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Cyanobacteria are the paradigmatic organisms of oxygenic (plant-type) photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. Since there is still an amazing lack of knowledge on the role and mechanism of their respiratory electron transport, we have critically analyzed all fully or partially sequenced genomes for heme-copper oxidases and their (putative) electron donors cytochrome c(6), plastocyanin, and cytochrome c(M). Well-known structure-function relationships of the two branches of heme-copper oxidases, namely cytochrome c (aa(3)-type) oxidase (COX) and quinol (bo-type) oxidase (QOX), formed the base for a critical inspection of genes and ORFs found in cyanobacterial genomes. It is demonstrated that at least one operon encoding subunits I-III of COX is found in all cyanobacteria, whereas many non-N(2)-fixing species lack QOX. Sequence analysis suggests that both cyanobacterial terminal oxidases should be capable of both the four-electron reduction of dioxygen and proton pumping. All diazotrophic organisms have at least one operon that encodes QOX. In addition, the highly refined specialization in heterocyst forming Nostocales is reflected by the presence of two paralogs encoding COX. The majority of cyanobacterial genomes contain one gene or ORF for plastocyanin and cytochrome c(M), whereas 1-4 paralogs for cytochrome c(6) were found. These findings are discussed with respect to published data about the role of respiration in wild-type and mutated cyanobacterial strains in normal metabolism, stress adaptation, and nitrogen fixation. A model of the branched electron-transport pathways downstream of plastoquinol in cyanobacteria is presented.  相似文献   

Oxidative phosphorylation is a common process to most organisms in which the main function is to generate an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) and to make energy available to the cell. However, plants, many fungi and some animals maintain non-energy conserving oxidases which serve as a bypass to coupled respiration. Namely, the alternative NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase NDI1, present in the complex I (CI)-lacking Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the alternative oxidase, ubiquinol:oxygen oxidoreductase AOX, present in many organisms across different kingdoms. In the last few years, these alternative oxidases have been used to dissect previously indivisible processes in bioenergetics and have helped to discover, understand, and corroborate important processes in mitochondria. Here, we review how the use of alternative oxidases have contributed to the knowledge in CI stability, bioenergetics, redox biology, and the implications of their use in current and future research.  相似文献   

Steady-state oxygen kinetics of Trypanosoma mega reveal the presence of 3 oxidases. These include an oxidase which is sensitive to salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) but insensitive to sodium azide. This oxidase could be the L-alpha glycerophosphate oxidase present in bloodstream trypanosomes. In addition, and oxidase is present wthich is azide-sensitive but SHAM-insensitive. This oxidase is inhibited by CO and is probably cytochrome aa3. A 3rd oxidase is insensitive to both azide and SHAM but is inhibited by CO and is possibly cytochrome o. Reciprocal plots of T. mega reveal the presence of 2 oxidases that are inhibited by CO. These results are discussed in the light of previous evidence suggesting the presence of several oxidases and a branched electron transport system in T. mega.  相似文献   

Terminal oxidases provide the final step in aerobic respiration by reducing oxygen. The mycobacteria possess two terminal oxidases: a cytochrome c aa3 type and a quinol bd type. We previously isolated a bd-type oxidase knockout mutant of Mycobacterium smegmatis that allowed for functional analysis of the aa3 type without the contribution of bd-type activity. Growth of M. smegmatis LR222 and JAM1 (LR222bd::kan) was monitored and the cytochrome content at different time points examined. No difference in aerobic growth was observed between M. smegmatis LR222 and JAM1. Membranes were obtained from these cultures and the oxidase concentrations were calculated from their spectrum. Although the mutant was producing only one oxidase type, this oxidase did not reach wild-type levels of expression, suggesting an additional mechanism for energizing the membrane. Moreover, the concentration of both oxidases in the wild-type strain dropped when cultures entered stationary phase, which was not the case for the aa3-type oxidase of the mutant strain. This oxidase remained at a constant concentration post mid-log phase. RNase protection assays also demonstrated late growth phase dependent message expression of the bd oxidase and that the subunits I and II genes were cotranscribed as an operon.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes isolated from rat liver by two-phase partition exhibited dehydrogenase activities for ascorbate free radical (AFR) and ferricyanide reduction in a ratio of specific activities of 1 : 40. NADH-AFR reductase could not be solubilized by detergents from plasma membrane fractions. NADH-AFR reductase was inhibited in both clathrin-depleted membrane and membranes incubated with anti-clathrin antiserum. This activity was reconstituted in plasma membranes in proportion to the amount of clathrin-enriched supernatant added. NADH ferricyanide reductase was unaffected by both clathrin-depletion and antibody incubation and was fully solubilized by detergents. Also, wheat germ agglutinin only inhibited NADH-AFR reductase. The findings suggest that NADH-AFR reductase and NADH-ferricyanide reductase activities of plasma membrane represent different levels of the electron transport chain. The inability of the NADH-AFR reductase to survive detergent solubilization might indicate the involvement of more than one protein in the electron transport from NADH to the AFR but not to ferricyanide.  相似文献   

In addition to an inhibitory effect on the photoreduction of NADP+ by isolated spinach chloroplasts ( Spinacea oleracea L. cv. Melody Hybrid), sulfide initiated oxygen uptake by chloroplasts upon illumination, both in presence and absence of an electron acceptor. Sulfide-induced oxygen uptake was sensitive to DCMU demonstrating the involvement of photosynthetic electron transport. Addition of superoxide dismutase to the chloroplast suspension prevented the sulfide-induced oxygen uptake, which indicated that sulfide may be oxidized by the chloroplast, its oxidation being initiated by superoxide formed upon illumination (at the reducing side of PSI). Tris-induced inhibition of NADP+ photo-reduction could not be abolished by sulfide, which indicated that sulfide could not act as an electron donor for PSI.  相似文献   

In the cyanobacterium Agmenellum quadruplicatum steady-state redox conditions were monitored in vivo for cytochrome (+c553) and P700 versus intensities of an actinic light 1 or light 2 (mainly absorbed by photosystems, and 2, respectively). Parallel measurements of O2 evolution were used to calibrate intensities for rates of electron transfer. Results show that the quality of actinic light (as light 1 or light 2) depends on intensity as well as wavelength. The contribution of electron flow from respiration is confirmed by observations of relative rate of photoreaction 1 estimated from Ip (intensity × fraction of P700 reduced). With 3,- (3,4-dichlorophenyl-1, 1-dimethylurea) (DCMU) the rate of photoreaction 1 depends upon, and is sensitive to small changes in, the rate of dark respiration. Very slow transient dark reductions of Cyt (f+c553) and P700 following any low intensity actinic light 1 are attributed to respiratory electron flow. Cyclic electron flow around photoreaction 1 cannot be large compared to dark respiration and cannot vary significantly with light intensity.This paper is contributed in honor of my longtime friend, L.N.M. Duysens, who has carried still further the eminence of the Dutch tradition in biophysics.  相似文献   

The function of membrane-bound transporters is commonly affected by the milieu of the hydrophobic, membrane-spanning part of the transmembrane protein. Consequently, functional studies of these proteins often involve incorporation into a native-like bilayer where the lipid components of the membrane can be controlled. The classical approach is to reconstitute the purified protein into liposomes. Even though the use of such liposomes is essential for studies of transmembrane transport processes in general, functional studies of the transporters themselves in liposomes suffer from several disadvantages. For example, transmembrane proteins can adopt two different orientations when reconstituted into liposomes, and one of these populations may be inaccessible to ligands, to changes in pH or ion concentration in the external solution. Furthermore, optical studies of proteins reconstituted in liposomes suffer from significant light scattering, which diminishes the signal-to-noise value of the measurements. One attractive approach to circumvent these problems is to use nanodiscs, which are phospholipid bilayers encircled by a stabilizing amphipathic helical membrane scaffold protein. These membrane nanodiscs are stable, soluble in aqueous solution without detergent and do not scatter light significantly. In the present study, we have developed a protocol for reconstitution of the aa(3)- and ba(3)-type cytochrome c oxidases into nanodiscs. Furthermore, we studied proton-coupled electron-transfer reactions in these enzymes with microsecond time resolution. The data show that the nanodisc membrane environment accelerates proton uptake in both oxidases.  相似文献   

Jin Q  Bethke CM 《Biophysical journal》2002,83(4):1797-1808
We show that the rate at which electrons pass through the respiratory chain in mitochondria and respiring prokaryotic cells is described by the product of three terms, one describing electron donation, one acceptance, and a third, the thermodynamic drive. We apply the theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in the context of the chemiosmotic model of proton translocation and energy conservation. This approach leads to a closed-form expression that predicts steady-state electron flux as a function of chemical conditions and the proton motive force across the mitochondrial inner membrane or prokaryotic cytoplasmic membrane. The rate expression, derived considering reverse and forward electron flow, is the first to account for both thermodynamic and kinetic controls on the respiration rate. The expression can be simplified under specific conditions to give rate laws of various forms familiar in cellular physiology and microbial ecology. The expression explains the nonlinear dependence of flux on electrical potential gradient, its hyperbolic dependence on substrate concentration, and the inhibiting effects of reaction products. It provides a theoretical basis for investigating life under unusual conditions, such as microbial respiration in alkaline waters.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that kinetics of O(2) uptake (VO(2)) measured in the transition to exercise near or above peak VO(2) (VO(2 peak)) would be slower than those for subventilatory threshold exercise. Eight healthy young men exercised at approximately 57, approximately 96, and approximately 125% VO(2 peak). Data were fit by a two- or three-component exponential model and with a semilogarithmic transformation that tested the difference between required VO(2) and measured VO(2). With the exponential model, phase 2 kinetics appeared to be faster at 125% VO(2 peak) [time constant (tau(2)) = 16.3 +/- 8.8 (SE) s] than at 57% VO(2 peak) (tau(2) = 29. 4 +/- 4.0 s) but were not different from that at 96% VO(2 peak) exercise (tau(2) = 22.1 +/- 2.1 s). VO(2) at the completion of phase 2 was 77 and 80% VO(2 peak) in tests predicted to require 96 and 125% VO(2 peak). When VO(2) kinetics were calculated with the semilogarithmic model, the estimated tau(2) at 96% VO(2 peak) (49.7 +/- 5.1 s) and 125% VO(2 peak) (40.2 +/- 5.1 s) were slower than with the exponential model. These results are consistent with our hypothesis and with a model in which the cardiovascular system is compromised during very heavy exercise.  相似文献   

Stimulations of oxygen uptake by electron transfer inhibitors   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Lips SH  Biale JB 《Plant physiology》1966,41(5):797-802
The stimulation of oxygen uptake induced in avocado tissue slices by amytal, azide and cyanide has been studied. The effects of these inhibitors on O2 uptake and on phosphorylation suggest the coexistence of phosphorylating and non-phosphorylating electron transfer systems in the fruit. The reason for the stimulations of O2 uptake is believed to be the result of an increased supply of a limiting cofactor to the phosphorylating sites. The increased availability of cofactor per site is due to the inhibition of part of the cytochrome chain and the consequent reduction in the number of active phosphorylating sites.  相似文献   

Rhodospirillum rubrum CAF10, a spontaneous cytochrome oxidase defective mutant, was isolated from strain S1 and used to analyze the aerobic respiratory system of this bacterium. In spite of its lack of cytochrome oxidase activity, strain CAF10 grew aerobically in the dark although at a decreased rate and with a reduced final yield. Furthermore, aerobically grown mutant cells took up O2 at high rates and membranes isolated from those cells exhibited levels of NADH and succinate oxidase activities which were similar to those of wild type membranes. It was observed also that whereas in both strains O2 uptake (intact cells) and NADH and succinate oxidase activities (isolated membranes) were not affected by 0.2 mM KCN, the cytochrome oxidase activity of the wild type strain was inhibited about 90% by 0.2 mM KCN. These data indicate the simultaneous presence of two terminal oxidases in the respiratory system of R. rubrum, a cytochrome oxidase and an alternate oxidase, and suggest that the rate of respiratory electron transfer is not limited at the level of the terminal oxidases. It was also found that the aerobic oxidation of cellular cytochrome c 2 required the presence of a functional cytochrome oxidase activity. Therefore it seems that this electron carrier, which only had been shown to participate in photosynthetic electron transfer, is also a constituent of the respiratory cytochrome oxidase pathway.Abbreviations DCIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - DMPD N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine - TMPD N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine - Tricine N-[2-hydroxy-1,1-bis(hydroxymethyl)-ethyl]-glycine  相似文献   

Respiratory electron transport system activities in marine environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary One of the methods to measure decomposition is to measure the rate of respiration by the ETS method. The relative value and the shortcomings of this method, but also the advantages of it as sensitivity, easiness and quickness are stressed. Some examples of application of the method in ocean water, coastal water, marine sediment and salt marsh sediment are given.  相似文献   

1. Respiration of growing cultures of Acanthamoeba castellanii is inhibited less than 60% by azide (35 mM); the respiration of early-exponential-phase cultures differs from that of late-exponential-phase cultures in being stimulated by up to 120% by low concentrations (less than 1 mM) of this inhibitor. Azide (0.5 mM) plus 1 mM-salicylhydroxamic acid gives 80% inhibition of respiration in early- or late-exponential-phase cultures. 2. Lineweaver-Burk plots of 1/v against 1/[O2] for growing and stationary-phase cultures give values of less than 1 muM for the apparent Km for oxygen. 3. These values are not significantly altered when determined in the presence of 1 mM-salicylhydroxamic acid. 4. Higher values (greater than 7 muM) for apparent Km values for oxygen were obtained in the presence of azide, which gives non-linear Lineweaver-Burk plots. 5. Competitive inhibition of respiration by CO occurs with Ki 2.4 muM. 6. The results are discussed in terms of the presence of three terminal oxidases in this organism, namely two oxidases with high affinities for oxygen (cytochrome c oxidase of the main phosphorylating electron-transport chain and the salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive oxidase) and a third oxidase with a low affinity for oxygen, sensitive to inhibition by cyanide but not by azide or salicylhydroxamic acid. The relative contributions to oxygen utilization by these oxidases change during the growth of a batch culture.  相似文献   

It is presently unclear how the fast and slow components of pulmonary oxygen uptake (VO(2)) kinetics would be altered by body posture during heavy exercise [i.e., above the lactate threshold (LT)]. Nine subjects performed transitions from unloaded cycling to work rates representing moderate (below the estimated LT) and heavy exercise (VO(2) equal to 50% of the difference between LT and peak VO(2)) under conditions of upright and supine positions. During moderate exercise, the steady-state increase in VO(2) was similar in the two positions, but VO(2) kinetics were slower in the supine position. During heavy exercise, the rate of adjustment of VO(2) to the 6-min value was also slower in the supine position but was characterized by a significant reduction in the amplitude of the fast component of VO(2), without a significant slowing of the phase 2 time constant. However, the amplitude of the slow component was significantly increased, such that the end-exercise VO(2) was the same in the two positions. The changes in VO(2) kinetics for the supine vs. upright position were paralleled by a blunted response of heart rate at 2 min into exercise during supine compared with upright heavy exercise. Thus the supine position was associated with not only a greater amplitude of the slow component for VO(2) but also, concomitantly, with a reduced amplitude of the fast component; this latter effect may be due, at least in part, to an attenuated early rise in heart rate in the supine position.  相似文献   

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