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R Mayer  D Raventos    N H Chua 《The Plant cell》1996,8(11):1951-1959
Genetic studies using Arabidopsis offer a promising approach to investigate the mechanisms of light signal transduction during seedling development. Several mutants, called det/cop, have been isolated based on their deetiolated/constitutive photomorphogenic phenotypes in the dark. This study examines the specificity of the det/cop mutations with respect to their effects on genes regulated by other signal transduction pathways. Steady state mRNA levels of a number of differently regulated gene sets were compared between mutants and the wild type. We found that det2, cop2, cop3, and cop4 mutants displayed a gene expression pattern similar to that of the wild type. By contrast, det1, cop1, and cop9 mutations exhibited pleiotropic effects. In addition to light-responsive genes, genes normally inducible by plant pathogens, hypoxia, and developmental programs were inappropriately expressed in these mutants. Our data provide evidence that DET1, COP1, and COP9 most likely act as negative regulators of several sets of genes, not just those involved in light-regulated seedling development.  相似文献   

Floral induction is controlled by a plethora of genes acting in different pathways that either repress or promote floral transition at the shoot apical meristem (SAM). During vegetative development high levels of floral repressors maintain the Arabidopsis SAM as incompetent to respond to promoting factors. Among these repressors, FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) is the most prominent. The processes underlying downregulation of FLC in response to environmental and developmental signals have been elucidated in considerable detail. However, the basal induction of FLC and its upregulation by FRIGIDA (FRI) are still poorly understood. Here we report the functional characterization of the ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX 1 (ATH1) gene. A function of ATH1 in floral repression is suggested by a gradual downregulation of ATH1 in the SAM prior to floral transition. Further evidence for such a function of ATH1 is provided by the vernalization-sensitive late flowering of plants that constitutively express ATH1. Analysis of lines that differ in FRI and/or FLC allele strength show that this late flowering is caused by upregulation of FLC as a result of synergism between ATH1 overexpression and FRI. Lack of ATH1, however, results in attenuated FLC levels independently of FRI, suggesting that ATH1 acts as a general activator of FLC expression. This is further corroborated by a reduction of FLC-mediated late flowering in fca-1 and fve-1 autonomous pathway backgrounds when combined with ath1. Since other floral repressors of the FLC clade are not significantly affected by ATH1, we conclude that ATH1 controls floral competency as a specific activator of FLC expression.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of the COP1 gene in flowering, we analyzed flowering of cop1 mutant lines in darkness. When grown in the presence of 1% (w/v) sucrose, the cop1-6 mutant flowered in darkness, but cop1-1 and cop1-4 did not. However, cop1-1 and cop1-4 flowered in darkness when grown in the presence of 5% (w/v) sucrose. Therefore, the COP1 gene represses not only photomorphogenesis in seedlings but also flowering in darkness. Comparison of mRNAs levels of floral identity genes in cop1-6 and wild-type plants grown in darkness revealed increased mRNA levels of genes that act downstream of CO and reduced FLC mRNA level in cop1-6. Double mutants of cop1-6 and each of the late-flowering mutations cry2-1, gi-2, co-1, and ld-1 flowered in darkness. All of the double mutants except cry2-1 cop1-6 flowered later than cop1-6, demonstrating that cop1-6 is epistatic to cry2-1 for early flowering. The ld-1 cop1-6 double mutant flowered much earlier than the ld-1 mutant. The delay in flowering in the double mutants was not strongly influenced by the light conditions, whereas that of the gi-2 cop1-6 double mutant was reduced in darkness.  相似文献   

Ten Arabidopsis lines that carry recessive mutations in the cop1 (constitutively photomorphogenic) locus have been isolated. These lines define at least four different alleles. All of the mutant lines produce dark-grown seedlings that mimic wild-type seedlings grown in the light. The phenotype of the dark-grown mutant seedlings includes: short hypocotyls, open and enlarged cotyledons, accumulation of anthocyanin, cell-type differentiation and chloroplast-like plastid differentiation in cotyledons. Moreover, in more prolonged dark-growth periods the mutants exhibit true leaf development that parallels that in light-grown siblings. The four mutant alleles represent two types of mutations: three alleles (cop 1-1, cop 1-2, and cop 1-3) have severely affected phenotypes whereas one allele (cop 1-4) has a less severe phenotype. Compared to the severe alleles, the cop 1-4 mutant has slightly longer hypocotyls in dark-grown seedlings and does not accumulate abnormal levels of anthocyanin. The cop1–1/cop1-4 hybrid seedlings are intermediate in many physiological properties under both dark- and light-growth conditions, relative to the two parents. These results may suggest that the extent of residual cop1 gene activity in the mutants dictates the degree to which the aberrant plant phenotype is expressed. Analysis of plants carrying both cop1 and hy, a mutation that results in a deficiency of active phyto-chrome, suggests that the cop1 gene product acts downstream of phytochrome. The differentiation of chloroplasts in the roots of light-grown cop1 plants but not in wild-type plants suggests that the wild-type cop1 gene product also normally plays a role in suppressing chloroplast development in the roots of light-grown plants. To aid the eventual molecular cloning of the cop1 locus, its chromosomal location has been mapped and a molecular marker that is located about 1 centimorgan away from the cop1 locus obtained.  相似文献   

Cao D  Lin Y  Cheng CL 《The Plant cell》2000,12(2):199-211
The chlorate-resistant mutant cr88 is defective in photomorphogenesis, as shown by the phenotypes of long hypocotyls in red light and yellow cotyledons under all light conditions. A subset of light-regulated genes is expressed at subnormal levels in cr88. To analyze further the role that CR88 plays in photomorphogenesis, we investigated the genetic interactions between cr88 and mutants of two other loci affecting photomorphogenesis, CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1) and LONG HYPOCOTYL5 (HY5). COP1 represses the expression of light-regulated genes in the dark, and HY5 inhibits hypocotyl elongation in the light. Using morphological, cellular, and gene expression criteria for epistasis analyses to position CR88 in the genetic hierarchy of the photomorphogenesis pathway, we determined that CR88 acts downstream of COP1 but in a branch separate from HY5. In the course of our analysis, we discovered that light causes extensive destruction of plastids in dark-grown cop1 seedlings and that cr88 prevents this destruction.  相似文献   

The COP9 signalosome (CSN) was originally identified based on the constitutively photomorphogenic/de-etiolated/fusca (cop/det/fus) mutants from Arabidopsis thaliana. CSN is evolutionary conserved, and its subunit 5 (CSN5) mediates the deconjugation of NEDD8 from the cullin subunit of E3 ubiquitin ligases (deneddylation). Here, we report on Arabidopsis mutants deficient in CSN5 function. We show that these mutants are phenotypically indistinguishable from the previously described cop/det/fus mutants of other CSN subunits. However, we also show that these mutants retain the CSN complex (lacking CSN5), and this finding is in contrast with the previously described CSN subunit mutants, which lack the CSN complex. We therefore conclude that loss of CSN5 as part of CSN is sufficient to cause the cop/det/fus mutant phenotype. Furthermore, we show that mutants defective in CSN5 as well as mutants defective in CSN are unable to deneddylate the Arabidopsis cullins AtCUL1, AtCUL3A, and AtCUL4. Because these are representative cullin subunits of the three cullin-containing E3 families present in Arabidopsis, we postulate that the cop/det/fus mutant phenotype may be the result of the defects caused by impaired CSN5-dependent deneddylation of cullin-containing E3s.  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is responsible for forming most of the above-ground portion of the plant. We sought to isolate regulatory genes expressed in the Arabidopsis SMA by screening a Brassica oleracea (cauliflower) meristem cDNA library with the homeobox fragment from the maize Knotted-1 (Kn1) gene. We isolated and characterized the corresponding clone, Merihb1, from Arabidopsis. Analysis shows that the predicted MERIHB1 protein exhibits strong homology to KN1 and RS1 from maize, SBH1 from soybean, and KNAT1 and KNAT2 from Arabidopsis. Merihb1 is highly expressed in mRNA from cauliflower meristems and also accumulates in stem and flower mRNA. Based on the similarity of the Merihb1 and Kn1 sequences, expression patterns, and in situ hybridizations, we suggest that Merihb1 represents an Arabidopsis homologue of the maize Kn1 gene.  相似文献   

Many plants exhibit characteristic photomorphogenic shade ’avoidance’ responses to crowding and vegetation shade; this plasticity is often hypothesized to be adaptive. We examined the contribution of specific photomorphogenic loci to plastic shade avoidance responses in the annual crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana by comparing single-gene mutants defective at those loci with wild type plants exhibiting normal photomorphogenesis. The hy1 and hy2 mutants, deficient in all functional phytochromes, were less plastic than the wild type in response to a nearby grass canopy or to a low-red/far-red light ratio characteristic of vegetation shade. These mutants displayed constitutively shade-avoiding phenotypes throughout the life cycle regardless of the treatment: they bolted at an earlier developmental stage and were characterized by reduced branching. In contrast, the hy4 mutant, deficient in blue light reception, exhibited greater plasticity than the wild type in response to vegetation shade after the seedling stage. This mutant produced more leaves before bolting and more basal branches under normal light conditions when compared to the wild type. These results indicate that specific photomorphogenic loci have different and sometimes antagonistic pleiotropic effects on the plastic response to vegetation shade throughout the life cycle of the plant. The fitness of the constitutively shade-avoiding phytochrome-deficient mutants was lower than that of the plastic wild type under normal light, but was not different in the vegetation shade treatments, where all genotypes converged toward similar shade avoidance phenotypes. This outcome supports one key prediction of the adaptive plasticity hypothesis: that inappropriate expression of shade avoidance traits is maladaptive.  相似文献   

Flowering response and plant form of photomorphogenic mutants (hy1, hy2, hy3, hy4 and hy5) of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.), a long-day plant, were examined in long and short days. There were only slight differences among genotypes including Landsberg wild type with respect to the flowering time under long days. The effect of 1 h light-(night)-breaks of far-red, red, blue and white light given in the middle of the dark period of plants grown under short days, was studied. Effects of far-red light applied at the end or the beginning of the main photoperiod on flowering and plant form were also examined. The light-breaks with all the above mentioned light qualities promoted floral initiation of all the genotypes including the wild type in terms of both the flowering time and the number of rosette leaves. In general, far-red light was most effective. It is possible to classify the hy-mutants into 3 groups by their responses to light-breaks under short day conditions: (a) Mutants hy2 and hy3, which have a reduced number of rosette leaves, and flower early. Red light is as effective as far-red light. The wavelength of light-breaks is relatively unimportant for flowering response. (b) Mutants hy4, hy5 and Landsberg wild type, which have a greater number of rosette leaves, and flower relatively late. The effectiveness of light-breaks is in the following order, far-red, blue, and red light, which is in reverse order to the transformation of phytochrome to the Pfr form. (c) Mutant hy1, which behaves anomalously with respect to relations between flowering time and number of rosette leaves; late flowering with reduced number of rosette leaves. Red, blue and far-red light are effective, but white light is ineffective for reducing the number of rosette leaves. When far-red light was given in the middle of the night or at the end of the main photoperiod, it markedly reduced the number of rosette leaves compared to those grown under short days for all the genotypes, while when applied at the beginning of the main photoperiod far-red light did not affect the number of rosette leaves. Different effects on the plant form dependent on the time of treatment with far-red light-breaks are also discussed.  相似文献   

We have identified a gene (udh1) in the basidiomycete Ustilago maydis that is induced during the parasitic interaction with its host plant maize (Zea mays). udh1 encodes a protein with high similarity to mammalian and plant 5alpha-steroid reductases. Udh1 differs from those of known 5alpha-steroid reductases by six additional domains, partially predicted to be membrane-spanning. A fusion protein of Udh1 and the green fluorescent protein provided evidence for endoplasmic reticulum localization in U. maydis. The function of the Udh1 protein was demonstrated by complementing Arabidopsis det2-1 mutants, which display a dwarf phenotype due to a mutation in the 5alpha-steroid reductase encoding DET2 gene. det2-1 mutant plants expressing either the udh1 or the DET2 gene controlled by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter differed from wild-type Columbia plants by accelerated stem growth, flower and seed development and a reduction in size and number of rosette leaves. The accelerated growth phenotype of udh1 transgenic plants was stably inherited and was favored under reduced light conditions. Truncation of the N-terminal 70 amino acids of the Udh1 protein abolished the ability to restore growth in det2-1 plants. Our results demonstrate the existence of a 5alpha-steroid reductase encoding gene in fungi and suggest a common ancestor between fungal, plant, and mammalian proteins.  相似文献   

The mapping of phytochrome genes and photomorphogenic mutants of tomato   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The map positions of five previously described phytochrome genes have been determined in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) The position of the yg-2 gene on chromosome 12 has been confirmed and the classical map revised. The position of the phytochrome A (phy A)-deficient fri mutants has been refined by revising the classical map of chromosome 10. The position of the PhyA gene is indistinguishable from that of the fri locus. The putative phyB1-deficient tri mutants were mapped by classical and RFLP analysis to chromosome 1. The PhyB1 gene, as predicted, was located at the same position. Several mutants with the high pigment (hp) phenotype, which exaggerates phytochrome responses, have been reported. Allelism tests confirmed that the hp-2 mutant is not allelic to other previously described hp (proposed here to be called hp-1) mutants and a second stronger hp-2 allele (hp-2 j ) was identified. The hp-2 gene was mapped to the classical, as well as the RFLP, map of chromosome 1. Received: 24 May 1996 / Accepted: 14 June 1996  相似文献   

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