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Studies by eminent surgeons to reevaluate the place of radical operations in the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix—now that extensive procedures have become less hazardous—apparently have led to confusion in some minds as to choice between surgical and radiation therapy. Pending outcome of the studies, general employment of surgical treatment is unwarranted. Radiation is the treatment of choice in most cases, particularly if the lesion is in an early stage, although radical operation is indicated in certain rare early cases in which delivery of an effective dose of radiation to involved areas is technically difficult. Elsewise it appears at present that operation should be used only in cases of stages III or IV carcinoma—in which results by either means of treatment are poor.One hundred and seven patients were treated with a combination of x-ray and radium irradiation. X-ray was used first to reduce the hazard of implanting the radium. The “five-year arrest” rates were as follows: For 22 patients with stage I lesion, 70 per cent; for 31 with stage II, 55.7 per cent; 33 with stage III, 39.7 per cent; 21 with stage IV, 0. Eighteen patients with diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix who had had subtotal hysterectomy were treated. The stage of the disease could not be determined. In this group the five-year arrest rate was 52 per cent.  相似文献   

The mechanism of injury to the back should be obtained with the utmost accuracy and set down in the history as a separate paragraph under that heading. This is usually best obtained by questioning and requestioning the patient during the course of the examination. A history of any previous back affections should also be obtained at the first visit.The detailed examination of the back is not complete without a general physical examination.X-ray studies should be done immediately in all cases in which the injury has been caused by direct violence or forceful indirect violence (as in “jackknife” injury).Terms such as “disc disease,” “ruptured intervertebral disc” and various others that convey a similar meaning should not be used as the initial diagnosis and should be withheld until such a diagnosis is definitely established.The plan of treatment may include a period in hospital or of rest at home, or it may be carried out with the patient ambulatory. Corsets and braces should be prescribed only when they are to serve a definite function and the same can be said of physiotherapy.  相似文献   

Banthine® was used in the treatment of patients with various diseases, organic and functional, of the gastrointestinal tract. Good response was obtained in a high proportion of cases of duodenal, stomal and gastric ulcer, and of hypertrophic gastritis. In some instances, patients who did not have good response at first were relieved later when the size of doses and the dosage schedule were adjusted to fit their particular needs.Some patients “felt so well” during Banthine therapy that they departed from prescribed diet and violated injunctions against use of alcohol and tobacco, and symptoms recurred.Nine patients with history of recurrent bouts of pain from ulcer for several years took small doses of Banthine constantly, or occasionally at times of stress, as a prophylactic measure after the symptoms were relieved by therapeutic doses. None of them had recurrence while following the prophylactic regimen.In most of the cases of peptic ulcer in which the response was recorded as “poor,” it was because distressing side-effects dictated discontinuance of the drug. Several elderly male patients had severe urinary retention. Paralytic ileus developed postoperatively in one patient who was receiving Banthine. Less severe side reactions—dry mouth, blurring of vision, urinary slowing — were for the most part transient.Few patients with functional indigestion, chronic non-specific colitis or regional enteritis were relieved. Most of the patients with functional indigestion reported exacerbation of symptoms when Banthine was given. This was believed to be based on emotional reaction to the hypomotility induced by the drug.  相似文献   

Radical mastectomy is excellent only for cases of operable breast cancer in which the tumor is limited to the breast or to the nodes in the axilla. That there is metastasis to the internal mammary lymph nodes in a high proportion of cases has been “overlooked” for many years. Also it is probable that metastasis occurs to the supraclavicular lymph nodes more often than is suspected. Hence the extended radical mastectomy operation leaves much to be desired. There has been no significant improvement in recent years in the mortality rate of mammary cancer.Simple mastectomy and thorough adequate postoperative radiation therapy have much to offer.Treatment of “operable” breast cancer should be a cooperative effort of surgeon, radiation therapist and pathologist.  相似文献   

Lois A. Lloyd  John W. Hiltz 《CMAJ》1965,92(10):508-513
Ocular complications of long-term chloroquine therapy were observed in 18 of 45 patients so treated. This therapy was used in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis, discoid lupus and other chronic “collagen disease”. Thirteen patients had reversible corneal opacifications, and seven had irreversible retinal changes, with visual loss and visual field defects. Pathological evidence of chloroquine retinopathy was obtained in one patient. Physicians are therefore warned to use this drug only after careful consideration. If it is used, repeated ocular examinations should include assessment of visual acuity, visual fields on a tangent screen and fundus examination through a dilated pupil.  相似文献   

In 35 consecutive cases in which patients were admitted to a private hospital for alcoholism, antabus was contraindicated for eight patients and administered to 27. Sixteen patients, followed three to nine months, cooperated fully with treatment and did not return to use of alcohol. In four cases there was at least one episode of drinking, but the patients continued to cooperate with treatment and attained partial success. In seven cases, including three in which antabus was stopped because of organic disease, treatment was unsuccessful. Insufficient insight and lack of family cooperation accounted for four failures.The presence of cardiovascular or hepatic diseases contraindicates antabus. As the test of reaction to alcohol after antabus has been given is hazardous, continuous supervision by nurse and physician throughout the test reaction is mandatory.Sustained results depend upon psychotherapy, family cooperation, careful follow-up, and control of side-reactions to the drug.Antabus as an antagonist to alcohol is not safe enough to permit general use of the drug.  相似文献   

Treatment of meningitis is no longer a question of the administration of antimeningococcal serum and awaiting results. Today there is at hand an ever expanding armamentarium of drugs effective on various bacteria, rickettsia and some of the larger viruses. The skillful use of these singly or in combination offers an excellent prognosis in most forms of bacterial meningitis. Tuberculous meningitis continues to present a poor outlook, but this has been improved with more intensive therapy. More effective agents are needed in the treatment of this disease.“Shotgun” therapy may be indicated in critically ill patients prior to accurate bacteriological diagnosis; it is more important that therapy should include an effective agent or combination of agents than to attempt to determine in advance the most potent form of specific therapy. Partially treated purulent meningitis may be confused with aseptic meningitis. There is at present no effective therapeutic agent for the viral meningitides, but the prognosis is favorable in most of these diseases without specific therapy.  相似文献   

Cancer as one of the most important human diseases does not present as formidable a problem as infectious disease did a century ago. The diversified cancer program, combining voluntary and governmental agencies in support of research, education and coordinated teamwork in the clinical care of the patient, presents a varied although unified approach to the problem that has never before been available for the study of any single human disease. Pathology, with its applied methods from the basic sciences, has a singular role in the scientific aspect of the cancer program. Representing a new specialty in medicine and embodying an inquiring approach to the study of human disease, pathology has a leading role to play. The pathologist, assuming the new role of “pathologist-physician” brings to the clinical care of the cancer patient the most precise methods of cancer diagnosis. The “pathologist-physician” should be a pivotal member of the “clinical team” in the immediate diagnosis, care and treatment of the cancer patient.  相似文献   

Twenty-four instances of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia were recognized in 23 patients at the Stanford University Hospitals between 1962 and 1970. The affected persons could be broadly characterized as “compromised” hosts. All but one were receiving immunosuppressive drug therapy for such underlying disease as hematopoietic malignant disease, collagen vascular disorder, and organ transplant rejection. The one patient not receiving immunosuppressant medication had congenital dysgammaglobulinemia and suffered two discrete bouts of pneumocystis pneumonia. Most of the patients were concomitantly infected with other “opportunistic” pathogens.Open lung biopsy remained the most reliable method of antemortem diagnosis of pneumocystis infection during this eight-year period. It resulted in little morbidity. Unfortunately, direct examination of appropriately stained sputum specimens for cysts was almost uniformly nonproductive.The majority of patients received specific antipneumocystis drug treatment (pentamidine isethionate or pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine). “Cure” was achieved when institution of therapy was prompt and duration of therapy approached the empirically recommended two-week course.The fact that pneumocystis pneumonia can be controlled if recognized early is compelling reason to pursue diagnosis of pneumocystosis in an appropriate clinical setting, namely, in patients with impaired host defenses who have pulmonary infection unresponsive to conventional therapy. There is hope that a noninvasive (serological) technique will be developed shortly to simplify identification of this not uncommon cause of diffuse interstitial pneumonitis.  相似文献   

Established centers find that cytological study of gastric washings with saline or chymotrypsin, adequately performed, is a valuable diagnostic tool in the detection of early and curable gastric carcinoma.Our experience with a small series of 150 patients, studied by saline gastric washing, has emphasized the difficulties of collection and the particular importance of obtaining, by repeated washings if necessary, an adequate specimen of gastric epithelial cells for diagnosis, before an opinion is given.It seems likely that the cytological method will be of future value in study of the natural history of gastric malignant disease and in detection of its surface lesions in their earliest form in asymptomatic, known-susceptible persons. Further, it should become a complementary part of the “stomach profile” in gastric diagnostic problems, where roentgenologic and gastroscopic studies may be expected to reveal the older, necrotic, or infiltrative lesions; cytological study, the earlier and more superficial stages of disease.  相似文献   

Fifty patients with uncomplicated Graves'' disease were treated with radioactive iodine (I131). Twenty-six patients who were followed for one year or longer are the basis of this report. Twenty-five are now euthyroid; only one is not completely well.The total dose of radioiodine administered varied from 0.5 to 10 millicuries. The average length of time necessary for return to a euthyroid state was from three to four months.Hypometabolism developed in three patients, and in one the signs and symptoms of myxedema developed. No other complications ensued. One patient who apparently relapsed had complete return to normal after further iodine administration.The determination of the uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland is a useful diagnostic procedure in differentiating conditions simulating hyperthyroidism.Following treatment with radioactive iodine, the thyroid gland becomes smaller, the uptake of iodine by the gland is reduced, and the level of organic iodine in the plasma becomes normal.In acute thyroiditis, in spite of a high basal metabolic rate, high content of organic iodine in the plasma and other evidences of “hyperthyroidism,” the uptake of I131 has been very low.  相似文献   

For dealing economically yet effectively with patients who are being made sick by psychic burdens rather than by “simple” organic disease, a trained interviewer who follows a formal outline in obtaining information from patients, can be of great assistance.The physician who makes use of the services of such an interviewer should select a person with good qualifications for the job and then train her for it. It is also up to the physician to get the patient to accept the idea of interview by such an assistant.After the interview, the interviewer prepares a typewritten summary for the physician for use as a guide in discussing means of treatment and prevention of psychosomatic illness with the patient.The method saves the physician much time, the patients much money, and has resulted in many gratifying therapeutic successes.  相似文献   

A deficiency of potassium in a patient after operation is manifest clinically by anorexia, malaise, apathy, weakness, abdominal distention and hypochloremia.Many patients who have had a prolonged disturbance in nutrition may have a “subclinical” hypopotassemia.Prophylaxis by means of replacement of the potassium excreted daily in the urine is the ideal treatment.When the clinical picture of potassium deficit develops, the amount of the potassium ion needed for replacement should be calculated on the basis of the total amount of water in the body of the patient.  相似文献   

Sixty-three patients with liver disease were studied for the presence of the components of Sjögren''s syndrome. The “sicca complex” (that is, patients without arthritis) was detected in 42% of patients with active chronic hepatitis, 72% with primary biliary cirrhosis, and 38% with cryptogenic cirrhosis. One patient with active chronic hepatitis and one with primary biliary cirrhosis had rheumatoid arthritis. No evidence of Sjögren''s syndrome was detected in seven patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. It is suggested that the sicca complex and autoimmune liver disease may be part of a systemic disorder in which immunological mechanisms are concerned in the pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Studies of 47 patients with intravenous amphotericin B revealed some impairment of renal function in all cases. Azotemia developed in 46 cases. Microscopic examination in eight cases showed damage to the distal renal tubule. Profound hypokalemia was recognized in two cases; and symptoms suggesting hypokalemia, which were generally ameliorated by potassium administration, were noted in most cases. It is postulated that the initial potassium loss is due to a “tubular leak” and that subsequent potassium depletion leads to further tubular damage.Mild to severe anemia developed in all cases during therapy. Serial red cell indices, bone marrow examinations and red cell survival studies indicated that hemolysis, rather than bone marrow depression, was responsible.The decision to treat, to modify therapy or to terminate treatment must be made on the basis of severity of disease, probability of progression, and renal status.  相似文献   

Of a series of 130 patients undergoing operation for peptic ulcer disease at the Vancouver General Hospital, seven patients with personality defects had a disastrous outcome after operation.The main features of this postgastrectomy syndrome were remarkably similar: persistent abdominal pain without demonstrable cause, intermittent and inexplicable nausea and vomiting, continued analgesic drug dependence and marked nutritional deficiencies. The high incidence was surprising and was not confined to any particular socioeconomic group. Such patients fall into three groups: those with true ulcer disease, those with salicylate addiction, and those without positive signs of ulcer but with chronic complaints. A history of a personality defect should warn the surgeon, and operation should be performed only for the complications of true ulcer disease. Though operation may cure the ulcer, the patient is worse off because the resulting physiologic derangements cannot be accepted or handled by him. These patients continue to haunt the surgeon, and the syndrome has been named the “albatross” syndrome.  相似文献   

High altitude seemed to be responsible for seven recent cases of sickling crisis. People with sickle-cell trait are at risk if they fly in unpressurized aircraft, which are used for many local air services. Those with sickle-cell haemoglobin C disease should avoid air travel even in pressurized aircraft. Possibly as a result of “autosplenectomy,” patients with sickle-cell anaemia seem to be able to fly in pressurized aircraft with little risk. All passengers and aircrew who might have some form of sickle-cell disease should be screened before flight.  相似文献   

Most serious hemorrhages that occur during long-term anticoagulant drug therapy are due either to poor patient selection or to poor management of the patient, or both.In each patient being considered for treatment, the risk of bleeding must be evaluated and classified as high, moderate or low.The clinician must especially assess the risk of intracranial hemorrhage in hypertensive patients, and must screen all patients for potential sources of gastrointestinal bleeding. There is ample time for such investigations, since initiating long-term anticoagulant therapy is not an emergency procedure.The desired level of prothrombin activity must be adjusted to the risks determined for each individual patient. There is no single “therapeutic range” applicable to all patients with their varying hemorrhagenic risks.Proper management includes sufficient laboratory testing to maintain the desired prothrombin level, and continued vigilance to detect signs of early bleeding.Preventable hemorrhage cannot be cited as evidence against the value of anticoagulant drug therapy.  相似文献   

Twelve patients receiving coumarin type hypoprothrombinemic agents were studied before, during and after termination of therapy, the prothrombin proconvertin method having been used to assay the prothrombin activity complex.In no instance was post treatment “rebound” demonstrated.Prothrombin activity levels returned to pretreatment values only after ten days following termination of coumarin or Dicumarol administration.If a reactivation of thrombotic tendency occurs following discontinuance of anticoagulant therapy, it would not appear to be related to a “rebound” of prothrombin activity above that which is “normal” for the individual patient.Patients tend to return to the same level of prothrombin activity present before initiation of coumarin therapy.  相似文献   

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