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The molecular basis of pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells isolated from an early embryo and grown as a cell line in tissue culture. Their discovery came from the conjunction of studies in human pathology, mouse genetics, early mouse embryo development, cell surface immunology and tissue culture. ES cells provided a crucial tool for manipulating mouse embryos to study mouse genetics, development and physiology. They have not only revolutionized experimental mammalian genetics but, with the advent of equivalent human ES cells, have now opened new vistas for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Contraction forces developed by cardiomyocytes are transmitted across the plasma membrane through end-to-end connections between the myocytes, called intercalated disks, which enable the coordinated contraction of heart muscle. A component of the intercalated disk, the adherens junction, consists of the cell adhesion molecule, N-cadherin. Embryos lacking N-cadherin die at mid-gestation from cardiovascular abnormalities. We have evaluated the role of N-cadherin in cardiomyogenesis using N-cadherin-null mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells grown as embryoid bodies (EBs) in vitro. Myofibrillogenesis, the spatial orientation of myofibers, and intercellular contacts including desmosomes were normal in N-cadherin-null ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes. The effect of retinoic acid (RA), a stage and dose-dependent cardiogenic factor, was assessed in differentiating ES cells. all-trans (at) RA increased the number of ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes by approximately 3-fold (at 3 x 10(-9) M) in wt EBs. However, this effect was lost in N-cadherin-null EBs. In the presence of supplemented at-RA, the emergence of spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes appeared to be delayed and slightly less efficient in N-cadherin-null compared with wt and heterozygous EBs (frequencies of EBs with beating activity at 5 days: 54+/-18% vs. 96+/-0.5%, and 93+/-7%, respectively; peak frequencies of EBs with beating activity: 83+/-8% vs. 96+/-0.5% and 100%, respectively). In conclusion, cardiomyoyctes differentiating from N-cadherin-null ES cells in vitro show normal myofibrillogenesis and intercellular contacts, but impaired responses to early cardiogenic effects mediated by at-RA. These results suggest that N-cadherin may be essential for RA-induced cardiomyogenesis in mouse ES cells in vitro.  相似文献   

TOR is a serine-threonine kinase that was originally identified as a target of rapamycin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and then found to be highly conserved among eukaryotes. In Drosophila melanogaster, inactivation of TOR or its substrate, S6 kinase, results in reduced cell size and embryonic lethality, indicating a critical role for the TOR pathway in cell growth control. However, the in vivo functions of mammalian TOR (mTOR) remain unclear. In this study, we disrupted the kinase domain of mouse mTOR by homologous recombination. While heterozygous mutant mice were normal and fertile, homozygous mutant embryos died shortly after implantation due to impaired cell proliferation in both embryonic and extraembryonic compartments. Homozygous blastocysts looked normal, but their inner cell mass and trophoblast failed to proliferate in vitro. Deletion of the C-terminal six amino acids of mTOR, which are essential for kinase activity, resulted in reduced cell size and proliferation arrest in embryonic stem cells. These data show that mTOR controls both cell size and proliferation in early mouse embryos and embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

Cells of early mammalian embryos have the potential to develop into any adult cell type, and are thus said to be pluripotent. Pluripotency is lost during embryogenesis as cells commit to specific developmental pathways. Although restriction of developmental potential is often associated with repression of inappropriate genetic programmes, the role of epigenetic silencing during early lineage commitment remains undefined. Here, we used mouse embryonic stem cells to study the function of epigenetic silencing in pluripotent cells. Embryonic stem cells lacking Mbd3 - a component of the nucleosome remodelling and histone deacetylation (NuRD) complex - were viable but failed to completely silence genes that are expressed before implantation of the embryo. Mbd3-deficient embryonic stem cells could be maintained in the absence of leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and could initiate differentiation in embryoid bodies or chimeric embryos, but failed to commit to developmental lineages. Our findings define a role for epigenetic silencing in the cell-fate commitment of pluripotent cells.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential canonical subfamily member 3(TRPC3) is known to be important for neural development and the formation of neuronal networks. Here, we investigated the role of TRPC3 in undifferentiated mouse embryonic stem cells(mESCs) and during the differentiation of mESCs into neurons. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout(KO) of TRPC3 induced apoptosis and the disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential both in undifferentiated mESCs and in those undergoing neural differentiation. In addition, TRPC3 KO impaired the pluripotency of mESCs. TRPC3 KO also dramatically repressed the neural differentiation of mESCs by inhibiting the expression of markers for neural progenitors, neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.Taken together, our new data demonstrate an important function of TRPC3 with regards to the survival, pluripotency and neural differentiation of mESCs.  相似文献   



Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) are derived from the inner cell mass of a developing blastocyst and can be cultured indefinitely in-vitro. Their distinct features are their ability to self-renew and to differentiate to all adult cell types. Genes that maintain mESCs self-renewal and pluripotency identity are of interest to stem cell biologists. Although significant steps have been made toward the identification and characterization of such genes, the list is still incomplete and controversial. For example, the overlap among candidate self-renewal and pluripotency genes across different RNAi screens is surprisingly small. Meanwhile, machine learning approaches have been used to analyze multi-dimensional experimental data and integrate results from many studies, yet they have not been applied to specifically tackle the task of predicting and classifying self-renewal and pluripotency gene membership.  相似文献   

The development of efficient and reproducible culture systems for embryonic stem (ES) cells is an essential pre‐requisite for regenerative medicine. Culture scale‐up ensuring maintenance of cell pluripotency is a central issue, because large amounts of pluripotent cells must be generated to warrant that differentiated cells deriving thereof are transplanted in great amounts and survive the procedure. This study aimed to develop a robust scalable cell expansion system, using a murine embryonic stem cell line that is feeder‐dependent and adapted to serum‐free medium, thus representing a more realistic model for human ES cells. We showed that high concentrations of murine ES cells can be obtained in stirred microcarrier‐based spinner cultures, with a 10‐fold concentration of cells per volume of medium and a 5‐fold greater cell concentration per surface area, as compared to static cultures. No differences in terms of pluripotency and differentiation capability were observed between cells grown in traditional static systems and cells that were replated onto the traditional system after being expanded on microcarriers in the stirred system. This was verified by morphological analyses, quantification of cells expressing important pluripotency markers (Oct‐4, SSEA‐1, and SOX2), karyotype profile, and the ability to form embryoid bodies with similar sizes, and maintaining their intrinsic ability to differentiate into all three germ layers. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Self-renewal and pluripotency of embryonic stem (ES) cells are maintained by several signaling cascades and by expression of intrinsic factors, such as Oct4, Nanog and Sox2. The mechanism regulating these signaling cascades in ES cells is of great interest. Recently, we have demonstrated that natriuretic peptide receptor A (NPR-A), a specific receptor for atrial and brain natriuretic peptides (ANP and BNP, respectively), is expressed in pre-implantation embryos and in ES cells. Here, we examined whether NPR-A is involved in the maintenance of ES cell pluripotency. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of NPR-A resulted in phenotypic changes, indicative of differentiation, downregulation of pluripotency factors (such as Oct4, Nanog and Sox2) and upregulation of differentiation genes. NPR-A knockdown also resulted in a marked downregulation of phosphorylated Akt. Furthermore, NPR-A knockdown induced accumulation of ES cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Interestingly, we found that ANP was expressed in self-renewing ES cells, whereas its level was reduced after ES cell differentiation. Treatment of ES cells with ANP upregulated the expression of Oct4, Nanog and phosphorylated Akt, and this upregulation depended on NPR-A signaling, because it was completely reversed by pretreatment with either an NPR-A antagonist or a cGMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor. These findings provide a novel role for NPR-A in the maintenance of self-renewal and pluripotency of ES cells.  相似文献   

Kim J  Chu J  Shen X  Wang J  Orkin SH 《Cell》2008,132(6):1049-1061

In vivo studies have demonstrated that p63 plays complex and pivotal roles in pluristratified squamous epithelial development, but its precise function and the nature of the isoform involved remain controversial. Here, we investigate the role of p63 in epithelial differentiation, using an in vitro ES cell model that mimics the early embryonic steps of epidermal development. We show that the DeltaNp63 isoform is activated soon after treatment with BMP-4, a morphogen required to commit differentiating ES cells from a neuroectodermal to an ectodermal cell fate. DeltaNp63 gene expression remains high during epithelial development. P63 loss of function drastically prevents ectodermal cells to commit to the K5/K14-positive stratified epithelial pathway while gain of function experiments show that DeltaNp63 allows this commitment. Interestingly, other epithelial cell fates are not affected, allowing the production of K5/K18-positive epithelial cells. Therefore, our results demonstrate that DeltaNp63 may be dispensable for some epithelial differentiation, but is necessary for the commitment of ES cells into K5/K14-positive squamous stratified epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis requires auxin and establishment of the shoot apical meristem (SAM). WUSCHEL ( WUS ) is critical for stem cell fate determination in the SAM of higher plants. However, regulation of WUS expression by auxin during somatic embryogenesis is poorly understood. Here, we show that expression of several regulatory genes important in zygotic embryogenesis were up-regulated during somatic embryogenesis of Arabidopsis. Interestingly, WUS expression was induced within the embryonic callus at a time when somatic embryos could not be identified morphologically or molecularly. Correct WUS expression, regulated by a defined critical level of exogenous auxin, is essential for somatic embryo induction. Furthermore, it was found that auxin gradients were established in specific regions that could then give rise to somatic embryos. The establishment of auxin gradients was correlated with the induced WUS expression. Moreover, the auxin gradients appear to activate PIN1 polar localization within the embryonic callus. Polarized PIN1 is probably responsible for the observed polar auxin transport and auxin accumulation in the SAM and somatic embryo. Suppression of WUS and PIN1 indicated that both genes are necessary for embryo induction through their regulation of downstream gene expression. Our results reveal that establishment of auxin gradients and PIN1-mediated polar auxin transport are essential for WUS induction and somatic embryogenesis. This study sheds new light on how auxin regulates stem cell formation during somatic embryogenesis.  相似文献   

BackgroundCell fusion is a phenomenon that is observed in various tissues in vivo, resulting in acquisition of physiological functions such as liver regeneration. Fused cells such as hybridomas have also been produced artificially in vitro. Furthermore, it has been reported that cellular reprogramming can be induced by cell fusion with stem cells.MethodsFused cells between mammalian fibroblasts and mouse embryonic stem cells were produced by electrofusion methods. The phenotypes of each cell lines were analyzed after purifying the fused cells.ResultsColonies which are morphologically similar to mouse embryonic stem cells were observed in fused cells of rabbit, bovine, and zebra fibroblasts. RT-PCR analysis revealed that specific pluripotent marker genes that were never expressed in each mammalian fibroblast were strongly induced in the fused cells, which indicated that fusion with mouse embryonic stem cells can trigger reprogramming and acquisition of pluripotency in various mammalian somatic cells.ConclusionsOur results can help elucidate the mechanism of pluripotency maintenance and the establishment of highly reprogrammed pluripotent stem cells in various mammalian species.  相似文献   

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