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Morphology is strongly correlated with trophic mode in marine invertebrate larvae. We asked if larval morphogenesis is influenced by adelphophagy, a trophic mode in which larvae are provisioned with additional yolk in the form of extra‐embryonic nurse eggs, instead of the more common increase in egg size. We used histology and scanning electron microscopy to analyze morphogenesis in Boccardia proboscidea, a polychaete that produces both small planktotrophic larvae and large adelphophagic larvae in a single egg capsule. Results indicate that both morphs are similar for histogenesis of ectodermal derivatives, and differ for the gut mucosa and coelom which show delayed differentiation in the adelphophagic morph. Heterochrony in gut and coelom development suggests that differentiation of these organ systems is decoupled from overall development, and that a trade‐off exists between maturation of these tissues and rapid growth. We also looked for potential barriers to adelphophagy in planktotrophic larvae that have nurse eggs available to them. These planktotrophic larvae appeared morphologically equipped for adelphophagy: the gut was differentiated at an early stage, and larvae had structures involved in nurse‐egg ingestion in the adelphophagic morph (e.g., oral cilia and ventral ciliated patches). Planktotrophic larvae were additionally capable of ingesting particles (Di‐I) while in the egg capsule. Lack of adelphophagy in planktotrophic larvae remains enigmatic but these results indicate that morphology alone does not account for the arrested development shown by these larvae. J. Morphol. 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic revisions of euthyneuran gastropods (“opisthobranchs” and “pulmonates”) suggest that clades with a planktotrophic larva, the ancestral life history for euthyneurans, are more widely distributed along the trunk of the euthyneuran tree than previously realized. There is some indication that the planktotrophic larva of euthyneurans has distinctive features, but information to date has come mainly from traditional “opisthobranch” groups. Much less is known about planktotrophic “pulmonate” larvae. If planktotrophic larvae of “pulmonates” share unique traits with those of “opisthobranchs,” then a distinctive euthyneuran larval-type has been the developmental starting template for a spectacular amount of evolved morphological and ecological disparity among adult euthyneurans. We studied development of a siphonariid by preparing sections of larval and postmetamorphic stages for histological and ultrastructural analysis, together with 3D reconstructions and data from immunolabeling of the larval apical sensory organ. We also sought a developmental explanation for the unusual arrangement of shell-attached, dorso-ventral muscles relative to the mantle cavity of adult siphonariids. Adult siphonariids (“false limpets”) have a patelliform shell but their C-shaped shell muscle partially embraces a central mantle cavity, which is different from the arrangement of these components in patellogastropods (“true limpets”). It is not obvious how shell muscles extending into the foot become placed anterior to the mantle cavity during siphonariid development from a veliger larva. We found that planktotrophic larvae of Siphonaria denticulata are extremely similar to previously described, planktotrophic “opisthobranch” larvae. To emphasize this point, we update a list of distinctive characteristics of planktotrophic euthyneuran larvae, which can anchor future studies on the impressive evolvability of this larval-type. We also describe how premetamorphic and postmetamorphic morphogenesis of larval mantle fold tissue creates the unusual arrangement of shell-muscles and mantle cavity in siphonariids. This result adds to the known postmetamorphic evolutionary innovations involving mantle fold tissue among euthyneurans.  相似文献   

Poecilogony is the production of more than one type of young within a single species of marine invertebrate. We chose a poecilogonous polychaete to investigate potential differences in morphogenesis among offspring that are polymorphic in dispersal potentials (planktonic, benthic) and trophic modes (planktotrophy, adelphophagy). Differences in morphogenesis occur and are strongly influenced by maternal type. Females that provide extra-embryonic nutrition (as nurse eggs; type III females) also produce offspring with an accelerated onset of juvenile traits, relative to planktotrophic offspring of females that do not provide extra-embryonic nutrition (type I females). Thus, progeny of some females appear morphologically preadapted for a benthic lifestyle. Surprisingly, differences in phenotype among offspring do not parallel offspring ecotype, as offspring with early onset of juvenile traits (III) are ecologically bimodal. Some Type III offspring eat the nurse eggs (adelphophagy), have accelerated development, and hatch as benthic juveniles. In contrast, their siblings hatch as small, planktotrophic, dispersive larvae that are morphologically similar to their type III siblings, but ecologically similar to Type I planktotrophic larvae. We propose that poecilogony evolved through sequence heterochrony in morphogenesis with accelerated onset of juvenile traits in type III offspring. In addition, we suggest that heterochrony in life-history events (hatching, metamorphosis) also occurs, thereby generating offspring that are dimorphic in both phenotype and ecotype. Over time, selection acting on different levels of ontogeny (morphogenesis vs. dispersal) may balance this polymorphism and allow poecilogony to persist.  相似文献   

Abstract. The morphology of marine invertebrate larvae is strongly correlated with egg size and larval feeding mode. Planktotrophic larvae typically have suites of morphological traits that support a planktonic, feeding life style, while lecithotrophic larvae often have larger, yolkier bodies, and in some cases, a reduced expression of larval traits. Poecilogonous species provide interesting cases for the analysis of early morphogenesis, as two morphs of larvae are produced by a single species. We compared morphogenesis in planktotrophic and lecithotrophic morphs of the poecilogonous annelid Streblospio benedicti from the trochophore stage through metamorphosis, using observations of individuals that were observed alive, with scanning electron microscopy, or in serial sections. Offspring of alternate developmental morphs of this species are well known to have divergent morphologies in terms of size, yolk content, and the presence of larval bristles. We found that some phenotypic differences between morphs occur as traits that are present in only one morph (e.g., larval bristles, bacillary cells on the prostomium and pygidium), but that much of the phenotypic divergence is based on heterochronic changes in the differentiation of shared traits (e.g., gut and coelom). Tissue and organ development are compared in both morphs in terms of their structure and ontogenetic change throughout early development and metamorphosis.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The homology of larval forms, and particularly their feeding methods, has been a major element in some recent discussions about animal phylogeny. "Downstream feeding" is one of two main larval-feeding modes and is usually equated to an opposed-band system with ciliary bands called the prototroch and metatroch. Feeding in larvae is reviewed here and the homology hypothesis of downstream larval feeding is expanded, encompassing any feeding involving the prototroch. It is often argued that the presence of planktotrophic larvae using downstream feeding is plesiomorphic among spiralian animals, and that there is a bias in transformations, such that feeding larvae tend to be lost rather than gained. These hypotheses are assessed using cladistic parsimony methodology, in relation to Spiralia, Trochozoa, and with particular reference to polychaete annelids. Methods adopted for the possibility of a bias in transformations toward loss of downstream larval feeding include: expanded primary homology arguments, character reconstructions favoring reversals, and polymorphic terminals coded as having downstream larval feeding. Nevertheless, all analyses show that downstream larval feeding appears to have evolved multiple times from a lecithotrophic condition. The results support a conclusion that the prototroch was primarily locomotory, and has become associated with feeding a number of times. Hypotheses of metazoan phylogeny predicated on the assumption that downstream-feeding larvae are plesiomorphic are re-assessed.  相似文献   

The planktonic larvae of marine invertebrates are diverse in their nutritional modes, suggesting that evolutionary transitions in larval nutritional mode have been frequent. One approach to identifying the developmental changes that play important roles in such transitions is to compare "intermediate" larval forms to closely related larvae representative of their common ancestor. Here we make such a comparison between obligately planktotrophic and facultatively feeding larvae of the poecilogonous polychaete annelid Streblospio benedicti. We used feeding experiments to show that the derived, facultatively feeding larvae of this species develop the ability to feed at a later developmental stage (five muscle bands) than planktotrophic larvae (two to three muscle bands). This delay in the onset of feeding ability does not appear to be caused by delay in the formation of particle capture structures, but instead by delay in the development of a continuous, functional gut. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that evolutionary increases in egg size in annelids lead predictably to heterochronic delays in gut development, and hence to transitions in larval nutritional mode.  相似文献   

Pleurobranchaea maculata is a carnivorous notaspidean that is common in New Zealand. This species produces small eggs (diameter 100 microm) and planktotrophic veligers that hatch in 8 d and are planktonic for 3 weeks before settling on biofilmed surfaces (14 degrees C). Larval development is known in detail for only two other notaspidean species, P. japonica and Berthellina citrina. In all three species of pleurobranchids, mantle and shell growth show striking differences from veligers of other opisthobranch taxa. In young veligers of pleurobranchids, the shell is overgrown by the mantle, new shell is added by cells other than those of the mantle fold, and an operculum does not form. Thus some "adult" traits (e.g., notum differentiation, mechanism of shell growth, lack of operculum) are expressed early in larval development. This suggests that apomorphies characteristic of adult pleurobranchids evolved through heterochrony, with expression in larvae of traits typical of adults of other clades. The protoconch is dissolved post-settlement and not cast off as occurs in other opisthobranch orders, indicating that shell loss is apomorphic. P. maculata veligers are atypical of opisthobranchs in having a field of highly folded cells on the lower velar surface, a mouth that is posterior to the metatroch, and a richly glandular, possibly chemodefensive mantle. These data indicate that notaspidean larvae are highly derived in terms of the novel traits and the timing of morphogenic events. Phylogenetic analysis must consider embryological origins before assuming homology, as morphological similarities (e.g., shell loss) may have developed through distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

The larval skeleton of sea urchin embryos is formed by primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs). Thereafter, the larvae start feeding and additional arms develop. An adult rudiment that contains spines, tube feet, tests, and other parts of the adult body is formed in the eight-armed larva. The cellular mechanism of the later skeletogenesis and the lineage of the adult skeletogenic cells are not known. In this study, the morphogenesis of larval and adult skeletons during larval development of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus was investigated by immunostaining cells with PMC-specific monoclonal antibodies, which are useful markers of skeletogenic cells. All spicules and the associated cells in the later larvae were stained with the antibodies. We could observe the initiation of skeletal morphogenesis at each developmental stage and visualize the cellular basis of skeleton formation in whole-mount embryos that possessed an intact morphology. There were some similarities between PMCs and the later skeletogenic cells. Both had a rounded shape with some filopodia, and the antigen expression started just before overt spicule formation. In the later-stage embryos, cells with filopodia and faint antigen expression were observed migrating in the blastocoel or aggregating in the presumptive location of new skeletogenesis.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we described complete body regeneration (with organogenesis) following surgical bisection in the planktotrophic larvae of the asteroids Luidia foliolata and Pisaster ochraceus. Here we present further detailed observations of these unique regenerative processes not presented in the previous paper. Furthermore, we describe for the first time complete regeneration following surgical bisection of planktotrophic larvae of the regular echinoid Lytechinus variegatus and the irregular echinoid Dendraster excentricus. Larvae of both asteroids and echinoids displayed a capacity for rapid regeneration regardless of their developmental stage. Within 48 h after bisection, aggregations of mesenchyme cells with pseudopodia were observed at the site of surgical bisection. These cellular aggregations were similar in appearance to the mesenchymal blastemas that form in adult echinoderms prior to their arm regeneration, and to those described in other deuterostomes that undergo regeneration. When asteroid larvae were surgically bisected in the early stages of their development, clusters of mesenchyme cells developed into completely new pairs of coelomic pouches located anterior to the newly regenerated digestive tract. This indicates that cell fate in regenerating asteroid larvae remains indeterminate during early development. In the larvae of P. ochraceus, regardless of the developmental stage at the time of bisection, both the anterior and posterior portions regenerated all their missing organs and tissues. However, the larvae of L. foliolata displayed differential regenerative capacity in bisected larval halves at the late bipinnaria stage. The differences observed may be due to differences in larval development (L. foliolata has no brachiolaria stage), and may have evolutionary implications. In the regular echinoid L. variegatus, both larval portions regenerated into morphologically and functionally normal larvae that were indistinguishable from non-bisected control larvae. The regenerative processes were similar to those we observed in planktotrophic asteroid larvae. Regenerating larvae readily metamorphosed into normal juveniles. In the irregular echinoid D. excentricus, posterior portions of larvae completed regeneration and metamorphosis, but anterior portions regenerated only partially during the 2-week study. Our observations confirm that asteroid and echinoid larvae provide excellent models for studies of regeneration in deuterostomes.  相似文献   

‘Trochophore’ is a term used in a strict sense for larvae having an opposed-band method of feeding, involving a prototroch and metatroch. Other ciliary bands such as a telotroch and neurotroch may be present. The trochophore has been proposed to represent the ancestral larval form for a group of metazoan phyla (including all members of the Spiralia). The name trochophore is also often applied to larvae that do not conform to the above definition. A cladistic analysis of spiralian taxa (with special reference to polychaete annelids), based on a suite of adult and larval characters, is used to assess several hypotheses: (1) that the trochophore (in a strict sense) is a plesiomorphic form for the Spiralia; (2) that die stricdy defined trochophore is plesiomorphic for members of the Spiralia such as the Polychaeta. The homology of each of the various separate ciliary bands of spiralian larvae, and features such as the apical tuft and protonephridia is also assessed. The results favour the conclusion that the trochophore, if defined as a feeding larval form using opposed bands, should not be regarded as an ancestral (= plesiomorphic) type for the Spiralia, or any other large taxon such as the Polychaeta or Mollusca. The evidence suggests that the various ciliary bands have differing evolutionary histories, and only the Echiura (possibly an annelid group) has members with the classical trochophore. The trochophore is re-defined as a larval form with a prototroch. This broad definition covers a wide variety of larvae, and matches the current usage more accurately than the restricted term. Features such as the neurotroch, telotroch and opposed-band feeding show convergence and reversals. The nature of the metatroch requires further investigation. The presence of a prototroch (and hence trochophore larvae) is used to identify an apomorphy-based taxon, Trochozoa, that includes the first ancestor to have evolved a prototroch and all its descendants. This minimally includes the Annelida [sensu lato), Echiura, Entoprocta, Mollusca and Sipuncula and is a less inclusive taxon than the Spiralia.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The origin of marine invertebrate larvae has been an area of controversy in developmental evolution for over a century. Here, we address the question of whether a pelagic "larval" or benthic "adult" morphology originated first in metazoan lineages by testing the hypothesis that particular gene co-option patterns will be associated with the origin of feeding, indirect developing larval forms. Empirical evidence bearing on this hypothesis is derivable from gene expression studies of the sea urchin larval gut of two closely related but differently developing congenerics, Heliocidaris tuberculata (feeding indirect-developing larva) and H. erythrogramma (nonfeeding direct developer), given two subsidiary hypotheses. (1) If larval gut gene expression in H. tuberculata was co-opted from an ancestral adult expression pattern, then the gut expression pattern will remain in adult H. erythrogramma despite its direct development. (2) Genes expressed in the larval gut of H. tuberculata will not have a coordinated expression pattern in H. erythrogramma larvae due to loss of a functional gut. Five structural genes expressed in the invaginating archenteron of H. tuberculata during gastrulation exhibit substantially different expression patterns in H. erythrogramma with only one remaining endoderm specific. Expression of these genes in the adult of H. erythrogramma and larval gut of H. tuberculata , but not in H. erythrogramma larval endoderm, supports the hypothesis that they first played roles in the formation of adult structures and were subsequently recruited into larval ontogeny during the origin and evolution of feeding planktotrophic deuterostome larvae.  相似文献   

In poecilogony, different types of larvae are produced within the same species. Previous studies have suggested maternal control of the production of larval types; however, it is not clear which factors or mechanisms generate contrasting developmental patterns among siblings. The spionid polychaete Boccardia proboscidea produces within the same capsule adelphophagic larvae that eat nurse eggs and siblings and complete all or most of their development inside the capsule (Type A larvae), and larvae with little growth until they hatch as planktotrophic larvae (Type B larvae). In this study, we manipulated capsule content to explore the factors determining larval type in B. proboscidea and the role of extra‐embryonic maternal nutrition and sib–sib interaction in the developmental fate of offspring. When early larval stages were grown individually in vitro, with nurse eggs as the only food source, some of them remained small, while others continue developing into larger pre‐competent larvae by feeding on nurse eggs. This suggests that larval types in B. proboscidea are determined very early in development and are not solely the product of sib–sib interaction inside the capsule. However, our data also suggest that hatching size variability within larval types of a clutch depends on nurse egg availability. Type B larvae grew normally to metamorphosis when phytoplankton was available, but suffered high rates of cannibalism by Type A larvae. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that individual larval fates are determined very early in development and that once their fate is determined, hatching size and intracapsular survival are affected by maternal food provisioning and sibling interaction.  相似文献   

The trochophore larvae of indirectly developing spiralians have ciliary bands with motor and feeding functions. The preoral prototroch ciliary band is the first differentiating organ in annelid and mollusk embryos. Here we report the expression of several ciliary band markers during embryogenesis and early larval stages of the indirectly developing polychaete Hydroides elegans. Genes with similarity to caveolin, beta-tubulin, alpha-tubulin, and tektin are expressed in the eight primary prototroch precursors, 1q(221) and 1q(212). Blastomeres 1q(221) and 1q(212) locate at the same equatorial latitude after the complementary asymmetric division of their 1q(22) and 1q(21) precursors. In addition, caveolin and alpha-tubulin are expressed in the metatroch and adoral ciliary zone. Caveolin is expressed in foregut ciliated cells, and alpha-tubulin is expressed in apical tuft ciliated cells. The expression of a beta-thymosin homolog is restricted to 1q(122) and 1q(121) blastomeres, which locate just above and in close association with the eight primary prototroch cells 1q(221) and 1q(212). In addition, the beta-thymosin homolog has a transient expression in the hindgut and apical zone. The expression of all these genes provides a landmark for the early specification of ciliary bands and other ciliated organs.  相似文献   

In many marine invertebrates with biphasic life cycles, juvenile/adult traits begin to develop before metamorphosis. For structures that are present at multiple developmental stages, but have distinct larval and adult forms, it is unclear whether larval and adult structures have shared or distinct developmental origins. In this study, we examine the relationship between the larval and adult eyes in the polychaete Capitella teleta. In addition, we describe a novel marker for larval and juvenile photoreceptor cells. Infrared laser deletion of individual micromeres in early embryos suggests that the same micromeres at the eight‐cell stage that are specified to generate the larval eyes also form the adult eyes. Direct deletion of the larval eye, including the pigment cell and the corresponding photoreceptor cell, resulted in a lack of shading pigment cells in juveniles and adults, demonstrating that this structure does not regenerate. However, a sensory photoreceptor cell was present in juveniles following direct larval eye deletions, indicating that larval and adult photoreceptors are separate cells. We propose that the formation of the adult eye in juveniles of C. teleta requires the presence of the pigment cell of the larval eye, but the adult photoreceptor is either recruited from adjacent neural tissue or arises de novo after metamorphosis. These results are different from the development and spatial orientation of larval and adult eyes found in other polychaetes, in which two scenarios have been proposed: larval eyes persist and function as adult eyes; or, distinct pigmented adult eyes begin developing separately from larval eyes prior to metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Within many phylogenetic assemblages, a pattern of domination has been observed: one or a few clades have had many more speciation events or fewer extinctions than other clades in a particular assemblage. We investigated this phenomenon in the polychaete annelids. Polychaetes comprise ∼9000 described species classified in over 70 families and exhibit a great variety of life history strategies. Our goal was to test whether diverse polychaete families are characterized by species with short generation times, high reproductive output, small body size, or with planktotrophic larval development. Each of these factors has been advanced as cause for high diversity in other taxonomic assemblages. Here, we establish that the diversification pattern of polychaete families is non-random, but the data collected show no significant correlations between familial diversity and several life history traits including age at first reproduction, life span, body size, fecundity, and egg size. Pairwise comparisons of sister families do not reveal any trends between familial diversity and any of the life history traits. The great variability of life history traits within polychaete families may explain the lack of significant results; perhaps no trends are seen because polychaete life history traits cannot be generalized at the family level.  相似文献   

The polychaete Streblospio benedicti is unusual in that several field populations consist of individuals that exhibit either planktotrophic or lecithotrophic larval development. Planktotrophy in this species involves production of many small ova that develop into feeding larvae with a two- to three-week planktonic period. Lecithotrophy involves production of fewer, larger ova that develop into nonfeeding larvae that are brooded longer and have a brief planktonic stage. Reciprocal matings were performed to investigate genetic variance components and the correlation structure of life-history traits associated with planktotrophy and lecithotrophy. Our objective was to better understand persistence of this developmental dichotomy in Streblospio benedicti, and among marine invertebrates in general. Substantial additive genetic variation (75–98% of total) was detected for the following characters at first reproduction: female length; position of the first gametogenic setiger and first brood pouch; ovum diameter; three traits related to fecundity (numbers of ova per ovary, larvae per brood pouch, and larvae per brood); median larval planktonic period and the presence of larval swimming setae; but not for total number of brood pouches; larval length; larval feeding; and larval survivorship. Based on the unusual geographic distribution of development modes in this species, we hypothesize that the developmental traits have evolved in allopatry and have only recently come into contact in North Carolina. The high additive contribution to variance observed for many traits may be inflated due to (a) nonrandom breeding in nature, and (b) examination of only one component of an age-structured population at one time. Nuclear interaction variance and maternal variance accounted for 84% of the total variation in larval survivorship. This observation supports other empirical studies and theoretical predictions that nonadditive components of variance will increase in importance in individual traits that are most closely tied to fitness. A network of life-history trait correlations was observed that defines distinct planktotrophic and lecithotrophic trait complexes. Negative genetic correlations were present between fecundity and egg size, between fecundity and position of the first gametes, and between larval survivorship and median planktonic period. Positive genetic correlations were detected between fecundity and female size at first reproduction and between planktonic period and the presence of swimming setae. Intergenerational product-moment correlations were negative for larval length and fecundity, planktonic period and egg size, female size and larval survivorship, and fecundity and larval survivorship. If the genetic correlation structure observed in the laboratory persists in the field, it may constrain responses of individual characters to directional selection, and indirectly perpetuate the dichotomies associated with planktotrophy and lecithotrophy.  相似文献   

The significance of moulting in Ecdysozoan evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SUMMARY Three major bilaterian clades first appear in the Early Cambrian fossil record: Deuterostomia, Lophotrochozoa, and Ecdysozoa. The taxa placed in Ecdysozoa are characterized by a moulting habit, unknown in the other major clades. The origin and consequences of moulting are of fundamental importance to the history of the ecdysozoan clade, chiefly because moulting precludes motile ectodermal cilia. Moulting may have originated as an adaptation to permit the enlargement, during growth, of secreted cuticular spines, flanges, and other structures used as ancillary locomotory devices. A combination of phylogenetic and fossil evidence suggests that the early members of these clades were small vermiform paracoelomates that likely lacked indirect-developing planktotrophic larvae. Thus, the evolution of planktotrophic larvae may have been independently achieved at least three times within Bilateria. The nonmoulting clades evolved larvae that swim and feed via ciliated tufts and bands, presumably intercalating these forms within their early developmental systems. Within Ecdysozoa, feeding larvae lacked ciliary feeding tracts and evolved by modification of early instars, employing limbs or setae to generate feeding currents. The setting aside during larval life of cells that give rise to adult features is probably an adaptation associated with metamorphosis.  相似文献   

1. Modes of larval development play important roles in the ecology, biogeography, and evolution of marine benthic organisms. Studies of the larval ecology of fossil organisms can contribute greatly to our understanding of such roles by allowing us to race effects on evolutionary time scales. 2. Modes of development can be inferred for well preserved molluscan fossils because the size of the initial larval shell (Protoconch I in gastropods, Prodissoconch I in bivalves) reflects egg size. Other morphological criteria are also available, and a comparative approach based on related taxa with known development may be the most reliable method. By combining larval and adult traits, it is possible to recognize modes of larval development in at least some fossil bryozoans, brachiopods, and echinoderms as well. (a) Planktotrophic larvae arise from small eggs, are released in enormous numbers with little parental investment per offspring, and suffer tremendous mortality during and shortly after a planktic existence. These larvae feed on the plankton during development, and are commonly capable of a prolonged free-swimming existence, and thus wide dispersal. (b) Nonplanktotrophic larvae (which include both planktic lecithotrophic forms and ‘direct developers’) generally arise from large eggs, with relatively few young produced per parent. Relative to planktotrophic larvae, nonplanktotrophic larvae generally receive greater parental investment per larva, and larval mortality is generally lower. These larvae rely on yolk for nutrition during development, and planktic durations are generally much briefer than for species with planktotrophic larvae, so that dispersal capability is considerably less. Energetic investment per egg is generally higher than in planktotrophs, but as there are lower fecundities as well it is difficult to generalize about the total energetic cost of one mode of reproduction against the other. 3. Owing to the high dispersal capability of planktotrophic larvae, it has been suggested that species with such larvae will be geographically widespread, geologically long-ranging, and exhibit low speciation and extinction rates. Species with nonplanktotrophic larvae will tend to be geographically more restricted, geologically short-ranging, and exhibit high speciation and extinction rates (again, as a consequence of their characteristically low larval dispersal capabilities). 4. Recognition of differential dispersal capabilities can play a role in paleobiogeo-graphic analyses. Concurrent study of the distribution of groups with contrasting modes of development will permit testing of hypotheses concerning timing, magnitudes and frequencies of migration and vicariance events. 5. Larval types are not randomly distributed in the oceans, but relationships with other aspects of the organisms' biology and habitats are very complex. Mode of development varies with: (a) Ecology. A simple r–––K model of adaptive strategies is clearly insufficient to explain the observed relationships: while many ‘equilibrium’ species have nonplanktotrophic larvae, and organisms living in less prdictable environments often have planktotrophic larvae, some of the most opportunistic marine species have nonplanktotrophic larvae. Nonetheless, planktotrophic development seems most suited for exploitation of patchy but widespread habitats. (b) Latitude. At shelf depths, planktotrophy is predominant in the tropics, and decreases sharply at high latitudes. (c) Depth. Incidence of planktotrophy decreases with depth across the continental shelf, at least in some taxa. Beyond the shelf, many deep-sea organisms are nonplanktotrophic (e.g. most bivalves, peracarid crustaceans), but planktotrophic development appears to be present in other groups (prosobranch gastropods, ophiuroids, and bivalves inhabiting transient habitats such as sunken wood and hydrothermal vents). These trends in developmental types will be accompanied by trends in evolutionary rates and patterns as outlined above. The study of larval ecology by paleobiologists will yield insights into the processes that gave rise to ancient evolutionary and biogeographic patterns, and will permit the development and testing of hypotheses on the origins of the patterns observed in modern seas.  相似文献   

The shell of marine gastropods conserves and reflects early ontogeny, including embryonic and larval stages, to a high degree when compared with other marine invertebrates. Planktotrophic larval development is indicated by a small embryonic shell (size is also related to systematic placement) with little yolk followed by a multiwhorled shell formed by a free‐swimming veliger larva. Basal gastropod clades (e.g. Vetigastropoda) lack planktotrophic larval development. The great majority of Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ‘derived’ marine gastropods (Neritimorpha, Caenogastropoda and Heterobranchia) with known protoconch had planktotrophic larval development. Dimensions of internal moulds of protoconchs suggest that planktotrophic larval development was largely absent in the Cambrian and evolved at the Cambrian–Ordovician transition, mainly due to increasing benthic predation. The evolution of planktotrophic larval development offered advantages and opportunities such as more effective dispersal, enhanced gene flow between populations and prevention of inbreeding. Early gastropod larval shells were openly coiled and weakly sculptured. During the Mid‐ and Late Palaeozoic, modern tightly coiled larval shells (commonly with strong sculpture) evolved due to increasing predation pressure in the plankton. The presence of numerous Late Palaeozoic and Triassic gastropod species with planktotrophic larval development suggests sufficient primary production although direct evidence for phytoplankton is scarce in this period. Contrary to previous suggestions, it seems unlikely that the end‐Permian mass extinction selected against species with planktotrophic larval development. The molluscan classes with highest species diversity (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) are those which may have planktotrophic larval development. Extremely high diversity in such groups as Caenogastropoda or eulamellibranch bivalves is the result of high phylogenetic activity and is associated with the presence of planktotrophic veliger larvae in many members of these groups, although causality has not been shown yet. A new gastropod species and genus, Anachronistella peterwagneri, is described from the Late Triassic Cassian Formation; it is the first known Triassic gastropod with an openly coiled larval shell.  相似文献   

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