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Ca2+ exchange has been measured in a suspension of rat ventricular myocytes treated with digitonin or saponin to render the sarcolemma permeable to small molecules and ions. Two fractions of exchange were identified, one that was attributed to the mitochondrial component of the cell and the other to a non-mitochondrial fraction. Mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake was blocked by sodium azide and depended on respiratory substrates whereas non-mitochondrial uptake occurred independently of these molecules but was dependent on ATP and creatine phosphate. Non-mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake could be induced at a Ca2+ concentration below 1 microM and the initial rate increased with concentration up to 100 microM. Uptake could be reversed by sulmazole (a caffeine-like substance) and this reversal in turn inhibited by ryanodine. These properties suggest that the major locus for non-mitochondrial Ca2+ exchange is at the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Ca2+ exchange could be modulated by a number of agents, including carnosine, but was unaffected by others, including Na+, inositol trisphosphate and cyclic AMP. A kinetic model of the data is presented, which incorporates similar data of Ca2+ uptake into the mitochondrial fraction. The rates of Ca2+ exchange measured in these experiments suggest that these two components of the cell can reduce the sarcoplasmic Ca2+ concentration rapidly enough to account for the observed transient nature of the isometric twitch. Furthermore, it is suggested that both non-mitochondrial and mitochondrial fractions of the cell could significantly contribute to tension relaxation in rat cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

The adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) enhances cardiac contractility, and the adenosine A1R receptor (A1R) is antiadrenergic by reducing the adrenergic beta1 receptor (beta1R)-elicited increase in contractility. In this study we compared the A2AR-, A1R-, and beta1R-elicited actions on isolated rat ventricular myocytes in terms of Ca transient and contractile responses involving PKA and PKC. Stimulation of A2AR with 2 microM (approximately EC50) CGS-21680 (CGS) produced a 17-28% increase in the Ca transient ratio (CTR) and maximum velocities (Vmax) of transient ratio increase (+MVT) and recovery (-MVT) but no change in the time-to-50% recovery (TTR). CGS increased myocyte sarcomere shortening (MSS) and the maximum velocities of shortening (+MVS) and relaxation (-MVS) by 31-34% with no change in time-to-50% relengthening (TTL). beta1R stimulation using 2 nM (approximately EC50) isoproterenol (Iso) increased CTR, +MVT, and -MVT by 67-162% and decreased TTR by 43%. Iso increased MSS, +MVS, and -MVS by 153-174% and decreased TTL by 31%. The A2AR and beta1R Ca transient and contractile responses were not additive. The PKA inhibitor Rp-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphorothioate triethylamonium salt prevented both the CGS- and Iso-elicited contractile responses. The PKC inhibitors chelerythrine and KIE1-1 peptide (PKCepsilon specific) prevented the antiadrenergic action of A1R but did not influence A2AR-mediated increases in contractile variables. The findings suggest that cardiac A2AR utilize cAMP/PKA like beta1R, but the Ca transient and contractile responses are less in magnitude and not equally affected. Although PKC is important in the A1R antiadrenergic action, it does not seem to play a role in A2AR-elicited Ca transient and contractile events.  相似文献   

Diabetic cardiomyopathy is characterized by impaired ventricular contraction and altered function of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), a key factor for cardiac growth and function. Endogenous IGF-I has been shown to alleviate diabetic cardiomyopathy. This study was designed to evaluate exogenous IGF-I treatment on the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy. Adult rats were divided into four groups: control, control + IGF-I, diabetic, and diabetic + IGF-I. Streptozotocin (STZ; 55 mg/kg) was used to induce experimental diabetes immediately followed by a 7-wk IGF-I (3 mg. kg(-1). day(-1) ip) treatment. Mechanical properties were assessed in ventricular myocytes including peak shortening (PS), time-to-PS (TPS), time-to-90% relengthening (TR(90)) and maximal velocities of shortening/relengthening (+/-dL/dt). Intracellular Ca(2+) transients were evaluated as Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release and Ca(2+) clearing constant. Levels of sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA), phospholamban (PLB), and glucose transporter (GLUT4) were assessed by Western blot. STZ caused significant weight loss and elevated blood glucose, demonstrating the diabetic status. The diabetic state is associated with reduced serum IGF-I levels, which were restored by IGF-I treatment. Diabetic myocytes showed reduced PS and +/-dL/dt as well as prolonged TPS, TR(90), and intracellular Ca(2+) clearing compared with control. IGF-I treatment prevented the diabetes-induced abnormalities in PS, +/-dL/dt, TR(90), and Ca(2+) clearing but not TPS. The levels of SERCA and GLUT4, but not PLB, were significantly reduced in diabetic hearts compared with controls. IGF-I treatment restored the diabetes-induced decline in SERCA, whereas it had no effect on GLUT4 and PLB levels. These results suggest that exogenous IGF-I treatment may ameliorate contractile disturbances in cardiomyocytes from diabetic animals and could provide therapeutic potential in the treatment of diabetic cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

The electrical, contractile, and morphological characteristics of ventricular myocytes isolated from adult rat and guinea-pig hearts and maintained in cultures for 7-24 days are described. These cultured cells form different networks, depending on the species, when plated at certain density and maintained under specific conditions; the cells within the networks appear to be electrically coupled. Their resting and action potentials, their contractile activity (shortenings), and their pharmacological responses qualitatively resemble those of freshly isolated myocytes. Cultured cells from both species exhibit near-normal ultrastructural organization of sarcomeres, myofilaments, and mitochondria, as well as formation of intercellular contacts, or gap junctions. These data indicate that cultured adult rat and guinea-pig myocardial cells that make intercellular contacts possess electrical, contractile, and ultrastructural properties and responses to pharmacological agents similar to those of the respective adult myocardial tissues and the functionally intact freshly isolated cells from which these cultures are prepared. Thus, this study indicates that long-term cultures (7-24 days) of networked cardiac myocytes could be used as a valuable experimental model in various investigations of excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

Aldosterone has non-genomic effects that express within minutes and modulate intracellular ion milieu and cellular function. However, it is still undefined whether aldosterone actually alters intracellular ion concentrations or cellular contractility. To clarify the non-genomic effects of aldosterone, we measured [Na+]i, Ca2+ transient (CaT), and cell volume in dye-loaded rat ventricular myocytes, and we also evaluated myocardial contractility. We found the following: (i) aldosterone increased [Na+]i at the concentrations of 100 nmol/L to 10 micromol/L; (ii) aldosterone (up to 10 micromol/L) did not alter CaT and cell shortening in isolated myocytes, developed tension in papillary muscles, or left ventricular developed pressure in Langendorff-perfused hearts; (iii) aldosterone (100 nmol/L) increased the cell volume from 47.5 +/- 3.6 pL to 49.8 +/- 3.7 pL (n=8, p<0.05); (iv) both the increases in [Na+]i and cell volume were blocked by a Na+-K+-2Cl- co-transporter (NKCCl) inhibitor, bumetanide, or by a Na+/H+ exchange (NHE) inhibitor, 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride; and (v) spironolactone by itself increased in [Na+]i and cell volume. In conclusion, aldosterone rapidly increased [Na+]i and cell volume via NKCC1 and NHE, whereas there were no changes in CaT or myocardial contractility. Hence the non-genomic effects of aldosterone may be related to cell swelling rather than the increase in contractility.  相似文献   

Although recent studies focused on the contribution of mitochondrial Ca2+ to the mechanisms of ischemia-reperfusion injury, the regulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ under pathophysiological conditions remains largely unclear. By using saponin-permeabilized rat myocytes, we measured mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)) and mitochondrial Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](m)) at the physiological range of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](c); 300 nM) and investigated the regulation of [Ca2+](m) during both normal and dissipated DeltaPsi(m). When DeltaPsi(m) was partially depolarized by carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone (FCCP, 0.01-0.1 microM), there were dose-dependent decreases in [Ca2+](m). When complete DeltaPsi(m) dissipation was achieved by FCCP (0.3-1 microM), [Ca2+](m) remained at one-half of the control level despite no Ca2+ influx via the Ca2+ uniporter. The DeltaPsi(m) dissipation by FCCP accelerated calcein leakage from mitochondria in a cyclosporin A (CsA)-sensitive manner, which indicates that DeltaPsi(m) dissipation opened the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). After FCCP addition, inhibition of the mPTP by CsA caused further [Ca2+](m) reduction; however, inhibition of mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchange (mitoNCX) by a Na+-free solution abolished this [Ca2+](m) reduction. Cytosolic Na(+) concentrations that yielded one-half maximal activity levels for mitoNCX were 3.6 mM at normal DeltaPsi(m) and 7.6 mM at DeltaPsi(m) dissipation. We conclude that 1) the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter accumulates Ca2+ in a manner that is dependent on DeltaPsi(m) at the physiological range of [Ca2+](c); 2) DeltaPsi(m) dissipation opens the mPTP and results in Ca2+ influx to mitochondria; and 3) although mitoNCX activity is impaired, mitoNCX extrudes Ca2+ from the matrix even after DeltaPsi(m) dissipation.  相似文献   

Endothelin (ET)-1 regulates the contractility and growth of the heart by binding G protein-coupled receptors of the ET type A receptor (ET(A))/ET type B (ET(B)) receptor family. ET(A), the predominant ET-1 receptor subtype in myocardium, is thought to localize preferentially within cardiac T tubules, but the consequences of mislocalization are not fully understood. Here we examined the effects of the overexpression of ET(A) in conjunction with T-tubule loss in cultured adult rat ventricular myocytes. In adult myocytes cultured for 3 to 4 days, the normally robust positive inotropic effect (PIE) of ET-1 was lost in parallel with T-tubule degeneration and a decline in ET(A) protein levels. In these T tubule-compromised myocytes, an overexpression of ET(A) using an adenoviral vector did not rescue the responsiveness to ET-1, despite the robust expression in the surface sarcolemma. The inclusion of the actin polymerization inhibitor cytochalasin D (CD) during culture prevented gross morphological changes including a loss of T tubules and a rounding of intercalated discs, but CD alone did not rescue the responsiveness to ET-1 or prevent ET(A) downregulation. The rescue of a normal PIE in 3- to 4-day cultured myocytes required both an increased expression of ET(A) and intact T tubules (preserved with CD). Therefore, the activation of ET(A) localized in T tubules was associated with a strong PIE, whereas the activation of ET(A) in surface sarcolemma was not. The results provide insight into the pathological cardiac conditions in which ET(A) is upregulated and T-tubule morphology is altered.  相似文献   

Gut-derived factors in intestinal lymph have been shown to trigger myocardial contractile dysfunction. However, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain unclear. We examined the effects of physiologically relevant concentrations of mesenteric lymph collected from rats with 40% burn injury (burn lymph) on excitation-contraction coupling in rat ventricular myocytes. Burn lymph (0.1-5%), but not control mesenteric lymph from sham-burn animals, induced dual positive and negative inotropic effects depending on the concentrations used. At lower concentrations (<0.5%), burn lymph increased the amplitude of myocyte contraction (1.6 +/- 0.3-fold; n = 12). At higher concentrations (>0.5%), burn lymph initially enhanced myocyte contraction, which was followed by a block of contraction. These effects were partially reversible on washout. The initial positive inotropic effect was associated with a prolongation of action potential duration (measured at 90% repolarization, 2.5 +/- 0.6-fold; n = 10), leading to significant increases in the net Ca2+ influx (1.7 +/- 0.1-fold; n = 8). There were no significant changes in the resting membrane potential. The negative inotropic effect was accompanied by a decrease in the action potential plateau (overshoot decrease by 69 +/- 10%; n = 4) and membrane depolarization. Voltage-clamp experiments revealed that the positive inotropic effects of burn lymph were due to an inhibition of the transient outward K+ currents that prolong action potential duration, and the inhibitory effects were due to a concentration-dependent inhibition of Ca2+ currents that lead to a reduction of action potential plateau. These burn lymph-induced changes in cardiac myocyte Ca2+ handling can contribute to burn-induced contractile dysfunction and ultimately to heart failure.  相似文献   

Patients with cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure display abnormally slowed myocardial relaxation, which is associated with downregulation of sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2) gene expression. We previously showed that SERCA2 downregulation can be simulated in cultured neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVM) by treatment with the protein kinase C (PKC) activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). However, NRVM express three different PMA-sensitive PKC isoenzymes (PKCalpha, PKCepsilon, and PKCdelta), which may be differentially regulated and have specific functions in the cardiomyocyte. Therefore, in this study we used adenoviral vectors encoding wild-type (wt) and kinase-defective, dominant negative (dn) mutant forms of PKCalpha, PKCepsilon, and PKCdelta to analyze their individual effects in regulating SERCA2 gene expression in NRVM. Overexpression of wtPKCepsilon and wtPKCdelta, but not wtPKCalpha, was sufficient to downregulate SERCA2 mRNA levels, as assessed by Northern blotting and quantitative, real-time RT-PCR (69 +/- 7 and 61 +/- 9% of control levels for wtPKCepsilon and wtPKCdelta, respectively; P < 0.05 for each adenovirus; n = 8 experiments). Conversely, overexpression of all three dnPKCs appeared to significantly increase SERCA2 mRNA levels (dnPKCdelta > dnPKCepsilon > dnPKCalpha). dnPKCdelta overexpression produced the largest increase (2.8 +/- 1.0-fold; n = 11 experiments). However, PMA treatment was still sufficient to downregulate SERCA2 mRNA levels despite overexpression of each dominant negative mutant. These data indicate that the novel PKC isoenzymes PKCepsilon and PKCdelta selectively regulate SERCA2 gene expression in cardiomyocytes but that neither PKC alone is necessary for this effect if the other novel PKC can be activated.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of nitric oxide (NO) in a cellular model of early preconditioning (PC) in cultured neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. Cardiomyocytes "preconditioned" with 90 min of stimulated ischemia (SI) followed by 30 min reoxygenation in normal culture conditions were protected against subsequent 6 h of SI. PC was blocked by N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine monoacetate but not by dexamethasone pretreatment. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS) protein expression was not detected during PC ischemia. Pretreatment (90 min) with the NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetyl-L,L-penicillamine (SNAP) mimicked PC, resulting in significant protection. SNAP-triggered protection was completely abolished by 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ) but was unaffected by chelerythrine or the presence of glibenclamide and 5-hydroxydecanoate. With the use of RIA, SNAP treatment increased cGMP levels, which were blocked by ODQ. Hence, NO is implicated as a trigger in this model of early PC via activation of a constitutive NOS isoform. After exposure to SNAP, the mechanism of cardioprotection is cGMP dependent but independent of protein kinase C or ATP-sensitive K(+) channels. This differs from the proposed mechanism of NO-induced cardioprotection in late PC.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic concentration of Mg2+([Mg2+]i) was measured with a fluorescentindicator furaptra in ventricular myocytes enzymatically dissociatedfrom rat hearts (25°C). To study Mg2+ transport acrossthe cell membrane, cells were treated with ionomycin inCa2+-free (0.1 mM EGTA) and high-Mg2+ (10 mM)conditions to facilitate passive Mg2+ influx. Rate of riseof [Mg2+]i due to the net Mg2+influx was significantly smaller in the presence of 130 mMextracellular Na+ than in its absence. We also tested theextracellular Na+ dependence of the net Mg2+efflux from cells loaded with Mg2+. After[Mg2+]i was raised by ionomycin and highMg2+ to the level 0.5-0.6 mM above the basal value(~0.7 mM), washout of ionomycin and lowering extracellular[Mg2+] to 1.2 mM caused rapid decline of[Mg2+]i in the presence of 140 mMNa+. This net efflux of Mg2+ was completelyinhibited by withdrawal of extracellular Na+ and waslargely attenuated by imipramine, a known inhibitor of Na+/Mg2+ exchange, with 50% inhibition at 79 µM. The relation between the rate of net Mg2+ efflux andextracellular Na+ concentration([Na+]o) had a Hill coefficient of 2 and[Na+]o at half-maximal rate of 82 mM. Theseresults demonstrate the presence of Na+ gradient-dependentMg2+ transport, which is consistent withNa+/Mg2+ exchange, in cardiac myocytes.


The effects of acidosis on the action potential, resting potential, L-type Ca(2+) (I(Ca)), inward rectifier potassium (I(K1)), delayed rectifier potassium (I(K)), steady-state (I(SS)), and inwardly rectifying chloride (I(Cl,ir)) currents of rat subepicardial (Epi) and subendocardial (Endo) ventricular myocytes were investigated using the patch-clamp technique. Action potential duration was shorter in Epi than in Endo cells. Acidosis (extracellular pH decreased from 7.4 to 6.5) depolarized the resting membrane potential and prolonged the time for 50% repolarization of the action potential in Epi and Endo cells, although the prolongation was larger in Endo cells. At control pH, I(Ca), I(K1), and I(SS) were not significantly different in Epi and Endo cells, but I(K) was larger in Epi cells. Acidosis did not alter I(Ca), I(K1), or I(K) but decreased I(SS); this decrease was larger in Endo cells. It is suggested that the acidosis-induced decrease in I(SS) underlies the prolongation of the action potential. I(Cl,ir) at control pH was Cd(2+) sensitive but 4,4'-disothiocyanato-stilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid resistant. Acidosis increased I(Cl,ir); it is suggested that the acidosis-induced increase in I(Cl,ir) underlies the depolarization of the resting membrane potential.  相似文献   

Obesity plays a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Resistance to insulin is commonly seen in metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) mimics insulin in many tissues and has been shown to enhance cardiac contractile function and growth. Because IGF-I resistance often accompanies resistance to insulin, we sought to determine whether IGF-I-induced myocardial contractile was elevated and whether heart and kidney size were enlarged in obese compared with lean rats. The myocyte contraction profile in the obese rats showed a decreased peak shortening associated with prolonged relengthening and normal shortening duration, a pattern similar to that observed in diabetes. IGF-I (1-500 ng/ml) caused a dose-dependent increase in peak shortening in lean but not obese animals, but it did not alter the duration of shortening and relengthening. Consistent with contractile data, IGF-I induced a dose-dependent increase in Ca(2+) transients only in myocytes of lean rats. IGF-I receptor mRNA levels were significantly reduced in obese rat hearts. These results suggest that the IGF-I-induced cardiac contractile responses are attenuated in the Zucker model of obesity. The mechanisms underlying this alteration may be related to the decreased receptor number and/or changes in intracellular Ca(2+) handling in these animals.  相似文献   

We have shown that the stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors (beta-AR) increases apoptosis in adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVMs). Integrins, a family of alphabeta-heterodimeric cell surface receptors, are postulated to play a role in ventricular remodeling. Here, we show that norepinephrine (NE) increases beta1 integrins expression in ARVMs via the stimulation of alpha1-AR, not beta-AR. Inhibition of ERK1/2 using PD 98059, an inhibitor of ERK1/2 pathway, inhibited alpha1-AR-stimulated increases in beta1 integrins expression. Activation of beta1 integrins signaling pathway using laminin (LN) inhibited beta-AR-stimulated apoptosis as measured by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick end labeling (TUNEL)-staining and flow cytometry. Likewise, ligation of beta1 integrins with anti-beta1 integrin antibodies prevented beta-AR-stimulated apoptosis. Treatment of cells using LN or anti-beta1 integrin antibodies activated ERK1/2 pathway. PD 98059 inhibited activation of ERK1/2 by LN, and prevented the anti-apoptotic effects of LN. Thus (1) stimulation of alpha1-AR regulates beta1 integrins expression via the activation of ERK1/2, (2) beta1 integrins signaling protects ARVMs from beta-AR-stimulated apoptosis, (3) activation of ERK1/2 plays a critical role in the anti-apoptotic effects of beta1-integrin signaling. These data suggest that beta1 integrin signaling protects ARVMs against beta-AR-stimulated apoptosis possibly via the involvement of ERK1/2.  相似文献   

血管紧张素II诱导培养的成年大鼠心肌细胞凋亡   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Guo X  Guo ZG 《生理学报》1998,50(4):416-422
研究血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)诱导培养的成年大鼠心肌细胞(ARVMs)凋亡。酶灌流消化法分离培养ARVMs,不同处理后,光镜观察形态改变,琼脂糖凝胶电泳定性分析DNA降解程度。结果发现培养的ARVMs经AngⅡ10μmol/L处理48h后,大部分细胞变圆,胞浆浓缩;电泳显示核酸断裂片段“梯形”结构,上述改变在72h更为明显。上述作用可被氯沙坦、维拉帕米和staurosporine所取消。这表明Ang  相似文献   

The hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels, or cardiac (If)/neuronal (Ih) time- and voltage-dependent inward cation current channels, are conventionally considered as monovalent-selective channels. Recently we discovered that calcium ions can permeate through HCN4 and Ih channels in neurons. This raises the possibility of Ca2+ permeation in If, the Ih counterpart in cardiac myocytes, because of their structural homology. We performed simultaneous measurement of fura-2 Ca2+ signals and whole cell currents produced by HCN2 and HCN4 channels (the 2 cardiac isoforms present in ventricles) expressed in HEK293 cells and by If in rat ventricular myocytes. We observed Ca2+ influx when HCN/If channels were activated. Ca2+ influx was increased with stronger hyperpolarization or longer pulse duration. Cesium, an If channel blocker, inhibited If and Ca2+ influx at the same time. Quantitative analysis revealed that Ca2+ flux contributed to 0.5% of current produced by the HCN2 channel or If. The associated increase in Ca2+ influx was also observed in spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) myocytes in which If current density is higher than that of normotensive rat ventricle. In the absence of EGTA (a Ca2+ chelator), preactivation of If channels significantly reduced the action potential duration, and the effect was blocked by another selective If channel blocker, ZD-7288. In the presence of EGTA, however, preactivation of If channels had no effects on action potential duration. Our data extend our previous discovery of Ca2+ influx in Ih channels in neurons to If channels in cardiac myocytes. calcium ion flux; hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated/cardiac time- and volume-dependent cation current channels  相似文献   

Hypoxia-induced shortening of the action potential duration, attributed to activation of the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels, occurs to a much greater extent in ventricular cells from diabetic rats. This study examined whether the KATP channels are altered in streptozotocin-diabetic myocardium. In inside-out patches from ventricular myocytes (with symmetrical 140 mM [K+]), inward KATP currents (at potentials negative to the K+ reversal potential) were similar in amplitude in control and diabetic patches (slope conductances: 69 and 74 pS, respectively). However, outward single-channel currents were larger for channels from diabetic heart cells than from control cells (e.g., at +75 mV the diabetic channel currents were 3.7 ± 0.3 pA vs. 2.7 ± 0.1 pA for control currents, p < 0.05), due to reduced inward rectification of diabetic channel currents. There was no difference in open and closed times between control and diabetic channels. The IC50 for ATP inhibition of the KATP channel single-channel currents was 11.4 M for control currents and 4.7 M for diabetic channel currents. Thus, the major difference found between KATP channels from control and diabetic hearts was the greater outward diabetic single-channel current, which may contribute to the enhanced sensitivity to hypoxia (or ischemia) in diabetic hearts.  相似文献   

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