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CD40 signaling activates CD11a/CD18 (LFA-1)-mediated adhesion in B cells.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cell-cell adhesion events play critical roles in the sequential migrations and multiple specific cell-cell interactions which B cells undergo during normal development and function. We have observed that mAb to several B cell-associated molecules, including mAb to CD19, CD37, and CD40, induce homotypic aggregation of freshly isolated human B cells. The aggregation of B cells induced by CD40 mAb was due to activation of a cell-cell adhesion system, and not due to agglutination by mAb, because 1) in addition to being energy dependent and cation dependent, the aggregation was blocked by inhibitors of messenger RNA and protein synthesis; and 2) a mouse B cell line transformed with intact human CD40 aggregated in response to CD40 mAb, whereas a line expressing surface CD40, but lacking the cytoplasmic tail and previously shown incapable of transmitting a signal from the cell surface, did not aggregate. The aggregation, although of slow onset, was persistent and of high avidity. In addition, CD40 mAb induced increased surface expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (CD54), a ligand for CD11a/CD18 (LFA-1), and CD18 mAb blocked aggregation. CD40 mAb also augmented the ability of dense B cells to stimulate the proliferation of allogeneic T cells via a CD18-dependent process. We conclude that signaling through CD40, elicited by cross-linking the CD40 protein on the cell surface, activates the CD18/intercellular adhesion molecule adhesion system; in addition, CD40 cross-linking may activate a second adhesion system since CD40 mAb induced aggregation of the B cell line Ramos, which does not express surface CD18. B cell adhesion may be triggered by signaling through multiple surface proteins, thereby lending specificity of activation to adhesion systems which are broadly expressed.  相似文献   

Ly6C is a hemopoietic cell differentiation Ag found on a subset of CD8 T cells in the periphery. It is involved in target cell killing by CTLs, augments TCR-mediated activation of IL-2 and IFN-gamma production in CD8 T cells, and regulates CD8 T cell homing in vivo. In this study, we show that cross-linking of Ly6C causes clustering of LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) on the surface of CD8 T cells via a mechanism dependent on reorganization of actin cytoskeleton and intracellular protease, calpain, but not the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway. In the capillary flow-adhesion assay, Ly6C cross-linking significantly augments lymphocyte adhesion to endothelium, and this is inhibited by an Ab that blocks LFA-1 function. Furthermore, upon in vitro cross-linking and during in vivo homing into lymph nodes, Ly6C is transiently lost from cell surface but becomes re-expressed on lymph node-resident CD8 T cells. The abilities of Ly6C to induce LFA-1 clustering and to be re-expressed after signaling-associated down-regulation may be important in regulating the homing of CD8 T cells into lymph nodes and in subsequent steps of CD8 T cell activation and effector function that again involve LFA-1.  相似文献   

Patients with the leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) syndrome have a genetic defect in the common beta 2-chain (CD18) of the leukocyte integrins. This defect can result in the absence of cell surface expression of all three members of the leukocyte integrins. We investigated the capacity of T cell clones obtained from the blood of an LAD patient and of normal T cell clones to adhere to human umbilical vein endothelial cells (EC). Adhesion of the number of LAD T cells to unstimulated EC was approximately half of that of leukocyte function-associated antigen (LFA)-1+ T cells. Stimulation of EC with human rTNF-alpha resulted in an average 2- and 2.5-fold increase in adhesion of LFA-1+ and LFA-1- cells, respectively. This effect was maximal after 24 h and lasted for 48 to 72 h. The involvement of surface structures known to participate in cell adhesion (integrins, CD44) was tested by blocking studies with mAb directed against these structures. Adhesion of LFA-1+ T cells to unstimulated EC was inhibited (average inhibition of 58%) with mAb to CD11a or CD18. Considerably less inhibition of adhesion occurred with mAb to CD11a or CD18 (average inhibition, 20%) when LFA-1+ T cells were incubated with rTNF-alpha-stimulated EC. The adhesion of LFA-1- T cells to EC stimulated with rTNF-alpha, but not to unstimulated EC, was inhibited (average inhibition, 56%) by incubation with a mAb directed to very late antigen (VLA)-4 (CDw49d). In contrast to LAD T cell clones and the LFA-1+ T cell line Jurkat, mAb to VLA-4 did not inhibit adhesion of normal LFA-1+ T cell clones to EC, whether or not the EC had been stimulated with rTNF-alpha. We conclude that the adhesion molecule pair LFA-1/intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 plays a major role in the adhesion of LFA-1+ T cell clones derived from normal individuals to unstimulated EC. Adhesion of LFA-1-T cells to TNF-alpha-stimulated EC is mediated by VLA-4/vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1 interactions. Since we were unable to reduce significantly the adhesion of cultured normal LFA-1+ T cells to 24 h with TNF-alpha-stimulated endothelium with antibodies that block LFA-1/ICAM-1 or VLA-4/VCAM-1 interactions, and lectin adhesion molecule-1 and endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 appeared not to be implicated, other as yet undefined cell surface structures are likely to participate in T cell/EC interactions.  相似文献   

Exposure of human KC to IFN-gamma increases their susceptibility to lysis by CTL. The mechanism of this enhanced lysis was investigated by analyzing interactions of IFN-gamma-treated and nontreated cultured KC with allogeneic class I-specific CTL clones. rIFN-gamma treatment augmented KC lysis in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Increased lysis of IFN-KC was detected after only 2 h of IFN-gamma treatment and was maximal by 12 h. Enhanced lysis of IFN-KC was Ag-specific, inasmuch as nonantigenic IFN-KC were not lysed either directly or as bystanders during the lysis of antigenic KC. Parallel immunofluorescence and cytotoxicity assays of KC treated with IFN-gamma for various intervals revealed a direct correlation between the degree of increased KC lysis and levels of cell surface ICAM-1 (CD54), but not of specific alloantigen or beta 2-microglobulin. Lysis of nontreated KC was blocked by mAb against class I or CD3, but not by mAb against ICAM-1 or LFA-1. In contrast, lysis of IFN-KC was partially inhibited by anti-ICAM-1 or anti-LFA-1 mAb, but resisted inhibition by anti-class I mAb except in the presence of anti-ICAM-1. These results indicate that both ICAM-1/LFA-1 and Ag/CD3-TcR interactions are important for Ag-specific lysis of IFN-KC, whereas lysis of nontreated KC depends on Ag/CD3-TcR but not ICAM-1/LFA-1 interactions. Equivalent inhibition of IFN-KC lysis by mAb against ICAM-1 or LFA-1 suggests that ICAM-1 is the only LFA-1 ligand involved in enhanced IFN-KC lysis. Furthermore, enhanced CTL lysis of KC after short-term IFN-gamma treatment can be explained solely on the basis of ICAM-1 induction, because all of the increase in specific lysis associated with IFN-gamma treatment could be blocked by mAb that block ICAM-1/LFA-1 interactions.  相似文献   

Mac-1 (CD18/CD11b) is a member of the beta2-integrin family of adhesion molecules and is implicated in the development of many inflammatory diseases. The role of Mac-1 in the development of CNS demyelinating diseases, including multiple sclerosis, is not understood, and Ab inhibition studies in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), the animal model for multiple sclerosis, have produced conflicting findings. To clarify these results and to determine Mac-1-mediated mechanisms in EAE, we performed EAE using Mac-1-deficient mice. Mac-1 homozygous-deficient, but not Mac-1 heterozygous-deficient mice, had significantly delayed onset and attenuated EAE. Leukocyte infiltration was similar in both groups of mice in early disease but significantly reduced in spinal cords of receptor-deficient mice in late disease. Adoptive transfer of Ag-restimulated T cells from wild-type to Mac-1-deficient mice produced significantly attenuated EAE, whereas transfer of Mac-1-deficient Ag-restimulated T cells to control mice failed to induce EAE. T cells from myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)35-55 peptide-primed Mac-1-deficient mice displayed an altered cytokine phenotype with elevated levels of TGF-beta and IL-10, but reduced levels of IL-2, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-12, and IL-4 compared with control mice. Mac-1-deficient T cells from primed mice proliferated comparably to that of control T cells on MOG35-55 restimulation in vitro. However, the draining lymph nodes of MAC-1-deficient mice on day 10 after MOG35-55 immunization contained lower frequency of blast T cells than in control mice, suggesting poor priming. Our results indicate that Mac-1 expression is critical on both phagocytic cells and T cells for the development of demyelinating disease.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte function associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) is a heterodimeric leucocyte adhesion molecule comprising non-covalently associated 95 kD, CD18 and 180 kD, CD11a subunits. Lymphoblastoid cell-lines (LCL) derived from persons with Down's syndrome (Trisomy 21) exhibit increased expression of LFA-1 compared with normal LCL. Although this is probably due to a gene-dosage related increase in the synthesis of CD18, cell-cycle differences between Trisomy 21 (T21) and normal LCL could also influence LFA-1 expression. We have therefore analysed expression of CD18 on G1 and G2M cells using sequential flow cytometry. T21 and normal LCL were co-stained with the DNA-binding vital dye HO342 (Hoechst 33342), and with a CD18 monoclonal antibody. The LCL were first sorted on the basis of HO342 staining into G1 and G2M populations, and these fractions then analysed for CD18 expression. Irrespective of the stage of the cell-cycle, expression of CD18 was increased on T21 compared with normal LCL. Although more CD18 was detected on both T21 and normal G2M compared with G1 cells, the relative density of CD18 in G2M was less than in G1 because G2M cells were larger.  相似文献   

T cytotoxic-1 CD8+ T cells are effector cells against pneumocystis in mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Host defenses are profoundly compromised in HIV-infected hosts due to progressive depletion of CD4+ T lymphocytes. A hallmark of HIV infection is Pneumocystis carinii (PC) pneumonia. Recently, CD8+ T cells, which are recruited to the lung in large numbers in response to PC infection, have been associated with some level of host defense as well as contributing to lung injury in BALB/c mice. In this study, we show that CD8+ T cells that have a T cytotoxic-1 response to PC in BALB/c mice, as determined by secretion of IFN-gamma, have in vitro killing activity against PC and effect clearance of the organism in adoptive transfer studies. Moreover, non-T cytotoxic-1 CD8+ T cells lacked in vitro effector activity and contributed to lung injury upon adoptive transfer. This dichotomous response in CD8+ T cell response may in part explain the clinical heterogeneity in the severity of PC pneumonia.  相似文献   

Abstract Lymphocyte function associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) is a heterodimeric leucocyte adhesion molecule comprising non-covalently associated 95 kD, CD18 and 180 kD, CD11a subunits. Lymphoblastoid cell-lines (LCL) derived from persons with Down's syndrome (Trisomy 21) exhibit increased expression of LFA-1 compared with normal LCL. Although this is probably due to a gene-dosage related increase in the synthesis of CD18, cell-cycle differences between Trisomy 21 (T21) and normal LCL could also influence LFA-1 expression. We have therefore analysed expression of CD18 on G1 and G2M cells using sequential flow cytometry. T21 and normal LCL were co-stained with the DNA-binding vital dye HO342 (Hoechst 33342), and with a CD18 monoclonal antibody. The LCL were first sorted on the basis of HO342 staining into G1 and G2M populations, and these fractions then analysed for CD18 expression. Irrespective of the stage of the cell-cycle, expression of CD18 was increased on T21 compared with normal LCL. Although more CD18 was detected on both T21 and normal G2M compared with G1 cells, the relative density of CD18 in G2M was less than in G1 because G2M cells were larger.  相似文献   

Proliferative T cell responses were elicited in a comitogenic assay when purified mAb against CD 18, CD11a, LFA-3, and CD7 were immobilized onto solid plastic surfaces together with submitogenic doses of mAb against the CD3 complex. The proliferative response was associated to the production of IL-2 and to the expression of IL-2R. We explored the possibility that a second signal provided by either PMA or a Ca2+ ionofore could replace the anti-CD3 mAb in the comitogenic assay. Interestingly, our data clearly indicate that PMA but not the ionofore was capable of mediating the co-mitogenic effect in conjunction with solid-bound mAb (CDw18, CD11a, LFA-3, and CD7). We also demonstrate that the mAb (anti-CD4 and anti-CD2) which have been previously described as co-mitogenic in combination with anti-CD3 are capable of eliciting this activating signal in the presence of PMA. These data indicate that mAb to certain cell surface differentiation Ag that in soluble form inhibit T cell function such as LFA-1, LFA-3, and CD2 can under appropriate conditions induce co-mitogenic signals on T cells. Our results support the hypothesis that several cell surface differentiation Ag may participate in conjunction with the T3-Ti complex in the transmembrane signal transduction leading to T cell activation.  相似文献   

LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) and Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) are members of the beta2 integrins involved in leukocyte function during immune and inflammatory responses. We aimed to determine a minimized beta2 subunit that forms functional LFA-1 and Mac-1. Using a series of truncated beta2 variants, we showed that the subregion Q23-D300 of the beta2 subunit is sufficient to combine with the alphaL and alphaM subunits intracellularly. However, only the beta2 variants terminating after Q444 promote cell surface expression of LFA-1 and Mac-1. Thus, the major cysteine-rich region and the three highly conserved cysteine residues at positions 445, 447, and 449 of the beta2 subunit are not required for LFA-1 and Mac-1 surface expression. The surface-expressed LFA-1 variants are constitutively active with respect to ICAM-1 adhesion and these variants express the activation reporter epitope of the mAb 24. In contrast, surface-expressed Mac-1, both the wild type and variants, require 0. 5 mM MnCl2 for adhesion to denatured BSA. These results suggest that the role of the beta2 subunit in LFA-1- and Mac-1-mediated adhesion may be different.  相似文献   

The role of the integrins VLA-4 and LFA-1 and of the selectin adhesion molecules in autoimmune arthritis was investigated. Adjuvant arthritis was induced in Lewis rats by active immunization (s.c.) with Mycobacterium butyricum or by adoptive transfer of immune T cells. With active adjuvant arthritis, Lewis rats develop maximal polyarticular joint inflammation and migration of radiolabelled (111In and 51Cr) blood neutrophils and monocytes to the joints 14 days post Mycobacterium butyricum immunization. Using blocking monoclonal antibodies we osbserved that at this stage monocyte recruitment was dependent (85%) on P-selectin plus VLA-4 (alpha4B1) and neutrophil recruitment depended (> 80%) on P-selectin plus LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18). E-selectin played a minimal role in inflammatory cell recruitment to the already inflamed joint. In contrast, during the development of active adjuvant arthritis, blockade of P-selectin beginning at day 5 post-immunization had no effect on subsequent arthritis. However, E-selectin blockade at this stage reduced arthritic scores by 70% (P < 0.01) and combined E-selectin plus VLA-4 blockade prevented development of arthritis. Either treatment nearly abolished neutrophil and monocyte recruitment to joints at day 14 and prevented cartilage damage. VLA-4 blockade alone was less effective. Adoptive T-cell transfer of adjuvant arthritis to naive rats employed spleen/lymph node lymphocytes from Mycobacterium butyricum immunized rats stimulated with Concanavalin A in vitro (48 h). E-selectin +/- P-selectin blockade had no effect on the development of adoptive arthritis. However, VLA-4 integrin blockade inhibited adoptive arthritis severity by 55% (P < 0.01). LFA-1 blockade had no effect. In adoptive adjuvant arthritis, inhibition of arthritis clinically and by histology was essentially complete (> 90%) when E- and P-selectin blockade was combined with VLA-4 blockade. Thus, in the development of actively induced arthritis E-selectin plays an important role, likely mediating early antigen reactive T-cell recruitment to joints. In contrast, VLA-4 and multiple selectin mechanisms are involved in arthritis induction by ex vivo restimulated arthritogenic T cells. Furthermore, in actively induced adjuvant arthritis, P- and E-selectin and VLA-4 are differently important in the initiation of arthritis, and at the time of fully developed joint inflammation.  相似文献   

IR Ferrer  ME Wagener  M Song  ML Ford 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40559
CD154/CD40 blockade combined with donor specific transfusion remains one of the most effective therapies in prolonging allograft survival. Despite this, the mechanisms by which these pathways synergize to prevent rejection are not completely understood. Utilizing a BALB/c (H2-K(d)) to B6 (H2-K(b)) fully allogeneic skin transplant model system, we performed a detailed longitudinal analysis of the kinetics and magnitude of CD8(+) T cell expansion and differentiation in the presence of CD154/CD40 pathway blockade. Results demonstrated that treatment with anti-CD154 vs. DST had distinct and opposing effects on activated CD44(high) CD62L(low) CD8(+) T cells in skin graft recipients. Specifically, CD154 blockade delayed alloreactive CD8(+) T cell responses, while DST accelerated them. DST inhibited the differentiation of alloreactive CD8(+) T cells into multi-cytokine producing effectors, while CD40/CD154 blockade led to the diminution of the KLRG-1(low) long-lived memory precursor population compared with either untreated or DST treated animals. Moreover, only CD154 blockade effectively inhibited CXCL1 expression and neutrophil recruitment into the graft. When combined, anti-CD154 and DST acted synergistically to profoundly diminish the absolute number of IFN-γ producing alloreactive CD8(+) T cells, and intra-graft expression of inflammatory chemokines. These findings demonstrate that the previously described ability of anti-CD154 and DST to result in alloreactive T cell deletion involves both delayed kinetics of T cell expansion and differentiation and inhibited development of KLRG-1(low) memory precursor cells.  相似文献   

Despite the recognition that humoral rejection is an important cause of allograft injury, the mechanism of Ab-mediated injury to allograft parenchyma is not well understood. We used a well-characterized murine hepatocellular allograft model to determine the mechanism of Ab-mediated destruction of transplanted liver parenchymal cells. In this model, allogeneic hepatocytes are transplanted into CD8-deficient hosts to focus on CD4-dependent, alloantibody-mediated rejection. Host serum alloantibody levels correlated with in vivo allospecific cytotoxic activity in CD8 knockout hepatocyte rejector mice. Host macrophage depletion, but not CD4(+) T cell, NK cell, neutrophil, or complement depletion, inhibited in vivo allocytotoxicity. Recipient macrophage deficiency delayed CD4-dependent hepatocyte rejection and inhibited in vivo allocytotoxicity without influencing alloantibody production. Furthermore, hepatocyte coincubation with alloantibody and macrophages resulted in Ab-dependent hepatocellular cytotoxicity in vitro. These studies are consistent with a paradigm of acute humoral rejection in which CD4(+) T cell-dependent alloantibody production results in the targeting of transplanted allogeneic parenchymal cells for macrophage-mediated cytotoxic immune damage. Consequently, strategies to eliminate recipient macrophages during CD4-dependent rejection pathway may prolong allograft survival.  相似文献   

Yoon WK  Kim HJ  Son HY  Jeong KS  Park SJ  Kim TH  An MY  Kim SH  Kim SR  Ryu SY 《Regulatory peptides》2005,124(1-3):151-156
Leukocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) is one of the integrins that are expressed on the leukocytes, and has been shown to play an important role in leukocyte trafficking. The adhesive activity of LFA-1 is governed partially by the Rap1. This study examined that the relationship between LFA-1 and Rap1 mRNA expressions by anti-CD3 and anti-CD3+SOM treatment in the CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. The LFA-1 mRNA expression levels following the anti-CD3 and anti-CD3+SOM treatment for 30 min was greater on the CD8+ T cells, and the LFA-1 expression of the CD8+ T cells with anti-CD+SOM treatment was affected more severely than that of the CD4+ T cells. The Rap1 mRNA expression patterns following anti-CD3 and anti-CD3+SOM stimulation in the CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were similar to the LFA-1 expression patterns, and the expression level following anti-CD3+SOM treatment was suppressed more significantly in the CD8+ T cells. These results suggest that the difference in the Rap1 expression level after stimulation might explain the differences in the LFA-1 expression level on the T cell subsets, and that the down-regulation of Rap1 expression following SOM treatment is closely related to the diminished LFA-1 expression.  相似文献   

Despite intensive effort, the antitumor efficacy of tumor vaccines remains limited in treating established tumors regardless of the potent systemic tumor-specific immune response and the increases of tumor infiltration of T effector cells. In the current study, we demonstrated that although lentivector (lv) immunization markedly increased Ag-dependent tumor infiltration of CD8 and CD4 T cells and generated Ag-specific antitumor effect, it simultaneously increased the absolute number of myeloid-derived suppressor cells and regulatory T cells in the tumor lesions. In addition, lv immunization induced expression of programmed death-ligand 1 in the tumor lesions. Furthermore, the tumor-infiltrating CD8 T cells expressed high levels of programmed death-1 and were partially dysfunctional, producing lower amounts of effector cytokines and possessing a reduced cytotoxicity. Together, these immune-suppression mechanisms in the tumor microenvironment pose a major obstacle to effective tumor immunotherapy and may explain the limited antitumor efficacy of lv immunization. The loss of effector function in the tumor microenvironment is reversible, and the effector function of CD8 T cells in the tumor could be partially rescued by blocking programmed death-1 and programmed death-ligand 1 pathway in vitro and in vivo, resulting in enhanced antitumor efficacy of lv immunization. These data suggest that immunization alone may exacerbate immune suppression in the tumor lesions and that methods to improve the tumor microenvironment and to rescue the effector functions of tumor-infiltrating T cells should be incorporated into immunization strategies to achieve enhanced antitumor efficacy.  相似文献   

In humans, spontaneous autoimmune attack against cardiomyocytes often leads to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM) and life-threatening heart failure. HLA-DQ8 transgenic IAb knockout NOD mice (NOD.DQ8/Ab(0); DQA1*0301, DQB1*0302) develop spontaneous anticardiomyocyte autoimmunity with pathology very similar to human IDCM, but why the heart is targeted is unknown. In the present study, we first investigated whether NOD/Ab(0) mice transgenic for a different DQ allele, DQ6, (DQA1*0102, DQB1*0602) would also develop myocarditis. NOD.DQ6/Ab(0) animals showed no cardiac pathology, implying that DQ8 is specifically required for the myocarditis phenotype. To further characterize the cellular immune mechanisms, we established crosses of our NOD.DQ8/Ab(0) animals with Rag1 knockout (Rag1(0)), Ig H chain knockout (IgH(0)), and beta(2)-microglobulin knockout (beta(2)m(0)) lines. Adoptive transfer of purified CD4 T cells from NOD.DQ8/Ab(0) mice with complete heart block (an indication of advanced myocarditis) into younger NOD.DQ8/Ab(0) Rag1(0) animals induced cardiac pathology in all recipients, whereas adoptive transfer of purified CD8 T cells or B lymphocytes had no effect. Despite the absence of B lymphocytes, NOD.DQ8/Ab(0)IgH(0) animals still developed complete heart block, whereas NOD.DQ8/Ab(0)beta(2)m(0) mice (which lack CD8 T cells) failed to develop any cardiac pathology. CD8 T cells (and possibly NK cells) seem to be necessary to initiate disease, whereas once initiated, CD4 T cells alone can orchestrate the cardiac pathology, likely through their capacity to recruit and activate macrophages. Understanding the cellular immune mechanisms causing spontaneous myocarditis/IDCM in this relevant animal model will facilitate the development and testing of new therapies for this devastating disease.  相似文献   

For many years the heterogeneity of CD4+ T-helper (Th) cells has been limited to Th1 and Th2 cells, which have been considered not only to be responsible for different types of protective responses, but also for the pathogenesis of many disorders. Th1 cells are indeed protective against intracellular microbes and they are thought to play a pathogenic role in organ-specific autoimmune and other chronic inflammatory disorders. Th2 cells provide protection against helminths, but are also responsible for the pathogenesis of allergic diseases. The identification and cloning of new cytokines has allowed one to enlarge the series of functional subsets of CD4+ Th effector cells. In particular, CD4+ Th cells producing IL-17 and IL-22, named Th17, have been initially implicated in the pathogenesis of many chronic inflammatory disorders instead of Th1 cells. However, the more recent studies in both humans and mice suggest that Th17 cells exhibit a high plasticity toward Th1 cells and that both Th17 and Th1 cells may be pathogenic. More recently, another two subsets of effector CD4+ Th cells, named Th9 and Th22 cells, have been described, even if their pathophysiological meaning is still unclear. Despite the heterogeneity of CD4+ effector Th cells being higher than previously thought and some of their subsets exhibiting high plasticity, the Th1/Th2 paradigm still maintains a strong validity.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that B cells promote Th2 cell development by inhibiting Th1 cell differentiation. To examine whether B cells are directly required for the development of IL-4-producing T cells in the lymph node during a highly polarized Th2 response, B cell-deficient and wild-type mice were inoculated with the nematode parasite, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. On day 7, in the absence of increased IFN-gamma, IL-4 protein and gene expression from CD4 T cells in the draining lymph nodes were markedly reduced in B cell-deficient mice and could not be restored by multiple immunizations. Using a DO11.10 T cell adoptive transfer system, OVA-specific T cell IL-4 production and cell cycle progression, but not cell surface expression of early activation markers, were impaired in B cell-deficient recipient mice following immunization with N. brasiliensis plus OVA. Laser capture microdissection and immunofluorescent staining showed that pronounced IL-4 mRNA and protein secretion by donor DO11.10 T cells first occurred in the T cell:B cell zone of the lymph node shortly after inoculation of IL-4-/- recipients, suggesting that this microenvironment is critical for initial Th2 cell development. Reconstitution of B cell-deficient mice with wild-type naive B cells, or IL-4-/- B cells, substantially restored Ag-specific T cell IL-4 production. However, reconstitution with B7-1/B7-2-deficient B cells failed to rescue the IL-4-producing DO11.10 T cells. These results suggest that B cells, expressing B7 costimulatory molecules, are required in the absence of an underlying IFN-gamma-mediated response for the development of a polarized primary Ag-specific Th2 response in vivo.  相似文献   

Overwhelming infection remains the leading cause of death from serious burn injury despite recent advances in the care of burn patients and a better understanding of immune and inflammatory consequences of injury. In this study, we report a critical requirement for CD1d-restricted NKT cells and CD1d expression by APCs in the immune dysfunction that occurs early after burn injury. Using a well-established murine scald injury model with BALB/c and BALB/c CD1d knockout mice, we investigated whether peripheral T cell immunity was affected by the presence or absence of CD1d-restricted NKT cells in the early stages after injury. Using Ag-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity, T cell proliferation, and cytokine production as indices of immune responsiveness, we observed that both CD1d expression by APCs and CD1d-restricted NKT cells are required for immune suppression after injury. Via adoptive transfer of splenocytes from injured mice to uninjured recipients, we found injury-induced suppression of immunity to be Ag specific, long lasting, and critically dependent on cell surface expression of CD1d by APCs. Together, our results suggest that the defects in T cell responsiveness that occur subsequent to severe burn injury are not merely the result of global or passive suppression, but instead represent an active form of CD1d/NKT cell-dependent immunologic tolerance.  相似文献   

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