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Most biofilms involved in catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are polymicrobial, with disease causing (eg Escherichia coli) and atypical microorganisms (eg Delftia tsuruhatensis) frequently inhabiting the same catheter. Nevertheless, there is a lack of knowledge about the role of atypical microorganisms. Here, single and dual-species biofilms consisting of E. coli and atypical bacteria (D. tsuruhatensis and Achromobacter xylosoxidans), were evaluated. All species were good biofilm producers (Log 5.84–7.25 CFU cm?2 at 192?h) in artificial urine. The ability of atypical species to form a biofilm appeared to be hampered by the presence of E. coli. Additionally, when E. coli was added to a pre-formed biofilm of the atypical species, it seemed to take advantage of the first colonizers to accelerate adhesion, even when added at lower concentrations. The results suggest a greater ability of E. coli to form biofilms in conditions mimicking the CAUTIs, whatever the pre-existing microbiota and the inoculum concentration.  相似文献   

The enteric bacterium and potential human pathogen, Escherichia coli, is known to persist in tropical soils and coastal waters. Vibrio cholerae causes the disease cholera and inhabits marine environments including microbial films on submerged surfaces. The abundances of E. coli and V. cholerae were quantified in biofilm and water-column samples from three harbors in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, which differ in their local and international ship traffic. E. coli and, in some cases V. cholerae, occurred in relatively high abundances in marine biofilms formed on abiotic surfaces, including the exterior hulls of ships. The community fingerprints of the biofilms and the water harboring these pathogens were further analyzed. The community compositions of biofilms from different locations were more similar to each other than to water-column communities from the same locations. These results suggest that biofilms are an overlooked reservoir and a source of dissemination for E. coli and V. cholerae.  相似文献   

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common of bacterial infections in humans. Although a number of Gram-negative bacteria can cause UTIs, most cases are due to infection by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). Genomic studies have shown that UPEC encode a number of specialized activities that allow the bacteria to initiate and maintain infections in the environment of the urinary tract. Proteomic analyses have complemented the genomic data and have documented differential patterns of protein synthesis for bacteria growing ex vivo in human urine or recovered directly from the urinary tracts of infected mice. These studies provide valuable insights into the molecular basis of UPEC pathogenesis and have aided the identification of putative vaccine targets. Despite the substantial progress that has been achieved, many future challenges remain in the application of proteomics to provide a comprehensive view of bacterial pathogenesis in both acute and chronic UTIs.  相似文献   

A total of 78 E. coli strains isolated from adults with different types of urinary tract infections were screened by polymerase chain reaction for prevalence of genetic regions coding for virulence factors. The targeted genetic determinants were those coding for type 1 fimbriae ( fimH ), pili associated with pyelonephritis ( pap ), S and F1C fimbriae ( sfa and foc ), afimbrial adhesins ( afa ), hemolysin ( hly ), cytotoxic necrotizing factor ( cnf ), aerobactin ( aer ). Among the studied strains, the prevalence of genes coding for fimbrial adhesive systems was 86 %, 36%, and 23% for fimH, pap , and sfa/foc , respectively. The operons coding for Afa afimbrial adhesins were identified in 14% of strains. The hly and cnf genes coding for toxins were amplified in 23% and 13% of strains, respectively. A prevalence of 54% was found for the aer gene. The various combinations of detected genes were designated as virulence patterns. The strains isolated from the hospitalized patients displayed a greater number of virulence genes and a diversity of gene associations compared to the strains isolated from the ambulatory subjects. A rapid assessment of the bacterial pathogenicity characteristics may contribute to a better medical approach of the patients with urinary tract infections.  相似文献   


Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the primary causative agent of urinary tract infections, which are one of the most common infectious disease types in humans. UPEC infections involve bacterial cell adhesion to bladder epithelial cells, and UPEC can also form biofilms on indwelling catheters that are often tolerant to common antibiotics. In this study, the anti-biofilm activities of t-stilbene, stilbestrol, t-resveratrol, oxyresveratrol, ε-viniferin, suffruticosol A, and vitisin A were investigated against UPEC. t-Resveratrol, oxyresveratrol, and ε-viniferin, suffruticosol A, and vitisin A significantly inhibited UPEC biofilm formation at subinhibitory concentrations (10–50?μg ml?1). These findings were supported by observations that t-resveratrol and oxyresveratrol reduced fimbriae production and the swarming motility in UPEC. Furthermore, t-resveratrol and oxyresveratrol markedly diminished the hemagglutinating ability of UPEC, and enhanced UPEC killing by human whole blood. The findings show that t-resveratrol, oxyresveratrol, and resveratrol oligomers warrant further attention as antivirulence strategies against persistent UPEC infections.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the influence of polyphenols and plant extracts on the susceptibility of Escherichia coli to antibiotics. Methods and Results: Susceptibility of E. coli to antibiotics in the presence of extracts and polyphenols was estimated by the determination of the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). To study gene expression, we used strains of E. coli carrying fusions between promoters of genes katG, sodA, iucC and structural β‐galactosidase gene. Treatment with polyphenols and some plant extracts significantly decreased the antibacterial effects of antibiotics, to a larger extent, ciprofloxacin. The most remarkable protective effect was observed for the extracts of Chamerion (Epilobium) angustifolium, Filipendula vulgaris, Tanacetum vulgare and Serratula coronata. These extracts increased the MICs of ciprofloxacin by four and more times. In case of kanamycin, extracts of Artemisia austriaca and Artemisia pontica increased MICs by four and eight times, respectively. Polyphenol quercetin also caused protective effect against ciprofloxacin, increasing the MIC by four times. A positive correlation was found between protective effects of polyphenols and extracts and their antioxidant activity. Conclusion: Medicinal plant extracts and polyphenols may protect cells of E. coli against antibiotic toxicity. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results of this study may be used to enhance the efficiency of antibacterial therapies.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aims of this study were to identify analogues of L-proline which inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli in both laboratory culture media and normal human urine and to study their mechanisms of uptake. METHODS AND RESULTS: The susceptibility of E. coli to L-proline analogues was studied by radial streak assays on agar plates and by minimal inhibitory concentration determinations in liquid media. Only L-selenaproline (SCA) inhibited growth in Mueller-Hinton medium and human urine as well as in glucose minimal medium. L-Proline did not prevent the inhibition of growth by SCA and strains defective in L-proline transport were as susceptible to SCA as wild-type strains. However, E. coli was resistant to SCA in the presence of L-cysteine and L-cystine. Spontaneous mutants selected for resistance to SCA or L-selenocystine were resistant to the other compound and had reduced growth in minimal medium containing L-cysteine or L-cystine as the sole sulfur source. CONCLUSIONS: L-selenaproline inhibited the growth of E. coli under conditions that may occur in the urinary tract and appeared to be taken up by the L-cystine transport system. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Although urinary tract infections caused by E. coli can be treated with sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and quinolones, resistance to these antibiotics has been increasing. These results suggest that L-selenaproline may represent a new class of compounds that could be used to treat these infections.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli form mixed species biofilms in catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Recently, a detrimental effect of K. pneumoniae over E. coli was observed in mixed species biofilms grown in an artificial urine medium. The mechanism behind this competitive interaction was studied. K. pneumoniae partially outcompeted E. coli in early-stage batch-fed biofilms, whereas both microorganisms co-exist at longer times (K. pneumoniae:E. coli ratio, 55:1), as shown by cell counts and confocal microscopy. E. coli cells were scattered along the K. pneumoniae biofilm. Biofilm supernatants did not appear to contain either antimicrobial or anti-biofilm activities against E. coli. Biofilms grown under continuous flow prevented interspecies competition. K. pneumoniae showed both increased siderophore production and better growth in iron-limited media compared to E. coli. In summary, these results indicate the importance of nutrient (particularly iron) competition in the modulation of the bacterial composition of mixed species biofilms formed by uropathogenic K. pneumoniae and E. coli.  相似文献   

目的研究风湿性疾病中尿路感染大肠埃希菌对左氧氟沙星耐药性及相关危险因素。方法中国医科大学附属第一医院风湿免疫科2009年1月至2013年12月125株住院患者清洁中段尿培养所分离出大肠埃希菌,依据是否耐药分为两组。分析耐药组相关危险因素。结果 5年来大肠埃希菌对左氧氟沙星耐药率呈逐渐上升趋势。耐药组对氨苄西林、环丙沙星、头孢曲松、哌拉西林、复方新诺明的耐药率高于非耐药组,两组间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。慢性病程、既往喹诺酮类药物应用史、既往尿路感染、菌株产ESBLs为耐药危险因素。各风湿性疾病间耐药率比较差异未见统计学意义。结论风湿性疾病尿路感染危险因素与其他疾病尿路感染危险因素类似。临床工作中应加强对危险因素监视和控制。  相似文献   

Catheter-associated urinary tract infection is the most common nosocomial infection, and contributes to patient morbidity and mortality. We investigated the effect that the TA adhesive antibiotic had on adhesion and initial growth in urine of Escherichia coli on silicone rubber. The TA antibiotic had reduced adhesion, and inhibited initial growth of the bacteria on the surface. Since adhesion and initial growth on the surface are an essential part of biofilm formation and subsequent infection, we speculate that the TA antibiotic coating might decrease the infection rate associated with indwelling urinary catheter.  相似文献   

P fimbriae on uropathogenic Escherichia coli O16:K1 and O18 strains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The fimbrial composition of 12 P-fimbriate uropathogenic Escherichia coli O16 and O18 strains was analysed by immunoprecipitation with 14 fimbria-specific antisera. All the O16 strains possessed a P fimbrial serovariant with an apparent M r of 17500. One strain had an additional, serologically closely related P fimbria with an apparent M r of 19 800. Two groups were found among the O18 strains; one possessing a type 1C fimbria and a 19800-Da P fimbria, the other lacking type 1C fimbriae and possessing a P-fimbrial variant with an apparent M r of 17 800. Fimbriae on strains within the groups were serologically similar by immunoprecipitation assays. Also, the fimbriae on the O16 and O18 strains were mutually cross-reactive. The grouping of the O18 strains by fimbrial serology corresponded to the previous clonal grouping based on other phenotypic characters.  相似文献   

Abstract C3H/HeJ mice are highly susceptible to experimental ascending urinary tract infection. After a 4-week intraperitoneal immunization regimen with killed Escherichia coli , these mice became more resistant to urinary tract infection. The level of resistance induced by this regimen in this strain was similar to that of the normally more resistant C3HeB/FeJ strain of mouse and was evident from 3 to 14 days after transurethral challenge with E. coli . Increased resistance also developed after a 2- or 3-week immunization regimen, but this resistance was not apparent until 14 days after challenge.  相似文献   

Hyperimmune and high-titered polyclonal pneumococcal antisera, specific for cross-reactive types within groups, were produced in adult rabbits. Purified capsular polysaccharide was injected intravenously into adult rabbits. One week later, these rabbits were given multiple intravenous injections of formalin-inactivated pneumococci of the cross-reactive type by an established method. Each of the resultant antisera were specific for the cross-reactive type indicating that the previous injection of the polysaccharide had induced epitope-specific tolerance. This method was successful for production of antisera against pneumococcal types 6A, 6B, 9N, 9V, 19F and 19A. Polyclonal rabbit pneumococcal antisera have some advantages over murine monoclonal antibodies for serologic studies and this method should be applicable for producing type-specific antibodies to cross-reactive polysaccharides of clinical interest. Further, this method is simpler and generally produces higher titered monovalent (factor) reagents than absorbed antisera.  相似文献   

Abstract Sensitivity of Escherichia coli bacteria to colicins A and E1 was significantly increased by overproduction of the BtuB receptor protein. The amount of vitamin B12 needed before colicins A and E1 treatment to protect cells against killing was found to be a function of the number of BtuB molecules present at the cell surface. Cells treated by colicins A and E were rescued from killing by addition of vitamin B12 shortly after colicin treatment. The rate of reversal by vitamin B12 may correspond to the kinetics of irreversible binding to BtuB of the various colicins.  相似文献   

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