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The IUCN Red Lists assessment provides an internationally accepted system to verify the extinction risk of species. Working Groups of the Italian Botanical Society have recently discussed the importance of producing a reliable list of species at the national level. This list could be the starting point for future in situ and ex situ plant conservation activities.  相似文献   

It is important to demonstrate evolutionary principles in such a way that they cannot be countered by creation science. One such way is to use creation science itself to demonstrate evolutionary principles. Some creation scientists use classic multidimensional scaling (CMDS) to quantify and visualize morphological gaps or continuity between taxa, accepting gaps as evidence of independent creation and accepting continuity as evidence of genetic relatedness. Here, I apply CMDS to a phylogenetic analysis of coelurosaurian dinosaurs and show that it reveals morphological continuity between Archaeopteryx, other early birds, and a wide range of nonavian coelurosaurs. Creation scientists who use CMDS must therefore accept that these animals are genetically related. Other uses of CMDS for evolutionary biologists include the identification of taxa with much missing evolutionary history and the tracing of the progressive filling of morphological gaps in the fossil record through successive years of discovery.  相似文献   

Over 1450 references to original papers, reviews and monographs have herein been collected to document the development of molecular imprinting science and technology from the serendipitous discovery of Polyakov in 1931 to recent attempts to implement and understand the principles underlying the technique and its use in a range of application areas. In the presentation of the assembled references, a section presenting reviews and monographs covering the area is followed by papers dealing with fundamental aspects of molecular imprinting and the development of novel polymer formats. Thereafter, literature describing attempts to apply these polymeric materials to a range of application areas is presented.  相似文献   

We propose that a molecular midwife, a flat molecule approximately 10 Ax10 A with two hydrophobic faces, was essential to the origin of life. This molecule was positively charged, water soluble and did not strongly associate with itself in solution. It may have been a derivative of phthalocyanine that no longer exists on the Earth today, and might have been formed solely from hydrogen cyanide and formaldehyde. The midwife tended to intercalate between side groups (bases, similar to those in RNA) of polymers to form stacks, which incorporated bare bases. The midwife alternated in these stacks with hydrogen-bonded tetrads of bases. Under conditions of low water activity, as in a desert during the day, bare bases in the stacks were joined together by neutral and chemically heterogeneous backbones of no fixed chirality. The components of the backbones were the products of the formose reaction of formaldehyde, and were involved in the reversible formation of N -glycosides and acetals catalysed by divalent metal ions. The final product of this assemblage was a fully intercalated quadruplex of four information-containing polymer strands (four proto -RNA molecules). This process constituted replication of the original polymer that had seeded the formation of the stack. The stack structure ensured that the polymer's base sequence was replicated faithfully despite the lack of both homochirality and chemical homogeneity in the backbone. At night, water from condensing dew would suddenly come in contact with these products, quenching all chemical reactions and releasing midwife molecules and single- or double-stranded proto-RNA. Evaporation of water during the day then gave new stacks containing one or two proto-RNA strands, bare bases, and midwife molecules, which could begin a new replication cycle. Our model also allows for the generation of new stacks and the extension of existing ones, without restricting the base sequence of either, thereby providing a source of genetic information. The proto-RNA replication cycle is driven purely by concentration changes caused by the Sun and the rotation of the Earth. We propose that this system as a whole could have gradually evolved into the RNA World.  相似文献   

We currently face both an extinction and a biome crisis embedded in a changing climate. Many biodiverse ecosystems are being lost at far higher rates than they are being protected or ecologically restored. At the same time, natural climate solutions offer opportunities to restore biodiversity while mitigating climate change. The Bonn Challenge is a U.N. programme to restore biodiversity and mitigate climate change through restoration of the world's degraded landscapes. It provides an unprecedented chance for ecological restoration to become a linchpin tool for addressing many environmental issues. Unfortunately, the Forest and Landscape Restoration programme that underpins the Bonn Challenge, as its name suggests, remains focused on trees and forests, despite rising evidence that many non‐forest ecosystems also offer strong restoration potential for biodiversity and climate mitigation. We see a need for restoration to step back to be more inclusive of different ecosystem types and to step up to provide integrated scientific knowledge to inform large‐scale restoration. Stepping back and up will require assessments of where to restore what species, with recognition that in many landscapes multiple habitat types should be restored. In the process, trade‐offs in the delivery of different ecosystem services (e.g. carbon, biodiversity, water, albedo, livestock forage) should be clearly addressed. We recommend that biodiversity safeguards be included in policy and implemented in practice, to avoid undermining the biophysical relationships that provide ecosystem resilience to climate change. For ecological restoration to contribute to international policy goals will require integrated large‐scale science that works across biome boundaries.  相似文献   

Saurischian dinosaurs evolved seven orders of magnitude in body mass, as well as a wide diversity of hip joint morphology and locomotor postures. The very largest saurischians possess incongruent bony hip joints, suggesting that large volumes of soft tissues mediated hip articulation. To understand the evolutionary trends and functional relationships between body size and hip anatomy of saurischians, we tested the relationships among discrete and continuous morphological characters using phylogenetically corrected regression. Giant theropods and sauropods convergently evolved highly cartilaginous hip joints by reducing supraacetabular ossifications, a condition unlike that in early dinosauromorphs. However, transitions in femoral and acetabular soft tissues indicate that large sauropods and theropods built their hip joints in fundamentally different ways. In sauropods, the femoral head possesses irregularly rugose subchondral surfaces for thick hyaline cartilage. Hip articulation was achieved primarily using the highly cartilaginous femoral head and the supraacetabular labrum on the acetabular ceiling. In contrast, theropods covered their femoral head and neck with thinner hyaline cartilage and maintained extensive articulation between the fibrocartilaginous femoral neck and the antitrochanter. These findings suggest that the hip joints of giant sauropods were built to sustain large compressive loads, whereas those of giant theropods experienced compression and shear forces.  相似文献   

Avian malaria has historically played an important role as a model in the study of human malaria, being a stimulus for the development of medical parasitology. Avian malaria has recently come back to the research scene as a unique animal model to understand the ecology and evolution of the disease, both in the field and in the laboratory. Avian malaria is highly prevalent in birds and mosquitoes around the world and is amenable to laboratory experimentation at each stage of the parasite''s life cycle. Here, we take stock of 5 years of experimental laboratory research carried out using Plasmodium relictum SGS1, the most prevalent avian malaria lineage in Europe, and its natural vector, the mosquito Culex pipiens. For this purpose, we compile and analyse data obtained in our laboratory in 14 different experiments. We provide statistical relationships between different infection-related parameters, including parasitaemia, gametocytaemia, host morbidity (anaemia) and transmission rates to mosquitoes. This analysis provides a wide-ranging picture of the within-host and between-host parameters that may bear on malaria transmission and epidemiology.  相似文献   

Since the Global Warming Potential (GWP) was first presented in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) First Assessment Report, the metric has been scrutinized and alternative metrics have been suggested. The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report gives a scientific assessment of the main recent findings from climate metrics research and provides the most up-to-date values for a subset of metrics and time horizons. The objectives of this paper are to perform a systematic review of available midpoint metrics (i.e. using an indicator situated in the middle of the cause-effect chain from emissions to climate change) for well-mixed greenhouse gases and near-term climate forcers based on the current literature, to provide recommendations for the development and use of characterization factors for climate change in life cycle assessment (LCA), and to identify research needs. This work is part of the ‘Global Guidance on Environmental Life Cycle Impact Assessment’ project held by the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative and is intended to support a consensus finding workshop. In an LCA context, it can make sense to use several complementary metrics that serve different purposes, and from there get an understanding about the robustness of the LCA study to different perspectives and metrics. We propose a step-by-step approach to test the sensitivity of LCA results to different modelling choices and provide recommendations for specific issues such as the consideration of climate-carbon feedbacks and the inclusion of pollutants with cooling effects (negative metric values).  相似文献   

Only recently, new ontogenetic series of early dinosaurs and related groups have been described. Here, we present an isolated immature dinosauriform femur from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil and investigate its influence on character polarization. Because the specimen shares a number of synapomorphies with Pampadromaeus barberenai, herein we postulate that it corresponds to a juvenile individual of that taxon. Accordingly, we investigate the morphological variation between juvenile and mature individuals of P. barberenai. Scoring these character states into a published phylogenetic data-set of Dinosauromorpha reveals that morphological variation is higher than that observed among closely-related taxa. Ontogenetic variation thus exerts influence on character polarization. In addition, modification of the scores affected by ontogeny produces different topologies, as noted by the reduction in both the number of most parsimonious trees and number of steps, and increased inclusivity of some clades and reduction of polytomies as well. Our study, together with other recent contributions, sheds light on the morphologic pathways seen during dinosauromorph ontogenetic development, which is crucial to more reliably assess phylogenetic reconstructions and macroevolutionary patterns of this widespread and successful group.  相似文献   

Snake venoms are recognized here as a grossly under-explored resource in pharmacological prospecting. Discoveries in snake systematics demonstrate that former taxonomic bias in research has led to the neglect of thousands of species of potential medical use. Recent discoveries reveal an unexpectedly vast degree of variation in venom composition among snakes, from different species down to litter mates. The molecular mechanisms underlying this diversity are only beginning to be understood. However, the enormous potential that this resource represents for pharmacological prospecting is clear. New high-throughput screening systems offer greatly increased speed and efficiency in identifying and extracting therapeutically useful molecules. At the same time a global biodiversity crisis is threatening the very snake populations on which hopes for new venom-derived medications depend. Biomedical researchers, pharmacologists, clinicians, herpetologists, and conservation biologists must combine their efforts if the full potential of snake venom-derived medications is to be realized.  相似文献   

We describe Vipera walser, a new viper species from the north‐western Italian Alps. Despite an overall morphological resemblance with Vipera berus, the new species is remarkably distinct genetically from both V. berus and other vipers occurring in western Europe and shows closer affinities to species occurring only in the Caucasus. Morphologically, the new species appear to be more similar to V. berus than to its closest relatives occurring in the Caucasus, but can be readily distinguished in most cases by a combination of meristic features as confirmed by discriminant analysis. The extant population shows a very low genetic variability measured with mitochondrial markers, suggesting that the taxon has suffered a serious population reduction/bottleneck in the past. The species is extremely range‐restricted (less than 500 km2) and occurs only in two disjunct sites within the high rainfall valleys of the Alps north of Biella. This new species should be classified as globally ‘endangered’ due to its small and fragmented range, and an inferred population decline. The main near‐future threats to the species are habitat changes associated with reduced grazing, along with persecution and collecting.  相似文献   

The new alliance Cerastio tomentosi-Globularion meridionalis and the new association Helianthemo alpestris-Globularietum meridionalis are here proposed as a contribute to the prodrome of Italian vegetation. The new syntaxa are related to the chamaephytic high-mountain vegetation and they are characterized by a wide presence of endemics, southern European orophytes, mountain-Mediterranean, and amphi-Adriatic species. The proposal aims to differentiate, on a structural basis, the high-mountain vegetation of the Apennines at higher syntaxonomical levels.  相似文献   

A species of xanthopygine rove beetles is described and figured here as Darwinilus sedarisi gen. n. and sp. n. The holotype was collected by Charles Darwin in Bahía Blanca, Argentina on the Beagle’s voyage. The contributions of Charles Darwin to rove beetle systematics are summarized briefly.  相似文献   


Chemical processes and petroleum-based chemicals are being substituted by biological processes and bioproducts. Surfactants and biosurfactants are an example of this trend. Among the biosurfactants, sophorolipids (SLs) have excellent surface and interfacial tension properties, which make them ideal to be used in a wide variety of applications. SLs are produced at full scale through submerged fermentation of pure substrates (glucose and oleic acid). However, research trends suggest that there is a lot of interest to produce SLs from waste effluents and other low-cost substrates, both in submerged and solid-state fermentation processes. This study reviews the current research in the production of SLs via fermentation processes, focusing on those using wastes, by-products, or low-cost substrates (liquids or solids). It details the substrates, process variables, microorganisms, and use of supplementary media for batch, fed-batch, and continuous submerged or solid-state fermentation processes. Sophorolipids production based on industrial by-products and waste effluents presents huge potential for its application at an industrial scale in a more economical and environmentally friendly process, boosting the necessary change to circular economy.


Aboody K  Capela A  Niazi N  Stern JH  Temple S 《Neuron》2011,70(4):597-613
Since their discovery twenty years ago and prospective isolation a decade later, neural stem cells (NSCs), their progenitors, and differentiated cell derivatives along with other stem-cell based strategies have advanced steadily toward clinical trials, spurred by the immense need to find reparative therapeutics for central nervous system (CNS) diseases and injury. Current phase I/II trials using stem cells in the CNS are the vanguard for the widely anticipated next generation of regenerative therapies and as such are pioneering the stem cell therapy process. While translation has typically been the purview of industry, academic researchers are increasingly driven to bring their findings toward treatments and face challenges in knowledge gap and resource access that are accentuated by the unique financial, manufacturing, scientific, and regulatory aspects of cell therapy. Solutions are envisioned that both address the significant unmet medical need and lead to increased funding for basic and translational research.  相似文献   

将数据可靠性作为有序变量进行分级,在理论上使数据可靠性与主要生态过程、次级生态过程、外部过程等数据源建立关联,构建了一种生态监测数据质量评估方法,提供了一个新的数据质量指数.它通过观察记录的合格率来估计数据集的质量,其检测结果包括了每一条数据的可靠性级别、标记为离群或错误数据的原因,以及完整数据集的质量指数值.将该方法应用于CERN的两个乔木生长数据集,发现该数据质量指数可以定量评估乔木生长数据集的质量.该方法为相关软件的开发提供了基础.  相似文献   

In this work we introduce and discuss several mathematical models, based on partial differential equations, devised to study the coupled transport of macromolecules as low-density lipoproteins in the blood stream and in the arterial walls. These models are accurate provided that a suitable set of physical parameters characterizing the physical properties of the molecules and of the wall layers are available. Here we turn our attention on this aspect, and propose a new methodology to compute the physical parameters needed for the model set up, starting from available in vivo measurements. Then, we focus on the study of the accumulation of low-density lipoproteins in vascular districts featuring a highly disturbed flow. Our results demonstrate that mathematical models whose set up procedure benefits from an experimental feedback provide reliable information not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively. Their application to geometrically perturbed vascular districts (as for example a severe stenosis) shows that geometrical parameters such as curvature and variations of the lumenal section strongly influence the accumulation of low-density lipoproteins within the wall. For instance, in a stenotic segment with 75% area constriction, the LDL concentration at the lumenal side of the wall is about 10% higher than for the undisturbed segment.  相似文献   

Abstract The Florida Museum of Natural History's McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, on the University of Florida campus in Gainesville, Florida, has become one of the world's largest institutions for research on butterflies and moths, and an important research facility for insect science. The facility was constructed by combining the staff and merging the Lepidoptera holdings from the Allyn Museum of Entomology, the Florida State Collection of Arthropods and other University of Florida collections, and now includes over ten million specimens from all over the world, rivaling some of the largest Lepidoptera research collections globally. The facility includes a team of domestic and international researchers studying many areas of lepidopterology, including behavior, biodiversity, biogeography, ecology, genomics, physiology, systematics and taxonomy. In this paper, we introduce the McGuire Center, its staff, and the many research activities for researchers across entomological disciplines.  相似文献   

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