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Exploring the trophic pathway of organic matter within the Mauguio lagoon (southern France, western Mediterranean), we found spatial differences in the isotopic composition (both δ13C and δ15N values) of organic matter sources (primary producers, particulate and sedimentary organic matter), which were mirrored in the upper trophic levels (invertebrates and fish). On average, δ13C was heavier by about 1.5–2‰ in the location under marine influence than in the sites influenced by freshwater discharge. The opposite trend was found for δ15N, which attained maximum values in the north-central zone influenced by freshwater delivery. For both C and N stable isotope ratios, the highest spatial variability was found in organic matter sources (2–3‰), while invertebrates and fish exhibited less variability (\~1–2‰). The differences observed may be related to both anthropogenic (wastewater input) and natural (marine vs. terrestrial inputs) factors. Discharge of wastewater, which affects the innermost location, generally determines an increase in the relative abundance of 15N. In addition, terrestrially derived nutrients and organic matter, which also affect the innermost location, are known to determine a shift towards 13C-depleted values. Our results substantiate the finding that the analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes can help in elucidating origin and fate of organic matter in coastal lagoons, which are characterised by a great spatial variability and complexity.  相似文献   

The relative importance of potential carbon sources in the littoral of Lake Gooimeer, a lake in the centre of the Netherlands, was studied using a combination of 13C/12C-ratio analysis and carbohydrate composition analysis. The littoral is covered on the land side by a 80 m wide Phragmites australis bed. Potential carbon sources were macrophyte litter, seston and benthic algae. Samples of potential carbon sources, sediments and benthic macrofauna from inside and outside the bed were analyzed for their13C/12C-ratio and some for their carbohydrate composition. Results indicate that inside the bed, macrophyte litter was the main source of carbon for both the sediment organic matter and the benthic macrofauna, and that algal material was of minor importance. Outside the bed, production by benthic algae was the main carbon source, with seston as a second source. No macrophyte derived material could be detected outside the reed bed.Abbreviations DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) - SOM (Sediment Organic Matter)  相似文献   

1.  Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope and fish stomach content analyses were used to investigate food webs in five relatively undisturbed lakes on the Boreal Plain of Canada. Stable isotope analysis was also used to determine the importance of external and internal carbon sources.
2.  Overlap in the carbon and nitrogen signatures of primary producers made it difficult to determine unambiguously the feeding habits of many invertebrates. However, isotope analysis suggested that external carbon inputs were detectable in the aquatic food chains of the one lake with a short water residence time («1 year). In the other four lakes, with water residence times ≥1 year, autochthonous carbon was the only detectable carbon source in the food webs.
3.  Food webs in these lakes spanned a range of four to five trophic levels. Both invertebrates and fish appeared to eat a variety of food, often feeding at more than one trophic level.
4.  With the exception of one lake (SPH20), top predators in these lakes, northern pike ( Esox lucius ) and fathead minnows ( Pimephales promelas ), occupied similar trophic positions despite large differences in body size and trophic morphology. In SPH20, where there were two additional fish species, pike occupied a higher trophic position. However, all the top predators in each lake appeared to be omnivores and generalists.
5.  The prevalence of omnivory and the apparent generalist feeding habits of fish in these lakes suggest that organisms are flexible in their feeding habits and that these food webs will be resilient to disturbance.  相似文献   

The natural abundance variations in carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in a population of the earthworm Aporrectodea longa, a species known to feed on both soil and plant litter, is reported in this paper. Worms were collected from a small land area of an old white clover field and body tissue and mucus were analyzed separately. The range of isotopic values was small, but patterns of variation were not random. Tissue carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were significantly higher in adult than in juvenile A. longa and tissue nitrogen isotope ratios tended to increase with increasing biomass of individuals. Further, carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were positively correlated in both tissue and mucus. Possible causes of the observed patterns, including physiological effects, body composition and assimilation of C and N from different plant, soil and microbial sources are discussed. It is concluded that the causes of natural variability in isotopic composition must be understood and validated experimentally before natural abundance stable isotope methods can be used for the analysis of trophic relations among detritivorous soil invertebrates.  相似文献   

The effects of preservation on fish tissue stable isotope signatures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of formalin and ethanol preservation on the δ13C and δ15N isotope signatures of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus muscle tissue were examined. The lipid content of the tissue samples studied ranged from 3·6 to 6·1% and was not correlated with the magnitude of observed isotopic shifts in preserved samples. Ethanol and formalin significantly depleted and enriched, respectively, the δ13C isotope signatures of preserved tissues when compared to control samples. Ethanol did not significantly enrich δ15N signatures in comparison to controls, whereas formalin did. A meta-analysis of multiple species effects further demonstrated significant preservation effects in fish tissue. Statistical analysis of data obtained by correcting preserved tissue isotope signatures with literature, bootstrapped or meta-analysis derived correction factors demonstrated significant differences between corrected and control sample isotope signatures or failure to produce a unity slope when the data sets were regressed against one another. Species-specific, bootstrapped linear correction models resulted in no such errors. Results suggest that species-specific correction methods should be used for fishes because of the known wide variation in fish tissue lipid content and composition. Accordingly, the use of pilot studies will be required to develop correction factors that properly adjust for preservation effects when interpreting temporal patterns in historic analyses of food webs.  相似文献   

Epipogium aphyllum is a rare Eurasian achlorophyllous forest orchid known to associate with fungi that form ectomycorrhizas, while closely related orchids of warm humid climates depend on wood- or litter-decomposer fungi. We conducted (13) C and (15) N stable isotope natural abundance analyses to identify the organic nutrient source of E. aphyllum from Central Norway. These data for orchid shoot tissues, in comparison to accompanying autotrophic plants, document C and N flow from ectomycorrhizal fungi to the orchid. DNA data from fungal pelotons in the orchid root cortex confirm the presence of Inocybe and Hebeloma, which are both fungi that form ectomycorrhizas. The enrichment factors for (13) C and (15) N of E. aphyllum are used to calculate a new overall average enrichment factor for mycoheterotrophic plants living in association with ectomycorrhizal fungi (ε(13) C ± 1 SD of 7.2 ± 1.6 ‰ and ε(15) N ± 1 SD of 12.8 ± 3.9 ‰). These can be used to estimate the fungal contribution to organic nutrient uptake by partially mycoheterotrophic plants where fully mycoheterotrophic plants are lacking. N concentrations in orchid tissue were unusually high and significantly higher than in accompanying autotrophic leaf samples. This may be caused by N gain of E. aphyllum from obligate ectomycorrhizal fungi. We show that E. aphyllum is an epiparasitic mycoheterotrophic orchid that depends on ectomycorrhizal Inocybe and Hebeloma to obtain C and N through a tripartite system linking mycoheterotrophic plants through fungi with forest trees.  相似文献   

Despite centuries of research addressing amber and its various inclusions, relatively little is known about the specific events having stimulated the production of geologically relevant volumes of plant resin, ultimately yielding amber deposits. Although numerous hypotheses have invoked the role of insects, to date these have proven difficult to test. Here, we use the current mountain pine beetle outbreak in western Canada as an analogy for the effects of infestation on the stable isotopic composition of carbon in resins. We show that infestation results in a rapid (approx. 1 year) (13)C enrichment of fresh lodgepole pine resins, in a pattern directly comparable with that observed in resins collected from uninfested trees subjected to water stress. Furthermore, resin isotopic values are shown to track both the progression of infestation and instances of recovery. These findings can be extended to fossil resins, including Miocene amber from the Dominican Republic and Late Cretaceous New Jersey amber, revealing similar carbon-isotopic patterns between visually clean ambers and those associated with the attack of wood-boring insects. Plant exudate δ(13)C values constitute a sensitive monitor of ecological stress in both modern and ancient forest ecosystems, and provide considerable insight concerning the genesis of amber in the geological record.  相似文献   

Carbon ((13)C/(12)C) and nitrogen ((15)N/(14)N) stable isotope ratios were longitudinally measured in fingernail and hair samples from mother-infant pairs where infants were exclusively breastfed (n = 5), breast- and formula-fed (n = 2), or exclusively formula-fed (n = 1) from birth. All exclusively breastfed infants had a dual enrichment in carbon ( approximately 1 per thousand) and nitrogen ( approximately 2-3 per thousand) when compared to maternal values. In contrast, breast- and formula-fed subjects had reduced enrichments compared to exclusively breastfed subjects, and the exclusively formula-fed infant showed no increase in delta(13)C or delta(15)N values. This finding of a carbon trophic level effect in breastfeeding infants suggests that (13)C-enrichments of approximately 1 per thousand in archaeological populations are not necessarily the result of the consumption of C(4)-based weaning foods such as maize or millet. During the weaning process, the delta(13)C results for breastfed infants declined to maternal levels more rapidly than the delta(15)N results. This suggests that delta(13)C values have the potential to track the introduction of solid foods into the diet, whereas delta(15)N values monitor the length of time of breast milk consumption. These findings can be used to refine the isotopic analysis of breastfeeding and weaning patterns in past and modern populations.  相似文献   

Documentary evidence and artistic representations have traditionally served as the primary sources of information about Byzantine diet. According to these sources, Byzantine diet was based on grain (primarily wheat and barley), oil, and wine, supplemented with legumes, dairy products, meat, and marine resources. Here, we synthesize and compare the results of stable isotope ratio analyses of eight Greek Byzantine populations (6th-15th centuries AD) from throughout Greece. The δ(13) C and δ(15) N values are tightly clustered, suggesting that all of these populations likely consumed a broadly similar diet. Both inland and coastal Byzantine populations consumed an essentially land-based C(3) diet, significant amounts of animal protein, and possibly some C(4) plants, while no evidence of a general dependence on low-δ(15) N legumes was observed. One interesting result observed in the isotopic data is the evidence for the consumption of marine protein at both coastal sites (a reasonable expectation given their location) and for some individuals from inland sites. This pattern contrasts with previous isotopic studies mainly on prehistoric Greek populations, which have suggested that marine species contributed little, or not at all, to the diet. The possibility that fasting practices contributed to marine protein consumption in the period is discussed, as are possible parallels with published isotope data from western European medieval sites.  相似文献   

Game birds such as pheasants Phasianus colchicus (Horsfield) are bred and released to supplement wild living populations prior to the hunting season. The total bag records of these birds are, therefore, not suitable for monitoring the development of wild populations because they are heavily influenced by game management. Wild and released pheasants can be expected to be genetically similar or identical to wild birds because wild birds are captured and used for breeding. It is, therefore, not possible to use genetic methods for identifying released individuals. Heavy stable isotopes are incorporated in animal tissues in a predictable manner and depend on the concentration of heavy isotopes in the diet. The heavy isotopes 13C and 15N accumulate in the food chain because the more common lighter isotopes are excreted at a higher rate than the heavy isotopes. Bred and released pheasant feed on a uniform plant-based diet, and it can, therefore, be expected that these animals have lower and less variable levels of heavy isotopes than individuals from a wild populations which feed on a diverse diet of plants and invertebrates. We investigated the isotope signatures in feathers from wild and released pheasant populations and compared the levels and variation in isotope signature amongst the populations. Bred and released pheasants are clearly identified in comparison to released pheasants as wild types have higher δ 15N.  相似文献   

Killer whales are top predators in marine trophic chains, and therefore their feeding preferences can substantially affect the abundance of species on the lower trophic levels. Killer whales are known to feed on many different types of prey from small fish to large whales, but a given killer whale population usually focuses on a specific type of prey. Stable isotope analysis is widely used to study whale diets, because direct observations are often impossible. Killer whale feeding habits in the western North Pacific are poorly studied, and the large-scale stable isotope analysis provides a unique opportunity to gain insights into the trophic links of this top predator. In this study, we compare the δ13C and δ15N stable isotope values from killer whale skin samples obtained in different areas of the western North Pacific from fish-eating (R-type) and mammal-eating (T-type) killer whale ecotypes. The effect of ecotype was highly significant: both carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values were lower in R-type whales than in T-type whales. The geographical variation also affected killer whale stable isotope values due to both the differences in killer whale diet and the variation in baseline stable isotope values across the study areas.  相似文献   

The carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures of chloropigments and porphyrins from the sediments of redox‐stratified lakes and marine basins reveal details of past biogeochemical nutrient cycling. Such interpretations are strengthened by modern calibration studies, and here, we report on the C and N isotopic composition of pigments and nutrients in the water column and surface sediment of redox‐stratified Fayetteville Green Lake (FGL; New York). We also report δ13C and δ15N values for pyropheophytin a (Pphe a) and bacteriochlorophyll e (Bchl e) deposited in the Black Sea during its transition to a redox‐stratified basin ca. 7.8 ka. We propose a model for evolving nutrient cycling in the Black Sea from 7.8 to 6.4 ka, informed by the new pigment data from FGL. The seasonal study of water column nutrients and pigments at FGL revealed population dynamics in surface and deep waters that were also captured in the sediments. Biomass was greatest near the chemocline, where cyanobacteria, purple sulfur bacteria (PSB), and green sulfur bacteria (GSB) had seasonally variable populations. Bulk organic matter in the surface sediment, however, was derived mainly from the oxygenated surface waters. Surface sediment pigment δ13C and δ15N values indicate intact chlorophyll a (Chl a) was derived from near the chemocline, but its degradation product pheophytin a (Phe a) was derived primarily from surface waters. Bacteriopheophytin a (Bphe a) and Bchl e in the sediments came from chemocline populations of PSB and GSB, respectively. The distinctive δ13C and δ15N values for Chl a, Phe a, and Bphe a in the surface sediment are inputs to an isotopic mixing model that shows their decomposition to a common porphyrin derivative can produce non‐specific sedimentary isotope signatures. This model serves as a caveat for paleobiogeochemical interpretations in basins that had diverse populations near a shallow chemocline.  相似文献   

The dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) cycle in a softwater lake was studied using natural variations of the stable isotopes of carbon,12C and13C. During summer stratification there was a progressive decrease in epilimnion DIC concentration with a concomitant increase in 13CDIC), due to preferential uptake of12C by phytoplankton and a change in the dominant CO2 source from inflow andin situ oxidation to invasion from the atmosphere. There was an increase in hypolimnion DIC concentration throughout summer with a concomitant general decrease in 13CDIC from oxidation of the isotopically light particulate organic carbon that sank down through the thermocline from the epilimnion.Mass balance calculations of DI12C and DI13C in the epilimnion for the summer (June 23–September 25) yield a mean rate of net conversion of DIC to organic carbon (Corg) of 430 ± 150 moles d-1 (6.5 ± 1.8 m moles m-2 d-1. Net CO2 invasion from the atmosphere was 420 ± 120 moles d-1 (6.2 ± 1.8 m moles m-2 d-1) with an exchange coefficient of 0.6 ± 0.3m d-1. These results imply that at least for the summer months the phytoplankton obtained about 90% of their carbon from atmosphere CO2. About 50% of CO2 invasion and conversion to Corg for the summer occurred during a two week interval in mid-summer.DIC concentration increased in the hypolimnion at a rate of 350 ± 70 moles DIC d-1 during summer stratification. The amount of DIC added to the hypolimnion was equivalent to 75 ± 20% of net conversion of DIC to Corg in the euphotic zone over spring and summer implying rapid degradation of POC in the hypolimnion. The 13C of DIC added to the deep water (-22.) was too heavy to have been derived from oxidation of particulate organic carbon alone. About 20% of the added DIC must have diffused from hypolimnetic sediments where relatively heavy CO2 (-7) was produced by a combination of POC oxidation and as a by-product of methanogenesis.  相似文献   

1.  The δ13C and δ15N signatures of zooplankton vary with dissolved organic carbon (DOC), but inconsistent and limited taxonomic resolution of previous studies have masked differences that may exist among orders, genera or species and are attributable to dietary and/or habitat differences. Here we investigate differences among the isotopic signatures of five zooplankton taxa ( Daphnia , Holopedium , large Calanoida, small Calanoida and Cyclopoida) in Precambrian shield lakes with a sixfold range of DOC concentration.
2.  δ13C signatures of Daphnia , small calanoids and large calanoids became more depleted with increasing lake DOC, whereas Holopedium and cyclopoid δ13C became enriched with increasing DOC concentration.
3.  The variability of δ13C and δ15N isotopic signatures among zooplankton groups was reduced in high-DOC, compared to low-DOC lakes, especially for δ13C. Differences in δ13C and POM-corrected δ15N accounted for up to 33.7% and 19.5% of the variance, respectively, among lakes of varying DOC concentration.
4.  The narrow range of signatures found in higher DOC lakes suggests that different taxa have similar food sources and/or habitats. In contrast, the wide range of signatures in low-DOC lakes suggests that different taxa are exploiting different food sources and/or habitats. Together with the variable trends in zooplankton isotopic signatures along our DOC gradient, these results suggest that food web dynamics within the zooplankton community of temperate lakes will change as climate and lake DOC concentrations change.  相似文献   

Collection of minimally invasive biopsy samples has become an important method to establish normal stable isotopes reference ranges in various wildlife species. Baseline data enhance the understanding of feeding ecology, habitat use, and potential food limitation in apparently healthy, free‐ranging cetaceans. Epidermis and muscle were collected from subsistence‐hunted northern Alaskan bowhead (n= 133 epidermis/134 muscle) and beluga whales (n= 42/49) and subsistence‐hunted Russian gray whales (n= 25/17). Additional samples were obtained from gray whales stranded in California (n= 18/11) during mortality events (1999, 2000). Both δ15N and δ13C are trophic position and benthic/pelagic feeding indicators, respectively, in muscle and epidermis. Epidermis is generally enriched in 15N over muscle, while epidermal 13C is more depleted. Lipid extraction does not alter δ15N in either tissue, but affects epidermal δ13C. Nitrogen‐15 is enriched in muscle, but not epidermis of stranded compared to subsistence‐hunted gray whales, indicating probable protein catabolism and nutritional stress in stranded whales. Similarly, epidermal δ13C of harvested whales is lower than in stranded whales, suggesting depleted lipid stores and/or food limitation in stranded animals. Epidermal isotope signatures are similar in both present‐day bowheads and in an ancient sample from the Northern Bering Sea region. Although only one specimen, this suggests trophic level of the ancient whale compares to modern bowheads after a millennium.  相似文献   

Matjes River Rock Shelter is a large shell midden on the southern coast of South Africa. Stable nitrogen (delta(15)N) and carbon (delta(13)C) isotope ratios were measured in bone collagen and dentine from human skeletons excavated from this site in order to establish a weaning curve in mid-Holocene hunter-gatherers. delta(15)N results show a progressive increase in individuals from birth to 1.5 years old. delta(13)C results are more tightly clustered and mirror the steady progressive change seen for delta(15)N. We deduce that children at Matjes River Rock Shelter were breastfed for at least the first 1.5 years after birth, and were weaned sometime between 2-4 years of age. A similar pattern was documented for historic-era Kalahari foraging people, where the interbirth spacing was approximately 3 years. This study provides the first direct evidence for an extended period of breastfeeding, and thus long interbirth intervals, among prehistoric foragers, even when those foragers lived in an environment with abundant food resources.  相似文献   

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