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Glutamate modulation of human lymphocyte growth: in vitro studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) proliferation induced by phytohemagglutinin, or by anti-CD3 alone or plus anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) was inhibited by glutamate (Glu) in a concentration-dependent manner. This inhibition was not reproduced by selective ionotropic Glu receptor agonists, whereas it was potentiated by l-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine, which depletes glutathione (GSH) stores, and counteracted by 2-mercaptoethanol, a preserver of cell thiols. The inhibitory effects of Glu were related to depletion of intracellular GSH stores, since it decreased GSH levels in a concentration-dependent manner. Furthermore, Glu modulated cytokine secretion by anti-CD3 mAb activated PBMC: it increased IFN-gamma (+44.3+/-8.2%) and IL-10 (+31.6+/-9.7%) secretion, whereas that of IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, and TNF-alpha was not affected. These data suggest that high levels of Glu, which can be reached in damaged tissues, modulate lymphocyte responses to activating stimuli by favouring polarization of the T helper effector response.  相似文献   

This work concerns mathematical modeling of the rate of microbial growth on inhibitory levels of nutrients as affected by pH, concentration of the nutrients, temperature, cultivation method, and method of data analysis. Candida utilis (ATCC 9226) was grown with sodium acetate as growth-limiting carbon and energy source in mineral salts medium in shake flask and continuous cultures to study inhibition by excess acetate. Differential shake flask cultures were grown at low yeast concentrations at temperatures (T) of 25 and 30°C, pH's between 5.5 and 7.0, and acetate concentrations (S) between 0.25 and 3.0% (w/v). Growth data were exponential with correlation coefficients greater than 0.995 in 49 of 56 experiments; the lowest correlation coefficient was 0.986. Specific growth rates (μ) determined by graphical methods showed only fair correlation with those determined by regression analysis. Both sets of specific growth rate data were grouped at constant T and pH and fitted to the three parameter equation, The improvement in use of the fitted equation instead of the mean value was significant with greater than 70% confidence in all (14 groups) and 90% confidence in only half of the data groups; the correlation does not improve with the increasing acetate inhibition at lower pH. Both defects in the model and insufficient data at each pH are responsible. A modified six parameters with hydrogen ion concentration(H+) as follows: Specific growth rates calculated with the six parameter equation matched observed values in all groups of isothermal data better than the means with greater than 99% confidence. The six parameter model adequately represents effects of acetate and hydrogen ion concentrations under constant or slowly changing environmental conditions and balanced growth; although better models probably exist. Thus steady-stste and transient continuous culture experiments agreed with many published growth yields, but specific growth rates could only be predicted qualitatively from the model fit to the shake flask data. The data and present models could be incorporated into published models for transient growth at low nutrient concentrations to correlate and perhaps predict microbial growth kinetics over a much wider range of growth conditions than now possible.  相似文献   

In addition to its activities as a growth factor, recent studies suggest an immunoregulatory role for transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). In this context we have demonstrated that TGF-beta is a potent chemotactic factor in vitro for human T lymphocytes at a concentration of 40 fM and for monocytes at a concentration of 0.4 fM but that it has no chemotactic activity for neutrophils. Furthermore, using an assay of lymphocyte subset chemotaxis we have been able to show that TGF-beta can induce migration of both CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes in vitro. This study provides further evidence that TGF-beta acts as a cytokine, being able to attract T lymphocytes and monocytes to sites of inflammation. Its role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory reactions is likely to be complex.  相似文献   

Virus-specific lymphocyte proliferation in the presence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) without and with monocytes was studied in healthy persons. Three categories of lymphocyte response could be distinguished: seropositive low responders, naturally high responders, and lymphocyte populations responding well to CMV antigen in the presence of added CMV-incubated autologous monocytes. This latter category could be identified by preincubating autologous monocytes with CMV. CMV-seronegative persons were nonresponders. Early CMV antigens were produced in monocytes but not in lymphocytes by all CMV isolates. Infection of monocytes as detected by antibody to early viral protein did not appear to abort the antigen-presenting ability. The virus-specific responding lymphocytes were mainly of the T4+ phenotype. In contrast, addition of CMV to polyclonal mitogens significantly suppressed total lymphocyte DNA synthesis. CMV thus may have an enhanced virus-specific stimulatory effect on lymphocytes together with monocytes but a suppressive effect on the total lymphocyte population.  相似文献   

M.H. ZWIETERING, F.M. ROMBOUTS AND K. VAN 'T RIET. 1992. Different definitions of the lag time and of the duration of the exponential phase can be used to calculate these quantities from growth models. The conventional definitions were compared with newly proposed definitions. It appeared to be possible to derive values for the lag time and the duration of the exponential phase from the growth models, and differences between the various definitions could be quantified. All the different values can be calculated from the growth parameters μ m , and a. Therefore, it appeared to be unnecessary to use complicated mathematical equations: simple equations were adequate. For the Gompertz model the conventional definition of the lag time did not differ appreciably from the newly proposed definition. The end-point of the exponential phase and thus the duration of the exponential phase differed considerably for the two definitions. For the logistic model the two definitions lead to considerable differences for all quantities. It is recommended that the conventional definition is used for calculating the lag time. For the duration of the exponential phase it is recommended that the new definition is used. The value can be calculated, however, directly from the conventional growth parameters.  相似文献   

The role of mitogens during lymphocyte activation was studied with kidney bean leucoagglutinin, concanavalin A and kidney bean phytohemagglutinin. The mitogens were removed by treatment with appropriate antisera, which was demonstrated to remove also mitogens already attached to the cells. The process of lymphocyte activation in vitro can be divided into four distinct steps, three of which are mitogen-dependent and the fourth is mitogen-independent. The first step consists of attachment of the stimulatory molecules to the cell membrane. The second step consists of reaction between mitogen and an activating system. During these two phases the cells become preactivated. The establishment of a preactivated state involves at least some synthesis of cytoplasmic RNA. The preactivated state is reversible and during the third step of lymphocyte activation the final result of preactivation is determined. Depending on the presence or absence of mitogen the cells may remain preactivated for over 60 h, they may return to the resting state or they may proceed through the final stages of the proliferation cycle and eventually divide. This fourth step is independent of the presence or absence of mitogen. A prolonged contact between cells and mitogen is required during the mitogen-dependent steps. The process of lymphocyte activation by mitogen is thus continuously being regulated by the stimulatory molecules on the lymphocyte membrane, which may be of considerable significance also for in vivo immunologicai reactions at the cellular level.  相似文献   

The mechanism whereby Cyclosporin A (CsA) inhibits secondary mixed lymphocyte responses was assessed. CsA added to secondary MLR cultures inhibited proliferation and induction of cytolytic lymphocyte activity. This inhibition was found to be associated with the inhibition of T lymphocyte stimulating growth factor(s) (TCGF) production in the supernatants of secondary MLR cultures. As little as 1.0 micrograms/ml of CsA added to secondary MLR cultures resulted in no measurable TCGF activity. In contrast, moderate doses of CsA (1.0, 2.5 micrograms/ml), which completely inhibited the secondary MLR response to alloantigen, did not inhibit the proliferative and CML response of alloantigen-primed lymphocytes to these stimulating growth factors. Even at high doses of CsA (20 micrograms/ml), substantial levels of proliferation (50% of control response) and CML induction (60% of control response) were observed when the primed cells were exposed to secondary MLR supernatants containing TCGF activity. It was concluded that inhibition of secondary mixed lymphocyte responses by CsA may be due in part to the inhibition of TCGF production rather than the inhibition of the effect of TCGF on mature cytotoxic T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Different definitions for the lag time and of the duration of the exponential phase can be used to calculate these quantities from growth models. The conventional definitions were compared with newly proposed definitions. It appeared to be possible to derive values for the lag time and the duration of the exponential phase from the growth models and differences between the various definitions could be quantified. All the different values can be calculated from the growth parameters microm, lambda and alpha. Therefore, it appeared to be unnecessary to use complicated mathematical equations; simple equations were adequate. For the Gompertz model the conventional definition of the lag time did not differ appreciably from the newly proposed definition. The end-point of the exponential phase and thus the duration of the exponential phase differed considerably for the two definitions. For the logistic model the two definitions lead to considerable differences for all quantities. It is recommended that the conventional definition is used for calculating the lag time. For the duration of the exponential phase it is recommended that the new definition is used. The value can be calculated, however, directly from the conventional growth parameters.  相似文献   

Transferrin receptor expression by the human tumour cell lines CCRF-CEM leukaemia and PMC-22B melanoma was studied, measuring the specific binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled transferrin using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. By measuring the fluorescence of cells stained at subsaturating concentrations of conjugate it was possible to calculate the average numbers of receptors per cell and the binding affinity by Scatchard analysis. These values (1.9 × 105 binding sites/cell, KA 1.2 × 109 M?1 for CCRF-CEM during exponential growth and 6.9 × 104 binding sites/cell, KA 1.4 × 10?9 M?1 for PMC-22B) are in close agreement with previously published data obtained using radiolabelled transferrin. The present method, however, allowed the transferrin receptor expression of individual cells within a population to be measured and thus it has been possible to test the hypothesis that transferrin receptor is a marker for cycling cells. Frequency-distribution histograms of transferrin receptor showed a wide range of values for both cell lines during exponential growth. When the extreme ranges were sorted and the cells examined for cellular DNA content it was found that those with the highest transferrin receptor expression were enriched with cells in S, G2, and M phases of the cell cycle, whereas those with low transferrin receptor expression were mainly in G1. However, two-parameter-correlated dot plots of transferrin receptor expression versus DNA content showed there was considerable overlap between the ranges of receptor expression for the different cell cycle compartments. Using a stathmokinetic method we have measured the proportion of quiescent cells in fed plateau phase cultures. Transferrin receptor expression was downgraded under these growth conditions but, contrary to expectation, the decline affected the population uniformly, without the emergence of a distinct, transferrin receptor-negative subpopulation corresponding to the increasing proportion of quiescent cells. Thus, although transferrin receptor expression bears some relation to cell cycle phase and reflects the proliferative activity of populations of cells, it is incapable of identifying individual cells which are out of cycle.  相似文献   

The ability of two different human professional APCs, specifically macrophages (Mphi) and dendritic cells (DC), to stimulate primary responses in human CD8+ T lymphocytes was examined using both allogeneic and Ag-pulsed autologous APCs. CTL responses in CD8+ T lymphocytes isolated from HIV-uninfected donors were evaluated against six different HIV epitopes that are restricted by four different HLA alleles using autologous human PBMC-derived Mphi and DCs for primary stimulation. In a side-by-side experiment, immature DCs, but not Mphi, were able to prime a CTL response against the B14-restricted p24gag 298-306 epitope; mature DCs were also able to prime a response against this epitope. In addition, DCs were capable of priming CD8+ CTL responses against the B8-restricted p24gag 259-267 epitope. In contrast, Mphi were unable to prime strong CTL responses against other epitopes. Since the Ag-specific cytotoxic responses required subsequent rounds of restimulation before they could be detected, the ability of the allogeneic Mphi and DCs to directly prime CD8+ T lymphocyte responses without subsequent restimulation was examined. Similar to the aforementioned peptide-specific results, DCs were more efficient than Mphi in priming both allogeneic proliferative and cytotoxic responses in human CD8+ T lymphocytes. Collectively, these results promote an enhanced status for DCs in the primary stimulation of human CD8+ T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Kinetics of human lymphocyte division and chromosomal radiosensitivity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human blood from normal donors was irradiated with 200 R during the Go phase, and the X-ray sensitivity of early and late dividing lymphocytes in culture was expressed as percentage of induced dicentrics. Cells in first or subsequent divisions were individualized by BrdU-Giemsa techniques. Lymphocytes in the first division at 40, 44 and 72 h after the start of culture had a lower sensitivity to radiation than lymphocytes making their first division at 48, 52 and 56 h. It was observed that: (a) the combination of radiation followed by BrdU did not increase the clastogenic action of X-rays, (b) X-rays in the dose and duration used in our cultures did not increase the frequency of SCEs, and (c) minor changes in culture conditions probably influenced the frequency of SCEs.  相似文献   

Published data on the in vitro radiosensitivity of 46 nontransformed fibroblasts of different genetic origins studied in plateau phase with immediate or delayed plating were used to investigate to what extent potentially lethal damage repair capacity is related to intrinsic radiosensitivity (i.e., irradiated in exponential growth phase). While most of the survival curve analysis is conducted in terms of D0, Dq, and the mean inactivation dose D, some of the data are also discussed in terms of the linear-quadratic model parameter alpha. Using D it is shown that: (i) the radiosensitivity of human fibroblasts in exponential growth phase does not significantly differ from that of plateau-phase fibroblasts with immediate plating; (ii) the radiosensitivity of plateau-phase cells with delayed plating is correlated to the radiosensitivity of cells with immediate plating: the more radioresistant the cell strain in exponential growth phase, the higher its repair capacity; (iii) the repair capacity of the cell strains is related to their genetic origin. In conclusion, we suggest that the survival curve of growing cells depends on the repair capacity of the cells.  相似文献   

Serum-free mouse embryo cells: growth responses in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have derived serum-free mouse embryo (SFME) cultures in a basal nutrient medium supplemented with insulin, transferrin, epidermal growth factor (EGF), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and fibronectin. These cells are nontumorigenic, lack gross chromosomal aberrations, and exhibit several other unique properties, including dependence on EGF for survival and growth inhibition by serum. We have examined the concentration dependence of the growth stimulatory effects of protein supplements used in the SFME medium formulation and surveyed other supplements that might act as alternative or complementary additions to the culture medium. Insulin could be replaced by insulin-like growth factor I and EGF could be replaced by transforming growth factor alpha in the same concentration range. Transferrin could be replaced by higher concentrations of lactoferrin. Deterioration of cultures in the absence of EGF began within 8 hours of the removal of the growth factor, and could be prevented by the addition of fibroblast growth factor/heparin-binding growth factor. Attachment proteins other than fibronectin were effective on SFME cells, but limited success was obtained when substituting other lipid preparations for HDL. These data introduce a precise system for exploring the unusual characteristics of SFME cells and contribute additional information that may be useful in the extension of these approaches to other cell types and species.  相似文献   

Summary The present results concern the recombinant bacteriaEscherichia coli HB101(GAPDH) which produces glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. An unusual phenomenon was noticed concerning the plasmid stability of this strain growing in batch culture. The determination of sensitivity to ampicillin, whose resistance is carried by the plasmid, has been tested as a function of time on Petri dishes containing increasing concentrations of ampicillin in a batch culture in a complex medium without any selection pressure. A transitory decrease in the percentage of resistant cells has been noted during the exponential phase of growth. This phenomenon corresponds to a momentary plasmid instability probably due to a transitory gap between the growth rate of the cell and the duplication rate of the plasmid.  相似文献   

Three functionally distinct leukocyte subpopulations were isolated from the peripheral blood of channel catfish. Surface immunoglobulin-positive (sIg+) and sIg- lymphocytes were isolated by an indirect "planning" procedure employing monoclonal antibodies specific for channel catfish Ig. A third population composed of macrophages was isolated by adherence to baby hamster kidney cell microexudate-coated surfaces. Functional features of these three cell types were established by assessing their role(s) in primary in vitro anti-hapten PFC responses to known murine thymus-dependent (TD) and thymus-independent (TI) antigens. The results indicated that anti-hapten PFC responses to a TI antigen required the presence of sIg+ lymphocytes and macrophages. In contrast, all three cell types were required for responses to TD antigens. Furthermore, the results of studies involving the depletion of antigen-reactive lymphocytes demonstrated that both hapten-specific sIg+ cells and carrier-specific sIg- cells were required for anti-hapten responses to TD antigens. These studies provide direct evidence that catfish have separable B cells (sIg+ lymphocytes), T helper cells (sIg- lymphocytes), and accessory cells (macrophages) quite similar to those seen in higher animals.  相似文献   

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