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P4-ATPases, a subfamily of P-type ATPases, translocate cell membrane phospholipids from the exoplasmic/luminal leaflet to the cytoplasmic leaflet to generate and maintain membrane lipid asymmetry. Exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) in the exoplasmic leaflet is well known to transduce critical signals for apoptotic cell clearance and platelet coagulation. PS exposure is also involved in many other biological processes, including myoblast and osteoclast fusion, and the immune response. Moreover, mounting evidence suggest that PS exposure is critical for neuronal regeneration and degeneration. In apoptotic cells, PS exposure is induced by irreversible activation of scramblases and inactivation of P4-ATPases. However, how PS is reversibly exposed and restored in viable cells during other biological processes remains poorly understood. In the present review, we discuss the physiological significance of reversible PS exposure in living cells, and the putative roles of flippases, floppases, and scramblases.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) are two aminophospholipids whose metabolism is interrelated. Both phospholipids are components of mammalian cell membranes and play important roles in biological processes such as apoptosis and cell signaling. PS is synthesized in mammalian cells by base-exchange reactions in which polar head groups of preexisting phospholipids are replaced by serine. PS synthase activity resides primarily on mitochondria-associated membranes and is encoded by two distinct genes. Studies in mice in which each gene has been individually disrupted are beginning to elucidate the importance of these two synthases for biological functions in intact animals. PE is made in mammalian cells by two completely independent major pathways. In one pathway, PS is converted into PE by the mitochondrial enzyme PS decarboxylase. In addition, PE is made via the CDP-ethanolamine pathway, in which the final reaction occurs on the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope. The relative importance of these two pathways of PE synthesis has been investigated in knockout mice. Elimination of either pathway is embryonically lethal, despite the normal activity of the other pathway. PE can also be generated from a base-exchange reaction and by the acylation of lyso-PE. Cellular levels of PS and PE are tightly regulated by the implementation of multiple compensatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

The formation of glucose-derived methylglyoxal (MG), a highly reactive dicarbonyl compound, is accelerated under diabetic conditions. We examined whether MG was capable of inducing apoptosis in Schwann cells (SCs), since recent studies have suggested a potential involvement of apoptotic cell death in the development of diabetic neuropathy. MG induced apoptosis in SCs in a dose-dependent manner, accompanied by a reduction of intracellular glutathione content and activation of the p38 MAPK. Inhibiting the p38 MAPK activation by SB203580 successfully suppressed the MG-induced apoptosis in SCs. Aminoguanidine and N-acetyl-l-cysteine also inhibited the MG-induced p38 MAPK activation and apoptosis along with restoration of the intracellular glutathione content. These results suggest a potential role for MG in SC injury through oxidative stress-mediated p38 MAPK activation under diabetic conditions, and it may serve as a novel insight into therapeutic strategies for diabetic neuropathy.  相似文献   

A new continuous column culture system for adherent cells was developed using beads. The beads were packed in a column and an appropriate medium was continuously passed through. The whole system was kept under closed conditions. L cells and C6 cells were cultured by this new system. The number of cells increased linearly up to 16 days and reached a maximum at around 18 days. As the heat production remained constant for 16 days, it can be concluded that cells grown in this system had identical characteristics. The final concentration of cells reached was 1.0 × 108ml?1. The cells could grow both in the upward and the downward direction. Advantages of this system are: (1) Cells can be recovered in their adherent form on the beads; (2) cells can easily be collected from the column by trypsinization, and (3) cells remaining in the column after trypsinization can grow again.  相似文献   

Human TAO kinase 1 induces apoptosis in SH-SY5Y cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The human TAO kinase 1 (hTAOK1) is a member of the Ste20 group of kinases with the kinase domain located at the N-terminus. The rat homologue, originally named TAO1, has been demonstrated to be highly expressed in brain. In this study, the human TAO kinase 1 was transfected into human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and its biological effects on the cell morphology were observed by co-expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). It was found that after 16 h of transfection the cells had shrunk, and finally became rounded when transfected with wild-type or mutant K57A genes encoding either the kinase domain (residues 1-376) or the full-length molecule (residues 1-1001). Thirty-four hours after transfection, cells floated and apoptotic bodies were observed after nuclear staining with DAPI. On the other hand, the cells that were transfected with the gene encoding the C-terminal regulatory region (residues 377-1001) of hTAOK1, appeared to remain unchanged. In order to know the signaling events involved in the above biological phenomena, caspase-3-like activities of the transfected cells were measured in the absence or presence of JNK inhibitor SP600125, in which caspase-3 and JNK (C-jun-N-terminal kinase) are both known to be critical components of the neuronal apoptosis. The results showed that the apoptotic cells exhibited elevated caspase-3-like activity, which could be reduced by SP600125 to some extent. It is concluded that human TAO kinase 1 induces apoptosis in SH-SY5Y cells and the kinase domain is essential, but its catalytic activity seems to be dispensable in this case.  相似文献   

The process of apoptosis is carefully controlled in cells, and different cell types display different sensitivities to pro-apoptotic stimuli. The prospect of exploiting such differences for treatment of diseases such as cancer, via novel therapeutic agents, is extremely attractive. Therefore, genetic selections for novel expression products that kill cells may have considerable value. However, such selections are difficult to devise and perform because the selected cells do not grow. We developed a selection scheme designed to enrich for genetic agents that kill cells. The selection is based on detachment of apoptotic cultured mammalian cells from adherent monolayers. We characterized the properties of these detached cells (floating cells), and various aspects of the selection process. This selection method is potentially applicable to many mammalian cell lines.  相似文献   

磷脂酰丝氨酸具有改善记忆和认知能力、防治老年痴呆症、抑郁症及缓解精神头力等作用,目前在国外被用作营养补克剂广泛应用于保健食品中.着重从提取法和酶转化法2个方面综述了磷脂酰丝氨酸的制备方法,同时通过对国内外磷脂酰丝氨酸消费现状的调查,对其在食品、药品、保健品方面的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Background: Adherent cells undergo apoptosis when detached from their home ground, a process called anoikis (homelessness).Methods: We developed a new and sensitive method to analyse apoptosis and anoikis of adherent cell types using a time resolved fluorometric assay with Europium-labelled Annexin V. Anoikis was induced with tumor necrosis factor- /cycloheximide and three cell fractions of the cell cultures were prepared and analysed. Fraction 1 consisted of adherent cells, analysed while growing on their support (without detachment by trypsinisation). Fraction 2 contained detached cells due to anoikis (floating cells) and fraction 3 contained apoptotic bodies. Both fractions 2 and 3 were present in the culture medium and were isolated by differential centrifugation.Results: TNF- treatment of three different types of adherent cell cultures induced a significant increase of the amount of floating cells (anoikis) and apoptotic bodies compared to control cell cultures. Also in the adherent cell fractions a small amount of apoptosis was observed.Conclusions: The novel time resolved assay provides the ability to analyse the cell death cascade in adherent cell cultures of the same sample at the same time in a sensitive and reproducible way.  相似文献   

Data reported in the literature indicate that lipid movement between intracellular organelles can occur through contacts and close physical association of membranes (Vance, J.E. 1990. J Biol Chem 265: 7248-7256). The advantage of this mechanism is that the direct interaction of membranes provides the translocation event without the involvement of lipid-transport systems. However, pre-requisite for the functioning of this machinery is the presence of protein factors controlling membrane association and fusion. In the present work we have found that liposomes fuse to mitochondria at acidic pH and that the pre-treatment of mitochondria with pronase inhibits the fusogenic activity. Mixing of 14C-phosphatilyserine (PS) labeled liposomes with mitochondria at pH 6.0 results in the translocation of 14C-PS into mitochondria and in its decarboxylation to14 C-phosphatidylethanolamine through the PS decarboxylase activity localized on the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Incorporation of 14C-PS is inhibited by the pre-treatment of mitochondria with pronase or with EEDQ, a reagent for the derivatization of the protonated form of carboxylic groups. These results indicate the presence of a protein associated with mitochondria which is able to trigger the fusion of liposomes to the mitochondrial membrane. A partial purification of a mitochondrial fusogenic glycoprotein is described in this work. The activity of the fusogenic protein appears to be dependent on the extent of protonation of the residual carboxylic groups and is influenced by the glucidic moiety, as demonstrated by its interaction with Concanavalin A. The purifed protein is able to promote the recover of the14 C-PS import from liposomes to pronase-treated mitochondria. Therefore, the protein is candidate to be an essential component in the machinery for the mitochondrial import of PS. (Mol Cell Biochem 175: 71–80, 1997)  相似文献   

Actinis a 42-kDa protein which, due to its ability to polymerize into filaments (F-actin), is one of the major constituents of the cytoskeleton. It has been proposed that MARCKS (an acronym for myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate) proteins play an important role in regulating the structure and mechanical properties of the actin cytoskeleton by cross-linking actin filaments. We have recently reported that peptides corresponding to the effector domain of MARCKS proteins promote actin polymerization and cause massive bundling of actin filaments. We now investigate the effect of MARCKS-related protein, a 20-kDa member of the MARCKS family, on both filament structure and the kinetics of actin polymerization in vitro. Our experiments document that MRP binds to F-actin with micromolar affinity and that the myristoyl chain at the N-terminus of MRP is not required for this interaction. In marked contrast to the effector peptide, binding of MRP is not accompanied by an acceleration of actin polymerization kinetics, and we also could not reliably observe an actin cross-linking activity of MRP.  相似文献   

Fluid flow induces Rankl expression in primary murine calvarial osteoblasts   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mechanical loading of bone generates fluid flow within the mineralized matrix that exerts fluid shear stress (FSS) on cells. We examined effects of FSS on receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL), a critical factor for osteoclast formation. Primary murine osteoblasts were subjected to pulsatile FSS (5 Hz, 10 dynes/cm(2)) for 1 h and then returned to static culture for varying times (post-FSS). Protein levels were measured by Western analysis and mRNA by Northern analysis, RT-PCR and quantitative PCR. There were 20- to 40-fold increases in RANKL mRNA at 2-4 h post-FSS. RANKL protein was induced by 2 h post-FSS and remained elevated for at least 8 h. Effects were independent of cyclooxygenase-2 activity. Small increases (up to three-fold) in mRNA of the decoy receptor for RANKL, osteoprotegerin, were seen. Five min of FSS, followed by static culture, was as effective in stimulating RANKL mRNA as 4 h of continuous FSS. FSS induced cAMP activity, and H-89, a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, blocked the FSS induction of RANKL. H-89 also inhibited the PKC pathway, but specific PKC inhibitors, GF109203X and Go6983, did not inhibit FSS-induced RANKL. FSS induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2, and PD98059, an inhibitor of the ERK pathway, inhibited the FSS induction of RANKL mRNA 60%-90%. Thus, brief exposure to FSS resulted in sustained induction of RANKL expression after stopping FSS, and this induction was dependent on PKA and ERK signaling pathways. Increased RANKL after mechanical loading may play a role in initiating bone remodeling.  相似文献   

5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is one of the widely used chemotherapeutic drugs targeting various cancers, but its chemo-resistance remains as a major obstacle in clinical settings. In the present study, HT-29 colon cancer cells were markedly sensitized to apoptosis by both 5-FU and genistein compared to the 5-FU treatment alone. There is an emerging evidence that genistein, soy-derived phytoestrogen, may have potential as a chemotherapeutic agent capable of inducing apoptosis or suppressing tumor promoting proteins such as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). However, the precise mechanism of cellular cytotoxicity of genistein is not known. The present study focused on the correlation of AMPK and COX-2 in combined cytotoxicity of 5-FU and genistein, since AMPK is known as a primary cellular homeostasis regulator and a possible target molecule of cancer treatment, and COX-2 as cell proliferation and anti-apoptotic molecule. Our results demonstrated that the combination of 5-FU and genistein abolished the up-regulated state of COX-2 and prostaglandin secretion caused by 5-FU treatment in HT-29 colon cancer cells. These appear to be followed by the specific activation of AMPK and the up-regulation of p53, p21, and Bax by genistein. Under same conditions, the induction of Glut-1 by 5-FU was diminished by the combination treatment with 5-FU and genistein. Furthermore, the reactive oxygen species (ROS) was found as an upstream signal for AMPK activation by genistein. These results suggested that the combination of 5-FU and genistein exert a novel chemotherapeutic effect in colon cancers, and AMPK may be a novel regulatory molecule of COX-2 expression, further implying its involvement in cytotoxicity caused by genistein.  相似文献   

It has known for many years that MDCK cells blister structures, termed domes. During an examination of the morphbology of a large number of MDCK clones, we found that two stable morphotypes exist in an MDCK cell population namely, dome-forming and tubule-forming clones. When maintained at high cell density, tubule-forming clones displayed large numbers of anastomosing tubules which contained lumens. The frequency of obseration of the tubule forming clones in an MDCK population was 0.7% Tubule-forming MDCK clones should be useful in studying tubule morphogenesis. While agents that affect protein kinase A actiity increased dome formation, the same agents abolished the formation of tubules in all tubule-forming clones. In contrast, drugs that stimulate protein kinase C actity (phorbol esters and staurosporine) decreased dome formation and increased tubule morphogenesis in all MDCK morphotyes. Tubules-forming clones were found to have lower resting levels of cyclic-AMP and to respond to forskolin stimulation of adenylate cyclase readily. Hence, sigals transmitted by the protein kinase C pathway appear to lead to tubule formation MDCK cells, while signals transmitted through the protein A pathway lead to dome formation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study we describe a novel Rho small GTPase dependent pathway that elicits apoptotic responses controlled by actin reorganization in hormone-sensitive LNCaP- and hormone insensitive DU145-prostate cancer cells stimulated with membrane androgen receptor selective agonists. Using an albumin-conjugated steroid, testosterone-BSA, we now show significant induction of actin polymerization and apoptosis that can be reversed by actin disrupting agents in both cell lines. Testosterone-BSA triggered RhoA/B and Cdc42 activation in DU145 cells followed by stimulation of downstream effectors ROCK, LIMK2 and ADF/destrin. Furthermore, dominant-negative RhoA, RhoB or Cdc42 mutants or pharmacological inhibitors of ROCK inhibited both actin organization and apoptosis in DU145 cells. Activation of RhoA/B and ROCK was also implicated in membrane androgen receptor-dependent actin polymerization and apoptosis in LNCaP cells. Our findings suggest that Rho small GTPases are major membrane androgen receptor effectors controlling actin reorganization and apoptosis in prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   

The herbicide paraquat (PQ) induces the selective necrosis of type I and type II alveolar pneumocytes. We investigated the effect of PQ on human lung A549 cells to determine the possible role of cytoskeleton in lung cytotoxicity. At 80 mol/L PQ, a concentration that did not affect cell viability, the organization of actin cytoskeleton network depended on incubation time with the herbicide. Microfilaments appeared less numerous in 30% of the cells treated for 1 h. After 24 h, all the treated cells displayed only short filaments in the periphery. The effect of PQ on actin cytoskeleton was irreversible. Moreover, no modification of microtubule network was observed in PQ-treated cells. Next, we studied the effect of PQ on Chang Liver, an epithelial cell line from human liver. These cells appeared less sensitive to the herbicide than A549, and no cytoskeletal alteration was observed. To verify whether actin filament modifications in A549 cells were related to intracellular alterations of ATP concentrations, nucleotide levels during incubation with PQ were determined. The intracellular levels of ATP were not different in control and treated cells. Our results indicate that PQ induces specifically an irreversible actin filament disorganization on A549 cells and that the observed effect is independent of intracellular concentration of ATP.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - IC50 concentration that produces 50% inhibitiition - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PQ paraquat, 1,1-dimethyl-4,4-bipyridinium dichloride - SE standard error of the mean  相似文献   

猪丁型冠状病毒(Porcine deltacoronavirus,PDCoV)是一种新型的猪肠道致病性冠状病毒,可引起猪群剧烈腹泻及呕吐,但致病机制尚不清楚。本研究检测了PDCoV感染诱导的细胞凋亡。Caspase酶活性检测显示,在PDCoV感染的细胞中,caspase 3、caspase 8和caspase 9的活性随病毒感染量的增多而显著提高,类似的现象未能在紫外灭活病毒感染的细胞中观察到,表明PDCoV感染可同时激活内源性与外源性细胞凋亡通路,并暗示细胞凋亡的诱导依赖于病毒复制。为深入探究PDCoV诱导的内源性细胞凋亡,分别检测胞浆和线粒体中细胞色素C与凋亡诱导因子。结果显示,与正常细胞相比,PDCoV感染细胞从线粒体释放到胞浆的细胞色素C显著增多,且其释放量随着感染时间的延长而增多,而凋亡诱导因子始终定位于线粒体,提示PDCoV感染通过促使线粒体膜间隙的细胞色素C进入胞浆而启动caspase依赖的线粒体凋亡通路。本研究初步揭示了PDCoV诱导细胞凋亡的机制。  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(5):637-644

Extracellular-superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is a major SOD isozyme mainly present in the vascular wall. EC-SOD is also observed in monocytes/macrophages, and its high expression contributes to the suppression of atherosclerosis by scavenging superoxide. The molecular mechanisms governing cell-specific expression of EC-SOD are mostly unknown, while the anti-oxidative effect of EC-SOD is well recognized. In this study, we investigated the expression of EC-SOD during 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced monocytic differentiation of THP-1 cells, which is not expressing its gene in the basal phase. We confirmed the significant induction of EC-SOD in a TPA time-dependent manner, and that induction was completely blocked by pre-treatment with GF109203X, an inhibitor of protein kinase C, U0126 and PD98059, inhibitors of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/extracellular-signal regulated kinase. Moreover, we determined the involvement of NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species in that induction. Overall, we considered that these results may contribute to clarify the cell-specific expression of EC-SOD.  相似文献   

Senescence is a cellular response to damage and stress. The senescence response prevents cancer by suppressing the proliferation of cells with a compromised genome and contributes to optimal wound healing in normal tissues. Persistent senescent cells are also thought to drive aging and age-associated pathologies through their secretion of inflammatory factors that modify the tissue microenvironment and alter the function of nearby normal or transformed cells. Understanding how senescent cells alter the microenvironment would be aided by the ability to induce or eliminate senescent cells at will in vivo. Here, we combine the use of the synthetic nucleoside analog ganciclovir (GCV) with herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSVtk) activity to create or eliminate senescent human cells. We show that low concentrations of GCV induce senescence through the accumulation of nuclear DNA damage while higher concentrations of GCV, similar to those used in vivo, kill non-dividing senescent cells via mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage and caspase-dependent apoptosis. Using this system, we effectively eliminated xenografted normal human senescent fibroblasts or induced senescence in human breast cancer cells in vivo. Thus, cellular senescence and mtDNA damage are outcomes of synthetic nucleoside analog treatment, indicating that the GCV–HSVtk combination can be used effectively to promote the targeted formation or eradication of senescent cells.  相似文献   

Gao YJ  Stead S  Lee RM 《Life sciences》2002,70(22):2675-2685
Papaverine is a vasodilator commonly used in the treatment of vasospasmic diseases such as cerebral spasm associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage, and in the prevention of spasm of coronary artery bypass graft by intraluminal and/or extraluminal administration. In this study, we examined whether papaverine in the range of concentrations used clinically causes apoptosis of vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Apoptotic cells were identified by morphological changes and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay. In porcine coronary endothelial cells (EC) and rat aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC), papaverine at the concentration of 10(-3) M induced membrane blebbing within 1 hour of incubation. Nuclear condensation and fragmentation were found after 24 hours of treatment. The number of apoptotic cells stained with the TUNEL method was significantly higher in the EC and the SMC after 24 hours of incubation with papaverine at the concentrations of 10(-4) and 10(-3) M than their respective controls. Acidified saline solution (pH 4.8, as control for 10(-3) M papaverine hydrochloride) did not cause apoptosis in these cells. These results showed that papaverine could damage endothelial and smooth muscle cells by inducing changes which are associated with events leading to apoptosis. Since integrity of endothelial cells is critical for normal vascular function, vascular administration of papaverine for clinical use, especially at high concentrations (> or = 10(-4) M), should be re-considered.  相似文献   

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