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Histone methylation has emerged as a significant regulator of chromatin structure and function. Two different classes of histone methyltransferase (HMT) have been described, which target either lysine or arginine residues in the histone N-terminal tails. A flurry of recent papers now describe a third class of HMT that affects chromatin silencing indirectly, not by methylation of histone tails, but instead by targeting a conserved lysine residue in the core domain of the nucleosome.  相似文献   

Miller A  Yang B  Foster T  Kirchmaier AL 《Genetics》2008,179(2):793-809
The formation and stability of epigenetically regulated chromatin is influenced by DNA replication and factors that modulate post-translational modifications on histones. Here we describe evidence that PCNA can affect silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by facilitating deposition of H3 K56ac onto chromosomes. We propose that PCNA participates in this process through a pathway that includes replication factor C, the chromatin assembly factor Asf1p, and the K56-specific acetyltransferase Rtt109p. We show that mutation of POL30 or loss of K56-acetylation in rtt109 and histone H3 mutants enhances silencing at the crippled HMR locus HMRae via restoring Sir binding and that pol30 mutants with silencing phenotypes have reduced levels of H3 K56ac. Although loss of acetylation on H3 K56 was generally compatible with silencing, mutations at this residue also led to defects in silencing an ADE2 reporter at HMR and abolished silencing when combined with cac1 or pol30-8. These silencing phenotypes are analogous to those in asf1 mutants or pol30-6 and pol30-79 mutants with defects in ASF1-dependent pathways. On the basis of these findings, we propose that mutations in DNA replication factors alter acetylation of H3 K56. We show that this defect, in turn, contributes to misregulation of epigenetic processes as well as of cellular responses to DNA damage.  相似文献   

The response of eukaryotic cells to the formation of a double-strand break (DSB) in chromosomal DNA is highly conserved. One of the earliest responses to DSB formation is phosphorylation of the C-terminal tail of H2A histones located in nucleosomes near the break. Histone variant H2AX and core histone H2A are phosphorylated in mammals and budding yeast, respectively. We demonstrate the DSB-induced phosphorylation of histone variant H2Av in Drosophila melanogaster. H2Av is a member of the H2AZ family of histone variants. Ser137 within an SQ motif located near the C- terminus of H2Av was phosphorylated in response to γ-irradiation in both tissue culture cells and larvae. Phosphorylation was detected within 1 min of irradiation and detectable after only 0.3 Gy of radiation exposure. Photochemically induced DSBs, but not general oxidative damage or UV-induced nicking of DNA, caused H2Av phosphorylation, suggesting that phosphorylation is DSB specific. Imaginal disc cells from Drosophila expressing a mutant allele of H2Av with its C-terminal tail deleted, and therefore unable to be phosphorylated, were more sensitive to radiation-induced apoptosis than were wildtype controls, suggesting that phosphorylation of H2Av is important for repair of radiation-induced DSBs. These observations suggest that in addition to providing the function of an H2AZ histone, H2Av is also the functional homolog in Drosophila of H2AX.  相似文献   

The composition of posttranslational modifications on newly synthesized histones must be altered upon their incorporation into chromatin. These changes are necessary to maintain the same gene expression state at individual chromosomal loci before and after DNA replication. We have examined how one modification that occurs on newly synthesized histone H3, acetylation of K56, influences gene expression at epigenetically regulated loci in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. H3 K56 is acetylated by Rtt109p before its incorporation into chromatin during S phase, and this modification is then removed by the NAD+-dependent deacetylases Hst3p and Hst4p during G2/M phase. We found silenced loci maintain H3 K56 in a hypoacetylated state, and the absence of this modification in rtt109 mutants was compatible with HM and telomeric silencing. In contrast, loss of HST3 and HST4 resulted in hyperacetylation of H3 K56 within silent loci and telomeric silencing defects, despite the continued presence of Sir2p throughout these loci. These silencing defects in hst3Δ hst4Δ mutants could be suppressed by deletion of RTT109. In contrast, overexpression of Sir2p could not restore silencing in hst3Δ hst4Δ mutants. Together, our findings argue that HST3 HST4 play critical roles in maintaining the hypoacetylated state of K56 on histone H3 within silent chromatin.  相似文献   

During the final stages of spermatogenesis in rainbow trout a dramatic increase in the level of histone H4 hyperacetylation is observed which is closely correlated with the replacement of histones by protamines. In order to understand further how H4 hyperacetylation might assist in protamine replacement of the histones, we have investigated the effect of H4 hyperacetylation on chromatin structure in trout testes actively undergoing the replacement process. Long chromatin fragments enriched in hyperacetylated H4 have been isolated and characterized. Evidence is presented that hyperacetylated H4 is clustered in certain regions (domains) of late stage testis chromatin and within these domains the chromatin exhibits an altered, highly relaxed structure which is believed to be the result of the extensive hyperacetylation. These domains, which are nearly devoid of protamine, are postulated to represent an initial structural transition which is necessary for the proper histone removal and protamine replacement process to take place.  相似文献   

Histone modification represents a universal mechanism for regulation of eukaryotic gene expression underlying diverse biological processes from neuronal gene expression in mammals to control of flowering in plants. In animal cells, these chromatin modifications are effected by well-defined multiprotein complexes containing specific histone-modifying activities. In plants, information about the composition of such co-repressor complexes is just beginning to emerge. Here, we report that two Arabidopsis thaliana factors, a SWIRM domain polyamine oxidase protein, AtSWP1, and a plant-specific C2H2 zinc finger-SET domain protein, AtCZS, interact with each other in plant cells and repress expression of a negative regulator of flowering, FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) via an autonomous, vernalization-independent pathway. Loss-of-function of either AtSWP1 or AtCZS results in reduced dimethylation of lysine 9 and lysine 27 of histone H3 and hyperacetylation of histone H4 within the FLC locus, in elevated FLC mRNA levels, and in moderately delayed flowering. Thus, AtSWP1 and AtCZS represent two main components of a co-repressor complex that fine tunes flowering and is unique to plants.  相似文献   

Influence of histone H1 on chromatin structure   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
F Thoma  T Koller 《Cell》1977,12(1):101-107
Removal of histone H1 produces a transition in the structure of chromatin fibers as observed by electron microscopy. Chromatin containing all histone proteins appears as fibers with a diameter of about 250 A. The nucleosomes within these fibers are closely packed. If histone H1 is selectively removed with 50-100 mM NaCl in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) in the presence of the ion-exchange resin AG 50 W - X2, chromatin appears as "beads-on-a-string" with the nucleosomes separated from each other by distances of about 150-200 A. If chromatin is treated in the presence of the resin with NaCl at concentrations of 650 mM or more, the structural organization of the chromatin is decreased, yielding fibers of irregular appearance.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast chromatin, isolated by a rapid procedure contains in addition to histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 a fifth major basic protein. This fifth polypeptide is not an intrinsic component of the nucleosome structure. It has properties of both histone and nonhistone proteins and might represent an early form of histone H1 and of high mobility group nonhistone proteins of higher eukaryotes.Electron microscopic visualization of isolated yeast nucleosomes substantiates further the similarity of the chromatin structure of this unicellular eukaryote to that of higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Reconstitution of the 30 nm filament of chromatin from pure histone H5 and chromatin depleted of H1 and H5 has been studied using small-angle neutron-scattering. We find that depleted, or stripped, chromatin is saturated by H5 at the same stoichiometry as that of linker histone in native chromatin. The structure and condensation behavior of fully reconstituted chromatin is indistinguishable from that of native chromatin. Both native and reconstituted chromatin condense continuously as a function of salt concentration, to reach a limiting structure that has a mass per unit length of 6.4 nucleosomes per 11 nm. Stripped chromatin at all ionic strengths appears to be a 10 nm filament, or a random coil of nucleosomes. In contrast, both native and reconstituted chromatin have a quite different structure, showing that H5 imposes a spatial correlation between neighboring nucleosomes even at low ionic strength. Our data also suggest that five to seven contiguous nucleosomes must have H5 bound in order to be able to form a higher-order structure.  相似文献   

The condensation of chromatin and histone H1-depleted chromatin by spermine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
At low ionic strength, spermine induces aggregation of native and H1-depleted chromatin at spermine/phosphate (Sp/P) ratios of 0.15 and 0.3, respectively. Physico-chemical methods (electric dichroism, circular dichroism and thermal denaturation) show that spermine, at Sp/P less than 0.15, does not appreciably alter the conformation of native chromatin and interacts unspecifically with all parts of chromatin DNA (linker as well as regions slightly or tightly bound to histones). In chromatin, the role of spermine could be more important in the stabilization of higher-order structure than in the condensation of the 30 nm solenoid. The addition of spermine to H1-depleted chromatin revealed two important features: (i) spermine can partially mimic the role of histone H1 in the condensation of chromatin; (ii) the core histone octamer does not appear to play any role in the aggregation process by spermine as DNA and H1-depleted chromatin aggregate at the same Sp/P ratio.  相似文献   

The H1 family is the most divergent subgroup of the highly conserved class of histone proteins [Cole: Int J Pept Protein Res 30:433–449, 1987]. In several vertebrate species, the H1 complement comprises five or more subtypes, and tissue specific patterns of H1 histones have been described. The diversity of the H1 histone family raises questions about the functions of different H1 subtypes and about the differential control of expression of their genes. The expression of main type H1 genes is coordinated with DNA replication, whereas the regulation of synthesis of replacement H1 subtypes, such as H1° and H5, and the testis specific H1t appears to be more complex. The differential control of H1 gene expression is reflected in the chromosomal organization of the genes and in different promoter structures. This review concentrates on a comparison of the chromosomal organization of main type and replacement H1 histone genes and on the differential regulation of their expression. General structural and functional data, which apply to both H1 and core histone genes and which are covered by recent reviews, will not be discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Hybrid prokaryotic/eukaryotic expression vectors have been used to introduce Drosophila histone genes into CV-1 African green monkey tissue culture cells. Transfection of CV-1 cells with Drosophila genes under the control of insect DNA promoter sequences results in low level expression of histone genes. On the other hand, when the Drosophila H2a gene is juxtaposed downstream from the long terminal repeat sequence of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) expression of the insect gene is considerably more efficient; both 3' polyadenylated insect histone messenger RNA and putative Drosophila H2a histone protein can be readily detected in the transduced cells. Using this RSV/H2a vector, we have been able to demonstrate the presence of Drosophila H2a histone in monomer nucleosome preparations isolated from transfected CV-1 cells. These results suggest the feasibility of 'remodeling' cellular chromatin in vivo in precisely defined ways. The techniques described may be generally applicable to other genes coding for chromosomal proteins.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of a yeast histone H2A at C-terminal serine 129 has a central role in double-strand break repair. Mimicking H2A phosphorylation by replacement of serine 129 with glutamic acid (hta1-S129E) suggested that phosphorylation destabilizes chromatin structures and thereby facilitates the access of repair proteins. Here we have tested chromatin structures in hta1-S129 mutants and in a C-terminal tail deletion strain. We show that hta1-S129E affects neither nucleosome positioning in minichromosomes and genomic loci nor supercoiling of minichromosomes. Moreover, hta1-S129E has no effect on chromatin stability measured by conventional nuclease digestion, nor does it affect DNA accessibility and repair of UV-induced DNA lesions by nucleotide excision repair and photolyase in vivo. Similarly, deletion of the C-terminal tail has no effect on nucleosome positioning and stability. These data argue against a general role for the C-terminal tail in chromatin organization and suggest that phosphorylated H2A, gamma-H2AX in higher eukaryotes, acts by recruitment of repair components rather than by destabilizing chromatin structures.  相似文献   

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