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Summary Clostridum propionicum is a chemical autotroph that metabolizes alanine to propionic acid (reduction product) and acetic acid (oxidation product). The ratio of propionate/acetate predicted by the electron balance is 2:1. This study reports the effect of pH on growth and organic acid production by this organism when grown in both test tube cultures initially buffered from pH 7.0 to 5.0, and in fermentors maintained at pH 7.0 and 6.5. Highest growth and organic acid production was found at pH 7.0 in both cases. HPLC analysis showed that at pH 7.0, the ratios of propionate to acetate were 0.45:1 (stationary tube, 24 h). The highest ratio observed was 1.8:1 (stationary tube, pH 6.0, 24h). This tube produced 8.5% of the acids produced in the pH 7.0 culture tube. The identify of the major portion of the reduction products of the organism remains unknown.  相似文献   

Strain X4 was isolated several years ago from an anaerobic mesophilic plant treating vegetable cannery waste waters. It was the first example of propionic fermentation from ethanol. Morphologic and physiologic characterizations of the strain are presented here. This strain is described as type strain of a new species, Clostridium neopropionicum sp. nov. Whole cells of strain X4 ferment [1-13C]ethanol and CO2 to [2-13C]propionate, [1-13C]acetate and [2-13C]propanol, suggesting the absence of a randomizing pathway during the propionate formation. Enzymes involved in this fermentation were assayed in cell-free extracts of cells grown with ethanol as sole substrate. Alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, phosphate acetyl transferase, acetate kinase, pyruvate synthase, lactate dehydrogenases, and the enzymes of the acrylate pathway were detected at activities sufficient to be involved in ethanol fermentation. The same pathway may be used for the degradation of lactate or acrylate to acetate.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in clostridial isolates after animal passage with other flora in mixed infections were studied by utilizing a subcutaneous abscess model in mice. We used 26 isolates of 7 clostridial species, and one isolate each of Bacteroides fragilis and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Abscesses were induced by all 7 Clostridium perfringens and 3 Clostridium butyricum isolates and by some of the other isolates. A thick granular wall prior to animal inoculation was shown only in C. perfringens, C. butyricum, and C. difficile. This structure was observed in other clostridia only following their animal passage alone or when co-inoculated with K. pneumoniae or B. fragilis.  相似文献   

Clostridium cochlearium could be reproducibly enriched in an L-aspartate- and L-glutamate-limited, anaerobic chemostat inoculated with anaerobic sludge. L-glutamate, L-glutamine and L-histidine were the only fermentable substrates. Less specialised clostridia of the C. tetanomorphum type could only be isolated from batch enrichments with L-glutamate and L-aspartate as energy sources. Competition experiments with C. cochlearium and C. tetanomorphum in a L-glutamate-limited chemostat resulted in the selective elimination of the latter species. Addition of glucose to the medium resulted in coexistence of both species. The molar growth yields for L-glutamate at different dilution rates at 30°C were determined for both species. The maximum specific growth rates on L-glutamate were 0.55 h-1 for C. cochlearium and 0.35 h-1 for C. tetanomorphum.  相似文献   

Clostridium La 1 obtained from a Clostridium kluyveri culture was compared with a typical C. kluyvery strain (DSM 555). The former grows on crotonate and is unable to use ethanol-acetate as carbon sources. The latter grows on crotonate only after long adaptation periods. Resting cells of both strains show also pronounced differences in the fermentation of crotonate. This holds even for C. kluyveri grown on crotonate. Besides several other differences the most striking is that there is no hybridization between the DNA of both strains.Crotonate seems not to be a very special carbon source since C. butyricum and C. pasteurianum grow on crotonate medium supplemented by peptone and yeast extract.Non Standard Abbreviations EA-medium ethanol and acetate as carbon source - C-medium crotonate as carbon source - DSM Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen  相似文献   

Twenty-nine independent mutants of Clostridium pasteurianum ATCC 6013, including several auxotrophs and UV resistants, have been isolated and characterized. The protoplast formation and regeneration procedure of Minton and Morris (1983) has also been successfully tried with some of these newly obtained mutants. The availability of these mutants together with the possibility of protoplast formation and regeneration will be useful for the development of a genetic exchange system in this species.Abbreviations CFU colony forming unit - DCCP dicyclohexyl carbodiamide - EMS ethylmethane sulfonate - IB isotonic buffer - MNNG N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine - PEG polyethylene glycol - UV ultraviolet  相似文献   

Two strains of obligately anaerobic, thermophilic spirochetes were isolated from cyanobacterial mat samples collected at freshwater hot springs in Oregon and Utah, USA. The isolates grew optimally between 48° and 52°C, and did not grow at 25° or 60°C. Both strains fermented various pentoses, hexoses, and disaccharides. Amino acids or cellulose did not serve as fermentable substrates for growth. H2, CO2, acetate, and lactate were end products of d-glucose fermentation. On the basis of physiological characteristics, guanine + cytosine content of DNA, and comparisons of 16S ribosomal RNA sequences, it was concluded that the two isolates were representatives of a novel species of Spirochaeta for which the name Spirochaeta caldaria is proposed. One of the two strains was grown in coculture with a thermophilic cellulolytic bacterium (Clostridium thermocellum) in a medium containing cellulose as the only fermentable substrate. In the coculture cellulose was broken down at a faster rate than in the clostridial monoculture. The results are consistent with the suggestion that interactions between cellulolytic bacteria and non-cellulolytic spirochetes enhance cellulose breakdown in natural environments in which cellulose-containing plant material is biodegraded.  相似文献   

Inorganic nitrogen metabolism in the obligate anaerobic thermophiles Chlostridium thermosaccharolyticum and Clostridium thermoautotrophicum differs in several respects. C. thermosaccharolyticum contains a nitrogenase as inferred from NH 4 + repressible C2H2 reduction, a glutamine synthetase which is partially repressed by ammonium, very labile glutamate synthase activities with both NADH and NADPH, NADPH-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase, and NH 4 + -dependent asparagine synthetase. C. thermoautotrophicum contains no nitrogenase, but glutamine synthetase, no glutamate synthase, no glutamate dehydrogenase, but a NADH-dependent alanine dehydrogenase and a NH 4 + -dependent asparagine synthetase.Abbreviation GOGAT glutamine-oxoglutarate amidotransferase amidotransferase (glutamate synthase)  相似文献   

Methanol and the O-methyl group of vanillate did not support the growth of Clostridium formicoaceticum in defined medium under CO2-limited conditions; however, they were growth supportive when fumarate was provided concomitantly. Fumarate alone was not growth supportive under these conditions. Fumarate reduction (dissimilation) to succinate was the predominant electron-accepting, energy-conserving process for methanol-derived reductant under CO2-limited conditions. However, when both reductant sinks, i.e., fumarate and CO2, were available, reductant was redirected towards CO2 in defined medium. In contrast, in undefined medium with both reductant sinks available, C. formicoaceticum simultaneously engaged fumarate dismutation and the concomitant usage of CO2 and fumarate as reductant sinks. With Clostridium aceticum, fumarate also substituted for CO2, and H2 became growth supportive under CO2-limited conditions. Fumarate dissimilation was the predominant electron-accepting process under CO2-limited conditions; however, when both reductant sinks were available, H2-derived reductant was routed towards CO2, indicating that acetogenesis was the preferred electron-accepting process when reductant flow originated from H2. Collectively, these findings indicate that fumarate dissimilation, not dismutation, is selectively used under certain conditions and that such usage of fumarate is subject to complex regulation.  相似文献   

Uptake of tungstate by growing cells was unaffected by the presence of molybdate in Clostridium cylindrosporum, whereas in C. acidiurici the accumulation was decreased by molybdate at 10-6 mol/l tungstate and higher concentrations. The labelling pattern of soluble proteins by 185W-tungsten indicated after gel chromatography the presence of three different tungstoproteins in both bacteria. Formate dehydrogenase activity always eluted at a maximum of tungsten labelling. The incorporation of tungsten into formate dehydrogenase containing fractions and a possible tungsten-binding-storage protein was independent of the presence of excess molydate pointing to a genuine role for tungstate in these bacteria.  相似文献   

The xanthine dehydrogenase of Clostridium acidiurici and C. cylindrosporum was assayed with methyl viologen as acceptor. In C. acidiurici the basal activity level was about 0.3 mol/min x mg of protein. Cells grown on uric acid in the presence of 10-7 M selenite showed a 14-fold increase in xanthine dehydrogenase activity, which decreased with higher selenite concentrations (10-5 M). The supplementation with 10-7 M molybdate or tungstate was without effect. High concentrations of tungstate decreased the xanthine dehydrogenase if selenite was also present. In comparison, high concentrations of molybdate affected only a small decrease in activity level at the optimal concentration for selenite and relieved to some degree the inhibitory effect of 10-5 M selenite. With hypoxanthine and xanthine as substrates for growth again only the addition of selenite was necessary to show a similar increase in xanthine dehydrogenase activity. C. acidiurici could be grown in a mineral medium. Both xanthine dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase exhibited the highest level of activity if selenite and tungstate were present in that medium.In C. cylindrosporum the basal activity level of xanthine dehydrogenase was about 0.95 mol/min x mg of protein. The addition of 10-7 M selenite to the growth medium increased the activity level about 3-fold, but the highest level (3.7 U/mg) was reached if 10-7 M molybdate was also added. The presence of tungstate resulted in a decreased enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Clostridium histolyticum collagenase is used to isolate cells from various organs and tissues for tissue engineering, and also to treat destructive fibrosis; thus, the demand for high-grade enzyme preparations is increasing. In this study, we constructed a plasmid encoding C. histolyticum type II collagenase (ColH) with a C-terminal hexahistidine tag (ColH-his) to facilitate the purification of the enzyme through immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). When ColH-his was expressed in a protease-deficient mutant of Clostridium perfringens, it was produced in the culture supernatant more efficiently than the untagged ColH. ColH-his exhibited the same hydrolytic activity as ColH against 4-phenylazobenzyloxy-carbonyl-Pro-Leu-Gly-Pro-D: -Arg (Pz peptide), a synthetic collagenase substrate. From 100 ml of the culture supernatant, approximately 1 mg of ColH-his was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, IMAC, and high-performance liquid chromatography on a MonoQ column. When IMAC was performed on chelating Sepharose charged with Zn(2+) instead of Ni(2+), a potential carcinogenic metal, the specific activities against Pz peptide and type I collagen decreased slightly. However, they were comparable to those reported for other recombinant ColHs and a commercial C. histolyticum collagenase preparation, suggesting that this expression system is useful for large-scale preparation of high-grade clostridial collagenases.  相似文献   

The formate dehydrogenases of Clostridium acidiurici and of C. cylindrosporum coupled the oxidation of formate with the reduction of viologen dyes. The basal activity level was about 0.85 moles/min s mg of protein for both species. The level of formate dehydrogenase of C. acidiurici increased 12-fold when 10-7 M tungstate and selenite were present during growth. Molybdate exerted no effect. On the other hand, molybdate and selenite were required to increase the formate dehydrogenase of C. cylindrosporum, and tungstate exhibited an antagonistic effect in this organism.Growth on hypoxanthine generally depended on the addition of bicarbonate. Supplementation with tungstate and selenite accelerated growth of C. acidiurici and increased again the level of formate dehydrogenase. The addition of both, molybdate and selenite was necessary to initiate growth of C. cylindrosporum and to form an active formate dehydrogenase.The differences in the requirement for metal ion supplementation to form high levels of formate dehydrogenase and their involvement in hypoxanthine degradation can be used to differentiate between C. acidiurici and C. cylindrosporum.Abbreviation FDH formate dehydrogenase  相似文献   

[目的]筛选窖泥中尚未被纯培养的高丰度拟杆菌纲微生物,并在纯培养菌株层面和共培养层面探究其生理代谢特征及生态学功能。[方法]采用传代培养提高窖泥拟杆菌纲微生物的相对丰度,在此基础上进行筛菌实验,并通过发酵实验解析主体拟杆菌的代谢特征及其与主体己酸菌的相互作用关系。[结果]成功筛选到Petrimonas sulfuriphila LBM11005,该菌的主要代谢产物为乙酸和丙酸,且葡萄糖能促进该菌的生长。无论是否存在底物竞争效应,P. sulfuriphila LBM11005均能与窖泥主体己酸菌Caproicibacterium sp. LBM19010在代谢物水平上发生相互作用,表现为后者可以利用前者的代谢产物丙酸进行碳链延伸,产生新的奇数碳脂肪酸——戊酸和庚酸。[结论]探明了窖泥主体拟杆菌纲微生物P. sulfuriphila LBM11005的基本生理代谢特征,且该菌与主体己酸菌相互作用,贡献于更长碳链奇数碳脂肪酸的合成。  相似文献   

An NADH-dependent (S)-specific 3-oxobutyryl-CoA reductase from Clostridium tyrobutyricum was purified 15-fold with a yield of 46%. It was homogeneous by gel electrophoresis after three chromatographic steps. The apparent molecular mass was estimated by column chromatography to be 240 kDa. SDS-gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of 33 kDa subunits. Substrates of the enzyme were ethyl and methyl 3-oxobutyrate, 3-oxobutyryl-N-acetylcysteamine thioester, and 3-oxobutyryl coenzyme A. The specific activities were 340 and 10 U (mg protein)-1 for the reduction of 3-oxobutyryl coenzyme A and ethyl 3-oxobutyrate, respectively; the Michaelis constants were 300 M and 300 mM, respectively. The identity of 12 N-terminal amino acid residues was determined. The ezmyme was used in a preparative reduction of substrate, yielding ethyl (S)-3-hydroxybutyrate (>99% enantiomeric excess).  相似文献   

Labelling experiments using a positively charged topographical marker for electron microscopy, polycationized ferritin, showed that the S-layers of two closely related clostridia Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum L111-69 and C. thermosaccharolyticum D120-70 do not exhibit a net negative charge, as usually observed for bacterial cell surfaces. Chemical modification of reactive sites confirmed that amino and carboxyl groups are exposed on the S-layer surface of both strains. Amino-specific, bifunctional agents crosslinked both S-layer lattices. Studies with carbodiimides revealed that only the S-layer surface of C. thermohydrosulfuricum L111-69 had amino and carboxyl groups closely enough aligned to permit electrostatic interactions between the constituent protomers. The regular structure of this S-layer lattice was lost upon converting the carboxyl groups into neutral groups by amidation. Disintegration of both S-layer lattices occurred upon N-acetylation or N-succinylation of the free amino groups. Adhesion experiments showed that in neutral and weakly alkaline environment whole cells of C. thermosaccharolyticum D120-70 exhibited a stronger tendency to bind to charged surfaces than whole cells of C. thermohydrosulfuricum L111-69, but showed a lower tendency to bind to hydrophobic materials.  相似文献   

A plasmid screening was performed on 150 strains out of 75 clostridial species using a modification of the alkaline-lysis procedure. In 26 strains representing 21 species one or more plasmid bands were detected ranging in size from 3 to more than 100 kilobase pairs. Clostridium aceticum proved to contain a single small plasmid (pCA1) of 5.4 kbp as revealed by restriction analysis and electron microscopy. A physical map of pCA1 has been constructed. Spontaneous mutants of C. aceticum defective in autotrophic growth have been isolated. No direct correlation between plasmid content and autotrophy could be found.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane-sulfonic acid - TAE Trisacetate-EDTA - Tris tris-(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

p-Cresol formation by cell-free extracts of Clostridium difficile   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cell-free extracts of Clostridium difficile were shown to form p-cresol by decarboxylation of p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. This activity required both high and low molecular weight fractions. The active component of the low molecular weight fraction had properties of an amino acid and could be replaced by serine, threonine or the corresponding alpha keto acids. Pyruvate was shown to function catalytically. Since the high molecular weight fraction was O2-sensitive and since dithionite was as effective as pyruvate with some high molecular weight fractions, the alpha keto acids probably serve as low potential reducing agents in this system. Because of instability, the p-cresolforming enzyme could not be purified.  相似文献   

Of the seven amino acids required by Clostridium botulinum type E, tryptophan is the most essential and may provide the cell with nitrogen. The addition of excess tryptophan (10–20 mM) or other nitrogenous nutrients to minimal growth medium markedly decreased toxin formation but did not affect growth in C. botulinum type E. On the other hand, the addition of an enzymatic digest of casein (NZ Case) stimulated toxin formation and overcame repression by tryptophan. Immunoblots of proteins in culture fluids using antibodies to type E toxin indicated that tryptophan-repressed cultures produced less neurotoxin protein. Inhibitors of neurotoxin did not accumulate in cultures grown in minimal medium supplemented with high tryptophan. The results suggest that tryptophan availability in foods or in the intestine may be important for toxin formation by C. botulinum type E.  相似文献   

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