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A paleoparasitological survey to detect helminth eggs was performed in archaeological sites of Jeolla-do and Jeju-do, the Republic of Korea. Total 593 soil samples were collected in 12 sites of Jeolla-do and 5 sites of Jeju-do from April to November 2011, and examined by the methods of Pike and coworkers. A total of 4 helminth eggs, 2 eggs each for Trichuris trichiura and Ascaris sp., were found in soil samples from 1 site, in Hyangyang-ri, Jangheung-eup, Jangheung-gun, Jeollanam-do. The egg-recovery layer was presumed to represent a 19th century farm, which fact suggested the use of human manures. This is the third archaeological discovery of parasite eggs in Jeolla-do. Additionally, no helminth eggs in archaeological sites of Jeju-do is an interesting problem to be solved in the further investigations.  相似文献   

Abstract: The annual reproductive cycle is described for the adult female Hawaiian monk seal ( Monachus schauinslandi ) from data collected at Laysan Island (1982–1991) and Lisianski Island (1982–1983) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Pupping, lactation, weaning, and molting were directly observed, while mating was rarely observed and was, therefore, inferred from the occurrence of mounting injuries and from adult male and female association patterns. Pooled birth rates during the study period were 0.544 for all adult-sized females and 0.675 for females parous in earlier years. For parturient females, pupping peaked in late March and early April, weaning in May, mounting injuries in May and June, and molting in July. For non-parturient females, the median mounting injury and molting dates occurred 17 and 28 days earlier, respectively. Pupping date set the timing of subsequent events in the annual cycle, but the timing of those events was adjusted by loss of the pup or poor physical condition of the female. Individual pupping patterns varied widely. The mean interval for births in consecutive years was 381 days; females that pupped in consecutive years gave birth later each season. Conversely, females who skipped a year or more gave birth earlier their next pupping season.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate the infection status with helminth in a group of feral cats in Korea. More than 29 helminth species including adults or eggs were detected in visceral and fecal samples of the examined cats. Among these were a host of nematodes, including toxocarids, Ancylostoma sp. and the larva of Anisakis simplex; trematodes, including Clonorchis sinensis, Paragonimus westermani, Eurytrema pancreaticum, Pharyngostomum cordatum, Metagonimus spp., Heterophyes nocens, Pygidiopsis summa, Heterophyopsis continua, Stictodora fuscata, Stictodora lari, Acanthotrema felis, Stellantchasmus falcatus, Centrocestus armatus, Procerovum varium, Cryptocotyle sp., Echinostoma revolutum, Echinostoma hortense, Echinochasmus japonicus, Stephanoprora sp., Plagiorchis muris, Neodiplostomum sp. and diplostomulum. We also detected a variety of cestodes, including Spirometra erinacei, Taenia taeniaeformis and unidentified species of tapeworm. We also found examples of the acanthocephalan, Bolbosoma sp. In our assessment of the stools, we detected at least 12 species of helminth eggs. These findings confirmed that feral cats in Korea are infected with a variety of helminth parasite species. Furthermore, among the helminths detected, E. pancreaticum, S. fuscata, S. lari, A. felis, S. falcatus, C. armatus, P. varium, Cryptocotyle sp., E. revolutum, E. japonicus, Stephanoprora sp., P. muris, Neodiplostomum sp. and Bolbosoma sp. represent helminth fauna which have not been reported previously in feral cats in the Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

Information on helminth parasites in Antarctic phocids is scarce and fragmented. Anisakidae nematodes and Diphyllobothriidae cestodes have been reported in Antarctic and subantarctic phocids, although the prevalence and health significance remain unclear. In the present study, the presence of helminth parasites in faeces of Leptonychotes weddellii, Hydrurga leptonyx and Mirounga leonina has been investigated. Faecal samples were collected from different locations of the Antarctic Peninsula. Macroscopical inspection and standard flotation and migration techniques were used for faecal examination. Eggs, larvae and adult parasites of nematodes and cestodes were found in 76.9 % of samples analysed. Positive samples were recorded from all locations surveyed and species investigated. The prevalence was 71.3 % for M. leonina, 95.4 % for L. weddellii and 100 % for H. leptonyx. Anisakidae (eggs and worms), Metastrongyloidea (larvae) and Diphyllobothriidae (eggs) were identified in M. leonina and L. weddellii. Metastrongyloidea (larvae) and Diphyllobothriidae (eggs) were found in H. leptonyx. Molecular characterisation of some of the adult parasites found was useful for the identification of Anisakis simplex and Pseudoterranova sp. in M. leonina, and Contracaecum sp., Contracaecum osculatum, and Pseudoterranova sp. in L. weddellii.  相似文献   

In conjunction with an ecological study of jaguars in the Cockscomb Basin of Belize, Central America, fecal samples from jaguars (Panthera onca), jaguarundis (Felis yagouaroundi), ocelots (Felix pardalis), and pumas (Felix concolor) were examined for parasite products (eggs, larvae, and oocysts). Of the 45 samples examined, 39 (86.7%) were positive for parasite products, 23 of 25 (92%) jaguar samples were positive, as were all of the puma (4/4) and ocelot (8/8) samples. Four of 6 samples from unknown species were positive (66.7%). Two jaguarundis samples were negative. The following were identified in the samples: Paragonimus sp. eggs, Taeniidae eggs, Strongylate eggs, Toxocara cati eggs, Toxascaris sp. eggs, Capillaria sp. eggs, Spiruridae eggs, Aelurostrongylus sp. larvae, Oncicola sp. eggs, Hammondia pardalis oocysts, Isospora sp. oocysts, Toxoplasma gondii-like oocysts and Sarcocystis sp. sporocyst.  相似文献   

One hundred fecal samples were collected during research on Eurasian lynx ecology and food habits in the Polish part of the Bia?owieza Primeval Forest (BPF) from 2001 to 2006. Seventy-three percent of samples contained eggs or larvae of helminths. A total of 10 species of helminths was identified, including 3 Cestoda (Diphyllobothrium latum, Spirometra janickii, and unidentified species of Taeniidae), 1 Trematoda (Alaria alata), and 6 Nematoda (Aelurostrongylus abstrusus, Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Eucoleus aerophilus, Metastrongylus sp., Nematodirus sp., and Toxocara cati). Alaria alata has not been reported previously in lynx. A statistical comparison of the 2 techniques used to isolate eggs, i.e., flotation and sedimentation, indicates that sedimentation was more effective.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of research handling on free-ranging endangered Hawaiian monk seals, Monachus schauinslandi , by analyzing differences in subsequent year survival, migration, and condition between handled seals and controls during 1983–1998. Each of 549 handled seals was matched to a control seal of the same age, sex, location, and year. Handling included instrumentation with tel metry devices ( n = 93), blood sampling ( n = 19), and tagging ( n = 437). No significant differences were found between handled seals and their controls in one-year resighting rates, observed migration rates, or condition. Resighting rates of handled and control seals were high (80%-100%). Available sample sizes were sufficient to detect reasonably small (9%-20%) differences in resighting rates had they existed among instrumented or tagged seals and controls (α= 0.05, power = 0.90). Too few seals were captured for blood sampling to detect even large differences in their resighting rates. However, blood samples were drawn from most instrumented seals, and there was no indication that this larger group suffered harmful effects. Duration of restraint during flipper tagging had no effect on subsequent probability of resighting. Our analysis suggests that conservative selection procedures and careful handling techniques have no deleterious effects on Hawaiian monk seals.  相似文献   

Endemic, indigenous, naturalized and cultivated angiosperms growing in a variety of habitats in Hawaii were examined for mycorrhizae. Of 147 species (representing 61 families) examined, 122 were mycorrhizal, and 98% of the latter formed vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM). Ericoid, orchid, and ectomycorrhizae also were found. Mycorrhizae were most frequent in endemic species (90.3%) and least in indigenous species (71.9%). The incidence of mycotrophy in Hawaiian endemic species was significantly greater than in mainland species. In addition, VAM often were found in species belonging to families that typically lack mycorrhizae (Aizoaceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cyperaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Juncaceae, Pandanaceae, and Urticaceae). Naturalized weedy species were highly mycorrhizal. The high incidence of mycorrhizae in endemic species suggests that VAM fungi and obligately mycotrophic plant species may have been present in the Hawaiian Islands from the earliest stages of the development of the angiosperm flora.  相似文献   

Southern garfish Hyporhamphus melanochir were examined for metazoan parasites from nine sites in three regions (Spencer Gulf, Gulf St Vincent and northern Kangaroo Island) in South Australia to document parasite assemblages, identify candidate species suitable for use as biological tags and investigate spatial variation in parasite abundance. Four ectoparasite and 10 endoparasite species were identified representing Cestoda, Trematoda, Monogenea, Nematoda, Acanthocephala, Copepoda and Isopoda. Lernaeenicus hemirhamphi, Micracanthorhynchina hemirhamphi, Mothocya halei and Philometra sp. were suggested for 'permanent' biological markers. Multivariate discriminant function analysis showed that most sites could be distinguished based on differences in parasite abundance. Four endoparasites (Conohelmins sp., Hysterothylacium sp., M. hemirhamphi and Philometra sp.) were most important for site characterization. Limited spatial variation in permanent endoparasite abundance among localities in northern Spencer Gulf provided evidence for a distinct northern Spencer Gulf population with little interregional mixing. In contrast, considerable spatial variation in permanent endoparasite abundance between localities sampled off Kangaroo Island implied limited local movement and suggested H. melanochir may comprise a metapopulation structure. These results largely align with recent evidence from otolith chemistry that indicates fine-scale geographical population structuring in South Australian waters.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the parasite remains present in rodent coprolites collected from the archaeological site Cerro Casa de Piedra 7 (CCP7), located in the Perito Moreno National Park (47°57'S, 72°05'W), Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Eight coprolites obtained from the layer 17, dated at 10,620 ± 40 to 9,390 ± 40 yr B.P., were examined for parasites. Feces were processed whole, rehydrated, homogenized, subjected to spontaneous sedimentation, and examined via light microscopy. Eggs of parasites were measured and photographed. Seven of 8 coprolites possessed 199 eggs of 2, probably new, species of nematodes, including 43 eggs of Heteroxynema sp. Hall, 1916 (Cavioxyura sp. Quentin, 1975) (Oxyurida, Heteroxynematidae), and 156 eggs of Trichuris sp. Roederer, 1761 (Trichinellida, Trichuridae). Heteroxynema sp. is cited for the first time from ancient material worldwide. The finding of Trichuris spp. in both rodents and other host samples from the area under study is indicative of the stability of the biological and environmental conditions for this nematode genus to establish in the Patagonian Early Holocene. The rodent host was assigned to an unknown species of Caviomorpha (Hystricognathi) that lived during the Pleistocenic transition in Patagonia.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the parasite fauna present in rodent coprolites collected from Cerro Casa de Piedra (CCP7), located in Perito Moreno National Park (P.N.PM., 47 degrees 57'S and 72 degrees 05'W), Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Eight coprolites obtained from the layer XIII of CCP7, with an antiquity considered as 7,920 +/- 130 yr B.P, were examined for parasites. Each coprolite was whole processed, rehydrated, homogenized, spontaneously sedimented, and examined using light microscopy. Eggs of parasites were measured and photographed. All the samples were parasitized by nematodes, with 267 eggs of Trichuris sp., 24 eggs of an aspidoderid, and 3 capillariid eggs. The rodent host was tentatively identified as a species of Ctenomys, the hypogeic rodents endemic to South America. The finding of Paraspidodera in Patagonian samples represents new evidence that strengthens the co-phylogenies between nematodes of this genus and Ctenomys and reinforces the value of parasites as tags in paleoparasitology.  相似文献   

Specimens of Salmo trutta (n = 613) captured by local anglers in different rivers in Galicia (NW Spain) during the 2015 fishing season (15 March–15 August) were examined. In total 1479 adult helminths were recovered from the gastrointestinal tracts of 221 fish. Moreover, the microscopic observation of the sediments obtained, previous diphasic concentration, revealed the presence of helminth eggs in 485 trout specimens. The following species were identified by morphological and molecular analysis: Crepidostomum metoecus (8.97%) (Trematoda); Salmonema ephemeridarum (16.97%), Raphidascaris acus (9.46%) and Pseudocapillaria sp. (2.12%) (Nematoda); and Echinorhynchus truttae (8.48%) (Acanthocephala). The prevalence, mean intensity and mean abundance of each helminth species were determined in relation to size/age of the fish. The helminth infracommunity comprised a maximum of four species and the species richness was S = 5. The biological cycles of most of the helminth species recovered are dependent on benthic macroinvertebrate fauna, which, in turn, is influenced by the water quality. Therefore, any changes that take place in the aquatic ecosystem (due to anthropogenic activities or climate change) may be reflected in the helminth composition.  相似文献   

Abstract: Endangered Hawaiian monk seal ( Monachs schauinslandi ) pups at all the major breeding islands in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands have been tagged since the early 1980s. Pups were double flipper tagged as soon as possible post-weaning. With few exceptions, an extensive tag resighting effort was conducted annually at the same islands. These resighting data were used to estimate seal survival rates from the time of tagging to age one at all locations using the ratio of seals alive in the second year to number of pups tagged. These survival rates among the islands, from weaning to age one, averaged over the years of the study, ranged from 0.80 to 0.90. For young seals over age one, capture-recapture methods were used to calculate survival pooled through several years, and these rates ranged from 0.85 to 0.98. At French Frigate Shoals and Laysan Island, the higher numbers of tagged pups allowed separate estimates of male and female survival to be calculated. These rates suggested that survival of immature females was better than males. Beginning in 1989, survival of immature seals at French Frigate Shoals declined sharply.  相似文献   

Hawaiian Metrosideros is a highly polymorphic complex that is distributed throughout the six major islands of the Hawaiian Island chain from tropical climates near sea level to altitudes up to 8,500 ft with frost. Its populations extend continuously over many areas with average annual precipitation ranging from 30 to 450 in. and with diverse edaphic and topographical features. The Hawaiian forms are probably all derived from one or a very small number of ancestral introductions that arrived within the last 20 million years by longdistance dispersal. Seeds collected from diverse altitudinal sites on the islands of Hawaii and Maui and grown under uniform greenhouse conditions at Honolulu show evidence of ecotypic differentiation along altitudinal gradients. Seedlings from these islands separated by 50 miles of ocean show parallelism in their altitudinal differentiation in plant height and leaf size, but with strongly overlapping variation from site to site.  相似文献   

Three new species of Huffmanela, here described from eggs only, are reported from the gills of marine fish caught off Nouméa, New Caledonia. Eggs of Huffmanela branchialis n. sp., from Nemipterus furcosus (Nemipteridae), are 45-52 (mean 48) microm in length and 23-30 (mean 25) microm in width, with thin shells. Each egg is enclosed in a thin membrane forming a spindle-shaped envelope 53-85 (mean 63) microm in length. Eggs of H. filamentosa n. sp., from Gymnocranius grandoculis (Lethrinidae), are 48-53 (mean 50) microm in length and 25-30 (mean 27) microm in width, with thin shells. Each egg bears a few long (150 microm), thin filaments. Eggs of these two new species were compared to those of H. paronai Moravec & Garibaldi, 2000, which are redescribed. Eggs of H. ossicola n. sp. were found within the branchial arch bone of Bodianus loxozonus (Labridae) and also filled the spinal chord bone and other bones. This is the first species of Huffmanela reported from bone tissue. Eggs are large, 72-88 (mean 79) microm in length and 32-40 (mean 36) microm in width, with a very thick shell. Each egg is covered with numerous filaments enclosed in a thin envelope. Fresh eggs were unembryonated, but embryos were visible after incubation in seawater. The three new species can be distinguished from other species of Huffmanela by size and the nature of the egg covering. Egg morphology of and their location in the host suggest different life-cycles: those of the first two species (small eggs, thin shells, egg covering possibly favouring flotation) are released from the gill mucosa with the turnover of living tissues and immediately continue their life-cycle, but eggs of H. ossicola (large eggs, thick shell) are only available for the continuation of the life-cycle after the host's death.  相似文献   

Most of cases of visceral larva migrans syndrome are caused by Toxocara canis larvae. Man acquires the infection by accidental ingestion of ripe eggs of the helminth. In order to find out the frequency of the presence of Toxocara sp. eggs in dog fecal specimens from public places of Santiago city in 1999 july-september a study was carried out in 84 squares and 12 parks from 32 counties. Three fecal samples were collected in each of these places, making a total of 288. Each sample was processed according to a modified Telemann method and three smears of each were microscopically examined. Toxocara sp. eggs were found in 39 (13.5%) fecal specimens. In 28/84 (33.3%) squares and in 8/12 (66.7%) parks these eggs were detected. These results make necessary the control of dogs and cats populations with the aim of reduce the presence of animals without responsible owners. It should be advisable to prevent dogs and cats defecation in public areas grounds, trying to exclude these animals from recreation areas.  相似文献   

The tremendous diversity of endemic Hawaiian crickets is thought to have originated primarily through intraisland radiations, in contrast to an interisland mode of diversification in the native Hawaiian Drosophila. The Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala (family Gryllidae) is one of several native genera of flightless crickets found in rain-forest habitat across the Hawaiian archipelago. I examined the phylogenetic relationships among mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences sampled from 17 species of Laupala, including the 12S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (RNA)val and 16S rRNA regions. The distribution of mtDNA variants suggests that species within Laupala are endemic to single islands. The phylogenetic estimate produced from both maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony supports the hypothesis that speciation in Laupala occurred mainly within islands. The inferred biogeographical history suggests that diversification in Laupala began on Kauai, the oldest rain-forested Hawaiian island. Subsequently, colonization to younger islands in the archipelago resulted in a radiation of considerable phylogenetic diversity. Phylogenetic patterns in mtDNA are not congruent with prior systematic or taxonomic hypotheses. Hypotheses that may explain the conflict between the phylogenetic patterns of mtDNA variation and the species taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

The helminth fauna in 109 Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra L.) from France, Portugal and Spain was analysed, together with 56 faecal samples collected in Portugal and 23 fresh stools from otters included in a reintroduction programme. Seven helminth species were found in L. lutra in southwest Europe: Phagicola sp. (Trematoda), Aonchotheca putorii, Eucoleus schvalovoj, Strongyloides lutrae, Anisakis (third stage larvae) and Dirofilaria immitis (Nematoda), and Gigantorhynchus sp. (Acanthocephala). Eucoleus schvalovoj was the dominant species throughout southwest Europe. Strongyloides lutrae was significantly more prevalent in the Iberian Peninsula than in France. Apart from these two dominant nematodes and A. putorii, the other helminth species were incidental parasites of L. lutra in southwest Europe. The helminth fauna of L. lutra in southwest Europe is, in general, poorer than that reported in eastern Europe and in all other aquatic mustelids in southwest Europe. Phagicola specimens are reported for the first time in a non-marine wild carnivore in Europe. The prevalences of E. schvalovoj and S. lutrae obtained by necropsy were higher than those observed by coprological analysis using a formalin-ether concentration method (Ritchie). Nevertheless, the culture of fresh faeces appears to be the best method to study infection of L. lutra by Strongyloides.  相似文献   

In April and December 1989, 35 fish from Lake Huillinco (42 degrees 48'S, 74 degrees 02'W) and 36 fish from Lake Natri (42 degrees 48'S, 73 degrees 50'W), in the Great Island of Chiloé (Chile) were examined. Coprological samples from 159 persons, 17 dogs, 19 pigs and 4 cats from around both lakes were examined for Diphyllobothrium spp. infection. In the Lake Huillinco the following helminths of fishes were determined: Contracaecum sp. and Hysterothylacium sp. in Salmo trutta, Cauque mauleanum and Eleginops maclovinus; Dichelyne (Cucullanellus) dichelyneformis in S. trutta and E. maclovinus and Scolex pleuronectis in S. trutta. One specimen of Mugil cephalus did not show helminth parasites. Prevalence of infection were greater for Contracaecum sp. in S. trutta (75.0%) and C. mauleanum (76.0%); and Hysterothylacium sp. in E. maclovinus (75.0%). Mean intensity was higher for D. (C.) dichelyneformis in E. maclovinus. Contracaecum sp. in S. trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus kisutch and Galaxias maculatus; Acanthocephalus sp. in S. trutta and G. maculatus, S. pleuronectis in O. mykiss and Cystidicoloides sp. in G. maculatus were determined at Lake Natri. Prevalence and intensity of infection were higher for Contracaecum sp. in S. trutta and O. kisutch. Infection by Diphyllobothrium sp. was determined in one domestic cat. Prevalence of infection by intestinal protozoan and helminths in human population only showed significative differences for Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura that were higher in the Lake Huillinco. Importance of natural infection by helminth parasites for fish in cultured condition and possible mechanisms of infections in relation to the diet of fishes are discussed.  相似文献   

Seventy fecal samples from spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) in the Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya were examined for parasite eggs and oocysts using sugar flotation. A total of nine parasite genera were identified, and all samples were positive for at least one parasite species. Most individuals were infected with Ancylostoma sp. and Spirometra sp., and these species had the highest median intensity of infection. Other parasites identified include Isospora sp., Taeniidae, Spirurida, Toxocara sp., Mesocestoides sp., Dipylidium sp., and Trichuris sp.  相似文献   

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