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The present study considers the quantitative variations of the physiologic proteinuria with theophyllin in the rat. The urins are collected, during 8 hours, every Rat being its own reference. The single theophyllin injection (20 mg/kg) induces an increased diuresis (+ 42,1 %) and proteinuria (+ 73,7 %). The repetitive theophyllin injections (during 5 days) confirms this constation. The hypothesis of a modification of the permeability of the glomerular barrier to proteic macromolecules is proposed to agree this result.  相似文献   

Inconsistencies in previous reports regarding changes in early distal NaCl concentration (ED(NaCl)) and renin secretion during osmotic diuresis motivated our reinvestigation. After intravenous infusion of 10% mannitol, ED(NaCl) fell from 42.6 to 34.2 mM. Proximal tubular pressure increased by 12.6 mmHg. Urine flow increased 10-fold, and sodium excretion increased by 177%. Plasma renin concentration (PRC) increased by 58%. Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate decreased, however end-proximal flow remained unchanged. After a similar volume of hypotonic glucose (152 mM), ED(NaCl) increased by 3.6 mM, (P < 0.01) without changes in renal hemodynamics, urine flow, sodium excretion rate, or PRC. Infusion of 300 micromol NaCl in a smaller volume caused ED(NaCl) to increase by 6.4 mM without significant changes in PRC. Urine flow and sodium excretion increased significantly. There was a significant inverse relationship between superficial nephron ED(NaCl) and PRC. We conclude that ED(Na) decreases during osmotic diuresis, suggesting that the increase in PRC was mediated by the macula densa. The results suggest that the natriuresis during osmotic diuresis is a result of impaired sodium reabsorption in distal tubules and collecting ducts.  相似文献   

Although the aldosterone/renin ratio (ARR) is the most reliable screening test for primary aldo-steronism, false positives and negatives occur. Dietary salt restriction, concomitant malignant or renovascular hypertension, pregnancy and treatment with diuretics (including spironolactone), dihydropyridine calcium blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, and angiotensin receptor antagonists can produce false negatives by stimulating renin. We recently reported selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors lower the ratio. Because potassium regulates aldosterone, uncorrected hypokalemia can lead to false negatives. Beta-blockers, alpha-methyldopa, clonidine, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs suppress renin, raising the ARR with potential for false positives. False positives may occur in patients with renal dysfunction or advancing age. We recently showed that (1) females have higher ratios than males, and (2) false positive ratios can occur during the luteal menstrual phase and while taking an oral ethynylestradiol/drospirenone (but not implanted subdermal etonogestrel) contraceptive, but only if calculated using direct renin concentration and not plasma renin activity. Where feasible, diuretics should be ceased at least 6 weeks and other interfering medications at least 2 before ARR measurement, substituting noninterfering agents (e. g., verapamil slow-release±hydralazine and prazosin or doxazosin) were required. Hypokalemia should be corrected and a liberal salt diet encouraged. Collecting blood midmorning from seated patients following 2-4 h upright posture improves sensitivity. The ARR is a screening test only and should be repeated once or more before deciding whether to proceed to confirmatory suppression testing. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry aldosterone assays represent a major advance towards addressing inaccuracies inherent in other available methods.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the relative contributions of geometrical and material factors to overall left-ventricular cavity stiffness. Left-ventricular cavity shapes were reconstructed using a computer and the variation of myocardial elastic modulus was calculated, by the finite element method, through the passive phase of diastole when rising volume coincided with rising pressure. Geometric data were obtained from biplane cineangiography, with micromanometer pressure measurements, for ten patients with left ventricular disease. Dimensional analysis was applied to the initial and derived data from which the influences of myocardial compliance, wall thickness-to-long dimension ratio, and aspect ratio (long-to-short axes) were determined. The ratio between the volume elasticity and the myocardial modulus of elasticity, the normalized stiffness ratio (NSR), is proposed as a useful index of left ventricular mechanical behaviour in diastole. The volume elasticity of the chamber is dependent not only upon the myocardium elastic modulus and the wall thickness ratio, but also on the shape of the chambe. Changes in the thickness/radius ratio of the ventricle have less effect upon its distention than those in the long dimension/radius ratio. The left ventricle becomes more spherical in shpae through diastole and hence becomes stiffer by this geometric mechanism.  相似文献   

The importance of collagen, the major structural protein of animal kingdom, in maintaining the normal structure and function of the skin is well known. The same property is exploited widely in medical and industrial fields in finding agents, which could influence the synthesis of this protein. In this context in vitro production of collagen is of high significance. A literature survey has been made to analyze the various factors that influence collagen biosynthesis. There are various physical and biological factors that can either induce or inhibit collagen biosynthesis at various levels of gene expression. However reports concentrating on the effects of plants-derived compounds in stimulating collagen synthesis are scanty. Since extracts of many plants are known to be beneficial in the wound healing process, plants-derived compounds will have a definite role in the regulation of collagen synthesis. The present study emphasizes the need for unearthing the role of these plant derived factors on collagen synthesis which will be of immense application in the medical field.  相似文献   

Factors influencing pulmonary resistance   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

潮间带红树林分带的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶勇  曹长青 《生态学杂志》2008,27(4):615-618
红树林生态系统中存在明显的分带现象,影响其分带的因素包括自身因素和环境因素.自身因素主要有繁殖方式的差异、繁殖体散布能力(包括大小、形状、漂浮性等)和定植能力(如根萌时间等)、繁殖体能量积累(从花到成熟繁殖体单位质量的能量增加值)、幼苗解剖和生理学特征.环境因素主要有土壤理化条件(如盐度、氧化还原状况、pH、硫含量)和生物因素(动物啃食、种间竞争).上述每种因素在特定的区域都有可能成为影响红树林分带的主要因素.  相似文献   

Choline concentrations in human erythrocytes increase after freezing and thawing, during incubation in Krebs-phosphate for 30 min or on storage at 0 degrees C for 3-24 hr. The increase is prevented by protein precipitation by 10% perchloric acid, 10% zinc hydroxide, 10% sodium tungstate or boiling in water. It is not prevented by EDTA (10 mM) and is increased by oleate (5 mM). We suggest that the increase is due to the action of phospholipase D on erythrocyte phospholipids.  相似文献   

Damage by introduced brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) to Pinus radiata trees was assessed in 41 compartments of a commercial forestry plantation on the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. All the trees assessed were less than 3 years old. Possum damage in the compartments was low (median prevalence 3.3%) but highly variable (range 0?30%). Eight of 37 measured habitat factors differed significantly (P < 0.05) between the sites with damaged and undamaged trees. The best predictor of mean damage was stand age, but this explained only 21% of the variation in damage among compartments. Including both stand age and New Zealand bracken (Pteridium esculentum) cover improved the model significantly and explained 36% of variation in damage. Damage was apparently unrelated to compartment size, distance from the compartment boundary, and possum den-site availability. Surprisingly, the relationship between browse damage and a trap-catch index of possum abundance was weakly negative (rS = −0.53, P = 0.05). The dense understorey associated with young pine stands tends to increase possum damage to associated P. radiata trees, but the possums in such stands may be less mobile at ground level and thus less easily trapped. Assessment of stand age and understorey characteristics, together with visual inspection for early signs of damage, is likely to be more cost-effective than possum surveys for identifying forest compartments at risk from possum browse.  相似文献   

影响棉纤维分化和发育的因素   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
杜雄明  潘家驹 《生命科学》2000,12(4):177-180
影响棉纤维生长发育的主要因素是:基因型、激素、温度、水分、光照、授粉受精状况等。基因型决定棉纤维分化发育方式,内源或外源激素调控纤维分化、伸长、次生壁形成等发育过程。温度对纤维分化发育也有很大程度的影响。离体纤维生长发育除了受上述因素影响外,还受微量元素、维生素、NH4^+、CO2浓度等影响。  相似文献   

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