components that may be intimately associated with additional signaling processes and with the reorganization of the cytoskeleton. To determine whether these Ras1 Enhancers function upstream or downstream of the Egf receptor, four mutations were tested for their ability to suppress an activated Egfr construct (lambdatop) expressed in oogenesis exclusively in the follicle cells. Mutations in Star and l(2)43Bb had no significant effect upon the lambdatop eggshell defect whereas smt3 and dock alleles significantly suppressed the lambdatop phenotype.  相似文献   

The distribution and ultrastructure of glycogen deposits were investigated in the murine tooth germ by histochemical periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining and transmission electron microscopy. Lower and upper first molars were examined in mouse embryos at embryonic days 11.5–17 (E11.5–E17) and in 2-day-old postnatal (P2) mice. The oral and dental epithelia and the mesenchymal cells were generally PAS-positive during tooth morphogenesis. PAS-negative cells were present at E13 in the distal tip of the tooth bud epithelium and in the contacting mesenchyme, and this complete lack of PAS reactivity continued in the dental papilla mesenchyme and inner enamel epithelium during the cap and bell stages. The lack of glycogen deposits in the interacting epithelium and mesenchyme during early morphogenesis may be associated with their demonstrated high signaling activities. Mesenchymal cells in the dental follicle consistently possessed small clusters or large pools of glycogen, which disappeared by P2. Since an intense PAS reaction was seen in mesenchymal cells at future bone sites, the glycogen in the dental follicle cells may be associated with their development into hard-tissue-forming cells. Ultrastructural observation of the enamel organ cells from the cap to early bell stages (E14–E15) revealed the occurrence of glycogen pools, which were associated with the Golgi apparatus and with vesicles having amorphous contents. Glycogen particles were also occasionally present inside vesicles or in the extracellular matrix. These may be associated with the exocytosis of glycosaminoglycan components into extracellular spaces and the formation of the stellate reticulum. Received: 9 November 1998 / Accepted: 17 January 1999  相似文献   

Changes in the cytoskeletal architecture underpin the dynamic changes in tissue shape that occur during development. It is clear that such changes must be coordinated so that individual cell behaviors are synchronized; however, the mechanisms by which morphogenesis is instructed and coordinated are unknown. After its induction in non-neural ectoderm, the inner ear undergoes morphogenesis, being transformed from a flat ectodermal disk on the surface of the embryo to a hollowed sphere embedded in the head. We provide evidence that this shape change relies on extrinsic signals subsequent to genetic specification. By using specific inhibitors, we find that local fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling triggers a phosphorylation cascade that activates basal myosin II through the activation of phospholipase Cgamma. Myosin II exhibits a noncanonical activity that results in the local depletion of actin filaments. Significantly, the resulting apical actin enrichment drives morphogenesis of the inner ear. Thus, FGF signaling directly exerts profound cytoskeletal effects on otic cells, coordinating the morphogenesis of the inner ear. The iteration of this morphogenetic signaling system suggests that it is a more generally applicable mechanism in other epithelial tissues undergoing shape change.  相似文献   

Regulation of retinoic acid signaling during lung morphogenesis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Little is known about how retinoic acid (RA) synthesis, utilization and metabolism are regulated in the embryonic lung and how these activities relate to lung pattern formation. Here we report that early lung bud formation and subsequent branching morphogenesis are characterized by distinct stages of RA signaling. At the onset of lung development RA signaling is ubiquitously activated in primary buds, as shown by expression of the major RA-synthesizing enzyme, RALDH-2 and activation of a RARE-lacZ transgene. Nevertheless, further airway branching appears to require downregulation of RA pathways by decreased synthesis, increased RA degradation in the epithelium via P450RAI-mediated metabolism, and inhibition of RA signaling in the mesenchyme by COUPTF-II expression. These mechanisms controlling local RA signaling may be critical for normal branching, since we show that manipulating RA levels in vitro to maintain RA signaling activated as in the initial stage, leads to an immature lung phenotype characterized by failure to form typical distal buds. We show that this phenotype likely results from RA interfering with the establishment of a distal signaling center, altering levels and distribution of Fgf10 and Bmp4, genes that are essential for distal lung formation. Furthermore, RA upregulates P450RAI expression, suggesting the presence of feedback mechanisms controlling RA availability. Our study illustrates the importance of regional mechanisms that control RA availability and utilization for correct expression of pattern regulators and normal morphogenesis during lung development.  相似文献   

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