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Concentrations of leptin, an adipocyte-derived hormone, are elevated in obesity. Recently, leptin has been shown to participate in multiple biological actions including inflammation, reproduction, and angiogenesis. Leptin has also been documented as a critical component in the process of wound healing; however, leptin involvement in cardiovascular disease is poorly understood. We examined the expression of leptin (ob) and leptin receptor (ob-R) genes in the rat heart following ischemia/reperfusion, which was induced by coronary artery ligation, and mRNA was obtained from hearts 0.5 to 36 h after initiating reperfusion. Expressions of ob and ob-R mRNA were examined by real-time quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. The ob and ob-Ra mRNA and protein expressions were significantly increased (p<0.01) and ob-Rb mRNA was significantly decreased (p<0.01) in hearts after 8 h of reperfusion. Furthermore, ob and ob-R proteins were expressed in injured myocytes where inflammatory cells infiltrated. In contrast, those expressions were not influenced in hearts after 8 h of ischemia stress only. To determine the functional effects of leptin on the ischemic/reperfused heart, rats were treated with anti-leptin antibodies prior to ischemia/reperfusion; however, this treatment did not affect the elevation of mRNA expression levels of inflammatory markers such as TNF-alpha and IL-1beta in ischemic hearts. Our results demonstrated for the first time that ischemia/reperfusion induced leptin and leptin receptor gene expression in the rat heart. This study helps to elucidate the mechanisms behind the onset and development of ischemic heart disease concomitant with obesity.  相似文献   



This study was to investigate the prevalence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in leptin gene LEP (A19G and G2548A) and leptin receptor gene LEPR (K109R and Q223R) and their association with fasting plasma leptin level (PLL) and obesity in a Malaysian suburban population in Kampar, Perak.


Convenience sampling was performed with informed consents, and the study sample was drawn from patients who were patrons of the Kampar Health Clinic. A total of 408 subjects (mean age, 52.4 ± 13.7 years; 169 men, 239 women; 190 obese, 218 non-obese; 148 Malays, 177 ethnic Chinese, 83 ethnic Indians) participated. Socio-demographic data and anthropometric measurements were taken, and genotyping was performed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP).


The LEP A19G, G2548A and LEPR K109R, Q223R variant allele frequencies were 0.74, 0.67 and 0.61, 0.79, respectively. The genotype and allele distributions of these gene variants were significantly different among ethnic groups, but not among body mass index (BMI) classes. Subjects with LEPR K109 and Q223 allele had significantly higher systolic blood pressure and adiposity indices after adjustment for ethnicity (higher BMI, total body and subcutaneous fat; lower skeletal muscle percentage). Subjects with LEPR 109R allele had lower PLL than their wild-type allele counterparts. The influence of LEP A19G and G2548A SNPs on blood pressures, anthropometrics, and PLL was not evident. Interestingly, synergistic effect of the LEP and LEPR SNPs was observed as subjects homozygous for all four SNPs studied exhibited significantly higher subcutaneous fat and PLL than those with other genotype combinations.


The LEP and LEPR SNPs in this study may not be an obesity marker among Malaysians in this population, but were associated with ethnicity. Our findings suggest that each of these SNPs contributes to minor but significant variation in obesity-related traits and in combination they display synergistic effects on subcutaneous fat and PLL.  相似文献   

Leptin is thought to be a lipostatic signal that contributes to body weight regulation. Zinc plays an important role in appetite regulation also. Our aim is to evaluate the relationship between leptin and zinc in obese and nonobese type 2 diabetic patients and its relationship with oxidative stress and insulin. We studied 25 nonobese nondiabetic women (controls); 35 nonobese diabetic women; and 45 obese diabetic women. Plasma leptin concentration was determined by immunoradiometric assay. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), markers of oxidative stress, were assayed by the spectrofotometric method. Plasma levels of zinc and insulin were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer and electrochemiluminescence methods, respectively. We found that nonobese diabetic patients had significantly lower zinc and higher TBARS levels than control subjects (P<0.01). There was no difference in plasma leptin levels between nonobese diabetic subjects and controls. Obese diabetic subjects had significantly higher plasma leptin, TBARS, and insulin levels and significantly lower plasma zinc levels than nonobese diabetic subjects (for each comparison; P<0.01). The univariate and multivariate analyses demonstrated a significant positive correlation between leptin and body mass index (P<0.01) and insulin (P<0.01), and a significant negative correlation between leptin and zinc in obese subjects. Additionally, TBARS levels was positive correlated with insulin and negative correlated with zinc in obese diabetic subjects. We conclude that zinc may be a mediator of the effects of leptin, although the detailed mechanism is still unknown and requires further investigation. Free radical induced mechanism(s) may be involved in this process.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate whether polymorphisms LEP G-2548A and LEPR Q223R in the human leptin (LEP), and leptin receptor (LEPR) genes are associated with obesity and metabolic traits in a sample of Romanian population. Two hundred and two subjects divided in obese (body mass index, BMI ? 30 kg/m2), and non-obese were included in this study. The polymorphisms were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. The results showed no significant differences in LEP and LEPR genotype and allele frequencies between obese and non-obese subjects. Logistic regression analysis showed that LEP -2548GG genotype presented an increased risk of obesity (p = 0.013, OR = 1.003, 95% CI = 1.000-1.007), after adjusting for age and gender. The association analysis with metabolic syndrome quantitative traits showed that homozygous for LEP -2548G allele had significantly higher leptin levels (17.2 ± 6.6 ng/ml vs. 13.2 ± 4.9 ng/ml, p = 0.011), and carriers of R allele had higher levels of triglycerides (p = 0.017) and glucose (p = 0.040), and enhanced systolic (p = 0.015) and diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.026), after adjustment for age, gender, and BMI. These results indicate that LEP G-2548A and LEPR Q223R SNPs may not be considered as genetic risk factors for obesity in a sample of Romanian population. However, LEP -2548GG genotype appear to be important in regulating leptin levels, whereas the LEPR 223R allele might predispose healthy subjects to develop metabolic disturbances.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that leptin concentrations in obese patients may be altered by weight loss. We examined the effects of a 9-week aerobic exercise program on serum leptin concentrations in overweight women (20-50% above ideal body mass) under conditions of weight stability. Sixteen overweight women, mean (SE) age 42.75 (1.64) years, comprised the exercise group which adhered to a supervised aerobic exercise program. A graded exercise treadmill test was conducted before and after the exercise program to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) using open-circuit spirometry. The women demonstrated improved aerobic fitness (VO2max increased 12.29%), however, body fat and the body mass index did not change significantly [42.27 (1.35)-41.87 (1.33)%]. Fourteen women, age 40.57 (2.80) years, did not exercise over the same time period and served as a control group. Serum leptin levels were not significantly altered for either the exercise [28.00 (2.13)-31.04 (2.71) ng x ml(-1)] or the control group [33.24 (3.78)-34.69 (3.14) ng x mg(-1)]. The data indicate that 9 weeks of aerobic exercise improves aerobic fitness, but does not affect leptin concentrations in overweight women.  相似文献   

Patterns of leptin secretion during the estrous cycle and the possible relationship of changes in circulating leptin during the periovulatory period with ovarian function in sows of obese (Iberian breed) and lean genotype (Large White×Landrace) were evaluated in two consecutive experiments. Plasma leptin concentrations throughout the estrous cycle in lean sows remain unchanged, but Iberian females showed a periovulatory increase in circulating leptin levels without associated changes in body condition and fatness. In these sows, plasma leptin concentrations at Days -1 and 0 of the cycle were found to be positively correlated with the ovulation rate (r=0.943 and r=0.987, respectively; P<0.05 for both), but the levels of leptin at Day 0 were negatively correlated with the progesterone release from Day 3 (r=-0.557; P<0.05) and, became more evident at Day 5 of the estrous cycle (r=-0.924; P<0.005). Such relationships were not observed in the females of the lean genotype. In conclusion, the present study indicates the existence of a distinctive pattern in the periovulatory leptin secretion in swine with obesity and leptin resistance, which is associated with the number and functionality of the corpora lutea present in the subsequent cycle.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein-X (Lp-X) is found in the plasma of patients with familiallecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency syndromes. Themajority of the patients with this disorder develop progressiveglomerulosclerosis. In this study, the effect of Lp-X on lipid metabolism inperfused rat kidney was investigated. Lp-X was isolated from plasma ofpatients with familial LCAT deficiency by sequential ultracentrifugation andgel filtration column chromatography. Rat kidneys were perfused for 1-2 hwith Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 20 µM [1-14C]acetate or 20µM [Me-3H]choline. In the presence of Lp-X, no significant differencein the incorporation of radioactivity into triglycerides, cholesterol,phosphocholine, CDP-choline and sphingomyelin was observed. However,incorporation of radioactivity into cholesteryl esters andphosphatidylcholine was significantly elevated in Lp-X perfused kidneys. Thecontents of cholesterol, cholesteryl esters and phosphatidylcholine werealso significantly increased in Lp-X perfused kidneys. The increase in lipidcontent in the Lp-X perfused kidney is attributed to the direct depositionof Lp-X lipids into the organ. The increase in the labelling of cholesterylesters was attributed to the increase of available substrate (cholesterol)for the acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) reaction. The increasein phosphatidylcholine labelling was caused by a reduced turnover of thenewly synthesized labelled phosphatidylcholine during Lp-X perfusion.  相似文献   

Expression of the leptin receptor in different types of vascular lesions   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Clinical and experimental evidence suggests that the adipokine leptin may be important for the development of cardiovascular complications associated with obesity, possibly through interaction with its receptor on vascular cells. In the present study, we systematically analysed expression of the leptin receptor in normal and diseased vascular specimens using immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence and quantitative real time-PCR. In particular, human atherosclerotic plaques as well as experimental vascular lesions induced in hypercholesterolemic mice and minipigs, respectively, were examined. Our results demonstrate the presence of the leptin receptor in normal vessel wall segments as well as neointimal or atherosclerotic lesions. In the latter, ObR expressing cells were predominantly localised on the luminal border and within the subintima, and coexpression of von Willebrand factor, VEGF receptor-2 or VE cadherin identified them as endothelial cells. Moreover, CD14-positive monocytes/macrophages were strongly positive for the leptin receptor. In contrast, only few ObR-expressing smooth muscle cells could be detected in human atherosclerotic plaques. The findings of the present study thus support a possible action of leptin on the cardiovascular system by demonstrating expression of the leptin receptor in different types of vascular lesions.  相似文献   

Grossmann ME  Cleary MP 《Biochimie》2012,94(10):2164-2171
A number of studies indicate that a growing list of cancers may be influenced by obesity. In obese individuals these cancers can be more frequent and more aggressive resulting in reduced survival. One of the most prominent and well characterized cancers in this regard is breast cancer. Obesity plays a complex role in breast cancer and is associated with increased inflammation, angiogenesis and alterations in serum levels of potential growth factors such as insulin, adiponectin, leptin and estrogen. Reduced levels of serum adiponectin have been reported in breast cancer patients compared to healthy controls, particularly in postmenopausal women and the level of adiponectin has been shown to be inversely associated with insulin resistance. The role of serum leptin levels in breast cancer appears to be more complex. Some studies have shown leptin to be increased in women with breast cancer but other studies have found leptin to be decreased or unchanged. This may be due to a number of confounding issues. We and others propose that it may be the levels of adiponectin and leptin as well as the balance of adiponectin and leptin that are the critical factors in breast and other obesity related cancer tumorigenesis. This review will focus on the current understanding of the interplay between obesity and the functions of leptin and adiponectin. It will then examine what is known about their potential roles in cancer particularly as pertains to breast cancer and how the ratio of adiponectin to leptin may play a role in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that cold-acclimated (8°C) male field voles (Microtus agrestis) transferred from short (SD, 8:16 h L:D) to long photoperiod (LD, 16:8 h L:D) exhibit increases in body mass, adiposity and food intake. To assess whether these increases were associated with decreased leptin sensitivity, we infused LD and SD voles with physiological doses of murine leptin (or saline) delivered peripherally for 7 days via mini-osmotic pumps. Measurements were made of body mass (weight-reducing effect of leptin), food intake (anorectic effect of leptin) and gene expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) in brown adipose tissue (BAT) (thermogenic effect of leptin). The SD animals were sensitive to the weight-reducing effects of leptin (mean body mass decrease of 1.2 g over 7 days) and appetite-reducing effect of leptin (mean food intake decrease of 2.5 g over 7 days), whereas LD voles were resistant to the hormone treatment. The switch from a leptin-sensitive to leptin-resistant state appears to act as a desensitisation mechanism that allows voles transferred from SD to LD to ignore elevated leptin levels generated by increased body fat and accumulate adipose tissue without stimulating compensatory changes opposing the weight gain. Neither SD nor LD voles responded to infusion of leptin by changes in BAT UCP1 gene expression, suggesting dissociation of anorectic and thermogenic effects of leptin, possibly related to chronic cold exposure. Our results indicate that cold-acclimated voles show photoperiod-regulated changes in leptin sensitivity and may provide an attractive model for elucidating molecular mechanisms of leptin resistance.  相似文献   

Background and aimsObese subjects have elevated leptin levels, which have been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events. Because leptin has direct cellular effects on various tissues, we tested the hypothesis that leptin levels are associated with cardiac structure or function in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD).Methods and resultsThe study population consisted of 1 601 CAD patients, of whom 42% had type 2 diabetes mellitus. Plasma leptin was measured in fasted state and an echocardiography performed. Leptin levels were not related to LV dimensions or LV ejection fraction (NS for all), but higher leptin levels were associated with elevated E/E’ (9.43 vs. 11.94 in the lowest and the highest leptin quartile, respectively; p = 0.018 for trend). Correspondingly, a decreasing trend was observed in E/A (1.15 vs. 1.06; p = 0.037). These associations were independent of obesity and other relevant confounding variables.ConclusionWe conclude that elevated plasma leptin levels are associated with impaired left ventricular diastolic function in patients with CAD independently of obesity and other confounding variables. Leptin may be one of the mechanistic links explaining the development of congestive heart failure in obese subjects.  相似文献   

Tanida M  Iwashita S  Terui N  Ootsuka Y  Shu M  Kang D  Suzuki M 《Life sciences》2006,78(11):1149-1154
A previous study of ours demonstrated that a high-fat diet (FAT) causes body fat accumulation, as well as elevation of plasma leptin level, renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA), and blood pressure (BP). In the study reported here, we analyzed the role of leptin in these elevations of the RSNA and BP due to FAT feeding by assessing sympathetic and cardiovascular responses to intravenous (IV) administration of leptin in rats fed either a FAT or a high-carbohydrate diet (CHO). The results showed that baseline body fat, plasma leptin level, RSNA and BP were significantly higher in the FAT group than in the CHO group, and that IV administration of leptin elevated RSNA and plasma leptin levels but lowered BP in the CHO group. However, these effects of leptin were eliminated in the FAT group. These findings suggest that FAT-fed rats which expose basal elevation of plasma leptin levels, RSNA and BP might be hyposensitive to endogenous leptin. Therefore, leptin resistance appeared obviously in FAT-induced hypertension might indicate that leptin is implicated in generating the elevation of RSNA and BP induced by long-term FAT feeding.  相似文献   

Chronic ethanol feeding in the rat is associated with a skeletal myopathy involving primarily type-II muscle fibers, which is recognised to be mediated via a specific impairment in protein turnover. This paper investigates whether the cause of this myopathy may be related to abnormalities in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in different muscles. [U-14C]Glucose metabolism was examined in two muscles with different fibre compsitions, the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle, which contains predominantly type-II muscle fibres, and the soleus muscle, which is composed primarily of type-I muscle fibres. Feeding on the ethanol-supplemented Lieber-DeCarli liquid diet for 2 or 6 weeks was associated with profound distubances in glucose metabolism in both EDL and soleus muscles, particularly in relation to rates of glycogen and alanine formation. We discuss the importance of these metabolic changes in relation to the genesis of chronic alcoholic skeletal myopathy.  相似文献   

目的构建携带大鼠瘦素(leptin)基因的重组腺相关病毒(adeno-associated virus,AAV),并鉴定其在原代鼠神经元细胞中介导的瘦素过表达,为肥胖症基因治疗研究奠定实验基础。方法提取大鼠脂肪组织总RNA,利用RT-PCR技术,获取目的基因瘦素cDNA,通过重组DNA技术,得到瘦素cDNA与pGEM-T载体的重组质粒,阳性重组子用PCR及测序分析鉴定。用Spe I和EcoR V双酶切将pGEM-Leptin中的瘦素基因片段切出,再克隆到AAV2表达质粒pTR-UF22中,构建瘦素重组AAV2载体pAAV2-CBA-leptin。以pDG作为辅助质粒用HEK293细胞包装AAV2-CBA-Leptin,并用一步重力流柱法纯化病毒,由荧光定量PCR测定病毒基因组DNA的拷贝数即为病毒滴度。然后将AAV2-CBA-Leptin及对照病毒AAV2-CBA-EGFP感染大鼠原代神经元细胞,分别用免疫染色和Western blotting鉴定外源基因在神经元的表达。结果测序证实瘦素基因与GenBank提供的原始序列完全一致。重组载体经酶切鉴定与预期结果完全一致,HEK293细胞包装病毒效果良好,得到滴度为1.5×1012vg/mL纯化的重组瘦素病毒AAV2-CBA-Leptin。Western blotting检测显示AAV2-CBA-Leptin能介导瘦素在大鼠神经元细胞中过表达,并随着病毒量的增加而增强。AAV2-CBA-EGFP感染鼠神经元细胞5d后95%左右的细胞有明显的绿色荧光,免疫染色和DAPI核酸染色显示荧光细胞均为神经元而神经胶质细胞无荧光。结论成功构建并包装了瘦素重组AAV2病毒并可介导瘦素在神经元细胞中高效、特异表达,从而为研究瘦素在中枢神经系统控制体重和糖尿病等方面的功能及基因治疗研究打下基础。  相似文献   

Lipids, which serve as a source of energy and are an important constituent of cell membrane structure, are readily stored in the body. By definition they are insoluble in water. Specific proteins called apolipoproteins interact with lipids to form soluble lipid-protein complexes called lipoproteins. It is in this form that the major lipids — cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid — circulate in plasma. Unesterified fatty acids, another major lipid group, are bound to albumin in the circulation. The plasma lipoproteins are complex macromolecules composed of lipids, apolipoproteins and carbohydrates. The relative proportions of these components differ markedly between lipoprotein classes.

Hyperlipidemia is a term used for increased concentrations of plasma cholesterol and/or triglycerides. Any one plasma lipid is present in several types of lipoproteins. Thus, hyperlipidemia implies the presence of hyperlipoproteinemia. The latter has important therapeutic implications. Most of the recent attempts at classification have been directed at the lipoprotein level of plasma lipid organization.

Decreased concentrations of lipids in plasma can be achieved by altering the rates of metabolism of lipoproteins. Decrease in lipoprotein synthesis, increased catabolism or impaired release from cells into the blood stream may all result in a decrease of plasma lipids. Drugs which affect one or more of these factors are used to treat hyperlipoproteinemia. In order to elucidate the mechanism of action of hypolipidemic drugs it is necessary to understand the lipoprotein defect at the molecular level. This requires a more detailed knowledge of lipoprotein metabolism than is presently available for most of the hyperlipoproteinemias.

This paper will review some of the generally accepted properties of the plasma lipoproteins, describe some difficulties which hamper the understanding of lipoprotein metabolism, and identify possible mechanisms by which drugs may affect lipoprotein metabolism.  相似文献   

Loss-of-function mutations in angiopoietin-like 3 (ANGPTL3) cause familial hypobetalipoproteinemia type 2 (FHBL2) in humans. ANGPTL3 belongs to the angiopoietin-like family, the vascular endothelial growth factor family that is structurally similar to angiopoietins and is known for a regulator of lipid and glucose metabolism, although it is unclear how mutations in ANGPTL3 lead to defect in liver development in the vertebrates. We report here that angptl3 is primarily expressed in the zebrafish developing liver and that morpholino (MO) knockdown of Angptl3 reduces the size of the developing liver, which is caused by suppression of cell proliferation, but not by enhancement of apoptosis. However, MO knockdown of Angptl3 did not alter angiogenesis in the developing liver. Additionally, disruption of zebrafish Angptl3 elicits the hypocholesterolemia phenotype that is characteristic of FHBL2 in humans. Together, our findings propose a novel role for Angptl3 in liver cell proliferation and maintenance during zebrafish embryogenesis. Finally, angptl3 morphants will serve as a good model for understanding the pathophysiology of FHBL2.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of leptin on systemic nitric oxide (NO) production, arterial pressure, renal hemodynamics and renal excretory function in the rat. Leptin (1 mg/kg) was injected intravenously and mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), renal blood flow (RBF) and renal cortical blood flow (RCBF), were measured for 210 min after injection. Urine was collected for seven consecutive 30-min periods and blood samples were withdrawn at 15, 45, 75, 105, 135, 165 and 195 min after leptin administration. Leptin had no effect on MAP, HR, RBF, RCBF and creatinine clearance, but increased urine output by 37.8% (0–30 min), 32.4% (31–60 min) and 27.0% (61–90 min), as well as urinary sodium excretion by 175.8% (0–30 min), 136.4% (31–60 min) and 124.2% (61–90 min). In contrast, leptin had no effect on potassium and phosphate excretion. Plasma concentration of NO metabolites, nitrites+nitrates (NOx), increased following leptin injection at 15, 45, 75 and 105 min by 27.7%, 178.1%, 156.4% and 58.7%, respectively. Leptin increased urinary NOx excretion by 241.6% (0–30 min), 552.6% (31–60 min), 430.7% (61–90 min) and 88.9% (91–120 min). This was accompanied by increase in plasma and urinary cyclic GMP. These data indicate that leptin stimulates systemic NO production but has no effect on arterial pressure and renal hemodynamics.  相似文献   

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