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作者对分布于北京市怀柔区怀九河的宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)的胚胎发育及仔鱼前期发育进行了研究,过程中采用人工干法授精获取受精卵, 观察并描述了宽鳍鱲早期发育过程及其特点。结果显示, 宽鳍鱲成熟卵呈圆球状, 平均卵径1.04 mm, 为沉性卵。在平均23.0℃(17.1-28.0℃)水温条件下, 从受精卵到孵化经历了73h1min, 积温为1682.3 度时; 孵化后6.5d 进入弯曲期仔鱼。仔鱼前期发育速度与出膜前相比明显减慢;弯曲期仔鱼出现大量死亡可能与有限的人工培育条件、混合营养期能量供给不足等原因有关。通过比较发现, 宽鳍鱲与鲤科中其他21 个种相比, 早期发育时间比其中7 个种均长。宽鳍鱲早期发育时间比同域分布、相同发育水温的马口鱼略长, 明显长于同属的纵纹鱲的发育时间。宽鳍鱲南、北方种群仔鱼发育速度存在差异, 北方种群出膜前发育速度比南方种群快, 但出膜后发育速度减慢。    相似文献   

认识鱼类的生活史特征及其对生态环境变化的响应,是鱼类物种保护与资源合理利用的基础。于2009年5月至2010年4月研究了黄山地区徽水河中宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)的年龄、生长和繁殖。共采集标本352尾,雌雄性比为0.49∶1,与1∶1差异显著。以鳞片为年龄鉴定材料,雌、雄个体的最大寿命均为3龄;年轮主要形成于3月份。全长和体重呈幂函数关系,两性间无显著性差异,关系式表达为W=6×10–6L3.10;全长和鳞径呈线性关系,且两性间差异显著,关系式分别表达为L♀=29.58R+38.84和L♂=33.17R+34.99;2龄个体的退算全长在雌、雄两性间无显著性差异。繁殖时间为4—7月份;2龄时达50%初次性成熟,其个体全长为98.22(雌)和105.69 mm(雄);绝对繁殖力为(758±362)卵粒,相对繁殖力为(77.38±22.15)卵粒/g。同已有的少量研究资料相比较,徽水河宽鳍鱲的年龄结构较北京地区种群的相对简单,个体生长较同为黄山地区的浦溪河种群相对快速,这种生活史特征差异可能是生态环境空间异质性的作用结果,但有关宽鳍鱲各生活史特征之间的权衡及其对生态环境的响应还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

广东地区宽鳍(鱼巤)种群遗传变异和亲缘地理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析88尾采自广东境内9条水系的宽鳍(鱼巤)(Zaccop,platypus)线粒体DNA(mtDNA)细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因全序列,初步研究其种群遗传变异和地理格局,所测定的Cyt b基因全序列长1140 bp,其中变异位点98个,简约信息位点75个.共检测到33个单倍型,除鉴江种群只有1个单倍型外,其余8条水系均有多个单倍型.北江、流溪河、鉴江、北流河和罗定江等5个种群有共亭单倍型Hap11,罗定江和北流河之间共享了单倍型Hap4,东江与流溪河共享Hap6,而韩江和榕江共享单倍型Hap29.种群单倍型多样性的平均值(h)为0.908,核苷酸多样性的平均值(π)为0.01961,表现出较高的遗传多样性.系统发育分析(NJ树)显示,宽鳍(鱼巤)种群33个单倍型可分为2个分支,其中来自珠江水系(北江、东江、流溪河、罗定江和北流河)和广东西部独立人海水系(鉴江和漠阳江)的宽鳍(鱼巤)种群聚为一支(分支A),广东东部独立入海水系(韩江和榕江)种群聚为另外一支(分支B).2分支间的遗传距离和碱基差异率均较高(0.0517-0.0549,5.35%-_6.49%),明显大于分支A内(O.0012-0.0099,0.26%-2.11%)和分支B内的值(0.0027,1.58%),但远小于宽鳍(鱼巤)与外类群间的遗传距离和碱基差异率(0.0945-0.1912,8.77%-17.11%).这表明分支A与B之间已有明显的遗传分化,但分化程度来达到物种级水平,韩江和榕汀的种群相对独立,推测可能与莲花山脉的阻隔有关.根据单倍型网络图推测,流溪河可能是广东中西部地区宽鳍(鱼巤)的扩散中心,分别向珠江水系的西江、北江和东江扩散,再向鉴江和漠阳江扩散:另外由扩散中心经东江到榕汀再向韩江扩散.分子变异分析(AMOVA)表明,种群间的遗传变异占38.50%,种群内的遗传变异占66.24%.中性检验和歧点分布分析皆表明广东境内9条水系的宽鳍(鱼巤)在整个种群上保持相对稳定,没有发生明显的种群扩张.  相似文献   

王蕾  付世建 《生态学报》2021,41(11):4428-4435
水生生境中的食物资源经常变化,鱼类的能量代谢和行为随食物丰度改变的可塑性调节具有重要的进化和生态意义。为考察食物丰度对机体行为和代谢的影响,以雌性宽鳍鱲(Zacco Platypus)为实验对象,分别测定实验鱼在高、低食物丰度组4周喂养期前后的标准代谢率(Standard metabolic rate,SMR)、个性及集群行为。研究发现:(1)经4周喂养,高食物丰度组的体重和SMR上升,而低食物丰度组维持不变,喂养期结束时高食物丰度组的体重和SMR均显著大于低食物丰度组;(2)食物丰度对个性没有显著影响,但集群时,低食物丰度组活跃性较高,凝聚力较低;(3)高食物丰度下SMR保持稳定,低食物丰度下SMR不稳定。研究表明:宽鳍鱲的个性不受食物丰度影响;但食物丰度减少导致能量代谢下降、鱼群活跃性上升和凝聚力下降,可能与食物丰度较低时代谢的适应性下调和食物资源竞争加剧导致的觅食活动需求上升相关。  相似文献   

为探讨胰岛素样生长因子-Ⅰ(Insulin like growth factor-Ⅰ, IGF-Ⅰ)对宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)繁殖期前后生长性状的影响, 开展了宽鳍鱲IGF-Ⅰ基因序列的克隆及表达定位分析。宽鳍鱲IGF-Ⅰ基因全长13707 bp, 包含5个外显子、4个内含子, 其中5个外显子长度分别为222、160、182、36和829 bp; 内含子长度分别为1194、7771、254和1879 bp, 推测开放阅读框为486 bp, 编码161个氨基酸。实时荧光定量PCR(Real-time qPCR, RT-qPCR)结果显示, 宽鳍鱲IGF-Ⅰ mRNA在肝脏组织中的表达水平最高, 其次是性腺、脾脏、心脏和脑, 在肾脏中表达水平最低。在7—8月, 处于繁殖期的性成熟宽鳍鱲性腺中IGF-Ⅰ表达水平显著上升, 繁殖期过后回落至最低值。在其他组织中IGF-Ⅰ表达水平在生长发育过程和繁殖期前后波动不大, 且雄鱼大多数组织中IGF-Ⅰ基因平均表达水平高于雌鱼。荧光原位杂交技术(Fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH)定位显示, 宽鳍鱲IGF-Ⅰ基因基本为胞浆阳性, 少数为核阳性, 在肝组织中呈全胞质性分布, 在性腺组织的精母细胞、卵泡膜及卵泡液中阳性表达。上述结果表明宽鳍鱲IGF-Ⅰ基因表达模式具有性别差异性, 推测精巢中IGF-Ⅰ在繁殖期的高表达是宽鳍鱲雄性成体大于雌性成体的原因之一。研究结果为宽鳍鱲的性二态和人工繁育的研究提供参考资料。  相似文献   

张安杰  曹振东  付世建 《生态学报》2014,34(20):5860-5867
以乌江流域亲缘关系近,但分布并不完全重叠的马口鱼(Opsariichthys bidens)和宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)作为实验对象,分别考察这两种实验鱼的低氧耐受及游泳运动能力。将野外采回的实验鱼置于(25±1)℃条件下,分别测定两种鱼的临界氧分压(Pcrit)、水面呼吸(ASR)、失去平衡点(LOE)以及在不同溶氧水平(8.0、4.0和2.0 mg/L)下的临界游泳速度(Ucrit)和活跃耗氧率(MO2active)。研究发现:马口鱼的Pcrit(2.44±0.20)mg/L显著高于宽鳍鱲(1.86±0.10)mg/L(P=0.031)。但马口鱼的50%ASR(1.23±0.16)mg/L显著低于宽鳍鱲(1.97±0.11)mg/L(P=0.023);马口鱼的50%LOE(0.84±0.01)mg/L同样显著低于宽鳍鱲(0.97±0.02)mg/L(P=0.004)。宽鳍鱲在8.0和4.0 mg/L下的游泳能力显著高于马口鱼,然而马口鱼和宽鳍鱲的Ucrit均随测定溶氧水平的下降而显著降低(P0.01);宽鳍鱲和马口鱼的运动耗氧率均随水流速度的增加而呈现指数增加,但随测定溶氧水平的降低运动耗氧曲线变得相对平缓,尤其是在溶氧为4.0 mg/L时马口鱼的运动耗氧曲线与宽鳍鱲相比越发平缓;两种实验鱼的MO2active随溶氧水平下降的变化趋势与Ucrit相似(P0.001)。结果表明:两种野外生存的实验鱼不仅在低氧耐受能力方面存在显著差异,而且两者的游泳运动能力也有不同表现,这很有可能与其遗传特征、生存环境及生态习性相关。  相似文献   

嘉陵江大鳍鳠的年龄和生长的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1986年5月至1987年12月,在嘉陵江水系采集大鳍鳠标本926尾,鉴定了826尾鱼的年龄,用比较对照法证明了所鉴定年龄的有效性。分析了渔获物的年龄组成。用电子计算机计算了棘切片“半径”与体长的相关关系式,优选出最适的生长方程,并进行了生长推算。根据体长、体重生长方程计算了各龄理论体长、体重值、生长指标和年增积量。讨论了大鳍鳠年轮形成的原因和与年轮形成有关的物质基础,并肯定了用鳍棘脱钙切片的方法研究小型(鱼危)类的年龄和生长是可靠易行的。  相似文献   

记述了辽宁阜新县大五家子镇三吉窝铺的鱼化石。该鱼具有颞孔 ,前上颌骨小 ,上颌骨大 ,辅上颌骨 1块 ,口缘有一行锥形齿 ,背鳍小于臀鳍 ,1 6根分叉尾鳍条 ,尾下骨 7块 ,尾上骨 1块 ,尾神经骨 3~ 4块。这些特征基本上是狼鳍鱼的定义特征 ,因此 ,应该属于狼鳍鱼属。阜新标本的第三眶下骨呈半圆形 ,不同于狼鳍鱼属各已知种。阜新标本的下颌长而低 ,在狼鳍鱼属中 ,只有三棵榆树狼鳍鱼和德永氏狼鳍鱼的下颌与之相似。但阜新的标本在具有 1 0根胸鳍主要鳍条、1 6根尾鳍分叉鳍条以及 1块尾上骨方面不同于三棵榆树狼鳍鱼。与德永氏狼鳍鱼相比 ,阜新标本的第三眶下骨小、半圆形、后端不伸达前鳃盖骨的前缘 ,辅上颌骨较大 ,身体较宽。根据上述阜新标本的特征 ,建立狼鳍鱼属一新种———阜新狼鳍鱼。  相似文献   

戴氏狼鳍鱼(Lycoptera davidi)的重新观察   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1  
本文主要对戴氏狼鳍鱼 (Lycoptera davidi) 骨骼系统的特征进行了补充和订正.在此基础上,对狼鳍鱼属 (Lycoptera) 的特征及有关狼鳍鱼种的分类问题作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

长江上游长鳍吻鮈年龄与生长的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2005~2007年对长江上游攀枝花、宜宾、合江、木洞、万州江段渔业资源调查资料,研究了长鳍吻鮈的年龄与生长特征.结果表明,体重与体长关系雌雄群体间无显著差异,其表达式为 W=6.25×10-6L3.2115(R2=0.932,P<0.01);体长与鳞径关系雌雄群体间无显著差异,其表达式为 L=12.00+0.52R(R2=0.906,P<0.01);用Von Bertalanffy方程拟合各生长参数分别为:L∞=299.42 mm,k=0.24a-1,t0=-0.42a;生长拐点为4.45a;当前长鳍吻鮈资源处于过度利用状态.  相似文献   

Asian minnows of the genus Zacco are dominant fish in various freshwater ecosystems. Two species, Zacco pachycephalus and Z. platypus, occur in Taiwan and are favourite targets for local sport anglers. The introduction of Zacco fish into nonindigenous habitats in Taiwan has become a conservation issue. We developed eight polymorphic microsatellites for Z. pachycephalus (average HE = 0.779) and these microsatellites were applicable to Z. platypus, which showed a comparable polymorphic level (average HE = 0.784). These loci can be used as genetic markers for identifying conservation units and studying population differentiation for both Zacco species.  相似文献   

The presence of the pale chub Zacco platypus (Japanese name, Oikawa) in Taiwan has been suggested to be a result of its inadvertent introduction from Lake Biwa in Japan in the 1980s in conjunction with the Japanese Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, which was released several times into the Tamsui River to restock the extinct Ayu population of Taiwan. However, it is also possible that Z. platypus is native to Taiwan and has not been previously described for reasons of its narrow range. Knowledge of the colonizing history of Z. platypus is of considerable importance because it provides insight into the evolutionary process and, hence, impacts management decisions regarding this species in Taiwan. A portion of the mitochondrial D-loop was sequenced for 77 specimens from five populations of Z. platypus from Japan and Taiwan. A total of 22 haplotypes were identified, and nucleotide divergence among haplotypes ranged from 0.20% to 2.82%. Haplotype diversity was high in all populations examined, with a range from 0.718 in the Tagiri River population to 0.909 in the Lake Biwa population. Phylogenetic and statistical parsimony analyses of the molecular data revealed a close genetic relationship between Taiwanese and Japanese Z. platypus and supported the previous report that the Taiwanese Z. platypus originated in Lake Biwa in Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Body weight and growth rate of fish from three laboratory lines fed with two different diets have been analyzed. The differences in response to the diets seem to be related to the different degree of genetic homogeneity of the lines considered. The most homogeneous line shows the greatest variation under the two diets for average body weight at 30 and 70 days as well as for growth rate. An effect of the parents' diet on their offspring was also observed. The increase in growth rate observed when fish are fed with the live food diet is amplified when the progenies derive from parents fed with the dry food diet. Moreover, an effect due to the mother's size is also evident on the mean values of body weight at 30 days. The persistence of this maternal effect on the offspring phenotype during post-embryonic development seems to depend on the degree of genetic homogeneity of the line considered-being the greatest in the most homogeneous line.  相似文献   

The pond smelt Hypomesus olidus and minnow Zacco platypus were collected from the Soyang and Daechung Lakes in January 2003, and their metacercarial infections was examined by the muscle compression and artificial digestion techniques. In the Soyang Lake, 161 metacercariae of Clonorchis sinensis (0.35 per fish) were harvested from 459 pond smelts examined. Also, 13 metacercariae of C. sinensis (0.43 per fish), 1 of Metagonimus sp., 4 of Echinostoma sp., 148 of Centrocestus armatus and 44 unidentified species were collected from 30 minnows. In the Daechung Lake, 369 metacercariae of C. sinensis (3.69 per fish) and 51 unidentified species were recovered from 100 pond smelts. The metacercariae of C. sinensis were fed to experimental rats, in which the adult flukes were identified. The pond smelts and minnows collected from the Soyang and Daechung Lakes were verified to be the second intermediate hosts and the sources of human C. sinensis infection.  相似文献   

The growth rate of pale chub Zacco platypus was negatively correlated with the number and biomass of ayu Plecoglossus altivelis in experiment pools regardless of their body weight. Both species were omnivorous, feeding upon both benthic algae and invertebrates; ayu fed principally upon algae whereas pale chub consumed invertebrates. Pale chub shifted their moving tactics from bottom moving to surface moving or sit-and-wait when they coexisted with numerous ayu, presumably due to occasional attack by ayu. It seems likely that the reduced pale chub growth rate was due to interspecific aggression and exploitation of benthic algae and invertebrates by ayu.  相似文献   

作者于2004年2月至2005年2月调查了丹江口水库木村小棘吻虫Micracanthornhynchina motomurai(Harada,1935)感染三种小型经济鲤科鱼类--马口鱼(Opsariichthys uncirostris)、宽鳍(鱼鼠)(Zacco platypus)和油(粲鱼)(Hemiculter bleekeri bleekeri)的季节动态情况.在感染率和感染丰度方面,寄生于马口鱼和油(鱼鼠)的木村小棘吻虫呈现出显著的季节变化:秋冬季节感染率和感染丰度都比较高,而春夏季节比较低;与此不同的是,寄生于宽鳍(鱼鼠)中的木村小棘吻虫则全年都维持着较稳定的感染水平;木村小棘吻虫种群在三种宿主体内的总体感染丰度差异显著,但都呈聚集分布,三者的方均比与感染率和感染丰度之间无显著相关关系.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity generally underpins population resilience and persistence. Reductions in population size and absence of gene flow can lead to reductions in genetic diversity, reproductive fitness, and a limited ability to adapt to environmental change increasing the risk of extinction. Island populations are typically small and isolated, and as a result, inbreeding and reduced genetic diversity elevate their extinction risk. Two island populations of the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, exist; a naturally occurring population on King Island in Bass Strait and a recently introduced population on Kangaroo Island off the coast of South Australia. Here we assessed the genetic diversity within these two island populations and contrasted these patterns with genetic diversity estimates in areas from which the populations are likely to have been founded. On Kangaroo Island, we also modeled live capture data to determine estimates of population size. Levels of genetic diversity in King Island platypuses are perilously low, with eight of 13 microsatellite loci fixed, likely reflecting their small population size and prolonged isolation. Estimates of heterozygosity detected by microsatellites (H(E)= 0.032) are among the lowest level of genetic diversity recorded by this method in a naturally outbreeding vertebrate population. In contrast, estimates of genetic diversity on Kangaroo Island are somewhat higher. However, estimates of small population size and the limited founders combined with genetic isolation are likely to lead to further losses of genetic diversity through time for the Kangaroo Island platypus population. Implications for the future of these and similarly isolated or genetically depauperate populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Young grass carp held under laboratory conditions were fed either duckweed or tubificid worms. Food consumption ( C ), faecal production ( F ), excretion ( U ), metabolism ( R ) and growth ( G ) were estimated for fish fed both diets. Fish fed tubificid worms had higher growth rates than those fed duckweed, in terms of wet weight, dry matter, protein, lipid and energy. Fish fed duckweed consumed more wet and dry matter than did the fish fed tubificids, but rates of protein and lipid consumption were lower. The energy budget was estimated to be 100C = 9 F + 8 U + 61 R + 22 G for fish fed tubificids, and 100C = 35 F + 5 U + 51 R + 9 G for fish fed duckweed. Linear relationships existed between specific growth rate in wet weight and rate of food absorption (consumption minus faecal production) in dry matter, protein or energy. Food type did not have a significant effect on these relationships. It was concluded that differences in growth rate between grass carp fed different diets were mainly caused by differences in absorption rate.  相似文献   

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