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The jeju, Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus, is equipped with a modified part of the swim bladder that allows aerial respiration. On this background, we have evaluated its respiratory and cardiovascular responses to aquatic hypoxia. Its aquatic O2 uptake (V(O2)) was maintained constant down to a critical P(O2) (P(cO2)) of 40 mm Hg, below which V(O2) declined linearly with further reductions of P(iO2). Just below P(cO2), the ventilatory tidal volume (V(T)) increased significantly along with gill ventilation (V(G)), while respiratory frequency changed little. Consequently, water convection requirement (V(G)/V(O2)) increased steeply. The same threshold applied to cardiovascular responses that included reflex bradycardia and elevated arterial blood pressure (P(a)). Aerial respiration was initiated at water P(O2) of 44 mm Hg and breathing episodes and time at the surface increased linearly with more severe hypoxia. At the lowest water P(O2) (20 mm Hg), the time spent at the surface accounted for 50% of total time. This response has a character of a temporary emergency behavior that may allow the animal to escape hypoxia.  相似文献   

Chloride cell (CC) responses to ion challenge and plasma ion concentration were evaluated in two ecologically distinct erythrinids, Hoplias malabaricus, an exclusively water-breathing species, and Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus, a facultative air-breathing fish, at one, two, seven, and 15 days of exposure to deionized water and to ion-rich water. H. malabaricus displayed high CC proliferation on filament and lamellar epithelium during exposure to deionized water and significant CC proliferation in the filament epithelium on the first day of exposure to water rich in NaCl and Ca2+ and in the lamellar epithelium on the first, second, and seventh day of exposure to such water. CC proliferation in H. unitaeniatus occurred only in the lamellar epithelium of fish exposed to deionized water. CC proliferation on both species was not accompanied by significant increase of CC density in contact with the external medium. The increase in the CC fractional area (CCFA) resulted from the increase of individual CC apical surface area on the first and second days of exposure to deionized water in H. malabaricus and only on the first day in H. unitaeniatus. Plasma ions in both erythrinid species showed transitory changes and, on the fifteenth day of exposure to the two types of experimental water, the plasma ion concentration was similar to the control fish. The CC responses of these erythrinid fish showed that CC proliferation depends on previous CC density in the gill and is not related solely to exposure to ion-poor water. Furthermore, CC proliferation in gill epithelium did not always involve an increase of CC density in contact with the external medium.  相似文献   

  • 1. Blood oxygen affinities, erythrocytic nucleoside triphosphate concentrations (NTP) and other hematological parameters were measured in facultative air-breathing fish from the Amazon after acclimation to well-aerated (“normoxic”) and hypoxic water (PO2 = 125–135 and 20–25 mm, respectively).
  • 2. In the armored catfishHypostomus sp. andPterygoplichthys sp., hypoxia induces intermittent surfacing to gulp air and results in lower NTP levels, chiefly through significant decreases in guanosine triphosphate (GTP). The subsequent increases in blood O2 affinity appear adaptive to lowered time average internal O2 tensions. No similar changes were seen in the ellSynbranchus which breathes air almost continuously when kept in hypoxic water.
  • 3. The results are discussed in terms of their adaptive significance, and compared with data on temperate fish.

H(2)O(2)-mediated permeability: role of MAPK and occludin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
H2O2-mediated elevation inendothelial solute permeability is associated with pathological eventssuch as ischemia-reperfusion and inflammation. To understand howH2O2 mediates increased permeability, weinvestigated the effects of H2O2 administrationon vascular endothelial barrier properties and tight junctionorganization and function. We report that H2O2exposure caused an increase in endothelial solute permeability in atime-dependent manner through extracellularly regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/ERK2) signal pathways. H2O2 exposurecaused the tight junctional protein occludin to be rearranged fromendothelial cell-cell junctions. Occludin rearrangement involvedredistribution of occludin on the cell surface and dissociation ofoccludin from ZO-1. Occludin also was heavily phosphorylated onserine residues upon H2O2 administration. H2O2 mediates changes in ERK1/ERK2phosphorylation, increases endothelial solute permeability, and altersoccludin localization and phosphorylation were all blocked by PD-98059,a specific mitogen-activated protein (MAP) or ERK kinase 1 inhibitor. These data strongly suggest thatH2O2-mediated increased endothelial solutepermeability involves the loss of endothelial tight junction integritythrough increased ERK1/ERK2 activation.


We have recently reported that the model airway chemoreceptors, H146 cells, exhibit a significant component of their oxygen-sensing transduction pathway which cannot be explained by activity of NADPH oxidase. Using patch-clamp, we have studied the transduction system linking reduced O(2) to k(+) channel inhibition and report that, in complete contrast to recent suggestions in pulmonary vasculature, O(2) sensing by the model airway chemoreceptors, H146 cells, does not require functional mitochondria. These data show, for the first time, that mitochondrial production of reactive O(2) species is not the unifying mechanism in O(2) sensing.  相似文献   

The metabolic organization of the air-breathing Florida gar, Lepisosteus platyrhincus, was assessed by measuring the maximal activities of key enzymes in several metabolic pathways in selected tissues, concentrations of plasma metabolites including nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), free amino acids (FAA) and glucose as well as tissue FAA levels. In general, L. platyrhincus has an enhanced capacity for carbohydrate metabolism as indicated by elevated plasma glucose levels and high activities of gluconeogenic and glycolytic enzymes. Based upon these properties, glucose appears to function as the major fuel source in the Florida gar. The capacity for lipid metabolism in L. platyrhincus appears limited as plasma NEFA levels and the activities of enzymes involved in lipid oxidation are low relative to many other fish species. L. platyrhincus is capable of oxidizing both D- and L-beta-hydroxybutyrate, with tissue-specific preferences for each stereoisomer, yet the capacity for ketone body metabolism is low compared with other primitive fishes. Based on enzyme activities, the metabolism of the air-breathing organ more closely resembles that of the mammalian lung than a fish swim bladder. The Florida gar sits phylogenetically and metabolically in an intermediate position between the "primitive" elasmobranchs and the "advanced" teleosts. The apparently unique metabolic organization of the gar may have evolved in the context of a bimodal air-breathing environmental adaptation.  相似文献   

We are attempting to supply a new insight on interaction between Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and H(2)O(2). We demonstrate that in vitro the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase, a non heme-protein, is able to disproportionate H(2)O(2) catalatically into dioxygen and water, as well as C(40) catalase. By polarography, we quantify O(2) production and by Raman spectroscopy H(2)O(2) consumption. A comparative analysis of kinetics parameters relative to O(2) production shows that for Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase the affinity of the catalytic site able to transform H(2)O(2) into O(2) is twice weaker than that for C(40) catalase. It also shows that the molar activity for O(2) production is 300-fold weaker for ATPase than for catalase. Inhibitors, pH and GSH studies highlight the differences between the heme- and nonheme-proteins. Indeed, for C(40), NaN(3) is strongly inhibiting, but much less for ATPase. The pH range for the catalatic activity of ATPase is wide (6.5 to 8.5), while it is not for C(40) catalase (optimum at pH 8). The Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase catalatic activity is reduced in presence of glutathione, while it is not the case with C(40) catalase.  相似文献   

Collagen has been prepared from the skin of an air-breathing Indian fish(Ophiocephalus striatus) by extraction with cold 0.5M acetic acid and purification by alternate precipitation with NaCl and dialysis against 0.02M Na2HPO4. The purified collagen was characterised with respect to physico-chemical properties, amino acid composition and chromatography of the denatured collagen. The fish collagen has a higher shrinkage temperature and denaturation temperature compared to that of the allied teleosts living in exclusively aquatic medium. These differences could possibly be reflections of the response to the rigours of the environment. As found for other vertebrate collagens, the fish collagen contains two kinds of single chains the α1 and α2 chains as revealed by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis and carboxymethylcellulose chromatography.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of the gills of a primitive air breather (Amia calva) was examined by light microscopy of semithin sections of gill filaments, and gill perfusion pathways were identified by scanning-electron microscopic analysis of corrosion replicas prepared by intravascular injection of methyl methacrylate. The arrangement of gill filaments and respiratory lamellae is similar to that of teleosts with the exception of an interfilamental support bar that is fused to the outer margins of lamellae on adjacent filaments. The prebranchial vasculature is also similar to that of teleosts, whereas the postbranchial circulation of arches III and IV is modified to permit selective perfusion of the air bladder. Gill filaments contain three distinct vascular systems: (1) the respiratory circulation which receives the entire cardiac output and perfuses the secondary lamellae; (2) a nutrient system that arises from the postlamellar circulation and perfuses filamental tissues; (3) a network of unknown function consisting of subepithelial sinusoids surrounding afferent and efferent margins of the filament and traversing the filament beneath the interlamellar epithelium. Prelamellar arteriovenous anastomoses (AVAs) are rare, postlamellar AVAs are common especially at the base of the filament where they form a dense network of small tortuous vessels before coalescing into a large filamental nutrient artery. Unlike in most teleosts, the outer vascular margins of the lamellae are embedded in the interfilamental support bar and become the sole vasculature of this tissue. Arterial-arterial lamellar bypass vessels were not observed. Previously observed decreases in oxygen transfer across the gills during air breathing can be explained only by redistribution of blood flow between or within the respiratory lamellae.Supported by NSF Grant No. PCM 79-23073The author wishes to thank Miss K. Drajus and D. Kullman for their excellent technical assistance and Dr. W. Gingerich, Mr. J. Crowther and D. Zurn for help in obtaining bowfin  相似文献   

In a temperate zone population of the grasshopper Caledia captiva (Fabnerus) (Orthoptera Acrididae), facultative embryonic diapause provided the basis for a number of aspects of life cycle flexibility Most offspring produced during the summer entered diapause, destined to overwinter as embryos and hatch in the spring, but a small percentage developed directly to hatching, overwintered as nymphs and reproduced in the spring The two different developmental pathways often occurred among the offspring of the same mother, and could represent a bet-hedging adaptation Offspring of the small overwintering generation were influenced by a maternal effect which greatly diminished their likelihood of entering diapause This is an adaptation to prevent an inappropriate developmental delay that would negate the fitness advantage of an extra generation Offspring produced in the autumn failed to develop to the stage at which diapause intervenes before winter and overwintered at a pre-diapause stage They did not enter diapause when development resumed in the spring Facultative diapause in this case also prevented an inappropriate developmental delay in the spring, and provided females with the option of reproducing toward the end of the growing season Life cycle flexibility appears to have evolved to exploit a climate with a short growing season but mild winter  相似文献   

In awake lambs we investigated the role of the peripheral chemoreceptors in producing dynamic ventilatory (VE) responses to CO2. The immediate VE response, within 15 s, to transient CO2 inhalation was studied in two groups: 1) five lambs before carotid denervation and 2) the same lambs after carotid denervation. The time course of VE responses during the first 60 s after a step change to 8% inspired CO2 was also studied in lambs after carotid denervation and in a group of six carotid body-intact lambs 10-11 days of age. Acute CO2 responses were assessed using step changes to various concentrations of CO2 + air and CO2 + O2, while VE was recorded breath by breath. Intact lambs exhibited a brisk VE response to step changes in CO2, beginning after 3-5 s. Hyperoxia altered but did not suppress the dynamic VE CO2 response when the carotid chemoreceptors were intact. Carotid denervation markedly reduced the VE response during the first 25 s after a CO2 step change, revealing the time delay required for the central chemoreceptors to produce an effective VE response. The residual VE response remaining after CD was thought to be mediated by the remaining aortic body chemoreceptors and was eliminated by adding O2 to the CO2 challenges. However, after carotid denervation, even with CO2 + hyperoxia, the onset of a small tidal volume response was apparent by 10-12 s.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

G. M. Hughes    B. R. Singh  G. Guha    S. C. Dube    J. S. Datta  Munshi 《Journal of Zoology》1974,172(2):215-232
The surface area of the gills, air sacs and skin have been measured in specimens of different body size and their relationship to body weight fits the equation: area= aWb . The slopes ( b ) of the double logarithmic plots are 0.746 (gills), 0.662 (air sacs) and 0.684 (skin). The gills are poorly developed and their average weight specific area is less than figures obtained for sluggish marine fishes. The skin has an area about 70% of the total respiratory surfaces (gills+air sac+skin). Nevertheless the greater thickness of the skin leads to a smaller diffusing capacity of the tissue barrier ( Dt ) as compared with the gills and air sac. The air sac area for each ml of air that it contains is about 10.5 cm2 which is much lower than figures obtained for lungs of other air-breathing fish and for tetrapods.  相似文献   

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