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Codon usage and genome evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rates and patterns of evolution at silent sites in codons reveal much about the basic features of molecular evolution. Recent increases in the amount of sequence data available for various species and more precise knowledge of the chromosomal locations of those sequences, coming in particular from genome projects, reveal that some features of molecular evolution vary around the genome.  相似文献   

草菇密码子偏好性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以草菇全基因组编码序列为研究对象,利用软件CodonW1.4.2分析草菇基因组密码子使用模式,确定了草菇的24个最优密码子。利用Create a condon usage table(CUSP)程序分析计算草菇密码子使用频率,并将它与人、酵母、拟南芥、小鼠、斑马鱼、果蝇6个代表性物种及灰盖鬼伞、双孢蘑菇、香菇、平菇4个食用菌进行比较。结果显示草菇密码子偏好性与人、酵母、拟南芥、小鼠、斑马鱼、果蝇和平菇都有较大的差异,与灰盖鬼伞、双孢蘑菇、香菇的密码子偏好性差异较小。利用软件SPSS16.0聚类分析表明密码子偏好性差异大小在一定程度上反映物种间的进化关系,可作为研究物种进化关系的参考。首次以食用菌全基因组为分析对象,解析草菇的密码子偏好性,并将其与其他生物进行比较,这些将为不同来源的外源基因在草菇中的异源表达提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Sequences of the complete protein-coding portions of the mitochondrial (mt) genome were analysed for 6 species of cestodes (including hydatid tapeworms and the pork tapeworm) and 5 species of trematodes (blood flukes and liver- and lung-flukes). A near-complete sequence was also available for an additional trematode (the blood fluke Schistosoma malayensis). All of these parasites belong to a large flatworm taxon named the Neodermata. Considerable variation was found in the base composition of the protein-coding genes among these neodermatans. This variation was reflected in statistically-significant differences in numbers of each inferred amino acid between many pairs of species. Both convergence and divergence in nucleotide, and hence amino acid, composition was noted among groups within the Neodermata. Considerable variation in skew (unequal representation of complementary bases on the same strand) was found among the species studied. A pattern is thus emerging of diversity in the mt genome in neodermatans that may cast light on evolution of mt genomes generally.  相似文献   

Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the family Flaviviridae and contains a single-stranded RNA genome with positive-polarity. Like Dengue, Zika virus uses Aedes aegypti mosquito as a vector to infect human with a wide range of clinical signs, from asymptomatic to influenza-like syndrome. Despite significant progress in genomic analyses, how a viral relationship with two different hosts affect the overall fitness, constancy, and dodging of hosts immune system are elusive. Here we analyzed Zika virus codon-based evolution using eleven strains from different geographical locations. The overall codon usage was similar and slightly bias among all strains. An occurrence of A-ending in highly-preferred codons and analysis by various approaches strongly suggests that mutational bias is the main force shaping codon usage in this virus. However, natural selection and geographical realities cannot be ignored in marginal influence on codon usage. The viral genomes naturally favor Aedes aegypti over human host for tRNA pool in translation. Such findings will assist researchers in understanding elements contribute to viral adaptation and evolutionary setup with hosts.  相似文献   

痘苗病毒基因组密码子使用频率分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
密码子使用的差别是普遍存在的现象,每一个密码子被某些生物偏爱,而在另一些生物中则很少使用.以往这方面的研究多集中在自养生物中,而对纯寄生的病毒本身及其与宿主细胞基因密码子使用频率关系的研究则很少.分析痘苗病毒哥本哈根株189个基因的密码子使用频率发现:总体上痘苗病毒偏爱使用以A/U为结尾的密码子;基因的异质性不强,没有影响密码子使用的主要趋势;在不同转录方向上和表达时相上,基因密码子使用略有不同;不同功能的基因其密码子使用上差别较大;晚期基因比早期基因与宿主密码子使用频率的差别大.上述结果表明:密码子是影响病毒和细胞相互作用、保证其自身生存的重要机制.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection, a worldwide contagion, causes a serious disorder in infected individuals. Analysis of codon usage can reveal much molecular information about this virus. The effective number of codon (ENC) values, relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) values, codon adaptation index (CAI), and nucleotide contents was investigated in approximately 160 coding sequences (CDS) among 17 human cytomegalovirus genomes using the software CodonW. Linear regression analysis and logistic regression were performed to explore the preliminary data. The results showed that, overall, HCMV genomes had low codon usage bias (mean ENC = 47.619). However, the ENC of individual CDS varied widely and was distributed unevenly between host-related genes and viral-self-function genes (P = 0.002, odds ratio (OR) = 3.194), as did the GC content (P = 0.016, OR = 2.178). The ENC values correlated with CAI, GC content, and the nucleotide composing at the 3rd codon position (GC3s) (P < 0.001). There was a significant variation in the codon preference that depended on the RSCU data. The predicted ENC curve suggested that mutational pressure, rather than natural selection, was one of the main factors that determined the codon usage bias in HCMV. Among 123 genes with known function, the genes related to viral self-replication and viral–host interaction showed different ENC and CAI values, and GC and GC3s contents. In conclusion, the detailed codon usage bias theoretically revealed information concerning HCMV evolution and could be a valuable additional parameter for HCMV gene function research.  相似文献   

落叶松-杨栅锈菌基因组密码子使用偏好分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周显臻  曹支敏  于丹 《菌物学报》2020,39(2):289-297
为了解落叶松‐杨栅锈菌密码子使用模式,并探究影响其密码子偏好形成的因素,本研究利用CondonW对落叶松‐杨栅锈菌标准菌株98AG31基因组中14 650个基因进行分析,计算基因的有效密码子数,及64个密码子的相对使用度等偏好性参数。结果表明,落叶松‐杨栅锈菌全基因组水平的密码子偏好程度较低,只有少数基因呈现出高偏好性。落叶松‐杨栅锈菌的高频密码子多以A或T结尾,而最优密码子则倾向以G或C结尾。PR2-plot分析及ENC-plot曲线与中性绘图分析显示,落叶松‐杨栅锈菌基因密码子使用模式受到选择压力和突变压力等多重因素的影响,相较于选择压力,落叶松‐杨栅锈菌基因密码子的偏好更多地受到突变压力的影响。相关性分析表明,密码子碱基组成会对密码子偏好性产生影响,其他因素如序列长度等均不会影响密码子偏好性。  相似文献   

Esophageal cancer involves multiple genetic alternations. A systematic codon usage bias analysis was completed to investigate the bias among the esophageal cancer responsive genes. GC-rich genes were low (average effective number of codon value was 49.28). CAG and GTA are over-represented and under-represented codons, respectively. Correspondence analysis, neutrality plot, and parity rule 2 plot analysis confirmed the dominance over mutation pressure in modulating the codon usage pattern of genes linked with esophageal cancer.  相似文献   

The evolution of human influenza viruses.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The evolution of influenza viruses results in (i) recurrent annual epidemics of disease that are caused by progressive antigenic drift of influenza A and B viruses due to the mutability of the RNA genome and (ii) infrequent but severe pandemics caused by the emergence of novel influenza A subtypes to which the population has little immunity. The latter characteristic is a consequence of the wide antigenic diversity and peculiar host range of influenza A viruses and the ability of their segmented RNA genomes to undergo frequent genetic reassortment (recombination) during mixed infections. Contrasting features of the evolution of recently circulating influenza AH1N1, AH3N2 and B viruses include the rapid drift of AH3N2 viruses as a single lineage, the slow replacement of successive antigenic variants of AH1N1 viruses and the co-circulation over some 25 years of antigenically and genetically distinct lineages of influenza B viruses. Constant monitoring of changes in the circulating viruses is important for maintaining the efficacy of influenza vaccines in combating disease.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of codon usage bias has been observed in a wide range of organisms. As organisms evolve, how their codon usage pattern change is still an intriguing question. In this article, we focused on the green plant mitochondrial genomes to analyze the codon usage patterns in different lineages, and more importantly, to investigate the possible change of determining forces during the plant evolution. Two patterns were observed between the separate lineages of green plants: Chlorophyta and Streptophyta. In Chlorophyta lineages, their codon usages showed substantial variation (from strongly A, T-biased to strongly G, C-biased); while in Streptophyta lineages, especially in the land plants, the overall codon usages are interestingly stable. Further, based on the Nc-GC3s plots and Akashi's scaled χ(2) -tests, we found that lineages within Chlorophyta exhibit much stronger evidence of deviating from neutrality; while lineages within Streptophyta rarely do so. Such differences, together with previous reports based on the chloroplast data, suggests that after plants colonized the land, their codon usages in organellar genomes are more reluctant to be shaped by selection force.  相似文献   

为确定瑶药紫九牛叶绿体基因组密码子的使用模式及其成因,该研究以紫九牛叶绿体基因组50条蛋白质编码序列为研究对象,利用Codon W 1.4.2和在线软件CUSP和Chips分析其密码子偏好性。结果表明:(1)RSCU>1的密码子有29个,其中有28个以A/U结尾,说明叶绿体基因组的同义密码子中偏好以A/U结尾。(2)紫九牛叶绿体基因组密码子的GC含量GC1(47.38%)>GC2(39.81%)>GC3(29.60%),ENC值大于45的有40个,说明紫九牛叶绿体基因组存在较弱的偏性。(3)中性绘图分析和ENC-plot分析说明了紫九牛叶绿体基因组密码子的偏好性既受到选择的作用,又受到突变因素的影响。(4)通过构建的高低基因表达库最终确定了15个最优密码子,分别为UUG、AUU、GUU、GUA、UCU、 CCU、ACU、ACA、GCU、CAA、AAC、GAA、UGU、CGU和GGU。该研究为紫九牛叶绿体基因组的确定以及遗传多样性分析提供了依据。  相似文献   

双孢蘑菇Agaricus bisporus是世界上最广泛栽培的食用菌之一.本研究通过分析双孢蘑菇基因组密码子使用偏性,探讨密码子偏性的影响因素及其对基因表达的影响.以双孢蘑菇基因组和转录组数据为依据,分析了双孢蘑菇基因组基因、高表达基因(high expression gene,HEG)和低表达基因(low expre...  相似文献   

把经密码子修饰的马铃薯X病毒(Potato Virus X, PVX)外壳蛋白(Coat Protein, CP)基因和未修饰的野生型外壳蛋白基因与CaMV 35S启动子融合后,构建成相应的植物表达载体,利用农杆菌介导转化烟草。分别对修饰CP和野生CP的转基因烟草进行Western blot和ELISA分析,结果表明经密码子修饰的PVX外壳蛋白的表达量是野生型蛋白表达量的1/3~1/5。Northern blot结果表明修饰和未修饰的外壳蛋白在转录水平上是一致的。以上结果暗示外源基因中稀有密码子的数量可能是限制外源基因表达的一个因素。改变基因中稀有密码子的数量有可能成为控制基因表达的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

It has recently been demonstrated that human natural codon usage bias is optimized towards a higher buffering capacity to mutations (measured as the tendency of single point mutations in a DNA sequence to yield the same or similar amino acids) compared to random sequences. In this work, we investigate this phenomenon further by analyzing the natural DNA of four different species (human, mouse, zebrafish and fruit fly) to determine whether such a tolerance to mutations is correlated with the life span and age of sexual maturation for the corresponding organisms. We also propose a new measure to quantify the buffering capacity of a DNA sequence to mutations that takes into account the observed mutation rates within every genome and the effect of the corresponding mutation.Our results suggest there is a propensity for tolerance to mutations that is positively correlated with the life expectancy of the considered organisms. Moreover, random sequences that are constrained to produce the same protein as the naturally occurring sequences are found to be more buffered than completely random sequences while being less buffered than the natural sequences. These results suggest that optimization toward protective mechanisms tolerant to mutations is correlated with both life expectancy and age to sexual maturity at both the levels of codon usage bias and the bias of the natural sequence of codons itself.  相似文献   

Codon usage and gene expression.   总被引:36,自引:16,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
L Holm 《Nucleic acids research》1986,14(7):3075-3087
The hypothesis that codon usage regulates gene expression at the level of translation is tested. Codon usage of Escherichia coli and phage lambda is compared by correspondence analysis, and the basis of this hypothesis is examined by connecting codon and tRNA distributions to polypeptide elongation kinetics. Both approaches indicate that if codon usage was random tRNA limitation would only affect the rarest tRNA species. General discrimination against their cognate codons indicates that polypeptide elongation rates are maintained constant. Thus, differences in expression of E. coli genes are not a consequence of their variable codon usage. The preference of codons recognized by the most abundant tRNAs in E. coli genes encoding abundant proteins is explained by a constraint on the cost of proof-reading.  相似文献   

伪狂犬病病毒基因编码区碱基组成与密码子使用偏差   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
由于伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)中G C含量高达74%,至今尚没有一个毒株完成全基因组测序。对已知的68个PRV基因编码区序列碱基组成及密码子使用现象进行了统计分析,结果发现PRV基因中存在非常强的密码子使用偏差。所有68个PRV基因编码区密码子第三位总的G C含量为96.24%,其中UL48基因高达99.52%。PRV基因偏向于使用富含GC的密码子,特别是以C或G结尾的密码子。此外,还发现PRV中G C含量变化较大的UL48、UL40、UL14和IE180等基因附近正好与已知的PRV基因组复制起始区相对应。根据基因功能将PRV基因分为6类进行分析发现,基因功能相同或相近的基因其密码子使用模式相似,其中调节基因的同义密码子相对使用度(RSCU)与其他基因有显著差异,在调节基因中以C结尾的密码子的RSCU值远大于其他同义密码子。最后,对PRV基因氨基酸组成差异进行多元分析,发现不同功能的PRV基因在对应分析图上分布不同,表明PRV基因密码子使用模式可能与基因功能相关。  相似文献   

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